24 resultados para Estradas florestais

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Despite the importance of the study of roots, little is known about the negative effects of soil compaction in the development of the Caatinga forest species. In this sense, the objective was to evaluate the initial growth of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia, Tabebuia caraiba and Erythina velutina in soil under varying levels of compression. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse located at the Academic Unit Specialized in Agricultural Sciences, UFRN. To perform the experiment, was used Oxisoil of sandy loam texture, from forest trial Area Agricultural School of Jundiaí (EAJ) of the municipality of Macaíba-RN, in an experimental unit consisting of three overlapping PVC rings, 10 cm in diameter and 25 cm in height, with a central ring which has undergone compression. The experimental design was a randomized block with six replications, being tested four levels of soil compaction (1.35; 1.45; 1.60 and 1.80 kg.dm-³), evaluating the following variables: diameter, height, number of leaves, dry weight of shoot and root system in each layer of the vessels. Overall, the species M. caesalpiniifolia, T. caraiba and E. velutina had initial growth favored by treatment consists of uncompressed soil. The M. caesalpiniifolia and T. caraiba species proved relatively resistant to compaction of the soil does not undergo any significant reduction in root growth density equal to or less than 1.60 kg.dm-³, whereas E. velutina proved susceptible effects of soil compaction, with significant changes in root growth under soil densities equal to or greater than 1.45 kg.dm-³. Increased soil compaction caused the impediment to the expansion of taproot inside the experimental units, promoting the accumulation of roots in the upper layers of the soil for the studied species. The subsoil physical impediment changed the initial aerial growth of M. caesalpiniifolia and E. velutina, but did not influence the growth of air T. caraiba seedlings the tested compression levels.


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In the first decades of 20th century the just instituted Brazilian Republic faced the challenge to modernize the country. Considering that the progress was associated with the exhaustion of the forest reserves and with climatic changes, two big issues were seen as fundamental: To Fight the Droughts and To Defend the Forests; headed by professionals who were dedicated to these ideals. This research starts from the premise that these were the main challenges enforced by nature to the Brazilian development; the general objective was delimited in the search to understand the meaning and the conception of the natural world by this group of professionals who faced the shock between modernizing the country and conserving its natural resources. Aiming to contribute with the construction of the Brazilian environmental history and to bring historical elements to the debate about the environment in the country, the author concentrates his attention to the analyses, the discussions and the actions that preceded the regulation on the use of natural resources and the implementation of the environmental legislation in Brazil, occurred in 1934. The investigation uses as methodological basis the theoretical directions of environmental history, using sources of data still little explored and valued. In such way, it is taken as starting point some published papers about this subject during the period between 1889 and 1934 in two technical magazines the Revista Brazil Ferro-Carril and the Revista do Club de Engenharia. National engineering played a basic role in this process while arguing, projecting and constructing the development. The formulated proposals, after being divulged, had fomented the interchange with other professionals and had favored the advance of ambient questions in Brazil, in the sense to preserve natural resources, to construct more harmonic relations between the society and the nature and to equate the development with the environment preservation


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Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts


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The railroad, from 1870 and on, becomes an usual complaining in the press s and politician elite s speeches, especially because of Natal s geographic isolation. The implantation of two railroads in the capital territory Estrada de Ferro de Natal a Nova Cruz, afterwards part of Great Western Railway Company network, and Estrada de Ferro Central do Rio Grande do Norte had serious implications in the urban environment. While railroad s structures were already consolidated, other transportation mechanisms were being implanted in the first decades of the 20th century, such as trams lines, which, by the way, was a transport modal that also used rails as a dislocation meaning. Considering these questions, we may ask: how come railroads and tramways demands, roads and buildings had influenced the internal organization of Natal? We work with the general hypothesis that the influence of technical networks, composed by tramways and railroads, over Natal s urban space happened in a diversified way, sometimes consolidating social aspects in certain areas, sometimes improving the occupation of others. The impact over the city s territory also happens in a diversified way between the buildings/railroad s complexes and the pathways. The different scale of the train in comparison to the trams velocity, size, noise level, flow, among others is also a cause to the different consequences in urban environment. The main objective of this work is to understand the role of circulation technical networks in the construction process of urban space in Natal, as a way to contribute to the urban historiography about the subject. The time frame adopted, between 1881 and 1937, marks the time path of railroads and tramways in Rio Grande do Norte: 1881 is the year of railroad s first section inauguration from Natal to São José do Mipibu as well of the railroad complex in the Republic Square in Natal; the year of 1937 marks the beginning of tramways declination process in the city. At this time railroads and tramways had to face more intensively the competition of motor vehicles. The theory reference adopted is based on concepts and analysis of authors, such as Flávio Villaça and Roberto Lobato Corrêa references to the concepts of urban structure , localization and accessibility and Gabriel Dupuy to explain the concept of urban technical networks . These references reveal the conflict of different realities in the urban universe interests and values which is an important factor about the construction of urban space. The information sources used were from two distinctive natures: primary, journals of the time studied and official government reports, and secondary, based on other works about the subject. It was also used by this study iconographic source, especially images from the data base of the research group História da Cidade, do Território e do Urbanismo .


