4 resultados para Efecte hivernacle (Meteorologia) -- Brasil
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The Northeast of Brazil (NEB) shows high climate variability, ranging from semiarid regions to a rainy regions. According to the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the NEB is highly susceptible to climate change, and also heavy rainfall events (HRE). However, few climatology studies about these episodes were performed, thus the objective main research is to compute the climatology and trend of the episodes number and the daily rainfall rate associated with HRE in the NEB and its climatologically homogeneous sub regions; relate them to the weak rainfall events and normal rainfall events. The daily rainfall data of the hydrometeorological network managed by the Agência Nacional de Águas, from 1972 to 2002. For selection of rainfall events used the technique of quantiles and the trend was identified using the Mann-Kendall test. The sub regions were obtained by cluster analysis, using as similarity measure the Euclidean distance and Ward agglomerative hierarchical method. The results show that the seasonality of the NEB is being intensified, i.e., the dry season is becoming drier and wet season getting wet. The El Niño and La Niña influence more on the amount of events regarding the intensity, but the sub-regions this influence is less noticeable. Using daily data reanalysis ERAInterim fields of anomalies of the composites of meteorological variables were calculated for the coast of the NEB, to characterize the synoptic environment. The Upper-level cyclonic vortex and the South atlantic convergene zone were identified as the main weather systems responsible for training of EPI on the coastland
The increase in ultraviolet radiation (UV) at surface, the high incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) in coast of Northeast of Brazil (NEB) and reduction of total ozone were the motivation for the present study. The overall objective was to identify and understand the variability of UV or Index Ultraviolet Radiation (UV Index) in the capitals of the east coast of the NEB and adjust stochastic models to time series of UV index aiming make predictions (interpolations) and forecasts / projections (extrapolations) followed by trend analysis. The methodology consisted of applying multivariate analysis (principal component analysis and cluster analysis), Predictive Mean Matching method for filling gaps in the data, autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) and Mann-Kendal. The modeling via the ADL consisted of parameter estimation, diagnostics, residuals analysis and evaluation of the quality of the predictions and forecasts via mean squared error and Pearson correlation coefficient. The research results indicated that the annual variability of UV in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte (Natal) has a feature in the months of September and October that consisting of a stabilization / reduction of UV index because of the greater annual concentration total ozone. The increased amount of aerosol during this period contributes in lesser intensity for this event. The increased amount of aerosol during this period contributes in lesser intensity for this event. The application of cluster analysis on the east coast of the NEB showed that this event also occurs in the capitals of Paraiba (João Pessoa) and Pernambuco (Recife). Extreme events of UV in NEB were analyzed from the city of Natal and were associated with absence of cloud cover and levels below the annual average of total ozone and did not occurring in the entire region because of the uneven spatial distribution of these variables. The ADL (4, 1) model, adjusted with data of the UV index and total ozone to period 2001-2012 made a the projection / extrapolation for the next 30 years (2013-2043) indicating in end of that period an increase to the UV index of one unit (approximately), case total ozone maintain the downward trend observed in study period
The effects of climate change on human societies have become the focus of many researchers for their research. Understanding weather patterns (circulation of the atmosphere, precipitation, temperature) is essences for predicting extreme weather, but analyze how these extreme events act in our society and look for ways to reduce the impact caused by these events is the great challenge. Using a concept very in the humanities and social sciences to understand these impacts and the adaptation of the society's vulnerability. The objective of this work is to develop and apply a methodology for evaluating fining scale and quantify the vulnerability of the Brazilian Northeast to climatic extremes, developing a methodology that combines aspects of vulnerability to drought, as well as socioeconomic and climatic indicators used to assess exposure, ability to adaptation and the sensitivity of geographical microregions of the region. The assessment of the susceptibility or degree of exposure to risk is the regional using the SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) by the degree of magnitude dried (MD), the rate of precipitation such as PCD (Precipitation Concentration Degree) and PCP (Precipitation Period Concentration) helped characterize and regional climatology, these indices showed satisfactory results in the pilot study of Rio Grande do Norte to assess the degree of exposure to drought. Regarding sensitivity agricultural / livestock multivariate statistical technique to factor analysis showed acceptable results for the proposed model using data for the period 1990-1999 (P1). The application of the analysis of vulnerability considering the adaptive capacity, as the adaptive disability have almost similar results with much of the region's vulnerability to extreme south of Bahia state as a part of the semiarid region has a degree of vulnerability among moderate and mean
The objective of this research was to investigate monthly climatological, seasonal, annual and interdecadal of the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) in Acre state in order to better understand its spatial and temporal variability and identify possible trends in the region. The study was conducted with data from Rio Branco municipalities, the state capital, Tarauacá and Cruzeiro do Sul considering a 30-year period (1985-2014), from monthly data from weather stations surface of the National Institute of Meteorology. The methodology was held, first, the consistency of meteorological data. Thus, it was made the gap filling in the time series by means of multivariate techniques. Subsequently were performed statistical tests trend (Mann-Kendall) and homogeneity, by Sen's estimator of the magnitude of this trend is estimated, as well as computational algorithms containing parametric and non-parametric tests for two samples to identify from that year the trend has become significant. Finally, analysis of variance technique (ANOVA) was adopted in order to verify whether there were significant differences in average annual evapotranspiration between locations. The indirect method of Penman-Montheith parameterized by FAO was used to calculate the ETo. The results of this work through examination of the descriptive statistics showed that the ETo the annual average was 3.80, 2.92 and 2.86 mm day-1 year, to Rio Branco, Tarauacá and Cruzeiro do Sul, respectively. Featuring quite remarkable seasonal pattern with a minimum in June and a maximum in October, with Rio Branco to town one with the strongest signal (amplitudes) on the other hand, the Southern Cross presented the highest variability among the studied locations. By ANOVA it was found that the average annual statistically different for a significance level of 1% between locations, but the annual average between Cruzeiro do Sul and Tarauacá no statistically significant differences. For the three locations, the 2000s was the one with the highest ETo values associated with warmer waters of the North Atlantic basin and the 80s to lower values, associated with cooler waters of this basin. By analyzing the Mann-kendall and Sen estimator test, there was a trend of increasing the seasonal reference evapotranspiration (fall, winter and spring) on the order of 0.11 mm per decade and that from the years of 1990, 1996 and 2001 became statistically significant to the localities of Cruzeiro do Sul Tarauacá and Rio Branco, respectively. For trend analysis of meteorological parameters was observed positive trend in the 5% level of significance, for average temperature, minimum temperature and solar radiation.