11 resultados para Exothermic

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The cerium oxide has a high potential for use in removing pollutants after combustion, removal of organic matter in waste water and the fuel-cell technology. The nickel oxide is an attractive material due to its excellent chemical stability and their optical properties, electrical and magnetic. In this work, CeO2-NiO- systems on molars reasons 1:1(I), 1:2(II) e 1:3(III) metal-citric acid were synthesized using the Pechini method. We used techniques of TG / DTG and ATD to monitor the degradation process of organic matter to the formation of the oxide. By thermogravimetric analysis and applying the dynamic method proposed by Coats-Redfern, it was possible to study the reactions of thermal decomposition in order to propose the possible mechanism by which the reaction takes place, as well as the determination of kinetic parameters as activation energy, Ea, pre-exponential factor and parameters of activation. It was observed that both variables exert a significant influence on the formation of complex polymeric precursor. The model that best fitted the experimental data in the dynamic mode was R3, which consists of nuclear growth, which formed the nuclei grow to a continuous reaction interface, it proposes a spherical symmetry (order 2 / 3). The values of enthalpy of activation of the system showed that the reaction in the state of transition is exothermic. The variables of composition, together with the variable temperature of calcination were studied by different techniques such as XRD, IV and SEM. Also a study was conducted microstructure by the Rietveld method, the calculation routine was developed to run the package program FullProf Suite, and analyzed by pseudo-Voigt function. It was found that the molar ratio of variable metal-citric acid in the system CeO2-NiO (I), (II), (III) has strong influence on the microstructural properties, size of crystallites and microstrain network, and can be used to control these properties


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Ceramic substrates have been investigated by researchers around the world and has achieved a high interest in the scientific community, because they had high dielectric constants and excellent performance in the structures employed. Such ceramics result in miniaturized structures with dimensions well reduced and high radiation efficiency. In this work, we have used a new ceramic material called lead zinc titanate in the form of Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3, capable of being used as a dielectric substrate in the construction of various structures of antennas. The method used in constructing the ceramic combustion synthesis was Self- Sustained High Temperature (SHS - "Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis") which is defined as a process that uses highly exothermic reactions to produce various materials. Once initiated the reaction area in the reaction mixture, the heat generated is sufficient to become self-sustaining combustion in the form of a wave that propagates converting the reaction mixture into the product of interest. Were analyzed aspects of the formation of the composite Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 by SHS powders and characterized. The analysis consisted of determining the parameters of the reaction for the formation of the composite, as the ignition temperature and reaction mechanisms. The production of composite Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 by SHS performed in the laboratory, was the result of a total control of combustion temperature and after obtaining the powder began the development of ceramics. The product was obtained in the form of regular, alternating layers of porous ceramics and was obtained by uniaxial pressing. 10 The product was characterized by analysis of dilatometry, X-ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy. One of the contributions typically defined in this work is the development of a new dielectric material, nevertheless presented previously in the literature. Therefore, the structures of the antennas presented in this work consisted of new dielectric ceramics based Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 usually used as dielectric substrate. The materials produced were characterized in the microwave range. These are dielectrics with high relative permittivity and low loss tangent. The Ansoft HFSS, commercial program employee, using the finite element method, and was used for analysis of antennas studied in this work


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The aluminothermic reduction consists in an exothermic reaction between a metallic oxide and aluminum to produce the metal and the scum. The extracted melted metal of that reaction usually comes mixed with particles of Al2O3 resulting of the reduction, needing of subsequent refine to eliminate the residual impure as well as to eliminate porosities. Seeking to obtain a product in powder form with nanometric size or even submicrometric, the conventional heat source of the reaction aluminothermic , where a resistor is used (ignitor) as ignition source was substituted, for the plasma, that acts more efficient way in each particle of the sample. In that work it was used as metallic oxide the niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) for the exothermal reaction Nb2O5 + Al. Amounts stoichiometric, substoichiometric and superestoichiometric of aluminum were used. The Nb2O5 powder was mixed with aluminum powder and milled in planetarium of high energy for a period of 6 hours. Those powders were immerged in plasm that acts in a punctual way in each particle, transfering heat, so that the reaction can be initiate and spread integrally for the whole volume of the particle. The mixture of Nb2O5 + Al was characterized through the particle size analysis by laser and X-ray diffraction (DRX) and the obtained product of reaction was characterized using the electronic microscopy of sweeping (MEV) and the formed phases were analyzed by DRX. Niobium powders with inferior sizes to 1 mm were obtained by that method. It is noticed, through the analysis of the obtained results, that is possible to accomplish the aluminothermic reduction process by plasma ignition with final particles with inferior sizes to the original oxide


