7 resultados para EMBASE

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Introdução: A asma se tornou um problema de saúde pública devido aos seus grandes custos em cuidados de saúde. Os exercícios respiratórios constituem uma intervenção não farmacológica de baixo custo e baixo risco que vem sendo utilizada por fisioterapeutas em diferentes países no tratamento de pacientes asmáticos. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia dos exercícios respiratórios no tratamento de pacientes adultos com asma nos seguintes desfechos: qualidade de vida, sintomas da asma, número de exacerbações agudas, episódios de hospitalização, mensurações fisiológicas (função pulmonar e capacidade funcional), número de consultas médicas, número de faltas no trabalho devido a exacerbações da doença, avaliação subjetiva do paciente em relação à intervenção. Método: Revisão sistemática de estudos controlados randomizados com metanálise realizada em parceria com a Colaboração Cochrane. As seguintes bases de dados foram consultadas: the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, e PsycINFO, além de busca manual em revistas da área e em resumos de congressos. Os seguintes termos foram utilizados: (breath*) and (exercise* or retrain* or train* or re-educat* or educat* or physiotherap* or "physical therap*" or "respiratory therapy" or buteyko ). As listas de referências dos estudos selecionados e registros de ensaios clínicos também foram consultados. A seleção dos estudos e a avaliação do risco de viés dos estudos incluídos foram realizadas de maneira independente por dois revisores. O software Review Manager foi utilizado para análise dos dados, no qual o modelo de efeito fixo foi utilizado. As variáveis contínuas foram expressas como diferença de média ponderada com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. A heterogeneidade dos resultados dos estudos incluídos foi realizada por meio da análise dos Forest plots. O teste qui-quadrado (Chi2) com um P valor de 0.10 foi utilizado para indicar significância estatística. O Índice de heterogeneidade (I2) foi implementado com um valor acima de 50% como um nível substancial de heterogeneidade. Resultados: 13 estudos envolvendo 906 pacientes estão atualmente incluídos na revisão. Os seguintes desfechos foram mensurados pelos estudos incluídos: qualidade de vida, sintomas da asma, número de exacerbações agudas e função pulmonar. Os estudos relataram uma melhora na qualidade de vida, sintomas da asma e número de exacerbações agudas. Seis dos onze estudos que avaliaram função pulmonar mostraram uma diferença significativa favorável aos exercícios respiratórios. Não houve relato de efeitos adversos. Devido à heterogeneidade substancial encontrada entre os estudos, metanálise foi possível apenas para sintomas da asma, a qual incluiu dois estudos e mostrou uma diferença significativa favorável aos exercícios respiratórios. A avaliação do risco de viés foi prejudicada devido ao relato incompleto de aspectos metodológicos pela maioria dos estudos incluídos. Conclusão: Embora os resultados encontrados pelos estudos incluídos demonstraram individualmente que os exercícios respiratórios podem ser importantes no tratamento da asma, não há evidência conclusiva nesta revisão para suportar ou refutar a eficácia desta intervenção no tratamento de pacientes asmáticos. Este fato foi devido às diferenças metodológicas entre os estudos incluídos e à ausência de relato de aspectos metodológicos por parte da maioria dos estudos incluídos. Não há dados disponíveis em relação aos efeitos dos exercícios respiratórios nos seguintes desfechos: episódios de hospitalização, número de consultas médicas, número de faltas no trabalho devido a exacerbações da doença, e avaliação subjetiva do paciente em relação à intervenção


