555 resultados para EDUCACAO

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Objective: Identify phenotype and genotype parameters of female volleyball players at different performance levels to help in player selection. Methods: We identified characteristics of phenotype and genotype using the somatotype method (Heath Carter); anthropometry (weight, height and fat percentage); dermatoglyphics (Cummins and Midlo s method) as well as applying physical quality tests (Shuttle Run to assess agility and the Sargent Jump Test adapted for spike and block reach). The sample was composed of 179 players (54 from national teams and 125 from state teams). Results: Somatotype was similar among the performance levels in the mesomorphic component. The Height and ectomorphic component were greater in national team players as was spike and block reach. The vertical jump height for the spike was similar between the national under-17 team and the state teams observed, but in the block jump the lower level players were better. The dermatoglyphics characteristics identified were similar among the groups studied. Conclusions: The results of the variables studied show that somatotype, height, spike reach and block reach are fundamental parameters in player selection and in the specific characteristics of each game position of this sport. This paper proposes a multidisciplinary approach applicable in the fields of physical education, medicine and nutrition


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The elaboration of profiles with characteristics that can be parameters in the different categories of sports modalities and the investment in scientific studies have revealed a significant importance in the development of new generations of athletes. Based in the exposed, the purpose of this study was to identify and compare the somatotype characteristics, physical qualities and genetic markers of Brazilian male volleyball players in the 14-17 category playing at different levels (international, national and regional). We used a scale, stadiometer, pachymeter, and adipometer to evaluate somatotype, attack and block reach test, medicine ball toss, 30-meter agility test , the AAHPER -30 test to evaluate basic physical qualities and the dermatoglyphic method to identify genetic markers. The results show the superiority of the national team over the other squads in the somatotype component (ectomorphy), and in the level of basic physical qualities. We found no significant difference in genetic markers among the teams studied. We conclude that Brazilian volleyball players at different performance levels have characteristics peculiar to the sport, with height and physical qualities being significantly different among these teams. The results confirm de necessity of knowing the athletes specific characteristics when dealing with high performance teams using nutrition, medicine, physiology and genetics specific knowledges to achieve a better sportive development


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The objective of this study of comparative descriptive character went aimed at to analyze the characteristics dermatoglyphics, anthropometrics and the basic physical qualities, in 180 selected scholars in a stratified way, distributed like this: 10 year-old boys = 32; 09 years = 32; 08 years = 32; 10 year-old girls = 28; 09 years = 28; 08 years = 28), studying the fundamental teaching of the School Good Municipal Hope, located in the area east, in the Neighborhood of the Crowned, in the city of Manaus, Amazon. For identification of the dermatoglyphics characteristics collected, was the fingerprints; for evaluation of the corporal mass, height and IMC, they were used a digital scale with an estadiometer of the mark Filizola. The tests: to sit down and to reach flexibility); Horizontal Impulse or I jump in distance stopped (force of inferior members); Flex and extension of the trunk (it Forces abdominal); Flexion and extension of the arms in suspension in the bar (Force of superior members); 30 meters (Speed) and 9 minutes (Resistance applied aerobic) was to evaluate the basic physical qualities. The results demonstrated that differences didn't exist among the goods, in most of the studied variables, and the existent differences among the ages of 8, 9 and 10 years, they demonstrate a normality tendency in the infantile development