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At a time of changes on the territory during the 19th century, the political and socioeconomic elites of the province and later State of Rio Grande do Norte evolved a discourse in order to justify the permanence of Natal as a city holding a status of capital. In this work we analyze the means employed by the ruling classes to impose their wish to raise Natal to an outstanding position among the existing cities by intervening on the territory during a period of one hundred years (1820-1920). During that time, which was characterized by changing commercial flows and technological development, the elites interventions were essentially directed to the implementation of modes of transportation, especially the railway. We try to understand the reinforcement of Natal as a capital city not only in political and administrative terms, but mainly in a commercial and symbolic manner, through the discourse and interventions undertaken by the local administrative elites, who stimulated the creation of a set of relations on the territory that also imprinted visible marks in the capital s urban fabric. These interventions were based upon the establishment of an infrastructure for exporting the State s production, firstly through and despite the Potengi River, and later on by the construction of railways. Although the project of Natal s hegemony had been outlined before the establishment of the railway network, in both cases the ultimate objective was to reinforce and develop the capital city as a commercial urban center to the detriment of other cities


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The ceramics industry in Piauí is nowadays with 55 industries where 11 are in Teresina which is the mainstream of the state, producing 55 million shingles; in which 10 % is of this production is wasted being sometimes thrown on the margins of rivers, roads and highways provoking an environmental degradation. The main goal of this work is to verify the potential of producing semi porous ceramic using grog of shingles, on the first part of this work bodies-of-proof were produced from a basic formula of an industry, doping it with 5 %, 10 %, 15 % and 20 % in mass and in the second part of this work some bodies-of-proof were produced from a formula where one raw material was substituted by 50 % of grog and another substituting it all by grog, bodies-of-proof made of a basic formula previously announced was used for experiment control.The grog and the raw materials were characterized by: particle size analysis , thermal differential analysis, X ray diffraction , X ray fluorescence, an thermal gravimetric analysis and rational analyses. The bodies-of-proof were sintetisized in an industrial oven obeying the normal cycle adopted by an industry, with peak temperatures of 1135 oC and a fast burning cycle of 25 minutes having as energetic fuel liquefied petroleum gas . The pieces that were obtained by this were submersed in rehearsed physics of: water absorption of, apparent specific mass, apparent porosity, lineal retraction, rupture tension to the flexural and dilatometry; mineralogical analysis for X ray diffraction; and microstructural for electronic microscope of sweeping. For all the formulas with addition of grog, superior priorities to the requested by the requirements for semi porous and for the formula to F2-2,5 superior priorities to standard formulas which justifies the incorporation of the shingles in mass for the semi porous ceramic