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In asthmatic, the lung hyperinflation leaves the inspiratory muscle at a suboptimal position in length-tension relationship, reducing the capacity of to generate tension. The increase in transversal section area of the inspiratory muscles could reverse or delay the deterioration of inspiratory muscle function. Objective: To evaluate the evidence for the efficacy of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) with an external resistive device in patients with asthma. Methods: A systematic review with meta-analysis was carried out. The sources researched were the Cochrane Airways Group Specialised Register of trials, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library Issue 11 of 12, 2012), MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, AMED, ClinicalTrials.gov and reference lists of articles. All databases were searched from their inception up to November 2012 and there was no restriction on the language of publication. Randomised controlled trials that involved the use of an external inspiratory muscle training device versus a control (sham or no inspiratory training device) were considered for inclusion. Two reviewers independently selected articles for inclusion, evaluated risk of bias in studies and extracted data. Results: A total of five studies involving 113 asthmatic patients were included. Three clinical trials were produced by the same group. The included studies showed a significant increase in maximal inspiratory pressure (MD 13.34 cmH2O, 95% CI 4.70 to 21.98), although the confidence intervals were wide. There was no statistically significant difference between the IMT group and the control group for maximal expiratory pressure, peak expiratory flow rate, forced expiratory volume in one second, forced vital capacity, sensation of dyspnea and use of beta2-agonist. There were no studies describing exacerbation events that required a course of oral and inhaled corticosteroids or emergency department visits, inspiratory muscle endurance, hospital admissions and days of work or school. Conclusions: There is no conclusive evidence in this review to support or refute inspiratory muscle training for asthma, once the evidence was limited by the small number of studies included, number of participants in them together with the risk of bias. More well conducted randomized controlled trials are needed, such trials should investigate respiratory muscle strength, exacerbation rate, lung function, symptoms, hospital admissions, use of medications and days off work or school. IMT should also be assessed in the context of more severe asthma


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Introduction: Pneumonia is an inflammatory lung disease and it is the greatest cause of deaths in children younger than five years of age worldwide. Chest physiotherapy is widely used in the treatment of pneumonia because it can help to eliminate inflammatory exudates and tracheobronchial secretions, remove airway obstructions, reduce airway resistance, enhance gas exchange and reduce the work of breathing. Thus, chest physiotherapy may contribute to patient recovery as an adjuvant treatment even though its indication remains controversial. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of chest physiotherapy in relation to time until clinical resolution in children (from birth up to 18 years old) of either gender with any type of pneumonia. Methods: We searched CENTRAL 2013, Issue 4; MEDLINE (1946 to May week 4, 2013); EMBASE (1974 to May 2013); CINAHL (1981 to May 2013); LILACS (1982 to May 2013); Web of Science (1950 to May 2013); and PEDro (1950 to May 2013). We consulted the ClinicalTrials.gov and the WHO ICTRP registers to identify planned, ongoing and unpublished trials. We consulted the reference lists of relevant articles found by the electronic searches for additional studies. We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared chest physiotherapy of any type with no chest physiotherapy in children with pneumonia. Two review authors independently selected the studies to be included in the review, assessed trial quality and extracted data. Results: Three RCTs involving 255 inpatient children are included in the review. They addressed conventional chest physiotherapy, positive expiratory pressure and continuous positive airway pressure. The following outcomes were measured: duration of hospital stay, time to clinical resolution (observing the following parameters: fever, chest indrawing, nasal flaring, tachypnoea and peripheral oxygen saturation levels), change in adventitious sounds, change in chest X-ray and duration of cough in days. Two of the included studies found a significant improvement in respiratory rate and oxygen saturation whereas the other included study failed to show that standardised respiratory physiotherapy and positive expiratory pressure decrease the time to clinical resolution and the duration of hospital stay. No adverse effects related to the interventions were xvi described. Due to the different characteristics of the trials, such as the duration of treatment, levels of severity, types of pneumonia and the techniques used in children with pneumonia, as well as differences in their statistical presentation, we were not able to pool data. Two included studies had an overall low risk of bias whereas one included study had an overall unclear risk of bias. Conclusion: Our review does not provide conclusive evidence to justify the use of chest physiotherapy in children with pneumonia due to a lack of data. The number of included studies is small and they differed in their statistical presentation