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The aim of this research was to analyse genetic markers, anthropometry and basic physical qualities in the differret stages of sexual maturation in swimmers in Paraíba. It is characterised as a descriptive cross sectional study. The sample was composed of 119 swimmers (males) that were divided among the stages of sexual maturation, from 7 to 17,9 years of age. They were associated to a local federation, the Confederação Brasileira de Desportes Aquáticos. The tests used were: genetic markers dermatoglyphics; Anthropometry body mass, stature, arm span, fat percentage and somatotype; physical qualities speed tests (25 meters crawl), strength (vertical jump) to inferior limbs, verarm throwing arremesso of a 2kg medicineball to superior limbs and abdominal), resistence (12 minutes to swimming), agility (he multistage 20-meter shuttle run test), flexibility (sit and reach test ) and coodination (stroke index); power of swimming (mean velocity in 25 meters mutiplied by body mass) and the self assessment of the sexual maturation supervised by a pediatric specialist. In the analyses we used the test normality of Shapiro-Wilk, then, we used ANOVA- one way followed by Post-Hoc test of Scheffé. The data showed in dermatogliphics a genetic tendence to velocity (L>W) with a predominance of the meso-ectomorphic somatotype profile; in relation to the physical qualities there was an evolution of the results in every stage due to the antropometric variables, except in the coordination tests. There were no significative differences between the stages. We conclude that swimming in Paraíba is composed of a signicative number of velocists with a mesomorph somatotype profile and low fat percentage, and that made it posssible to us to recomend that the trainings must be individual and according to personal characteristics of each athlete, and that the used variables must be specific for every region of the country. This dissertation presents a relation of multidiciplinar interface and its content has an application in Physical Education and Medicine


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Physical Education professionals are usually exposed to excessive physical workloads that evolve into painful symptomatology and muscle and bone disorders that originate from the work-related exercises. Purposo: The goal of this study was to investigate the prevalence and factors associated with pain painful symptomatology in teachers in gymnastics academies. An analytical transversal cut study was performed involving 163 gymnastics teachers working in the main gyms in the city of Salvador-BA. For evaluation of pain, validated versions in Portuguese of the McGill Protocol and the Wisconsin Pain Inventory were used. For obtain results of descriptive statistical analysis of the collected data was performed, followed by TStudent, and Pearson and Spearman correlation tests to verify possible correlations between the presence of pain and other variables which were considered independent. Finally, for the identification of potential risk factors associated with pain, a binary logistic regression analysis was performed. For all statistical analysis, we cnsidered p< 0.05. Results: The painful symptoms was reported by 88.3% of the subjects surveyed. High pain levels were observed in 63.8% of the interviewed professionals, where the intensity varied from moderate to severe. Pain in the lumbar region was present in 55.2% of subjects. Positive correlations were found between the level of pain intensity and the variables related with the workload activity and daily life of the teachers in almost all body joints analyzed. Some factors had been verified associates to the painful sintomatologia as the age of the professionals, the daily hours load of labor work, and the lack of interval of rest between the lessons. Conclusions: We found a high prevalence in gym teachers working in the city of Salvador-BA, which interfered in various daily activities of their home and professional lives. The most affected region was the lumbar region, followed by the knees, neck, shoulders, ankles, hands, hips, feet, elbows and forearms. The factors associated with development of painful symptomatology were the age of the professionals, daily hours of work and the lack of rest intervals between lessons. The high prevalence of pain in Physical Education teachers can be regarded as a serious occupational health problem, which would demand the urgent deployment of preventive intervention programs to minimize the impact of pain among these professionals


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This work evaluates the organization of the legislative activities and the decision-making process within the Legislative Assembly of RN, emphasizing the role of ruling institutions on the Legislative Power working, as well as the structure of its decisions. The organization and the production of the decision-making process inside the Legislative Assembly will be seen along with how institutional norms determine the nature of the legislative process and influence his legal production. The period under study extends from 1990/94 to 1994/97 legislatures. The work is divided in three parts. The first analyzes the legislative process, the role of legal production, the nature of the legislation produced during the time referred and the role of the decisory instances: the directive Table, the leaders collegiate and the permanent commissions; the second part will present the results of questionnaires made to the deputies about their perspective concerning the actual power structure, as well as a more desirable power distribution among different decisory instances in the Assembly. At last, part three will focus on the Executive power role exerted on the legislative process, analyzing how it makes use of his initiating and veto prerogatives, via the study of some laws sanctioned in 1990-1997


