7 resultados para Ethics and educational institutions

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The IT capability is a organizational ability to perform activities of this role more effectively and an important mechanism in creating value. Its building process (stages of creation and development) occurs through management initiatives for improvement in the performance of their activities, using human resources and IT assets complementary responsible for the evolution of their organizational routines. This research deals with the IT capabilities related to SIG (integrated institutional management systems), built and deployed in UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) to realization and control of administrative, academic and human resources activities. Since 2009, through cooperative agreements with federal and educational institutions of direct administration, UFRN has supported the implementation of these systems, currently involving more than 30 institutions. The present study aims to understand how IT capabilities, relevant in the design, implementation and dissemination of SIG, were built over time. This is a single case study of qualitative and longitudinal nature, performed by capturing, coding and analysis from secondary data and from semi-structured interviews conducted primarily with members of Superintenência de Informática, organizational unit responsible for SIG systems in UFRN. As a result, the technical, of internal relationship and external cooperation capabilities were identified as relevant in the successful trajectory of SIG systems, which have evolved in different ways. The technical capacity, initiated in 2004, toured the stages of creation and development until it reached the stage of stability in 2013, due to technological limits. Regarding the internal relationship capability, begun in 2006, it toured the stages of creation and development, having extended its scope of activities in 2009, being in development since then. Unlike the standard life cycle observed in the literature, the external cooperation capability was initiated by an intensity of initiatives and developments in the routines in 2009, which were decreasing to cease in 2013 in order to stabilize the technological infrastructure already created for cooperative institutions. It was still identified the start of cooperation in 2009 as an important event selection, responsible for changing or creating trajectories of evolution in all three capacities. The most frequent improvements initiatives were of organizational nature and the internal planning activity has been transformed over the routines of the three capabilities. Important resources and complementary assets have been identified as important for the realization of initiatives, such as human resources technical knowledge to the technical capabilities and external cooperation, and business knowledge, for all of them, as well as IT assets: the iproject application for control of development processes, and the document repository wiki. All these resources and complementary assets grew along the capacities, demonstrating its strategic value to SINFO/UFRN


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The goal of this paper was to search the state of the art from the Digital Libraries in Architecture and Urbanism in the Higher Education Institutions (IES) through conceptualizations and showing the importance of Digital Libraries in the disclosure and easing of information transferring. Questions about digital information architecture, usability, digital preservation and accessibility were approached. The research was made in the websites of Brazilian Universities, firstly to identify the institutions which offered the Architecture and Urbanism course, focusing on postgraduate education. After identifying the offering, the research was done by analyzing the contents, storage and dissemination and access to information, these libraries. It was found that the digital libraries are increasingly and taking part of organizations and educational institutions focusing on the knowledge dissemination releasing digitally information that may be needed for institution or the individual. A monitoring was done over of the physical and computational restructuring of the Board of Studies and Research in Architecture and Urbanism (Câmara de Estudos e Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, CEPAU), from the Architecture and Urbanism Course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), showing the need of installing a Digital Library to integrate the databases of PPGAU s research groups, which today remain independent, with no interface among themselves. The research chosen area was Architecture and Urbanism, because there is a gap and little documentation about digital libraries in this area


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This PH.D. thesis is an attempt to show the beginning, evolution and unfolding of the making of a pedagogical work proposal based on culturally-built knowings in the heart of a traditional community, having as one of its starting points the knowings and doings experienced by dish-making women from Maruanum living in the city of Macapá, State of Amapá, Brazil. This proposal is strongly associated with the need we have to think about the nature of (ethnological)-mathematical knowledge generated by particular communities and about the way such knowledge can be discussed, worked out, and validated in learning environments, regardless of the level of instruction and the constraints imposed by government programs and educational institutions. Among its theoretical foundations are studies on instrumental activities that are typical of the Maruanum ceramics and investigative studies from the point of view of ethnomathematics. Methodological development took place with the application of activities, where traditional and instrumental knowledge observed in the production of ceramics had been adapted for and brought into the school environment , participative observation, as well as data collecting and organization techniques, such as interviews, statements, and audio an visual recordings. Analysis of the data collected focused on the relationship between the data-generating potential and the purpose of this study. Our aim is to make and estimate of the potential contributions from local situations and/or problems it would possibly bring to the formative learning of people involved in the educational processes of these communities, with a view to a spatial and temporal transformation of reality


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The idea that the career consists in a linear path throughout the individual s professional life structured by the company where he or she works has been changing to a new reality in which the career is seen as a journey, open to possibilities and uncertainties. Several models have come up as an attempt to comprehend and analyze this journey. Among them, there is the model of career narrative, which assumes that, while narrating, individuals give meaning to their own path, and at the same time they consider personal factors and the environment that act on their professional biography. This paper aimed to explore and articulate issues related to the environment and career paths of the human resource professionals working in the Greater Natal. For this purpose, the model of career narrative was used. From the methodological viewpoint, the project was divided in two stages. The first was characterized by conducting a survey with the intention of mapping professionals socio-occupational characteristics, through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistical techniques and cluster analysis. The descriptive statistical analyses included 117 participants. The results indicated that HR professionals of Greater Natal have different functions, develop activities focused on different subsystems, have an increasing career path, and focus their professional formation in Business Administration and Psychology. The second stage of the study was characterized by the use of 17 narrative interviews, whose participants, in the process of nonprobabilistic sampling, were identified based on their belonging to the three clusters: Group 1, HR and public administration; Group 2, HR experts; and Group 3, HR beginners. Analyzing the results of the qualitative phase, it was found that the identification with the activity practiced is a deciding factor for choosing and remaining in the HR field. The lack of professional recognition appears as the main difficulty faced by professionals, as well as the lack of employment opportunity in the Greater Natal. The results analysis leads to a series of discussions on the career path in HR and reflections for this professional category, its representative bodies and educational institutions


