19 resultados para Escória de aciaria LD

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This research presents an overview of the addition steelwork dust of ceramic shingles in order to contribute to the utilization use of such residue. The ceramic industry perspective in the Brazilian State of Piauí is quite promising. Unlike other productive sectors, the ceramic industry uses basically natural raw materials. Its final products are, in short, the result of transforming clay compounds. These raw materials are composed primarily of aluminum oxide, silicon, iron, sodium, magnesium, end calcium, among others. It was verified that steelwork dust is composed primarily of these same oxides, so that its incorporation in to structural ceramics is a very reasonable idea. Both clay and steelwork powder were characterized by AG, XRF, XRD, TGA and DTA. In addition, steelwork dust samples containing (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%) were extruded and burned at 800°C, 850°C, 900°C and 950°C. Then t echnological tests of linear shrinkage, water uptake, apparent porosity, apparent density and flexural strengthwere carried at. The results showed the possibility of using steelwork powder in ceramic shingles until 15% significant improvement in physical and mechanical properties. This behavior shows the possibility of burning at temperatures lower than 850ºC, thus promoting a product final cost reduction


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This research presents an overview of the addition steelwork dust of ceramic shingles in order to contribute to the utilization use of such residue. The ceramic industry perspective in the Brazilian State of Piauí is quite promising. Unlike other productive sectors, the ceramic industry uses basically natural raw materials. Its final products are, in short, the result of transforming clay compounds. These raw materials are composed primarily of aluminum oxide, silicon, iron, sodium, magnesium, end calcium, among others. It was verified that steelwork dust is composed primarily of these same oxides, so that its incorporation in to structural ceramics is a very reasonable idea. Both clay and steelwork powder were characterized by AG, XRF, XRD, TGA and DTA. In addition, steelwork dust samples containing (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%) were extruded and burned at 800°C, 850°C, 900°C and 950°C. Then t echnological tests of linear shrinkage, water uptake, apparent porosity, apparent density and flexural strengthwere carried at. The results showed the possibility of using steelwork powder in ceramic shingles until 15% significant improvement in physical and mechanical properties. This behavior shows the possibility of burning at temperatures lower than 850ºC, thus promoting a product final cost reduction


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During sleep, humans experience the offline images and sensations that we call dreams, which are typically emotional and lacking in rational judgment of their bizarreness. However, during lucid dreaming (LD), subjects know that they are dreaming, and may control oneiric content. Dreaming and LD features have been studied in North Americans, Europeans and Asians, but not among Brazilians, the largest population in Latin America. Here we investigated dreams and LD characteristics in a Brazilian sample (n=3,427; median age=25 years) through an online survey. The subjects reported recalling dreams at least once a week (76%), and that dreams typically depicted actions (93%), known people (92%), sounds/voices (78%), and colored images (76%). The oneiric content was associated with plans for the upcoming days (37%), memories of the previous day (13%), or unrelated to the dreamer (30%). Nightmares usually depicted anxiety/fear (65%), being stalked (48%), or other unpleasant sensations(47%). These data corroborate Freudian notion of day residue in dreams, and suggest that dreams and nightmares are simulations of life situations that are related to our psychobiological integrity. Regarding LD, we observed that 77% of the subjects experienced LD at least once in life (44% up to 10 episodes ever), and for 48% LD subjectively lasted less than 1 min. LD frequency correlated weakly with dream recall frequency (r =0.20,p< 0.01), and LD control was rare (29%). LD occurrence was facilitated when subjects did not need to wake up early (38%), a situation that increases rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) duration, or when subjects were under stress (30%), which increases REMS transitions into waking. These results indicate that LD is relatively ubiquitous but rare, unstable, difficult to control, and facilitated by increases in REMS duration and transitions to wake state. Together with LD incidence in USA, Europe and Asia, our data from Latin America strengthen the notion that LD is a general phenomenon of the human species.