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This article is about a study about the training needs for teachers of elementary school in the field of Geography. It is our objective to grasp their conceptions of training needs and reflect about their formative needs to teach geography. We consider the training as reflective process that involves the movement of changes and improvement beyond of formal learning, considering its numerous dimensions. We reflected about formative needs in light of the readings of Rodrigues Esteves (1993), Silva (2000), Roberts (2006), Vieira (2010). The discussions about conceptions were based on Ferreira (2007). The empirical reference constitutes to a private school in the city of Ceará-Mirim/RN, SECAT Centro de Ensino. The social subjects of our research are five teachers who work in the initial years of elementary school. We resorted a survey (auto) biographical, based on the studies of Passeggi (2011), Delory (2008), Bertaux (2010) e Josso (2010), since it is our intention to turn to the historicity of the subject and the learning, recognizing the links between him and the world and the experiences based on for learning and adult training. As technical and methodological procedure we will use the Training Narratives, whose application allows the understanding of memories and stories of schooling teachers, since are reported events occurred during the development of the individual through seminars Biographical. We observed on the narratives constructed by the teachers the absence assignments of meanings to a reworking of the theoretical formative needs and questions of its organizing principles. However, we notice the teachers were able to develop senses and means to conceive the phenomenon in study, in a descriptive way, through articulated enunciations, including aspects and opportunities linked to their teaching practices and future formative prospects. Regarding School Geography, we based our studies in the reflections of Smith Junior (1994, 2000), Tonini (2003), Vesentini (2004) and Vlach (1991), among others. We verified that the needs evidenced by the teachers to teach geography were constructed from the contexts of their teaching practices present in their school and professional trajectories. Therefore, we noticed the need for formal pedagogical qualification so that we can conceive the phenomenon in study beyond its descriptive character, understanding that it is necessary to point out reflections and questions about the dynamics of production of global capital, which conveys its interests in the contexts that often emerge formative needs of the educational system


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This thesis is the result of a bibliographic and field research, with the purpose to answer in what way the process of education developed by the CUT, expressed in the experience of the Project Vento Norte, developed in the Amazônia has colaborated in the sense of the possibility of a articulation between work, education, and develpoment. The bibliographic reasearch was based in the studies of theoreticals like Gadotti (1999), Marx (1998, 1998a), Pochman (2002), Brandão (1985, 2002), Adorno (1999, 2000), Horkeimer (1976), reseachers that in the process of their studies, thinked about the theme, related to work, to education and to developement. The field research was done by the intervews with CUT s educators and managers from the states of Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Pará, Rondônia and Roraima. The thesis s process of elaboration is done in a cobweb of elements articulated to socioculture values from the habitat of amazônia people. The conclusions point to us that the hypothesis of the CUT, by the Project Vento Norte, develops a propose of education that articulates Work, Education and Development that is confirmed. But, the partiality of the project is presented by the limitations of the CUT s possibility in continuation of the project. Thats why the thesis suports the idea of the project and it consolidation in the Amazônica Region, by the conception of the syndicate managers and educators


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The plot myth-techno-logic, contemporary, was developed starting from the dualism myth-reason. In this study, we deepened the alluded dualism taking as reference the historical contexts of the Renaissance and of the Enlightenment, emphasizing the discussion of the economical rationalization as conductive thread of the western development, in which we identified the game of the rational and of the irrational, for assure the superiority of the reason. In the context of that game, we analyzed the implications of the modernization, for the education, in function of the instrumental rationality, responsible for the environment of adaptation of the technological instruments to the scenery of the contemporary modernization. The new context is constituted by points of union and of ruptures among the technique, the science and the myth. Through our analysis, we noticed that the basic needs for the contemporary society were linked to the changes in the production means, for which the machine determine the rhythm of the work and the quality of the product. However, the changes in the productive processes promoted the appearance of the commercial marks that, as we see it, they represented the synthesis of the perfect harmony of the myth, of the technique, of the science and of the technology, in the conduction of the economical rationalization to the contemporary modernization. Thus, the contemporary modernization it arrives us for the economical rationalization, developed with the support of the technician-scientific knowledge and communicated by the articulations of the myth-techno-logical


