5 resultados para Dinámica de grupos - Aspectos sociales

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Reservoirs are the main sources of surface water in Brazil´s semiarid region. The majority of these water supplies, however, are compromised by eutrophication. A severe drought in 2012 contributed to significant losses in water volume, influencing the availability of resources (nutrients and light) for phytoplankton. The aim of this study is to understand the dynamics of the functional groups of phytoplankton and the factors that affect them during a severe drought in the semiarid reservoirs of the northeast. We therefore studied the Dourado, Gargalheiras and Passagem das Traíras reservoirs in Rio Grande do Norte from January 2012 to January 2013. The effect of drought favoured homogeneity within the reservoir, in relation to biotic and abiotic variables, notably the absence of water supply given the lack of flow from its tributaries (intermittent river). The phytoplankton functional groups of bloomforming cyanobacteria (SN, S1 and M) dominated throughout the year 2012, in both the shallow and deep areas of the three reservoirs studied. The groups were related to high concentrations of volatile solids, total phosphorus and ammonia, and high turbidity. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (SN group) was the species with the greatest biomass in the three reservoirs. M group (Sphaerocavum brasiliense) performed better in shallow waters with more available phosphorus. Our data showed that high concentrations of nutrients and low availability of light, besides the stability of the water column due to lack of flow and the system´s high residence time, favoured the dominance of bloom-forming cyanobacteria groups, especially those tolerant to shadow


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The artifi cial eutrophication is one of the biggest t h reat for the quality of aquatic ecosystems in the whole world. The expectations for the future climatic scenarios in arid and semi - arid regions are intense and frequent droughts enhancing the risk of eutrophicati on and cyanobacterial blooms. Restoration techniques of eutrophic lakes were proposed to reduce nutrient loading and improve the water quality. A successful technique used in temperate regions is the biomanipulation by benthivorous fish removal . Our hypoth esis is that the benthivorous fish removal reduces phytoplankton total biomass and change the composition of phytoplankton functional groups, improving water quality. The aim of the study was evaluate the impact of biomanipulation on phytoplankton function al groups and in the water quality. We applied the technique of biomanipulation in the artificial lake ESEC, in a semi - arid region of Brazil and analyzed the physical and chemical variables and the dynamic of phytoplankton functional groups monthly during November 2012 to August 2013. With the removal of benthivorous fish we observed a significant increase of the euphotic depth, phytoplankton richness and the recruitment of green algae (groups F and J ), indicators of good water quality. However, we did not observe significant differences on total phosphorous concentration and on phytoplankton biomass and diversity. The drought effect in the region during the study was evident , promoting a drastic reduction on water level which influenced the availability of resource and affected phytoplankton community before the biomanipulation. To evaluate the effect of severe drought on the dynamic of phytoplankton functional groups and test if the drought periods are favorable to dominance of cyanobacterial groups, we stu died two artificial neighbors lakes (ESEC and Pocinhos) in a semi - arid tropical region during May 2012 to February 2013. We observed a temporal differentiation of biotic and abiotic variables caused by drought. Both lakes presented reduction of 2 meters of water level and increase on conductivity, turbidity, nutrients concentration and a reduction on water transparency, during the severe drought. The deeper lake (Pocinhos) increased phytoplankton total biomass and presented cyanobacterial functional group d ominance (group S N ) and the shallower lake (ESEC) reduced phytoplankton total biomass and presented dominance of mixotrophic and flagellate functional groups (groups W 1 e W 2 ). Summarizing, the knowledge of the effects of benthivorous fish removal in semi - a rid tropical lakes still unknown and this study had limitations caused by the impact of drought. Thus, it is necessary a long term monitoring to investigate the real effects of biomanipulation on the functioning of the studied ecosystems. Otherwise, period s of drought could have opposite effects (increase or reduction) on total biomass and composition of phytoplankton functional groups. Drought not always leads to dominance of cyanobacterial groups.