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Several lines of evidence converge to the idea that rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) is a good model to foster our understanding of psychosis. Both REMS and psychosis course with internally generated perceptions and lack of rational judgment, which is attributed to a hyperlimbic activity along with hypofrontality. Interestingly, some individuals can become aware of dreaming during REMS, a particular experience known as lucid dreaming (LD), whose neurobiological basis is still controversial. Since the frontal lobe plays a role in self-consciousness, working memory and attention, here we hypothesize that LD is associated with increased frontal activity during REMS. A possible way to test this hypothesis is to check whether transcranial magnetic or electric stimulation of the frontal region during REMS triggers LD. We further suggest that psychosis and LD are opposite phenomena: LD as a physiological awakening while dreaming due to frontal activity, and psychosis as a pathological intrusion of dream features during wake state due to hypofrontality. We further suggest that LD research may have three main clinical implications. First, LD could be important to the study of consciousness, including its pathologies and other altered states. Second, LD could be used as a therapy for recurrent nightmares, a common symptom of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Finally, LD may allow for motor imagery during dreaming with possible improvement of physical rehabilitation. In all, we believe that LD research may clarify multiple aspects of brain functioning in its physiological, altered and pathological states.


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The species Dasyatis marianae inhabits coastal areas associated with coral reefs, considered endemic to the northeast of Brazil, occurring from the State of Maranhão to the south of Bahia. Specimens of this species are commonly sighted by divers and fishermen in the area of Maracajaú reefs, a complex reef that is part of the Environmental Protection Area of Coral Reefs (EPACR), which was developed in this study about the ecology and biology of the D. marianae, in order to characterize aspects of population structure in the area of the reef complex of Parracho de Maracajaú. We analyzed 120 specimens caught by artisanal fishing site of the size, weight, sex, stage of maturity and stomach contents. Most subjects were adult males (1.7:1) and was more abundant for rays with lengths between 25 and 29cm of LD, where females reach larger sizes, a feature common to other rays. The largest specimens were captured in the area of seagrass, which is preferred for the species. The distribution of species in the area showed an ontogenetic and sexual segregation, where the youthful occur near the beach, which is a likely area for nursery and growth of the adult females prevail in the seagrass, which apparently has a high prey availability, and Adult males are more distant, a higher proportion occurring in outlying areas, suggesting a habit more exploratory than the females. The evaluation of the reproductive system indicated 3 reproductive cycles per year, one young per pregnancy, and showed that the mature males were smaller than females. The cubs of D. marianae size at birth 12 to 15cm LD. As for diet, the species was characterized as carnivorous crustacean specialist. The performance of visual censuses in different localities allowed to evaluate the density of D. marianae in different environments of the complex. The species occurs in greater numbers in seagrass, environment very important for the conservation of the species. 100 individuals of D. marianae marked in reef complex area enrolled in a recapture rate of 3%. Some behavioral aspects were evaluated, as diurnal pattern of activity, interaction with cleaning and fish Pomacanthus paru followers as Lutjanus analis and Carangoides bartholomaei. Overall, much of the information obtained should be used for management of the species


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Tuberculosis is a serious disease, but curable in practically 100% of new cases, since complied the principles of modern chemotherapy. Isoniazid (ISN), Rifampicin (RIF), Pyrazinamide (PYR) and Chloride Ethambutol (ETA) are considered first line drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis, by combining the highest level of efficiency with acceptable degree of toxicity. Concerning USP 33 - NF28 (2010) the chromatography analysis to 3 of 4 drugs (ISN, PYR and RIF) last in average 15 minutes and 10 minutes more to obtain the 4th drug (ETA) using a column and mobile phase mixture different, becoming its industrial application unfavorable. Thus, many studies have being carried out to minimize this problem. An alternative would use the UFLC, which is based with the same principles of HPLC, however it uses stationary phases with particles smaller than 2 μm. Therefore, this study goals to develop and validate new analytical methods to determine simultaneously the drugs by HPLC/DAD and UFLC/DAD. For this, a analytical screening was carried out, which verified that is necessary a gradient of mobile phase system A (acetate buffer:methanol 94:6 v/v) and B (acetate buffer:acetonitrile 55:45 v/v). Furthermore, to the development and optimization of the method in HPLC and UFLC, with achievement of the values of system suitability into the criteria limits required for both techniques, the validations have began. Standard solutions and tablets test solutions were prepared and injected into HPLC and UFLC, containing 0.008 mg/mL ISN, 0.043 mg/mL PYR, 0.030 mg.mL-1 ETA and 0.016 mg/mL RIF. The validation of analytical methods for HPLC and UFLC was carried out with the determination of specificity/selectivity, analytical curve, linearity, precision, limits of detection and quantification, accuracy and robustness. The methods were adequate for determination of 4 drugs separately without interfered with the others. Precise, due to the fact of the methods demonstrated since with the days variation, besides the repeatability, the values were into the level required by the regular agency. Linear (R> 0,99), once the methods were capable to demonstrate results directly proportional to the concentration of the analyte sample, within of specified range. Accurate, once the methods were capable to present values of variation coefficient and recovery percentage into the required limits (98 to 102%). The methods showed LOD and LOQ very low showing the high sensitivity of the methods for the four drugs. The robustness of the methods were evaluate, facing the temperature and flow changes, where they showed robustness just with the preview conditions established of temperature and flow, abrupt changes may influence with the results of methods


