6 resultados para Electroencephalography.
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is a key feature of human language and can be identified theoretically in most pieces of tonal music. However, previous studies have argued against the perception of such structures in music. Here, we show processing of nonlocal dependencies in music. We presented chorales by J. S. Bach and modified versions inwhich the hierarchical structure was rendered irregular whereas the local structure was kept intact. Brain electric responses differed between regular and irregular hierarchical structures, in both musicians and nonmusicians. This finding indicates that, when listening to music, humans apply cognitive processes that are capable of dealing with longdistance dependencies resulting from hierarchically organized syntactic structures. Our results reveal that a brain mechanism fundamental for syntactic processing is engaged during the perception of music, indicating that processing of hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is not just a key component of human language, but a multidomain capacity of human cognition.
The association of Virtual Reality (VR) to clinical practice has become common in the recent years, showing to be an additional tool on health care, especially for elderly. Its use has been related to higher therapeutic adhesion levels and well being sensation. Such emotional based aspects are often observed by subjective tools of relative validity. This study analyzed the immediate effects of varied VR contexts balance training over emotional behavior, which was observed under peaks of maximum expression of EEG waves. Methodology: 40 individuals, divided in two groups, both gender, 20 young and 20 elderly, were submitted to a 60 minutes intervention, including balance training under VR. The first 25 minutes referred to initial evaluation, general orientation and cognitive assessment by the use of Mini Mental. The next ten minutes were designated to the avatar creation and tutorial video presentation. Through the following 20 minutes, the individuals from both groups were exposed to the exact same sequence of games under virtual contexts, while submitted to electroencephalography by Emotiv EPOC® focusing Adhesion, Frustration and Meditation states. The virtual interface was provided by the Nintendo® game, Wii Fit Plus, with the scenarios Balance Bubble (1), Penguin (2), Soccer (3), Tight Rope (4) and Table Tilt (5). Finally, a questionnaire of personal impressions was applied on the 5 minutes left. Results: data collected showed 64,7% of individuals from both groups presented higher concentration of adhesion peaks on Balance Bubble game. Both groups also presented similar behavior regarding meditation state, with marks close to 40%, each, on the same game, Table Tilt. There was divergence related to the frustration state, being the maximum concentration for the young group on the Soccer game (29,3%), whilst the elderly group referred highest marks to Tight Rope game (35,2%). Conclusion: Findings suggest virtual contexts can be favorable to adhesion and meditation emotional patterns induction, regardless age and for both sexes, whilst frustration seems to be more related to cognitive motor affordance, likely to be influenced by age. This information is relevant and contributes to the orientation for the best choice of games applied in clinical practice, as for other studies regarding this topic
O estado vibracional (EV) é descrito como uma sensação de vibração intensa por todo o corpo, em que o sujeito se mantém num estado de relaxamento psicofisiológico que pode ser gerado de forma espontânea ou autoinduzida. Pessoas que aplicam esta técnica relatam alterações do estado mental e emocional, tais como: relaxamento, disposição, limpidez de pensamento, equilíbrio emocional, melhoria do raciocínio, bemestar, entre outros. Estas são, entretanto observações subjetivas, sendo a mensuração deste fenômeno uma lacuna e um desafio para a ciência. O objetivo desta pesquisa é explorar sistematicamente o estado vibracional no âmbito da neurociência. Desta forma, medidas eletroencefalográficas (EEG) foram utilizadas para observar se a sensação subjetiva de EV é acompanhada por mudanças na atividade elétrica cerebral. Além disso, para avaliar se o EV provoca algum efeito positivo em funções cognitivas como atenção e memória, foi utilizado um teste de reconhecimento de palavras antes e depois da aplicação da técnica de EV. Foram também aplicados questionários de dados gerais socioeconômicos e de saúde, do perfil de estados de humor, de qualidade do sono, além de inventários psicológicos. O foco inicial do trabalho foi a análise estatística dos dados de EEG, ficando as outras análises para uma etapa posterior. Dois grupos de voluntários foram analisados, o primeiro formado por 14 sujeitos que praticam a técnica de EV há pelo menos 10 anos (Grupo Experiente - GEXP), e o segundo formado por 11 sujeitos que nunca haviam realizado a técnica (Grupo Controle - GCONT). O GCONT obteve instruções sobre a técnica de EV antes dos experimentos. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas dos registros eletroencefalográficos, para comparar os grupos, em quatro condições: Basal, Relaxamento, Não-EV (período em que o sujeito está engajado na tarefa, mas ainda não percebe o EV) e EV (período em que o sujeito percebe o EV). Uma vez que os sujeitos do GCONT relataram não ter conseguido atingir a condição de EV propriamente, a comparação entre grupos foi feita apenas nas três condições, Basal, Relaxamento e Não-EV. Para isso, foi usado o teste de Mann-Whitney U com um limiar estatístico de p<0,05. De forma geral, o GEXP apresentou maior potência na banda de frequência alfa 2 (9,5-11,0 Hz) em todas as condições. Durante o período Não-EV, o GEXP também apresentou uma maior potência na banda de frequência alfa 3 (11,5-13,0 Hz) na região temporal esquerda, e gama 1 (30,5-55,0 Hz) e gama 2 (65,0-80,0 Hz) em regiões central, parietal e temporal esquerda, mas menor potência na banda de frequência teta 1 (3,5 - 5,0 Hz), em regiões centro-parietais. Para a análise estatística intragrupo, entre