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Compte tenu de l importance de la formation des enseignants pour répondre, de nos jours, aux besoins des élèves dont les caractéristiques marquantes sont la diversité et la différentiation, desquels nécessairement font partie , à un échelon croissant, des personnes atteintes d une déficience quelconque ; devant le constat que les actuelles politiques d éducation, en fonction de leurs limitations, peuvent être considérées comme un des principaux facteurs qui entravent la concrétisation d un vrai processus d inclusion de ces personnes ; compte tenu, encore, que le confront des situations éducatives concernant le processus d inclusion de ceux ayant des déficiences physiques, notamment lorsqu il s agit d élèves atteints de paralysie cérébrale, engendre chez les enseignants un état de troublante inquiétude du fait de ne se sentir convenablement préparés pour se confronter avec des situations pareilles, cette recherche, centrée sur cette problématique, a chosi comme objectif planifier, mettre en marche et analyser un programme d intervention pédagogique dans une école régulière de la ville de Natal/RN, auprès de quatre enseignants de l école fondamentale (7e Série) qui avaient reçu, dans leur classe, deux élèves atteints de paralysie cérébrale. S utilisant comme recours méthodologique de la recherche-action, le programme d intervention s est structuré autour de troix axes thématiques : l attitudinal, le pédagogique et le vécu en milieu scolaire, sous la forme de discussions théoriques et la mise en oeuvre de ces thématiques. Les données qui devraient être soumises à l analyse ont été collectées à partir des procédés d observation, d entretiens avant et après l intervention, du régistre de photos et d un questionnaire. Les interprétations faites, basées dans la comparaison du discours des sujets ont signalé que les enseignants ont progressé dans la maîtrise des savoirs scienfiques concernant la paralysie cérébrale et dans la connaissance des personnes atteintes par cette déficience. Par rapport aux valeurs et significations attribuées par les enseignants à ce programme d intervention à partir de leur choix des photos dans l ensemble du déroulement de ce processus formatif, elles s expriment par une prise de conscience très marquée, de la part des enseignants, par rapport :aux besoins éducatifs des élèves atteints de paralysie cérébrale ; à l importance et au vrai rôle que l école doit jouer face aux politiques d éducation inclusive ; aux difficultés vécues par ces personnes, qui réclament le plus profond respect de leurs ingularités ; la reconstruction d une nouvelle image concernant ces personnes ; la constatation qu il est possible aux enseignants d adapter et même de créer à l école des ressources et matériaux pédagogiques envisageant la qualité du processus d enseignement et apprentissage de l élève atteint de paralysie cérébrale ; finalement, la perception de l importance du travail en équipe, d un milieu scolaire accessible à ces personnes et de l appuis de la famille dans le contexte de l éducation inclusive. Les résultats obtenus, issus de ce programme d intervention, d après l évaluation finale des sujets, de part de témoigner de son efficacité, montrent que l intervention a été une excellente opportunité d habiliter ces enseignants et d améliorer le processus d enseignement à l école choisie comme le locus de cette recherche