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The synthetic guanylhydrazones WE010 (3,5-di-tert-butil-4-hidroxibenzaldehyde-guanylhydrazone), WE014 (4-bifenilcarboxialdehydeguanylhydrazone) and WE017 (3,4-diclorobenzaldehydeguanylhydrazone) showed high cytotoxic activity in terms of percentage inhibition of cancer cells growth. However, further progress in the development of these drug candidates requires precise and convenient methods for their qualitative and quantitative analyses. The aim of this study was to develop and validate High Performance Liquid Chromatography with diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD) and Ultra Fast Liquid Chromatography with diode-array detection (UFLC-DAD) methods suitable for as simultaneous as isolated determination of studied guanylhydrazones, based on the optimization of chromatographic parameters and obtaining reduced detection times. The chromatographic analyses of analytes by HPLC were performed on C18 ACE analytical column (150 mm x 4.6 mm), with a particle size of 5.0 μm. Among all the conditions assayed, the best results of separation were obtained with a mixture of methanol:water (60:40, v/v) as the mobile phase at a flow rate 1.5mL/min and pH of 3.5 adjusted at acetic acid. The UFLC method was developed by experimetal desing techniques in order to find optimal chromatographic analytical conditions, which were achieved on XR-ODS analytical column (50 mm x 3.0 mm), with a particle size of 2,2 μm, maintained at 25 ºC. The mobile phase was consisted of methanol:water (65:35, v/v) with 0.1% triethylamine (TEA) and pH of 3.5 adjusted at acetic acid, at a flow rate 0.5 mL/min. The procedure were validated following evaluating parameters such as specificity, linearity, limits of detection (LD) and quantification (LQ), precision, accuracy and robustness, giving results within the acceptable range. Although the UFLC method shows better sensitivity (lower values of LD and LQ), robustness (lower rates of relative standard deviation) and minimize spending time and solvent, both developed methods were adequately applied to the analysis of guanylhydrazones molecules, may be used in routine of quality control laboratories. Keywords: guanylhydrazones, HPLC/DAD, UFLC/DAD, validation of analitical method


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The aluminothermic reduction consists in an exothermic reaction between a metallic oxide and aluminum to produce the metal and the scum. The extracted melted metal of that reaction usually comes mixed with particles of Al2O3 resulting of the reduction, needing of subsequent refine to eliminate the residual impure as well as to eliminate porosities. Seeking to obtain a product in powder form with nanometric size or even submicrometric, the conventional heat source of the reaction aluminothermic , where a resistor is used (ignitor) as ignition source was substituted, for the plasma, that acts more efficient way in each particle of the sample. In that work it was used as metallic oxide the niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) for the exothermal reaction Nb2O5 + Al. Amounts stoichiometric, substoichiometric and superestoichiometric of aluminum were used. The Nb2O5 powder was mixed with aluminum powder and milled in planetarium of high energy for a period of 6 hours. Those powders were immerged in plasm that acts in a punctual way in each particle, transfering heat, so that the reaction can be initiate and spread integrally for the whole volume of the particle. The mixture of Nb2O5 + Al was characterized through the particle size analysis by laser and X-ray diffraction (DRX) and the obtained product of reaction was characterized using the electronic microscopy of sweeping (MEV) and the formed phases were analyzed by DRX. Niobium powders with inferior sizes to 1 mm were obtained by that method. It is noticed, through the analysis of the obtained results, that is possible to accomplish the aluminothermic reduction process by plasma ignition with final particles with inferior sizes to the original oxide