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Objetivou-se avaliar os aspectos sociais e de saúde e a percepção diante do diagnóstico de indivíduos com a coinfecção HIV/tuberculose. Estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantiqualitativa, realizado em hospital de referência em Fortaleza, Ceará, de janeiro a abril de 2009, utilizando-se entrevista semiestruturada em ambiente privativo. Os dados foram analisados de modo descritivo e por análise de conteúdo. Participaram 16 pacientes com coinfecção HIV/tuberculose, 56,25% do sexo masculino, com faixa etária predominante entre 31 a 39 anos (43,75%), com pouca escolaridade e renda familiar mensal de aproximadamente um salário mínimo. A forma predominante da apresentação da tuberculose foi a pulmonar (62,50%). A percepção sobre a descoberta da coinfecção foi demonstrada por duas categorias: Medo e angústia face ao diagnóstico e Mudanças nos hábitos de saúde e no estilo de vida. Urge, diante dos achados, a promoção do bem-estar psicológico e físico desses pacientes, por meio de ações políticas e de saúde


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Objetivou-se avaliar os aspectos sociais e de saúde e a percepção diante do diagnóstico de indivíduos com a coinfecção HIV/tuberculose. Estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantiqualitativa, realizado em hospital de referência em Fortaleza, Ceará, de janeiro a abril de 2009, utilizando-se entrevista semiestruturada em ambiente privativo. Os dados foram analisados de modo descritivo e por análise de conteúdo. Participaram 16 pacientes com coinfecção HIV/tuberculose, 56,25% do sexo masculino, com faixa etária predominante entre 31 a 39 anos (43,75%), com pouca escolaridade e renda familiar mensal de aproximadamente um salário mínimo. A forma predominante da apresentação da tuberculose foi a pulmonar (62,50%). A percepção sobre a descoberta da coinfecção foi demonstrada por duas categorias: Medo e angústia face ao diagnóstico e Mudanças nos hábitos de saúde e no estilo de vida. Urge, diante dos achados, a promoção do bem-estar psicológico e físico desses pacientes, por meio de ações políticas e de saúde


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The gray mold, causal organism Amphobotrys ricini, is one of the major diseases of castor bean. Difficulties in managing plant disease arises form the limited understanding of the genetic structure of A. ricini, their complexity and variability make it difficult to control. Genetic structure can be used to infer the relative impact of different forces that influence the evolution of pathogen populations, that allow to predict the potencial for pathogen populations to envolve in agricultural ecosystems. Growers protect their crop by applying fungicides, but there aren t fungicides to provide significant control of gray mold of castor bean. The objectives of this work were use RAPD to determine the genetic structure of A. ricini subpopulations in Paraíba and assay the sensitivity of A. ricini isolates to azoxystrobin and carbendazim. To determine the genetic structure of A. ricini subpopulations in Paraíba, 23 isolates were colleted from two different geographic location (subpopulation). These isolates were analysed by RAPD using 22 random decamer primers, purchased from OPERON, produced a total of 80 markers polimorphics. The resulting matrixes were analysed using PopGene version 1.32. Sensitivity to azoxystrobin and carbendazim of 30 isolates, colleted form Paraíba and Alagoas, was estimated based on spore germination and colony growth inhibition. The stock solutions were added toV8 medium after sterilization to produce final concentrations of 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 µg/ml of carbendazim and 0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 µg/ml of azoxystrobin. All statistical analyses were performed using SAS to estimate the dose that inhibited fungal growth by 50% (ED50 values). The genetic diversity within subpopulations (Hs=0,271) accounted for 92% of the total genetic diversity (Ht=0,293), while genetic diversity between subpopulations (Gst = 0,075) represented only 7,5%. The estimated number of migrants per generation (NM ) was 6,15. Nei s average gene identity across 80 RAPD loci was 0,9468. Individual ED50 values, for the 30 isolates screened for their sensitivity to azoxystrobin, ranged From a maximum of 0,168 µg/ml to a minimum of 0,0036 µg/ml. The ED50 values for carbendazim varied within the range of 0,026 to 0,316 µg/ml