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Discussions about pollution caused by vehicles emission are old and have been developed along the years. The search for cleaner technologies and frequent weather alterations have been inducing industries and government organizations to impose limits much more rigorous to the contaminant content in fuels, which have an direct impact in atmospheric emissions. Nowadays, the quality of fuels, in relation to the sulfur content, is carried out through the process of hydrodesulfurization. Adsorption processes also represent an interesting alternative route to the removal of sulfur content. Both processes are simpler and operate to atmospheric temperatures and pressures. This work studies the synthesis and characterization of aluminophosphate impregnate with zinc, molybdenum or both, and its application in the sulfur removal from the gasoline through the adsorption process, using a pattern gasoline containing isooctane and thiophene. The adsorbents were characterized by x-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis (DTG), x-ray fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The specific area, volume and pore diameter were determined by BET (Brunauer- Emmet-Teller) and the t-plot method. The sulfur was quantified by elementary analysis using ANTEK 9000 NS. The adsorption process was evaluated as function of the temperature variation and initial sulfur content through the adsorption isotherm and its thermodynamic parameters. The parameters of entropy (ΔS), enthalpy variation (ΔH) and free Gibbs energy (ΔG) were calculated through the graph ln(Kd) versus 1/T. Langmuir, Freundlich and Langmuir-Freundlich models were adjusted to the experimental data, and the last one had presented better results. The thermodynamic tests were accomplished in different temperatures, such as 30, 40 and 50ºC, where it was concluded the adsorption process is spontaneous and exothermic. The kinetic of adsorption was studied by 24 h and it showed that the capability adsorption to the adsorbents studied respect the following order: MoZnPO > MoPO > ZnPO > AlPO. The maximum adsorption capacity was 4.91 mg/g for MoZnPO with an adsorption efficiency of 49%.


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The present study utilized the thermogravimetry (TG) and optical emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma - ICP / OES to determine the calcium content in tablets of carbonate, citrate and calcium lactate used in the treatment of osteoporosis. The samples were characterized by IR, SEM, TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and XRD. The thermal analysis evaluated the thermal stability and physical-chemical events and showed that the excipients influence the decomposition of active ingredients. The results of thermogravimetry indicated that the decomposition temperature of the active CaCO3 (T = 630.2 °C) is lower compared to that obtained in samples of the tablets (633.4 to 655.2 °C) except for sample AM 2 (Ti = 613.8 oC). In 500.0 °C in the samples of citrate and calcium lactate, as well as their respective active principles had already been formed calcium carbonate. The use of N2 atmosphere resulted in shifting the initial and final temperature related to the decomposition of CaCO3. In the DTA and DSC curves were observed endo and exothermic events for the samples of tablets and active ingredients studied. The infrared spectra identified the main functional groups in all samples of active ingredients, excipients and tablets studied, such as symmetric and asymmetric stretches of the groups OH, CH, C = O. Analysis by X-ray diffraction showed that all samples are crystalline and that the final residue showed peaks indicative of the presence of calcium hydroxide by the reaction of calcium oxide with moisture of the air. Although the samples AM 1, AM 2, AM 3 and AM 6 in their formulations have TiO2 and SiO2 peaks were not observed in X-ray diffractograms of these compounds. The results obtained by TGA to determine the calcium content of the drugs studied were satisfactory when compared with those obtained by ICP-OES. In the AM 1 tablet was obtained the content of 35.37% and 32.62% for TG by ICP-OES, at 6 AM a percentage of 17.77% and 16.82% and for AM 7 results obtained were 8.93% for both techniques, showing that the thermogravimetry can be used to determine the percentage of calcium in tablets. The technique offers speed, economy in the use of samples and procedures eliminating the use of acid reagents in the process of the sample and efficiency results.


