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em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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La escritura de Clarice Lispector fue consagrada por la academia a través de sus libros direccionados al público adulto . Este trabajo pretende entre sus objetivos compartir sus obras infantiles con el medio académico y desvincular, desde la escritura clariciana, el ámbito de una menoridad literaria de la literatura infantil. Repensar la infancia y problematizar sus lugares de escrita. De ese modo, el corpus teórico de las obras de Deleuze y Guattari nos conducirá en la desconstrucción de tales territorios hacia un desterritorializar y al reterritorializar de la literatura infantil a través de un reinvento narrativo clariciano, lo cual llamamos de Fábula de la Modernidad


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The issue of creating productions of hybrid matrices has demanded, for more than three decades, the attention of several theater theorists (COHEN: 1995; LEHMANN: 2007). The study of philosophers (DELEUZE & GUATTARI: 1995) has contributed for new concepts of the scene. These artistic practices, depending on the context, have been generating, more and more, new ways of staging. I will discuss the contamination caused by Antonin Artaud in contemporary theater, and the theater s infection by the performance, based on the thought of Barbara Browning (1995), from its capacity to penetrate and invade territories, and installs a new system. I affirm that the Totem Group (Recife PE) was contaminated by the performance and analyze two performative plays of the group, their points of convergence and separation. The first one is Ita, the search for the origin, the animal devir; the second is Caosmopolita, the body as a reflex of urbanity


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La musique, plus qu`um mot et le texte écrit, a le pouvoir de produire le déplacement du sujet en relation aux contingences du temps e de l´espace. Entendre de la musique est plus que de l´amusement. Comme un artifice cognitif qui ultrapasse l´expérience analytique e métonymique, les formes tonales doublent la réalité, expandent les sens, actionent l´imagination, retotalisent les sentiments, amplient les expériences, permettent la rencontre du sujet avec les éssences des phénomènes qui ne sont pas traductibles par les mots. Nous écoutons de la musique pour restituer notre dignité e conférer à la vie plus de vérité, plus de concrétion (Santiago Kovadloff). La mélodie permet l´expérimentation des états de cohésion, de conéction pleine entre sens et intention, entre commencement et fin, de la finitude de la vie (Schopenhauer). Le phénomène musical provoque l´expréssion de la douleur, de la souffrance et, au même temps, du jubile et de la joie, réliant nature et homme (Nietzsche). Tenant comme base cette compréhension, la dissertation tient dans la musique une importante métaphore pour comprendre la complexité humaine, une fois qu´elle propicie une écoute sensible du monde et mobilise dans le sujet l´expérimentation de divers états de l´être. Nous pouvons dire que la musique est un opérateur de la conaissence parce qu´elle fait affleurer l´écoute intérieure, la rencontre du sujet avec lui même. Cet opérateur cognitif actione les pôles de l´ésprit qui font dialoguer sensibilité, éthique et esthétique, ordre et chaos, silence et bruit, mouvement et pause, repétition et inovation. Par l´expérience musicale, nous habitons des formes hibrides de sensibilité et raison. L´inachèvement, notre principal caractéristique comme humains, a, dans la musique, une image impair, parce que la musique est l´expression du dévir. Pour tisser ces arguments, la dissertation part des études de Schopenhauer et Nietzsche sur la musique, esthétique et métaphysique; Expose des fragments de la biographie de trois grands penseurs contemporains (Werner Heinsenberg, Ilya Prigogine et Edgar Morin) accentuant la présence de la musique en ses vies; et, par fin, présente ce que nous appelons biographies sonores de quatre artistes-musiciens brésiliens (Benedito Juarez et Gil Jardim, de São Paulo, et Ronaldo Ferreira de Lima et, Cleudo Freire, du Rio Grande do Norte)


