5 resultados para Envolvimento escolar

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This thesis talks about the use of guided educational tools in play and playful in public schools in the Metropolitan Region of Natal (MRN), contributing to the teaching and students learning of basic education in the contents of portuguese and mathematics. We assume that the play is an activity / human need and therefore implies the proper development of children in physical, psychological, biological, cultural, social and historical aspects. We consider the mediation exercised by the teacher in the classroom, and the affection existing between teacher and student, sine qua non terms, so that the truth and fact of the process of teaching and learning occur. Thus, theoretically collaborated Paulo Freire, with his dialogical vision; Lev S. Vygotsky says that we learn and why we develop; Lev S. Vygotsky that states that we learn and for that we develop ourselves; Pierre Bourdieu and the concept of habitus, as something embedded and therefore procedural, and the cultural capital that needs to be fed and (re)meaning at school; Luiz Pereira, Bernard Lahire, Gilles Brougère and others brought their theoretical contributions. The empirical field of research was composed by the Municipal School Professor Ulysses de Góis, located in the neighborhood of Nova Descoberta in Natal, and the Municipal School José Horacio de Góis, located in the community of Guanduba, in São Gonçalo do Amarante, municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Natal (MRN). We used as methodology the collaborative-action-research as a possible of effective participation of the research subjects, imputing them a voice and performance in the process, and not considering them just observers. The results indicate the effectiveness of the pedagogical tools in play and playful to the learning of students, but that alone is not able to solve all the problems of the school, other referrals need to be secured, as the planning of the actions to be developed in the school and in the classroom, systematized pedagogical orienttion for faculty, family participation/involvement in the school life of students, among other actions that need to be weighted so that education fulfills its role and promote the emancipation of the subject, because in the freireana liberating perspective, "the reading of the world preced the lecture of the word"


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Dans le scénario actuel marqué par l'insuccès de l'école publique en alphabétiser les enfants, l'objectif de cet étude est d'analyser, dans le cadre d'une école publique (dont les enfants, d'après les numéros officiels, deviennent lettrés au cours des trois premières années), des actions de gestion scolaire qui favorisent le processus d'alphabétisation. Pour cela nous suivons les principes de la méthode qualitative et adoptons l‟études de cas. Le terrain empirique est une école publique de la ville de Parnamirim (RN) et les sujets sont sa directrice, la vice-directrice, trois enseignantes des trois premières années de l'enseignement fondamental, deux coordinatrices pédagogiques, deux parents et six enfants. Pour la construction des données nous adoptons le questionnaire, l'analyse documentaire, des entretiens semi-dirigés et l'observation non-participante. Les fondements théoriques qui servirent de jalon à nos interprétations se retrouvent dans les conceptions actuelles de gestion éducationnelle et d'alphabétisation, ainsi que sur le processus d'apprentissage et de développement et pratique éducative. Dans cette étude, le concept de gestion est pris comme manière de dépasser la perspective bornée, bureaucratique, comme condition fondamentale de la qualité d'enseignement et de transformation de la propre identité des écoles, des systèmes d'enseignement et de l'éducation brésilienne; un concept déposé sur (et à partir de ) la mobilisation dynamique des sujets humains organisés collectivement. L'alphabétisation d'enfants est comprise en tant qu'enseignement-apprentissage du langage écrit dans une processus qui entoure deux dimensions indissociables: l'appropriation du système d'écriture alphabétique et le développement d'habilités/pratiques textuelles, dont les spécificités de développement impliquent systématisation et internationalité, caractéristiques de l'école en tant qu'institution éducative. A travers l'analyse des données fondé en quelques principes de l'analyse de contenu nous constatâmes que la gestion de l'école objet de la recherche, bien que marquée par des contradictions, développe des actions qui exercent un rôle fondamental dans les processus et résultats de l'apprentissage de l'écriture par les enfants. Ayant identifié les actions, nous construisîmes les catégories suivantes: 1) Actions relatives à l'organisation de l'école comme institution; 2) Actions relatives à organisation du processus enseignement-apprentissage; et sous-catégories: 1.1 Création et manutention d'infra-structure adéquate; 1.2 Promotion du travail collectif et autonome des professionnels; 1.3 Construction/formation permanente de l'équipe de professeurs; 1.4 Participation des parents dans la dynamique de l'école; 2.1 Disponibilité de ressources pour l'apprentissage; 2.2 Systématisation de la planification du processus enseignement-apprentissage e 2.2.1 Systématisation de l'évaluation de l'apprentissage. La catégorisation construite, bien que sa réflexion, signale que les actions qui favorisent l'alphabétisation des enfants s'approchent des conceptions d'une éducation de qualité sociale et de la démocratisation de l'éducation, bien que la propre institution de la gestion de l'école ne soit, pas encore, démocratisée. Notre étude réaffirme que la gestion de l'école, comme tout pratique humaine et sociale, a un caractère essentiellement contradictoire, inachevé et lacunaire, mais qui, jusqu'aux limites des contradiction, l'on trouve des possibilités, mises en évidence dans les actions de la gestion intimement articulées avec le succès de l'apprentissage et qui, par conséquent, peuvent construire une référence pour la réflexion sur les pratiques de gestion de l'école engagées engagée avec l'apprentissage et avec l'alphabétisation des enfants