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The main aim of this research has been to analyze the identity patterns of the teacher s staff of fundamental education public schools in the Metropolitan Area of Natal-RN. It sets out from the hypothesis that being a teacher within this context grows out of the regularities of a specific habitus, which, according to Bourdieu, develops into mental schemes of thought and action within a specific social group. This habitus forms the basis on which is built the social representation of being a teacher prevailing in the group, as well as the symbolic differences that typify its identity variations. Three data sources have been fundamental in building up this thesis: (a) formative essays of students graduating from a Higher Teacher s Formation Course, as well as observing some of the public defense of these essays during field work; (b) a questionnaire aimed at classifying economically, socially, and culturally a sample of public teachers of the Natal-RN county; and (c) submitting a sub-sample of this group to the process of Multiple Classification Procedures (MCP). The analysis of data was done according to the multidimensional, non-parametric statistical procedures of both the Category Content Analysis and Enunciation Analysis methods. The results of the analysis took into account an ample set of variables, its associations and implications, the cultural and social profile of the population under scrutiny, their life styles, as well as the strategies they developed in the process of becoming a teacher, and the social representation of being a teacher . We came to the conclusion that the social identity of the teachers corps, or as we prefer to say it being a teacher , is a result of a set of regularities produced by the habitus that gives social shape and meaning to the existence of the group proper. We note the existence of identity variations caused by the variables (a) educational level; and (b) mode of action in fundamental education (if these are the first or last grades where the subjects operate). However, these variations will not break the power of the regularities that give shape, meaning, and social visibility to the group. The social representation of being a teacher points to the tensions, ambiguities, and trends inherent to common sense, as well as to a strong tendency to reassign a new meaning to being a teacher. Our thesis, therefore, is that the identity configuration of the teachers corps under scrutiny is characterized by an integrative synthesis, by-product of a habitus that is superimposed, and at the same time co-exists with different identity variations


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The present work highlights the importance of Dialogue in dealing with situations of crisis, and human conflicts. It has a starting point in some ideas of David Bohm, and in so doing, it presents itself with the challenge of testing the premise that dialogical strategies, of thought and action, can make the human choices inherent to those situations, more coherent and creative. They also allow us to elucidate and grasp them, towards broader comprehension and resolution, while keeping the framework of consistent assessment. However, we believe that said strategies are not, necessarily, problem solvers. With that in mind, we expanded the notion of Dialogue , systematizing dialogical visions of the world, derived from the ideas of David Bohm, Paulo Freire and Mikhail Bakhtin, in which they give priority to the Dialogue component, in all human relations within crucial contexts. From the elaboration of that systemic and dialogical interface, in which Dialogue appears as common theme, and pervasive tool, we detected the emerging of ancillary themes such as Liberty , Consciousness , Creativity , Ethics and Responsibility . We see these themes as ways of comprehending Life, as each one embodies interests, needs and shared human motivations. We have articulated them as a network, and added to that the need of Reflection in conjunction with Dialogue as a watchful call for noticing the incoherence


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Ce travail etude le protagonisme juvénile en école de enseignement sécondaire publique, avec emphase a l enseignement nocturne. Considere las médiations que determinent le paradigme du protagonisme juvénile defendu pour théoriciens pos modernes et documents de reforme de enseignement sécondaire brésilien. Montre que les explications sur le protagonisme juvénile font part d une conception de pouvoir juvenile, proposé pour organismes multilatérales avec la volonté de mobiliser les jeunes pauvres pour faire actions du combat a pauvreté dans les nations sur le point de développement, conjoncture auquel sont proposées théories et pratiques que viabilizent la subsistance des jeunes pauvres en situation de risque. Discute la question de pouvoir juvenile et indique que la proposition de le protagonisme juvénile via pouvoir ont une espace favorable dans le sphère du enseignement sécondaire, niveau de la plupart de jeunes. Montre que la défense de pouvoir juvenile occulte chances de actions étudiants collectifs que permetent une intervention sociopolitique au élève de enseignement sécondaire, qui ont selement une function de homologation. Propose une recherche de possibilités de incentifs a le protagonisme juvénile collectif ou protagonisme étudiant collectif, auquel le étudiant presente suggestions pour le planification et éxecution de activités didactique pédagogiques dans l`école publique de enseignement sécondaire. Defend que la gestion démocratique, avec emphase en procès participatif, c est la principal déterminacion pour le protagonisme étudiant collectif. Méthodiquement , considere las dimensions suivantes pour le protagonisme juvénile: a) configuration de protagonisme juvénile b) protagonisme juvénile dans perspective légal/institutionel ; c) enseignement sécondaire et protagonisme juvénile ; d) possibilité de construction de protagonisme étudiant collectif dans enseignement sécondaire nocturne en Rio Grande do Norte, état choisi pour recherche. Sistematize une technique de revision de litérature sur le thème et informations d une consultation de documents, au-delà de donné constants de Banc de donées de la recherche Le Enseignement Sécondaire Publique Nocturne :registre et analyse de expérience dans l état de Rio Grande do Norte. Conclusion : il faut contribuer pour débats sur la participation politique de les jeunes dans le enseignement sécondaire nocturne, en presentant possibilités reéles de protagonisme étudiant collectif ; opinions presentées pour élèves sont très importantes a une direction d un rôle académique fait pour institutions scolaires dans ce moment , parce que des étudiants sont correspondants a interlocuteurs privilégiés ; le élève peut et deut être consulté depuis le moment de élaboration jusqu a réalisation de activités scolaires ; bien que il y a des entraves et difficultés immanents au enseignement sécondaire publique nocturne, se forment noveaux espaces de démocratisation de idées


