8 resultados para Familiaridade
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The episodic memory system allows us to retrieve information about events, including its contextual aspects. It has been suggested that episodic memory is composed by two independent components: recollection and familiarity. Recollection is related to the vivid e detailed retrieval of item and contextual information, while familiarity is the capability to recognize items previously seen as familiars. Despite the fact that emotion is one of the most influent process on memory, only a few studies have investigated its effect on recollection and familiarity. Another limitation of studies about the effect of emotion on memory is that the majority of them have not adequately considered the differential effects of arousal and positive/negative valence. The main purpose of the current work is to investigate the independent effect of emotional valence and arousal on recollection and familiarity, as well as to test some hypothesis that have been suggested about the effect of emotion on episodic memory. The participants of the research performed a recognition task for three lists of emotional pictures: high arousal negative, high arousal positive and low arousal positive. At the test session, participants also rated the confidence level of their responses. The confidence ratings were used to plot ROC curves and estimate the contributions of recollection and familiarity of recognition performance. As the main results, we found that negative valence enhanced the component of recollection without any effect on familiarity or recognition accuracy. Arousal did not affect recognition performance or their components, but high arousal was associated with a higher proportion of false memories. This work highlight the importance of to consider both the emotional dimensions and episodic memory components in the study of emotion effect on episodic memory, since they interact in complex and independent way
The stress responses can be parameters used in order to identify the welfare of animals. Behavior parameters can also be regarded as means to identify their relation to stressing situations. In this study, adult male and female poodle dogs, accustomed (group 1) or not (group 2) to the environment of a bath and grooming salon were analyzed through the plasmatic concentration of cortisol, cell counting of the immune system (total leukocytes and percentage of neutrophils and lymphocytes) and through observation of changes in behavior before and after the bath and grooming service. After arriving at the kennel, the dogs were taken to the bath and grooming facility, where they had their blood samples taken and were observed for ten minutes. The subsequent procedures consisted of the bath and grooming services and the collection of another blood samples. The research results were analyzed through non-parametric statistic tests and p < 0.05. Accustomed and non-accustomed dogs presented different hormonal and behavior responses: accustomed dogs presented an increasing of the cortisol level at the second blood samples collection, thus indicating stress towards the aforementioned procedures and presenting behavior responses which can be described as moderated stress. Non-accustomed dogs presented the same cortisol levels in both first and second samples suggesting that they were already reacting to the new environment. Dogs also shown behavioral responses which can be described as acute stress. Both male and female dogs showed similar immunological changes as well as different endocrine and behavioral profiles. Concerning aggression, this study demonstrates that biting the owner can be a predicting behavior of aggression during the bath and grooming service, male dogs were more aggressive than the female, and that males were more reactive to unknown caretaker. The results of this research propose that the familiarization of the animal with the bath and grooming environment and caretaker is important to the welfare of poodle dogs, especially to that of male dogs
As we grow old, there are many cognitive processes which decline in the human brain. One of them is the memory, a function that allows retention and posterior use of knowledge learned during the life, understood as a result of multiple systems highly organized and spread in several neural regions. This work aimed to evaluate the recognition memory in adults over 45 years old through words and pictures recognition tasks and the use of two codification or learning conditions (same distracters and different distracters). Twelve individuals were studied (6 men and 6 women) aged between 45 and 88 years old and with similar demographic characteristics. They presented better performance on picture tasks rather than word tasks. Better results were also verified when the codification context had different distracters, which significantly reflected in a long term principally in elderly individuals. The results reached suggest that the codification context influenced the lists of pictures and words learning, mainly for the elderly ones, when compared to adults, and that these results can be related to the phenomena involved with the recognition memory, the recollection and familiarity
This dissertation investigates how the neighborhood of Cidade Nova, located in the western side of the of Natal, is perceived by its residents in order to understand its socio-environmental image, intending to contribute both to define strategies of urban intervention and environmental education in the area and to consolidate a methodology that addresses this kind of problem. The completion of field research used a multimethod strategy to study the socio-environmental image of urban areas. It consists of: (a) review of local history from literature research, data recorded by the City Hall, news published on the city's newspapers and interviews with former inhabitants, (b) application of questionnaires to inhabitants including emotions, visual perception, memory and local social activities, (c) development of a drawing of the district, (d) conducting focus groups with inhabitants, using as a starting point the results obtained in the previous activities. In steps "b" and "c" attended 32 neighborhood residents, 16 of them being Community Health Workers and other 16 persons appointed by them. In step "d" 10 individuals took part, divided into two groups. The result of the research showed a picture of residents coincident with the image conveyed by the media in relation to the issues: violence, garbage, public policy/social support and appreciation of the beauties of environmental (dunes and Parque da Cidade park). Although Cidade Nova has been regarded as a dirty, noisy and dangerous place, most of the participants say they enjoy living on the neighborhood. Overall, the results corroborate and gain theoretical explanations, as they are interrelated. The socio-environmental image is expressed for instance in the elements dunes, dump, railroad tracks and Central Avenue that gain symbolic connotation influenced by time and socio-economic context. The insecurity and other negative characteristics assigned by the inhabitants and the media are parallel to the place attachment, since the environmental legibility, the time/familiarity and territoriality offer inhabitants the preference for place of residence, setting up their social identity.