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Infância is undoubtedly memory, high qual ity l iterature, reputable, as the story moves between f ict ion and reality. Personal and social history, wi th such a sense of reality, causing the reader to prof it f rom the honesty and the sinceri ty producing, in this work, remarkable results in a constancy of cl ippings, f rame -by-f rame. Memory and obl ivion are this work guidance. We aim to denounce the relat ionship between the chi ld and violence, and as it is a memorialist ic text , we see the importance of f ict ion for this type of narrat ive to be sustained. I aim thereby show the tone of this report humanizing memories, its deep and decisive meaning, through the memories concepts by Le Gof f , by Seligmann-Silva and by Ecléa Bosi. I t is also through the theories of Jeanne Marie Ganegbin that I just ify the concept of remembering and forget t ing, and also it is also according the concepts of Eliane Zagury that I give support to the importance of autobiography as a a mean of expressing the reported memor ies. Final ly, in Infância, there is no room for fantasy. The lyricism that overwhelms, throughout each chapter, commands the author's imaginat ion. The need to invent gives way to the need to test ify, to denounce. And this t ransit ion occurs gradually, slow as Gra c il ia n o s c h i ld li f e , d u e to such humiliat ion and submission


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Advertising text has been a subject of many investigations, because of its multimodal universe. Embodied by a linguistic and discursive materiality laying on scene persuasion, argumentation and power imagery of multissemiotics elements, the advertising text acts as an instrument of power, creating and destroying, promising and denying (CARVALHO, 2007). Advertising not only invites us to act for it, but directs us to look at it. It was under this moving look - of charm and interrogations - that discussions raised in this research were born. Investigations are directed to the school environment, in special, for the discursive advertising domain in Portuguese Language Textbook. It is from this environment that was born our research whose main objective is to analyze how does the didactic transposition of textual genres, described by Marcuschi (2008) as belonging to the "advertising" discourse domain (focusing on advertising genre) in didactic books teaching Portuguese Language before and after the advent of the PCN. Textbooks taken as reference for the study are historically situated in the 90s of the twentieth century and 10 century. Such books refer to elected 7th and 8th grades, currently corresponding to the 8th and 9th grades of elementary school. The choice is justified by the fact that in these Textbook teaching series the presence of advertising domain is recurrent and "didactized". In addition, we are also concerned in analyzing books that circulated around us and our regional reality. Hence, we elected books that were used by two public high schools: Municipal School Clementina Ana da Conceição in Jaçanã city in the Rio Grande do Norte state, State School for Elementary and High school Carlota Barreira in Areia city, Paraíba state. In our research the following categories of analysis were highlighted: (1) presence of advertising in DB, (2) fluctuation terminology: concepts and classifications; (3) The complexity of concepts facilitation, (4) what they propagate, and from which nature are the explored advertisements. From our analysis, we observe how the treatment of textual "advertising" genres have been inserted into Textbooks, and how occurs, in general, their didactic transposition. Focusing on the issue of fluctuating terminology, we noted the difficulty in drawing boundaries between the genres of advertising domain in the Textbooks. However, this also would result in the complexity - in the field of scientific knowledge - of delimiting genres of the same domain. To accomplish our studies, it was required a thorough and systematic dialogue with theories regarding the concept of "Didactic Transposition", due to the theoretical Chevallard Yves (1991), research on the textual genres - Bezerra (2005), Marcuschi (2008), Bazerman (2005), Swales (2004), among others - and studies involving the field of "Advertising" - Sandmann (2002), Carvalho (2007) and others