as condições, utilizou-se o teste estatístico Wilcoxon pareado. Observaram-se diferenças significativas (p<0,005), principalmente em regiões centrais, em teta 1 (3,5-5,0 Hz), sendo maior no Relaxamento, quando comparado com as condições Basal e Não-EV, no GCONT, e com o Não-EV e EV, no GEXP. No GEXP, a potência de gama 1 (30,5-55,0 Hz) e gama 2 (65,0-80,0 Hz) foi difusamente maior durante o EV, se comparado às outras três condições. Para o GCONT, apenas a condição Basal apresentou maior potência de gama 1 (30,5-55,0 Hz) e gama 2 (65,0- 80,0 Hz), se comparado com o Relaxamento. O aumento de teta 1 no Relaxamento, principalmente no GCONT, pode estar associado a uma maior sonolência deste grupo durante esta condição. Já o aumento de alfa 2 durante o Não-EV e o EV, pode estar associado com processos de atenção e cognição (DOLPPERMAYR et al., 2002; FELL et al., 2010; KLIMESCH et al., 1999; RAY E COLE, 1985). Por outro lado, o aumento da potência de gama em sujeitos experientes na técnica de EV encontrado aqui e em trabalhos anteriores, em meditadores experientes (FELL et al., 2010; LEHMANN et al., 2001; LUTZ et al., 2004), poderia estar associado a alterações nos processos mentais e cognitivos destes praticantes, tais como atenção, memória operacional, aprendizagem e percepção consciente embora, análises adicionais devam ser realizadas para excluir a possibilidade de interferência de artefatos musculares nos dados de EEG. Estes resultados suscitam a hipótese de que no engajamento da tarefa do EV e durante o EV, os sujeitos do GEXP conseguem manter-se em um estado de alerta, porém com maior nível de relaxamento e concentração. Uma inspeção mais detalhada dos dados, além de outros experimentos com diferentes protocolos, um maior número de sujeitos e pesquisas longitudinais são necessários para que testar esta hipótese
Introduction: Slow abdominal breathing (SAB) stimulates baroreflex and generates respiratory sinus arrhythmia, changing cardiovascular, emotional and cerebral systems acute and chronically. However, although meditative practices have been receiving increasingly attention in the last years, there is no agreement on the neurophysiological changes underlying them, mainly because of the lack of topographical pieces of information. Purpose: We aimed to analyze the acute effect of SAB on brain activity, emotional and cardiovascular responses in untrained subjects in meditative techniques. Methods: Seventeen healthy adults’ men were assessed into two different sessions in a random and crossed order. Into experimental session, they breathed in 6 cycles/minute and in control session they kept breathing in normal rate, both for 20 minutes. xi Before, during, and after each session we assessed brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG), anxiety, mood, heart rate variability (HRV) and blood pressure. The sLORETA software was used to analyze EEG data for source localization of brain areas in which activity was changed. Results: The sLORETA showed that beta band frequency was reduced in frontal gyrus (P<0.01) and anterior cingulate cortex (P<0.05) both during and after SAB (P<0.05) compared to the moment before it. There was no change in brain activity in control session. Additionally, a two-way repeated measures ANOVA showed that there was no effect on anxiety (P>0.8) and mood (P>0.08). There were improvements in HRV (P<0.03), with increased RR interval and decreased HR after SAB, as well as increased SDNN, RMSSD, pNN50, low frequency, LF/HF ratio, and total power during it, with no changes in SBP and DBP. Conclusions: We conclude that SAB is able to change brain activity in areas responsible for emotional processing, even without behavioral changes. Furthermore, SAB improves HRV and does not change blood pressure in normotensive.
The classifier support vector machine is used in several problems in various areas of knowledge. Basically the method used in this classier is to end the hyperplane that maximizes the distance between the groups, to increase the generalization of the classifier. In this work, we treated some problems of binary classification of data obtained by electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) using Support Vector Machine with some complementary techniques, such as: Principal Component Analysis to identify the active regions of the brain, the periodogram method which is obtained by Fourier analysis to help discriminate between groups and Simple Moving Average to eliminate some of the existing noise in the data. It was developed two functions in the software R, for the realization of training tasks and classification. Also, it was proposed two weights systems and a summarized measure to help on deciding in classification of groups. The application of these techniques, weights and the summarized measure in the classier, showed quite satisfactory results, where the best results were an average rate of 95.31% to visual stimuli data, 100% of correct classification for epilepsy data and rates of 91.22% and 96.89% to object motion data for two subjects.
Hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is a key feature of human language and can be identified theoretically in most pieces of tonal music. However, previous studies have argued against the perception of such structures in music. Here, we show processing of nonlocal dependencies in music. We presented chorales by J. S. Bach and modified versions inwhich the hierarchical structure was rendered irregular whereas the local structure was kept intact. Brain electric responses differed between regular and irregular hierarchical structures, in both musicians and nonmusicians. This finding indicates that, when listening to music, humans apply cognitive processes that are capable of dealing with longdistance dependencies resulting from hierarchically organized syntactic structures. Our results reveal that a brain mechanism fundamental for syntactic processing is engaged during the perception of music, indicating that processing of hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is not just a key component of human language, but a multidomain capacity of human cognition.