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The alginates are copolymers of 1→4-linked β-D-mannuronic acid (M) and α-Lguluronic acid (G) residues that are arranjed in a block structure along a linear chain. Titanium dioxide, TiO2, is a ceramic material and can exist in three distinct crystallography forms: anatase, brookite and rutile. composites of organic and inorganic materials have better properties than the components alone. Thus, this study aims to synthesize, characterize and analyze the composite NaAlg-TiO2 in the form of powder and film. The synthesis of composite powders was performed using the sol-gel process and obtain the composite film was performed using the slow evaporation process, then the composites were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy, fluorescence x ray, thermal analysis, attenuated total reflection (ATR), x ray diffraction and impedance spectroscopy. The X ray diffraction patterns of composite powders show that with increasing calcination temperature, there were no complete transition of rutile-anatase crystalline phase, since at all temperatures studied (300, 500, 700, 900 and 1100ºC) were observed peaks of anatase phase. Thermal analysis shows that at 400°C caused the decomposition of sodium alginate in sodium carbonate and above 600°C, we observe an exothermic peak related to the decomposition of sodium carbonate and in the presence of titanium dioxide becomes sodium titanate. The XRD results confirm the formation of sodium carbonate at 700ºC and the formation sodium titanate in the temperature range 900-1100ºC. The sodium titanate influenced the electrical properties of the material, because with increasing temperature there was a decrease in conductivity, probably due to the creation of Ti vacancies, since the sodium can induce the reduction of surface Ti4+ ions into Ti3+ species. The infrared spectra of the composites in the form of powder and film showed a small shift in the bands compared to the spectrum of pure alginate, indicating that these shifts, even small ones, have evidence of miscibility between the polymer and ceramic material


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Biodiesel is a fuel made up by mono-alkyl-esters of long chain fatty acids, derived from vegetable oils or animal fat. This fuel can be used in compression ignition engines for automotive propulsion or energy generation, as a partial or total substitute of fossil diesel fuel. Biodiesel can be processed from different mechanisms. Transesterification is the most common process for obtaining biodiesel, in which an ester compound reacts with an alcohol to form a new ester and a new alcohol. These reactions are normally catalyzed by the addition of an acid or a base. Initially sunflower, castor and soybean oil physicochemical properties are determined according to standard test methods, to evaluate if they had favorable conditions for use as raw material in the transesterification reaction. Sunflower, castor and soybean biodiesel were obtained by the methylic transesterification route in the presence of KOH and presented a yield above 93% m/m. The sunflower/castor and soybean/castor blends were studied with the aim of evaluating the thermal and oxidative stability of the biofuels. The biodiesel and blends were characterized by acid value, iodine value, density, flash point, sulfur content, and content of methanol and esters by gas chromatography (GC). Also studies of thermal and oxidative stability by Thermogravimetry (TG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry High Pressure (P-DSC) and dynamic method exothermic and Rancimat were carried out. Biodiesel sunflower and soybean are presented according to the specifications established by the Resolution ANP no 7/2008. Biodiesel from castor oil, as expected, showed a high density and kinematic viscosity. For the blends studied, the concentration of castor biodiesel to increased the density, kinematic viscosity and flash point. The addition of castor biodiesel as antioxidant in sunflower and soybean biodiesels is promising, for a significant improvement in resistance to autoxidation and therefore on its oxidative stability. The blends showed that compliance with the requirements of the ANP have been included in the range of 20-40%. This form may be used as a partial substitute of fossil diesel


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This study used the Thermogravimetry (TG) and molecular absorption spectroscopy in UV-visible region to determine the iron content in herbal medicinal ferrous sulfate used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The samples were characterized by IR, UV, TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and XRD. The thermoanalytical techniques evaluated the thermal stability and physicochemical events and showed that the excipients interfere in the decomposition of the active ingredients. The results of thermogravimetry showed that the decomposition temperature of the active principle Fe2(SO4)3 (T = 602 °C) is higher as compared to samples of tablets (566 586 °C). In the DTA and DSC curves were observed exothermic and endo events for samples of medicines and active analysis. The infrared spectra identified key functional groups exist in all samples of active ingredients, excipients and compressed studied, such as symmetric and asymmetric stretching of OH, CH, S=O. The analysis by X-ray diffraction showed that all samples had crystallinity and the final residue showed peaks indicating the presence of silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide and talc that are excipients contained in pharmaceutical formulations in addition to iron oxide. The results obtained by TG to determine the iron content of the studied drugs showed a variance when compared with those obtained by theoretical and UV-visible, probably due to formation of a mixture of Fe2O3 and Fe2(SO4)3. In one tablet was obtained FE content of 15.7 % and 20.6 % for TG by UV-visible, the sample EF 2 was obtained as a percentage of 15.4 % and 21.0 % for TG by UV-visible . In the third SF samples were obtained a content of 16.1 % and 25.5 % in TG by UV-visible, and SF 4 in the percentage of TG was 16.7 % and 14.3 % UV-visible