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Lucid dreaming (LD) is a mental state in which the subject is aware of being dreaming while dreaming. The prevalence of LD among Europeans, North Americans and Asians is quite variable (between 26 and 92%) (Stepansky et al., 1998; Schredl & Erlacher, 2011; Yu, 2008); in Latin Americans it is yet to be investigated. Furthermore, the neural bases of LD remain controversial. Different studies have observed that LD presents power increases in the alpha frequency band (Tyson et al., 1984), in beta oscillations recorded from the parietal cortex (Holzinger et al., 2006) and in gamma rhythm recorded from the frontal cortex (Voss et al., 2009), in comparison with non-lucid dreaming. In this thesis we report epidemiological and neurophysiological investigations of LD. To investigate the epidemiology of LD (Study 1), we developed an online questionnaire about dreams that was answered by 3,427 volunteers. In this sample, 56% were women, 24% were men and 20% did not inform their gender (the median age was 25 years). A total of 76.5% of the subjects reported recalling dreams at least once a week, and about two-thirds of them reported dreaming always in the first person, i.e. when the dreamer observes the dream from within itself, not as another dream character. Dream reports typically depicted actions (93.3%), known people (92.9%), sounds/voices (78.5%), and colored images (76.3%). The oneiric content was related to plans for upcoming days (37.8%), and memories of the previous day (13.8%). Nightmares were characterized by general anxiety/fear (65.5%), feeling of being chased (48.5%), and non-painful unpleasant sensations (47.6%). With regard to LD, 77.2% of the subjects reported having experienced LD at least once in their lifetime (44.9% reported up to 10 episodes ever). LD frequency was weakly correlated with dream recall frequency (r = 0.20, p <0.001) and was higher in men (χ2=10.2, p=0.001). The control of LD was rare (29.7%) and inversely correlated with LD duration (r=-0.38, p <0.001), which is usually short: to 48.5% of the subjects, LD takes less than 1 minute. LD occurrence is mainly associated with having sleep without a fixed time to wake up (38.3%), which increases the chance of having REM sleep (REMS). LD is also associated with stress (30.1%), which increases REMS transitions into wakefulness. Overall, the data suggest that dreams and nightmares can be evolutionarily understood as a simulation of the common situations that happen in life, and that are related to our social, psychological and biological integrity. The results also indicate that LD is a relatively common experience (but not recurrent), often elusive and difficult to control, suggesting that LD is an incomplete stationary stage (or phase transition) between REMS and wake state. Moreover, despite the variability of LD prevalence among North Americans, Europeans and Asians, our data from Latin Americans strengthens the notion that LD is a general phenomenon of the human species. To further investigate the neural bases of LD (Study 2), we performed sleep recordings of 32 non-frequent lucid dreamers (sample 1) and 6 frequent lucid dreamers (sample 2). In sample 1, we applied two cognitive-behavioral techniques to induce LD: presleep LD suggestion (n=8) and light pulses applied during REMS (n=8); in a control group we made no attempt to influence dreaming (n=16). The results indicate that it is quite difficult but still possible to induce LD, since we could induce LD in a single subject, using the suggestion technique. EEG signals from this one subject exhibited alpha (7-14 Hz) bursts prior to LD. These bursts were brief (about 3s), without significant change in muscle tone, and independent of the presence of rapid eye movements. No such bursts were observed in the remaining 31 subjects. In addition, LD exhibited significantly higher occipital alpha and right temporo-parietal gamma (30-50 Hz) power, in comparison with non-lucid REMS. In sample 2, LD presented increased frontal high-gamma (50-100 Hz) power on average, in comparison with non-lucid REMS; however, this was not consistent across all subjects, being a clear phenomenon in just one subject. We also observed that four of these volunteers showed an increase in alpha rhythm power over the occipital region, immediately before or during LD. Altogether, our preliminary results suggest that LD presents neurophysiological characteristics that make it different from both waking and the typical REMS. To the extent that the right temporo-parietal and frontal regions are related to the formation of selfconsciousness and body internal image, we suggest that an increased activity in these regions during sleep may be the neurobiological mechanism underlying LD. The alpha rhythm bursts, as well as the alpha power increase over the occipital region, may represent micro-arousals, which facilitate the contact of the brain during sleep with the external environment, favoring the occurrence of LD. This also strengthens the notion that LD is an intermediary state between sleep and wakefulness