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Chronic venous disease (CVD) is evident among the chronic diseases and affects the elderly population and primarily is responsible for leg ulcers in this population. The use of dressings in the care of a venous ulcer is a fundamental part of the treatment for healing, however, evidence to assist in choosing the best dressing is scarce. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with hydrogel in the healing of venous ulcers using search methods, synthesis of information and statistical research through a systematic review and meta-analysis. Randomized controlled trials were selected in the following databases: CENTRAL; DARE; NHS EED; MEDLINE; EMBASE; CINAHL. Beyond these databases three websites were consulted to identify ongoing studies: ClinicalTrials.gov, OMS ICTRP e ISRCTN. The primary outcomes were analyzed: complete wound healing, incidence of wound infection and the secondary were: changes in ulcer size, time to ulcer healing, recurrence of ulcer, quality of life of participants, pain and costs of treatment. Four studies are currently included in the review with a total of 250 participants. The use of hydrogel appears to be superior to conventional dressing, gauze soaked in saline, for the healing of venous leg ulcers; 16/30 patients showed complete healing of ulcers (RR 5,33, 95%CI [1,73,16,42]). The alginate gel was shown to be more effective when compared to the hydrogel dressing in reduction of the wound area; 61,2% (± 26,2%) with alginate e 19,4% (± 24,3%) with hydrogel at the end of four weeks of treatment. Manuka honey has shown to be similar to the hydrogel dressings in percentage of area reduction. This review demonstrated that there is no evidence available about the effectiveness of the hydrogel compared to other types of dressings on the healing of venous leg ulcers of the lower limbs, thus demonstrating the need of future studies to assist health professionals in choosing the correct dressing.


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When crosscutting concerns identification is performed from the beginning of development, on the activities involved in requirements engineering, there are many gains in terms of quality, cost and efficiency throughout the lifecycle of software development. This early identification supports the evolution of requirements, detects possible flaws in the requirements specification, improves traceability among requirements, provides better software modularity and prevents possible rework. However, despite these several advantages, the crosscutting concerns identification over requirements engineering faces several difficulties such as the lack of systematization and tools that support it. Furthermore, it is difficult to justify why some concerns are identified as crosscutting or not, since this identification is, most often, made without any methodology that systematizes and bases it. In this context, this paper proposes an approach based on Grounded Theory, called GT4CCI, for systematizing and basing the process of identifying crosscutting concerns in the initial stages of the software development process in the requirements document. Grounded Theory is a renowned methodology for qualitative analysis of data. Through the use of GT4CCI it is possible to better understand, track and document concerns, adding gains in terms of quality, reliability and modularity of the entire lifecycle of software


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The programs of conditional cash transfer are widespread in developing countries in Latin America with emphasis on Brazil as a new paradigm in social p olicies for poverty eradication . Consist of transferring monetary funds from the government directly to poor families by fulfilling the condition alities on education and health . In health, even wi th variations between countries , conditionality targeting public pregnant women and children with a view to improving health indic ators maternoinfantil as growth , infant mortality and prenatal care. The objectives of this study are to compare the transfer progr am conditional Brazilian income , the Family and similar programs in Latin A merica in relation to it s effects on growth in children , and to evaluate the effect of Bolsa Família in the prevalence of use of services ( conditionalities ) of prenatal care in Brazilian health services whose teams joined the Programa de Acesso e Melhoria da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ - AB) . For the first objective a systematic review , we selec ted ten articles between 1007 ( one thousand and seven ) found in the databases Embase , PubMed, Scopus , Scielo and Lilacs databases was performed . Articles are ob servational epidemiological studies of transverse descriptive and analytical types of cohort and case - co ntrol. For the second objective, for it is a prevalence study , a statistical analysis using Poisson regression with robust variance was performed to i nvestigate how the prevalence of compliance with conditionalities on health was influenced b y various explanatory variables . Ratios , crude and adjusted prevalence , with their respective confidence i ntervals of 95 % were estimated . The family joined the sch olarship program was considered as the main expo sure variable . Confounding variables were: maternal age , race / color, paid employment , marital status and region of residence . In d ata analysis software R 3.0.1 (RDevelopment Core Team 2013 ) was used . Rega rding the comparison of the Bolsa Família with other programs in Latin America , the review found similar results regarding the positive effect of income transfer in the nutritional status o f beneficiary children programs , and these effects are more evident in children under two years old and belonging to familie s of lower socioeconomic status . For the prevalence of conditionalities entres different groups of users of the Bolsa Família and nonusers results showed no statistically significant difference betwe en respondents (with children under two years ) registered and not registered in PBF on issues relating to: me et at least six prenatal visits , meet and participate in health education activities . It follows from side to increase minimum income for families in extreme poverty showed positive impact on children's health in Brazil and Latin America. The o ther is not confirmed in Brazil , an increase in conditionality expressed in use of primary care by the user s of the Bolsa Família services.