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(The Mark and Recapture Network: a Heliconius case study). The current pace of habitat destruction, especially in tropical landscapes, has increased the need for understanding minimum patch requirements and patch distance as tools for conserving species in forest remnants. Mark recapture and tagging studies have been instrumental in providing parameters for functional models. Because of their popularity, ease of manipulation and well known biology, butterflies have become model in studies of spatial structure. Yet, most studies on butterflies movement have focused on temperate species that live in open habitats, in which forest patches are barrier to movement. This study aimed to view and review data from mark-recapture as a network in two species of butterfly (Heliconius erato and Heliconius melpomene). A work of marking and recapture of the species was carried out in an Atlantic forest reserve located about 20km from the city of Natal (RN). Mark recapture studies were conducted in 3 weekly visits during January-February and July-August in 2007 and 2008. Captures were more common in two sections of the dirt road, with minimal collection in the forest trail. The spatial spread of captures was similar in the two species. Yet, distances between recaptures seem to be greater for Heliconius erato than for Heliconius melpomene. In addition, the erato network is more disconnected, suggesting that this specie has shorter traveling patches. Moving on to the network, both species have similar number of links (N) and unweighed vertices (L). However, melpomene has a weighed network 50% more connections than erato. These network metrics suggest that erato has more compartmentalized network and restricted movement than melpomene. Thus, erato has a larger number of disconnected components, nC, in the network, and a smaller network diameter. The frequency distribution of network connectivity for both species was better explained by a Power-law than by a random, Poissom distribution, showing that the Power-law provides a better fit than the Poisson for both species. Moreover, the Powerlaw erato is much better adjusted than in melpomene, which should be linked to the small movements that erato makes in the network


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The aim of this study was to test the Ecological Apparency Hypothesis comparing two rural communities in João Câmara (RN) and Remigio (PB), in the Northeast of Brazil. This hypothesis assumes that plants are perceived, known and used by human populations according to their local availability. The most used species would be the ones that are more available in the forest (apparent), and apparently suffer greater pressure of use. Communities were consulted through semi-structured interviews. In Remigio 42 people were interviewed, and 50 in João Câmara. The importance of each species was evaluated considering the distinction between citations from current and potential uses. The ethnobotanical information was associated with phytosociological parameters collected by the point-centered quarter method in forested areas, where 50 transects were distributed in each community, and 4,000 individuals sampled in total. Based on the interviews, 58 useful species were recorded, 42 genera and18 families. In the phytosociological study 30 species, 22 genera and 12 families in João Câmara, In Remígio were identified 34 species, 22 genera and nine families.The species were grouped into 11 categories of use. The ecological appearance was confirmed only in the João Câmara, which best explained the relationship between local availability and use of timber resources. Positive correlations were observed also between the technology category VUpotential and dominance. The point-centered quarter was efficient to test appearance, however, further studies through the point-centered quarter method are recommended


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Seed germination and seedling establishment are critical processes for commercial plantation and depend directly on reserve mobilization as a source of cellular fuels and biosynthetic precursors. In this way, we investigated the coordination among reserve mobilization, metabolite partitioning, and mobilizing enzyme activities in Moringa oleifera Lam (moringa) an oil-seeded species employed in biofuel production. Seeds were germinated under controlled conditions and seedlings were grown hydroponically at a greenhouse. Samples were harvested at 0, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20 days after imbibition (DAI). The contents of dry mass (DM), neutral lipids (NL), soluble proteins (SP), starch, total soluble sugars (TSS), non-reducing sugars (NRS), and total free amino acids (TFAA) as the activity of isocitrate lyase (ICL), acid proteases, and amylases were determined. The mobilization of storage proteins was initiated during seed germination whereas the mobilization of storage lipids and starch was triggered throughout seedling establishment although all reserves have been depleted until 20 DAI. The partitioning of DM and metabolites to the roots and the shoots was uneven during seedling establishment. Low shoot/root ratio on the basis of DM could be related to the natural occurrence of moringa in drought climates. In the roots, TSS, NRS, and TFAA were accumulated from 12 to 16 DAI and then were consumed until the end of the experiment. In the shoots, TSS and TFAA were consumed in parallel with NRS accumulation from 12 to 20 DAI. The activity of ICL, acid proteases, and amylases was coordinated with the mobilization of lipids, proteins and starch respectively. Thus, we propose that the patterns of reserve mobilization and metabolite partitioning verified in moringa seem distinct from those found to other tree species and may be involved in metabolic strategies to enable environment colonization