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The circadian system consists of multiple oscillators organized hierarchically, with the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) as the master oscillator to mammalians. There are lots of evidences that each SCN cell is an oscillator and that entrainment depends upon coupling degree between them. Knowledge of the mechanism of coupling between the SCN cells is essential for understanding entrainment and expression of circadian rhythms, and thus promote the development of new treatments for circadian rhythmicity disorders, which may cause various diseases. Some authors suggest that the dissociation model of circadian rhythm activity of rats under T22, period near the limit of synchronization, is a good model to induce internal desynchronization, and in this way, enhance knowledge about the coupling mechanism. So, in order to evaluate the pattern of the motor activity circadian rhythm of marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, in light-dark cycles at the lower limit of entrainment, two experiments were conducted: 1) 6 adult females were submitted to the LD symmetric cycles T21, T22 and T21.5 for 60, 35 and 48 days, respectively; 2) 4 male and 4 female adults were subjected to T21 for 24 days followed by 18 days of LL, and then back to T21 for 24 days followed by 14 days of LL. Vocalizations of all animals and motor activity of each one of them were continuously recorded throughout the experiments, but the vocalizations were recorded only in Experiment 1. Under the Ts shorter than 24 h, two simultaneous circadian components appeared in motor activity, one with the same period of LD cycle, named light-entrained component, and the other in free-running, named non-light-entrained component. Both components were displayed for all the animals in T21, five animals (83.3%) in T21.5 and two animals (33.3%) in T22. For vocalizations both components were observed under the three Ts. Due to the different characteristics of these components we suggest that dissociation is result of partial synchronization to the LD cycle, wherein at least one group oscillator is synchronized to the LD by relative coordination and masking processes, while at least another group of oscillators is in free-running, but also under the influence of masking by the LD. As the T21 h was the only cycle able to promote the emergence of both circadian components in circadian rhythms of all Callithrix jacchus, this was then considered the lower entrainment limit of LD cycle promoter of dissociation in circadian rhythmicity of this species, and then suggested as a non-human primate model for forced desynchronization


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The temporal allocation of the active phase in relation to light and dark cycle (LD) changes during puberty in humans, degus, rats and rhesus. In marmosets, the animal model used in several biomedical researches, there is evidence of a delay at the beginning of the active phase and an increase in total daily activity after onset of puberty. However, as this aspect was evaluated in animals maintained in natural environmental conditions, it was not possible to distinguish between the effects of puberty and of seasonality. Furthermore, as motor activity is the result of different behaviors in this species, it is also important to characterize the diurnal distribution of other behaviors in juvenile stage. With the aim of characterizing the circadian rhythm of motor activity and the diurnal profile of affiliative behavior in marmosets, the motor activity of 5 dyads juveniles between 4 and 12 months of age and their parents was recorded continuously for actímetro. The families were maintained under artificial LD 12:12 h, constant temperature and humidity. The duration of grooming behavior, proximity and social play among juveniles was recorded 2 times a week in sessions of 15 minutes each hour of the active phase. Afetr onset of puberty in juvenile, it was observed that there was no change in the parameters of circadian motor activity rhythm which were common to most animals. Despite the absence of pubertal modulation, it was observed that the circadian activity profiles have stronger synchrony between individuals of the same family than that of different families, which may indicate that the circadian activity rhythm was modulated by the dynamics of social interactions. In relation to age, the total daily activity and the ratio between evening and morning activity (EA/MA) were higher in juveniles than in adults, which may be associated with differences in the circadian timing system between age groups. Furthermore, the onset of the 10 consecutive hours of higher activity (M10) occurred earlier in adult males than in other members of the group, probably as a way to avoid competition for resources in one of the first activities of the day that is foraging. During the juvenile stage, there was an increase in total daily activity that may be associated with increased motor ability of juveniles. In addition to the circadian activity rhythm, the daytime profile of proximity and social play behaviors was similar between the 5th and 12th month of life of juveniles, in which the interval between 7- 10 h in the morning showed the highest values of proximity and lower values of play social. Moreover, the duration of the grooming showed a similar distribution to adults from the 8th month, wherein the higher values occurring at the interval between 11 14 h of day. Considering the results, the parameters of the circadian activity rhythm had a greater influence of social factors than puberty. In relation to age, there were no changes related to the allocation of the active phase in relation to the LD cycle, but total daily activity, the ratio AV/AM and the start of the M10 is possible to observe differences between juveniles and adults