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The society consists of the inter-relations between diverse symbolic fields of performance, where some agents if identify for values, habits and goals. The present thesis analyzed, taking for base the Theory of the Social Field of Pierre Bourdieu, the ambient field and the university, leaving of the principle that the university is one of the propitious places for the quarrel, study, knowledge elaboration, and that the ambient education is one of the ways of dissemination of knowledge and action in favor of the ambient question. It was looked to contextualize and to identify the main factors that configure the university while a social field, and to evidence the conflict and connector links with the ambientalism. It is perceived university as space of tensions, whose produced capital stock in the academic scope must be enough convincing in the direction of the social transformation, of the expansion of conscience, the critical matureness, and thus to appear as agent of social transformation. The joint between the diverse social fields, promoted for the university, will be able to contribute for knowledge formularization that can consist base for elaboration of politics and programs to answer to the problems of the society contemporary. It has the inter-relationship between the two fields, however, this relation still is fragile, needing that a continuity practical social that they make possible that the ambient question is part of the culture of the university. This will be able to give with the intensification of the actions and the inclusion of the ambient questions in the communication mechanisms and administrative management. To surpass discontinuities caused for changes of groups leading and for interests politician conjunctural are necessary that they create habitus, what passes for the institutionalization of practical and the constitution of a culture that the agents allow if to reorganize defending the interests of social transformation front to the economic interests, as much in the university how much in the ambient field


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Pour beaucoup de chercheurs, il y a une crise à l école et dans l enseignement/apprentissage des langues qui est provoquée par un enseignement cloisonné et décontextualisé de la réalité. Dans ce type d enseignement/apprentissage, le livre scolaire a une présence si hégémonique qu il est la source quasi exclusive du discours pédagogique et on ne fait que très rarement usage des langages du quotidien des apprenants. Le langage télévisuel est un de ces langages qui pourraient être utilisé pour ciliter enseignement/apprentissage d une langue vivante, variée et en situation, car il permet l exploration de tous les composants de la compétence de communication. En même temps, ce langage pourrait servir à sensibiliser les apprenants à une éducation aux médias. Le journal télévisé peut favoriser un enseignement/apprentissage intégré de la langue maternelle et de la langue étrangère, grâce à son format, similaire dans plusieurs cultures, et à son importance en tant que reflet des valeurs socioculturels des sociétés. Ces qualités sont très favorables pour stimuler le transfert des compétences entre la langue maternelle et la langue étrangère, pour qu on puisse enseigner et apprendre une langue, et connaître une culture. Le journal télévisé est vu comme une source d information et son analyse en classe peut contribuer à la formation d un apprenent/citoyen actualisé, critique et conscient des problèmes et des répresentations des sociétés