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Industrial activities like mining, electroplating and the oil extraction process, are increasing the levels of heavy metals such as Cu, Fe, Mg and Cd in aquatic ecosystems. This increase is related to the discharge of effluents containing trace of this elements above the maximum allowed by law. Methods such as ion exchange, membrane filtration and chemical precipitation have been studied as a means of treatment of these metals contamination. The precipitation of metals using anionic surfactants derived from carboxylic acids emerged as an alternative for the removal of metals from industrial effluents. The reaction between bivalent ions and these types of surfactants in aqueous solution leads to the formation of metal carboxylates, which can precipitate in the form of flakes and are subsequently removed by a process of decantation or simple filtration. In this work the metals extraction is performed by using the surfactant sodium hexadecanoate as extracting agent. The main purpose was to study the effect of temperature, solution pH, and concentration of surfactant in the metal removal process. The statistical design of the process showed that the process is directly dependent to changes in pH and concentration of surfactant, but inversely proportional and somewhat dependent to temperature variation, with the latter effect being considered negligible in most cases. The individual study of the effect of temperature showed a strong dependence of the process with the Kraft point, both for the surfactant used as extracting agent, as for the surfactant obtained after the reaction of this surfactant with the metal. From data of temperatures and concentrations of the surfactant was possible to calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction between sodium hexadecanoate and copper ions. Later, thermodynamic parameters were determined, showing that the process is exothermic and spontaneous.


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Searches using organoclays have been the subject of great interest due to its wide application in industry and removal of environmental pollutants. The organoclays were obtained using bentonite (BEN) and cationic surfactants: hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (HDTMA-Br) and trimethyloctadecyl ammonium bromide (TMOA-Br) in ratios of 50 and 100 % of its ion exchange capacity. The materials were characterized by the techniques of X-ray diffraction (DRX), infrared spectroscopy (IR), X-ray fluorescence (FRX), thermal analysis (TA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The bentonite and organobentonite were used on the adsorption of dyes, Remazol Blue RR (AZ) and Remazol Red RR (VM) in aqueous solution. The adsorption models of Langmuir and Freundlich were used for mathematical description of sorption equilibrium data and obtain the constants of the isotherms. The Freundlich model fit to the data for adsorption equilibrium of bentonite, on the other hand both the model fit to the Langmuir adsorption test of organoclays. The adsorption processes using adsorbents with both dyes interspersed with HDTMA-Br show endothermic and exothermic nature, respectively.


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The cerium oxide has a high potential for use in removing pollutants after combustion, removal of organic matter in waste water and the fuel-cell technology. The nickel oxide is an attractive material due to its excellent chemical stability and their optical properties, electrical and magnetic. In this work, CeO2-NiO- systems on molars reasons 1:1(I), 1:2(II) e 1:3(III) metal-citric acid were synthesized using the Pechini method. We used techniques of TG / DTG and ATD to monitor the degradation process of organic matter to the formation of the oxide. By thermogravimetric analysis and applying the dynamic method proposed by Coats-Redfern, it was possible to study the reactions of thermal decomposition in order to propose the possible mechanism by which the reaction takes place, as well as the determination of kinetic parameters as activation energy, Ea, pre-exponential factor and parameters of activation. It was observed that both variables exert a significant influence on the formation of complex polymeric precursor. The model that best fitted the experimental data in the dynamic mode was R3, which consists of nuclear growth, which formed the nuclei grow to a continuous reaction interface, it proposes a spherical symmetry (order 2 / 3). The values of enthalpy of activation of the system showed that the reaction in the state of transition is exothermic. The variables of composition, together with the variable temperature of calcination were studied by different techniques such as XRD, IV and SEM. Also a study was conducted microstructure by the Rietveld method, the calculation routine was developed to run the package program FullProf Suite, and analyzed by pseudo-Voigt function. It was found that the molar ratio of variable metal-citric acid in the system CeO2-NiO (I), (II), (III) has strong influence on the microstructural properties, size of crystallites and microstrain network, and can be used to control these properties