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Kerodon rupestris (rock cavy, mocó) is an endemic caviidae of Brazilian northeast that inhabits rocky places in the semi arid region. The aim of this study was to characterize the activity/rest rhythm of the rock cavy under 12:12 h LD cycle and continuous light. In the first stage, seven animals were submitted to two light intensities (LD; 250:0 lux and 400:0 lux; 40 days each intensity). In the second stage four males were kept for 40 days in LD (470:<1 lux), for 18 days in LL 470 lux (LL470) and for 23 days in red dim light below 1 lux (LL<1). In the third stage three males were initially kept in LD 12:12 h (450:<1 lux) and after that in LL with gradual increase in light intensity each 21 days (<1 lux LL<1; 10 lux-LL10; 160 lux LL160; 450 lux LL450). In the fourth stage it was analyzed the motor activity of 16 animals in the first 10 days in LD. Motor activity was continuously recorded by passive infrared movement sensors connected to a computer and totaled in 5 min bins. The activity showed circadian and ultradian rhythms and activity peaks at phase transitions. The activity and the rest occurred in the light as well as in the dark phase, with activity mean greater in the light phase for most of the animals. The light intensity influenced the activity/rest rhythm in the first three stages and in the first stage the activity in 400 lux increased in four animals and decreases in two. In the second stage, the tau for 3 animals in LL470 was greater than 24 h; in LL<1 it was greater than 24 h for one and lower for two. In the third stage the tau decreased with the light intensity increase for animal 8. During the first days in the experimental room, the animals did not synchronize to the LD cycle with activity and rest occurring in both phases. The results indicate that the activity/rest rhythm of Kerodon rupestris can be affected by light intensity and that the synchronization to the LD cycle results from entrainment as well as masking probably as a consequence of the action of two or more oscillators with low coupling strength


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The principal zeitgeber for most of species is the light-dark photocycle (LD), though other environment factors as food availability, temperature and social cues may act. Daily adjustment of the circadian pacemaker may result from integration of environmental photic and non-photic cues with homeostatic cues. Characterization of non-photic effects on circadian timing system in diurnal mammals is scarce in relation to nocturnal, especially for ecologically significant cues. Thus, we analyzed the effect of conspecific vocalizations and darkness on circadian activity rhythm (CAR) in the diurnal primate Callithirx jacchus. With this objective 7 male adults were isolated in a room with controlled illumination, temperature (26,8 ± 0,2°C) and humidity (81,6 ± 3,6%), and partial acoustic isolation. Initially they were under LD 12:12 (~300:2 lux), and subsequently under constant illumination (~2 lux). Two pulses of conspecific vocalizations were applied in total darkness, separated by 22 days, at 7:30 h (external time) during 1 h. They induced phase delays at circadian times (CTs) 1 and 10 and predominantly phase advances at CTs 9 and 15. After that, two dark pulses were applied, separated by 14 days, during 1 h at 7:30 h (external time). These pulses induced phase delays at CTs 2, 3 and 18, predominantly phase advances at CTs 8, 10 and 19, and no change at CT 14. However, marmosets CAR showed oscillations in endogenous period and active phase duration influenced by vocalizations from animals outside the experimental room, which interfered on the phase responses to pulses. Furthermore, social masking and relative coordination with colony were observed. Therefore, phase responses obtained in this work cannot be attributed only to pulses. Afterwards, pulses of conspecific vocalizations were applied in total darkness at 19:00 h (external time), during 1 h for 5 consecutive days, and after 21 days, for 30 consecutive days, on attempt to synchronize the CAR. No animal was synchronized by these daily pulses, although oscillations in endogenous period were observed for all. This result may be due to habituation. Other possibility is the absence of social significance of the vocalizations for the animals due to random reproduction, since each vocalization has a function that could be lost by a mixture of sounds. In conclusion, conspecific vocalizations induce social masking and relative coordination in marmosets CAR, acting as weak zeitgeber