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The reality points to the global environmental sustainability as the only viable option for addressing the crisis at hand. The move towards sustainability calls for the generation / evaluation systems in their direction, through the incorporation of environmental requirements and in line with the National Policy on Solid Waste. Therefore, the proposed research supports the importance of social and environmental vision, complementing the technical view, the system for management of solid waste from East London, which is a municipality that has a system whose inadequacies are configured in environmental risk and health. Therefore, by observing, applying the model of sustainability indicators and content analysis of interviews, this research proposes to investigate the principles of sustainability and social participation are presented and what is the perception of risk about the inadequacies in the system. The results confirmed the hypotheses of the study and draw a picture of worrying data, such as very unfavorable indicators of sustainability, lack of channels of participation, uncommitted investments with the management system, devaluation of the collector of waste and differing perceptions about the risk by making actors act in isolation. This worrying situation is eased by the appearance of a series of elements are configured as opportunities for the integration of environmental principles in the system. And despite the inability of managers to participate in the research system, yet it behaves as an opportunity to implement public policies in the area of solid waste such as: the preparation of the municipal waste, the institutionalization of selective collection and organization of cooperative with the support of companies present in the city and educational institutions as the Federal Institute. The research is an opportunity for the implementation of policies in the area of solid waste and will collaborate with the building instruments for the quality of life of residents, for the socioeconomic conditions of collectors and the move towards a sustainable society


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The IT capability is a organizational ability to perform activities of this role more effectively and an important mechanism in creating value. Its building process (stages of creation and development) occurs through management initiatives for improvement in the performance of their activities, using human resources and IT assets complementary responsible for the evolution of their organizational routines. This research deals with the IT capabilities related to SIG (integrated institutional management systems), built and deployed in UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) to realization and control of administrative, academic and human resources activities. Since 2009, through cooperative agreements with federal and educational institutions of direct administration, UFRN has supported the implementation of these systems, currently involving more than 30 institutions. The present study aims to understand how IT capabilities, relevant in the design, implementation and dissemination of SIG, were built over time. This is a single case study of qualitative and longitudinal nature, performed by capturing, coding and analysis from secondary data and from semi-structured interviews conducted primarily with members of Superintenência de Informática, organizational unit responsible for SIG systems in UFRN. As a result, the technical, of internal relationship and external cooperation capabilities were identified as relevant in the successful trajectory of SIG systems, which have evolved in different ways. The technical capacity, initiated in 2004, toured the stages of creation and development until it reached the stage of stability in 2013, due to technological limits. Regarding the internal relationship capability, begun in 2006, it toured the stages of creation and development, having extended its scope of activities in 2009, being in development since then. Unlike the standard life cycle observed in the literature, the external cooperation capability was initiated by an intensity of initiatives and developments in the routines in 2009, which were decreasing to cease in 2013 in order to stabilize the technological infrastructure already created for cooperative institutions. It was still identified the start of cooperation in 2009 as an important event selection, responsible for changing or creating trajectories of evolution in all three capacities. The most frequent improvements initiatives were of organizational nature and the internal planning activity has been transformed over the routines of the three capabilities. Important resources and complementary assets have been identified as important for the realization of initiatives, such as human resources technical knowledge to the technical capabilities and external cooperation, and business knowledge, for all of them, as well as IT assets: the iproject application for control of development processes, and the document repository wiki. All these resources and complementary assets grew along the capacities, demonstrating its strategic value to SINFO/UFRN


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The goal of this paper was to search the state of the art from the Digital Libraries in Architecture and Urbanism in the Higher Education Institutions (IES) through conceptualizations and showing the importance of Digital Libraries in the disclosure and easing of information transferring. Questions about digital information architecture, usability, digital preservation and accessibility were approached. The research was made in the websites of Brazilian Universities, firstly to identify the institutions which offered the Architecture and Urbanism course, focusing on postgraduate education. After identifying the offering, the research was done by analyzing the contents, storage and dissemination and access to information, these libraries. It was found that the digital libraries are increasingly and taking part of organizations and educational institutions focusing on the knowledge dissemination releasing digitally information that may be needed for institution or the individual. A monitoring was done over of the physical and computational restructuring of the Board of Studies and Research in Architecture and Urbanism (Câmara de Estudos e Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, CEPAU), from the Architecture and Urbanism Course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), showing the need of installing a Digital Library to integrate the databases of PPGAU s research groups, which today remain independent, with no interface among themselves. The research chosen area was Architecture and Urbanism, because there is a gap and little documentation about digital libraries in this area