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Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth. is a forest species of the Mimosaceae family, recommended for recovery of degraded areas. The evaluation of vigor by biochemical tests have been an important tool in the control of seed quality programs, and the electrical conductivity and potassium leaching the most efficient in the verifying the physiological potential. The objective, therefore, to adjust the methodology of the electrical conductivity test for seeds of M. caesalpiniaefolia, for then compare the efficiency of this test with the potassium in the evaluation of seed vigor of different lots of seeds M. caesalpiniaefolia. To test the adequacy of the electrical conductivity were used different combinations of temperatures , 25 °C and 30 ºC, number of seeds , 25 and 50, periods of imbibition , 4 , 8 , 12 , 16 and 24 hours , and volumes deionized water, 50 mL and 75mL. For potassium leaching test, which was conducted from the results achieved by the methodology of the adequacy of the electrical conductivity test, to compare the efficiency of both tests , in the classification of seeds at different levels of vigor, and the period 4 hours also evaluated because the potassium leaching test can be more efficient in the shortest time . The best combination obtained in experiment of electrical conductivity is 25 seeds soaked in 50 mL deionized or distilled water for 8 hours at a temperature of 30 ° C. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, the means were compared with each other by F tests and Tukey at 5 % probability, and when necessary polynomial regression analysis was performed. The electrical conductivity test performed at period eight hour proved to be more efficient in the separation of seed lots M. caesalpiniaefolia at different levels of vigor compared to the potassium test


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The present study aimed to characterize the thermal profile of wood fired oven used by the red ceramic industry in Parelhas, in the Seridó region/RN, aiming to propose structural interventions that can contribute to increasing productivity and product quality, optimize wood consumption and mitigate existing losses during the burning process. The study was conducted at Cerâmica Esperança in the city of Parelhas -RN, Brazil, during the period from August 2012 to September 2013. Four treatments were performed with three replicates, ie, with, a total of 12 experimental units (burnings). In the first stage 4 treatments were performed with three replicates, totaling 12 experimental units (firings). In the second stage 2 treatments were performed with three replications, totaling 6 experimental units (firings). The physical characteristics of the wood were analyzed using standard NBR 11941 and NBR 7190 for basic density and moisture, respectively. The clay was used as a reference parameter for distinguishing treatments. For both the analysis and characterization was carried out using techniques of fluorescence X (XRF) rays, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, particle size analysis (FA). In the first and second stages were monitored: the time during the firing process, the amount of wood used at each firing, the number of parts enfornadas for subsequent determination of the percentages of losses, but also product quality. To characterize the thermal profile of the oven, we measured the temperature at 15 points scored in the surface charge put into the oven. Measurements were taken every 30 minutes from preheat until the end of burning, using a pyrometer laser sight sighting from preheating until the end of burning. In the second step 12 metal cylinders distributed on the oven walls, and the cylinder end walls 8 of the furnace 2 and rollers on each side walls are installed equidistant to 17 cm from the soil and the surface 30 of the wall are installed. The cylinders distributed on the front were placed 50 cm above the furnace, and the base of the oven 20 cm distant from the ground. 10 also thermocouples were installed, and five thermocouples distributed 1.77 cm above the combustion chambers, and one thermocouple on each side, and three thermocouples in front of the oven. We carried out the measurements of the temperatures every 1 hour during the burning two hours in cooling the cylinders with a pyrometer and thermocouples for dattaloger. These were fixed with depth of 30 cm from the wall. After statistical analysis it was found that: the thermal profile of the furnace surface and at different heights was heterogeneous; and the ranges of density and moisture content of wood are within recommended for use as an energy source standards. We conclude that even at low temperatures reached during firing there was a significant production of good quality products, this is due to high concentrations of iron oxide and potassium oxide found in clay, which lowers the melting point of the piece. The average burn time for each step varied 650-2100 minutes wood consumption was on average 20 m3, product quality was on average 16% of first quality, 70% second, third and 5% to 10% loss . The distance between the wire and the surface of the oven was a significant parameter for all treatments, but with different variations, meaning that the wire should not be so generic and unique form, used as a criterion for completion of the burn process. The central part of the furnace was the area that reached higher temperature, and in a unified manner, with the highest concentration of top quality products. The ideal temperature curve, which provided the highest quality of ceramic products was achieved in the central part of the furnace