Place Attachment is a positive affective bond between people and environments, and its main characteristic is the desire to maintain closeness to the place of attachment. Neighborhoods, in turn, are spaces close to the dwelling, which varies according to environmental, social and cultural characteristics. Facing the contemporary scenario of diminishment of neighborhood relations and its importance to the understanding of cities social-environmental context, the present work aimed to investigate the attachment to neighborhoods at the city of Natal-RN. This study had two stages. The first stage consisted on investigating, through an experts panel, the main characteristics of attached neighborhoods, aspects that contributes to the development of these neighborhoods, the ones that difficult, as well as look for indications of neighborhoods at the city of Natal that may be identified by these elements. In the following stage I interviewed 11 residents of two indicated neighborhoods at the district of Alecrim, to better comprehend the main characteristics of this attachment and the elements of the context that enable its development. The content of the interviews, categorized and evaluated by judges, indicated that, due to the 10 participant experts, the main characteristics of attached neighborhoods encompass elements of socialization, cooperation, physical space usage, intimacy and identity. According to them, these are characteristics enabled by temporal and rootedness aspects, by spatial contact, familiarity between neighbors, and cultural inheritance. The interviews with residents showed that attachment to the studied neighborhoods is specially grounded on support and cooperation networks between neighbors, on satisfaction with the proximity of services, and on the bond to symbolic aspects and local traditions. In addition to be enabled by spatial organization, by low displacement of residents, and by the district s history, relations at these neighborhoods are fostered by an intention to establish this kind of ties, carried by cultural values
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Os estudos da territorialidade e de comportamentos associados a ela favorecem o entendimento da maneira como as interações ecológicas afetam a composição de espécies e a dinâmica de uma comunidade. No presente estudo tivemos como objetivo geral investigar o comportamento de Stegastes fuscus, um peixe-donzela territorialista, em ambiente natural e em cativeiro, com foco na capacidade de localização territorial, reconhecimento e defesa de uma área estabelecida. Para tanto subdividimos o trabalho em 3 capítulos. O primeiro teve como foco o estudo da espécie em ambiente natural objetivando estimar a área do território ocupado e os padrões comportamentais da por ela expressos. Sendo encontrado que a área média ocupada por S. fuscus foi de 274 cm2 e os comportamentos mais observados foram: vigilância, ingestão de alimento, tempo no abrigo/toca e displays agressivos. O segundo capítulo teve como alvo investigar a capacidade de localização espacial da espécie mediada por pistas visuais. Os resultados demonstraram que S. fuscus apresenta marcante aprendizagem condicionada e possibilidade de existência de orientação espacial na espécie. O terceiro capítulo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da residência prévia estabelecida e do reconhecimento de coespecíficos nos resultados de confrontos agonísticos. Os resultados apontaram a residência como fator prioritário na dinâmica das disputas agonísticas e que aspectos relacionados à familiaridade como relevantes e destacam-se mais quando não existe um território previamente estabelecido. Diante disso nossos resultados podem favorecer o entendimento da dinâmica estrutural da comunidade na qual S. fuscus esta inserida, sendo isto significativo tendo em vista a importância ecológica da espécie para o ecossistema.
La presencia hodierna de la Sociología en la educación básica brasileña es un elemento nuevo para los sujetos que a ella están relacionados y, para el grupo investigado en este estudio, los licenciandos y licenciandas del curso de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), la situación no es diferente. Con el intuito de comprender cómo los saberes aprehendidos durante la formación inicial de profesores influencian el proceso de construcción de la identidad, se investigó las representaciones sociales que eses sujetos construyen cerca de la identidad docente, intentando comprender cómo estos representan las profesoras y profesores de Sociología. Por lo tanto, se hizo una comparación entre los elementos que compusieron los núcleos centrales de las representaciones sociales de los licenciados ingresantes y de los licenciandos en práctica del referido curso, además de un examen del plan de estudios de esa licenciatura. Se adoptó la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales y el Abordaje Estructural como aporte teórico y de la Técnica de Asociación Libre de Palabras como recurso metodológico. Al llevar a cabo el análisis de los datos obtenidos durante la investigación, se hizo evidente que la memoria, mientras un conjunto de experiencias del sujeto, desarrolla un papel esencial en los procesos de construcción representacional e identificación, pues la familiaridad con la asignatura de Sociología en la Enseñanza Mediana trajo nuevos e importantes elementos para la composición del perfil de los actuales ingresantes en la licenciatura investigada. De este modo, al asociar representaciones sociales, identidades y formación de profesores en la tríade conceptual que condice esa investigación y teniendo as experiencias anteriores de los sujetos como un enlace, el objetivo fue demostrar cómo eses elementos componen partes de procesos sociales análogos e indisociables. Sin la acumulación de experiencias memoriales no hay representación, mucho menos identidad. Por el contrario, los datos muestran que las discusiones, erigidas por la reciente obligatoriedad de la Sociología en la Enseñanza Mediana, no encuentran eco en el cotidiano formativo de los licenciados permaneciendo alejado del currículo de la licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales de UFRN. Esa coyuntura se refleja en construcciones representacionales tanto de los licenciados ingresantes como de los estudiantes en práctica, asociados a una noción intervencionista de la asignatura de Sociología. Esta noción se convierte nebulosa una definición clara de la representación de la identidad docente de profesora y de profesor de Sociología para los licenciandos en formación. La intensa relación de esta representación con la asignatura y no con el hacer pedagógico, con la presencia intervencionista de una probable transformación y no con la compresión de las problemáticas y juegos sociales demuestran que la identidad docente del profesor de Sociología todavía es un objeto que está siendo basado por eses sujetos, que está siendo ajustado a partir de otras representaciones existentes y que la formación inicial de profesores necesita estar atenta a esas representaciones y adecuarse más apropiadamente a la realidad de enseñanza de Sociología que subvierte a docencia de esta asignatura en Rio Grande do Norte.