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On this qualitative study, it has been discussed the school inclusion paths done by a student with cerebral palsy, who we call Liz, and who was also the reference and indirect subject for this study. For the representation of landscapes found, it follows throughout historical, political and pedagogical paths, getting through the case study method references on the current Brazilian educational context, analyzing, which concepts are attributed to the inclusion and which practices are developed by educational managers and teachers in a regular school of the City of Natal/RN. The theory which based this research is supported on Vygotsky's central ideas (1991, 1997, 2004) and his followers. Furthermore, it was essential to bring to this investigative journey a literature which could dialogue with the most relevant aspects of the cultural-historical approach, emphasizing the assumptions of a progressive education tendency, which promotes the subject involvement of his/her work in the world and for the world. This way, it was necessary to seek for theoretical support on assistive technology and on alternative communication, in order to show the importance of establishing other communications, which is, to break away from the conventional pattern established by the school. On this journey it was used procedures for the data construction, such as: observation, conducting semistructured interviews and questionnaires; and document analysis that supported and legitimized the inclusion, besides the permanent field diaries record. On the access paths to this landscape it entered in the Youth and Adults Education (Educação de Jovens e Adultos - EJA), seeking to establish a dialogue among Youth and Adult Education and Special Education. It was verified that, still, there are large gaps in these policies articulation. Among the results obtained it was raised discussions on new scenery, in which Youth and Adults Education (EJA) emerges as prominent mode of the established relationships throughout the school inclusion process. There were target reflections on: the planning and evaluation systematic, the pedagogical articulation among the Youth and Adults Education (EJA) teachers and the multifunctional resource room teacher's actions and the continuous training importance of the educators involved. It was considered, therefore, that the necessary mediations for school inclusion may be sustained if the walkers are involved in a permanent contact with the nature of a proposal from the Special Education inclusive perspective


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Analyze the work of the school manager who now faces the changes experienced in school management for the last two decades. We propose that there have been changes in school management that have generated a larger number of activities to be developed by managers, causing both the intensification of work and a greater involvement of professionals in the financial-administrative dimension of their work in opposition to the political and pedagogical dimension. This study has a historic-critic approach. That is why we performed semi-structured interviews with school managers of the city schools in Natal RN, BR as a methodological procedure. We also analyzed the literature as well as the documentation relevant to this subject. From the study it was possible to conclude that changes in the field of school management and also teaching have led to an intensification of work of school managers and that such changes have not been followed by corresponding improvement in working conditions and teaching career of these professionals. They, as a rule, are considered by controlling agencies and by the school community as the primarily responsible for the school condition and for creating actions or projects that may improve the institutional objectives and results, including even the maintenance of the institution. Moreover, the growing number of administrative activities represents for obvious reasons extra work for these managers, who, when trying to cope with the growing bureaucratic situations, end up misplacing other political and educational aspects of school work, which may undermine the final purpose of school itself. We stress that we must broaden the discussions on the functions of the school manager, so that this worker can actualize a pedagogical project more committed to an emancipatory nature, despite all the challenge in keeping the school running in often-precarious conditions


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This dissertation aims to contribute on teaching of mathematics for enabling learning connected to the relationship among science, society, culture and cognition. To this end, we propose the involvement of our students with social practices found in history, since. Our intention is to create opportunities for school practices that these mathematical arising from professional practice historical, provide strategies for mathematical thinking and reasoning in the search for solutions to problematizations found today. We believe that the propose of producing Basic Problematization Units, or simply UBPs, in math teacher formation, points to an alternative that allows better utilization of the teaching and learning process of mathematics. The proposal has the aim of primary education to be, really forming the citizen, making it critical and society transformative agent. In this sense, we present some recommendations for exploration and use of these units for teachers to use the material investigated by us, in order to complement their teaching work in mathematics lessons. Our teaching recommendations materialized as a product of exploration on the book, Instrumentos nuevos de geometria muy necessários para medir distancia y alturas sem que interuengan numeros como se demuestra em la practica , written by Andrés de Cespedes, published in Madrid, Spain, in 1606. From these problematizations and the mathematics involved in their solutions, some guidelines for didactic use of the book are presented, so that the teacher can rework such problematizations supported on current issues, and thus use them in the classroom