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This study aimed to establish patterns of dynamics of litter and redistribution of rainfall of Caatinga vegetation. Sampling was done monthly for twenty three months in four areas: degraded, successional primary stage, secondary stage and late stage. We installed 72 collectors of 1.0 mx 1.0 m, with nylon fabric background in three areas. Litter deposited was fractionated into leaves, twigs, reproductive structures and miscellaneous, dried and weighed. To assess the stock of accumulated litter we used metal frame with dimensions of 0.5 mx 0.5 m, thrown randomly and collected monthly, taken to the laboratory for oven drying and weighed. To evaluate the decomposition, 40g of litter were placed in nylon bags (litterbags) mesh 1 mm ², dimensions 20.0 x 20.0 cm, being distributed on the soil surface and removed monthly, cleaned, dried and weighed. To evaluate the contribution of rainfall we used interceptometers installed 1.0 m above the ground surface, distributed under the canopy of six species of the caatinga, which evaluated the stemflow through collecting system installed around the stems of these species. The deposition of litter in the primary stage was 2.631,26 kg ha-1; 3.144,89 kg ha-1 in the secondary stage; 3.144,89 kg ha-1 in the late stage. The fraction of leaves was the largest contributor to the formation of litter in three stages. The degraded area showed greater accumulation of litter and decomposition has been sluggish during the dry period. We conclude that occurred greater litterfall in later stages. The late successional stage showed faster decomposition of litter, the evidence that is a better use of litter in nutrient cycling processes and incorporation of organic matter to the soil. The time required to decompose 50 % of the litter in the later stages of succession was lower indicating greater speed of release and reuse of nutrients by the vegetation. The specie jurema preta with less leaf area and consists of leaflets, showed greater internal precipitation in rain events of greater magnitude. The stemflow was not influenced by DAP and basal area. The water lost by trapping represented the largest proportion of total rainfall in all species studied


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The Caatinga is the predominant vegetation type in semi-arid region of Brazil, where many inhabitants depend on hunting and gathering for survival, obtaining resources for: food and feed, folk medicine, timber production, etc. It‟s the dry ecosystem with highest population density in the world. The early stages of development are the most critical during the life cycle of a flowering plant and they‟re primordial to its establishment in environments exposed to water stress. Information about adjustments to the growth of the species, correlated with their studies of distribution in Seridó oriental potiguar, are an important ecological and economic standpoint, because they provide subsidies for the development of cultivation techniques, to programs of sustainable use and recovery of degraded areas. This thesis aimed to study the initial growth and foliar morphology in plants like Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong. (tamboril) and Erythrina velutina Mart. ex Benth (mulungu), species of occurrence in the Caatinga, under water stress. After sowing and emergency, the seedlings were exposed to three water regimes: 450 (control), 225 (moderate stress) and 112.5 (severe stress) mm of water slide for 40 days. Seeding occurred in bags of 5 kg and after the establishment of seedlings thinning was carried out leaving a plantlet per bag. At the beginning the waterings occurred daily with distilled water, passing to be on alternate days after thinning. Twenty and forty days after the thinning seedlings collections were held to be done analysis of growth and biomass partition. When compared to the control group, the treatments with water stress showed reduction in the growth of the aerial part, growth of the greater root, number of leaves and leaflets, dry leaf area and total phytomass in both species, but in general, this effect was most marked for E. velutina. Regarding the partition of biomass, there were few changes throughout the experiment. Morphological changes in the leaves as a function of stress were not significant, however, there was a trend, in both species, to produce narrower leaves, that facilitate heat loss to the environment. It has not been possible to establish a positive relationship between inhibition of growth and distribution of species, whereas E. velutina is a species of most common occurrence in Seridó oriental potiguar. In this way, other aspects should be taken into account when studying the adaptation of species the dry environments, such as salinity, presence of heavy metals, wind speed, etc


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This present dissertation has as its aim of study an analysis of the environmental policy and the urban development at the Periperi Hill. Such analysis arose due to concerns related to the disordered occupation in that Hill and also due to the environmental problems caused by this occupation. By opening roads and developing areas for housing and mineral extraction activities, man has altered considerably the landscape natural balance in that hill and caused among other difficulties, grave environmental problems, such as the erosin at the hill coast, deforestation, obstruction and pollution of the Verruga River. Therefore, in 1998 it was decreed by the Municipal Public Power that Periperi Hill became an Environmental Preservation Area with a Unit of Conservation known as Periperi Hill Municipal Park, an environmental policy implemented at the Hill that aims to hinder this occupation and to protect areas that are of great environmental importance to the city. It looking at what is now exposed and aiming to consider the Periperi Hill s environmental policy and the relationship of the occupation process, that this present work has the objective of understanding how the expansion of the city s urban network in Vitória da Conquista BA and the mineral activities cause an influence in the process of environmental degradation at the Periperi Hill