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The focus of this thesis is a production of video biographies with/by sheltered teenagers. The general objective is discuss the potential production of video biographies while a device of research-action-formation. From de point of view of research, the study interrogates cultural practices that demarcates the passage of teenagers in shelter institutional; From the point of view of action, seeks to identify the modes of appropriation of space for audiovisual creation by teenagers; and, from the point of view of formation, asks the potentiality of audiovisual language while the way from which teenagers can auto-configure themselves responsibly, in the reinvention of places and others worlds for them. The research falls in the intersection of qualitative approach of ethnographic and of research-action-formation. Is anchored theoretically in autobiographical approaches - Pineau (2005); Passeggi (2008); Delory-Momberger (2008); Josso (2010) e Bertaux (2010) - and in the filmic method - Ramos (2003); Wohlgemuth (2005) and Comoli (2009). Participated in the research eleven teenagers members of the production cycle of biographical traces, among these, the three teenagers who advanced to cycles of audiovisual recording life narratives and reflective exercises around produced reports, procedures of which we extract the set of empirical material analyzed The analysis revealed that teens use in under three types of practices: the practices of mess , as way of expression; the practices of evasion , as resistance to restraint the right to come and go, and the practices of claim a regime of "truth" to the institutional environment, which emerge as a survival tactic in the face of paths desvínculos, family abandonment and neglect. The study also showed the appropriation of spaces of audio-visual creation meaningful expression through music by teenagers and encourage dialogue between and with the teenagers and the achievement of reflective exercises focused for awareness of their stories in becoming. These findings show a broader sense the thesis that visual language is a potent mobilizer artifact reflections and empowerment of individuals in situations of social exclusion


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La présente thèse est une approche critique de la production littéraire de l écrivain carioca Ana Cristina Cesar. Aussi bien dans la poésie que dans son oeuvre critique, Ana Cristina Cesar a mis en évidence la question de l écriture comme le principal dilème de son projet comme écrivain. En face d autant de registres, soit en forme de poèmes, texte critique ou lettres, la question de l écriture est, dans l ensemble de son oeuvre, formulée à partir d une interpénétration entre la littérature et la vie. Considérant le problème de l écriture comme partie d un projet de l être écrivain pour Ana Cristina Cesar, nous affirmons que l intérêt de notre recherche se dirige vers l analyse des manières selon lesquelles ce problème parcourt son écriture et dévient une question métalinguistique dans sa création. Nous partons de la réflexion sur l écriture dans son oeuvre pour relever la question principale de notre proposition de travail avec son texte: Qu est-ce que c est, après tout, écrire pour Ana Cristina Cesar et comment cela se formule-t-il dans la production des rôles qu elle exerce en tant que poète, critique et professeur? Parmi les principaux objectifs qui guident cette recherche sont: promouvoir un dialogue avec les textes de l auteur, où se présente le problème de l écrire, à travers une réflexion sur le parcours de son activité intellectuelle, pour elle imprégné de questions sur l écriture féminine et la production marginale; et enquêter les manières dont cette réflexion s articule dans les fonctions qu elle développe comme poète, critique et professeur et les rélations qu elle établi avec la littérature de son époque. En outre, nous discuterons l importance de son oeuvre dans la littérature marginale, ce qui possibilite aussi une évaluation de cette production dans la littérature brésilienne


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In the early 1870s, the German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, professor of philology in Basel, researches the ancient Greek philosophers. These studies result in texts as The Preplatonic Philosophers, also known as Lessons on Pre-platonic Philosophers, and Philosophy in Greek tragic age. Using both texts as sources, this dissertation aims elucidating the Nietzsche's interpretation about Heraclitus, in other words, comprehend how Nietzsche recognizes in Heraclitus a philosopher with an aesthetic vision of the world, a contemplative and cheerful view of the world, the becoming, defined by the incessant change, as a child's play that builds and destroy sand castles on the shore. This spectacle, as Nietzsche believed, would be unveiled first by Heraclitus and must be contemplated eternally


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Considering the Brazilian current context, where many children are in institutional shelter waiting for adoption, the aim of this study was to know the meaning that sheltered children (whose families had already lost their custody or were in the process of losing it, at the moment of the field work) gave to their adoption condition. The research was carried out with three children in the shelter where they lived, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The field work took six months approximately. In order to meet the objective of this research, individual procedures were structuralized using figures and drawing material. With these procedures the children could speak directly or indirectly about the application of the legal measure of institutional shelter, about their lives before the application of this legal measure and what happened since then, and their original families and future perspectives. The content of the procedures was tape recorded and registered in the field work diary. The analysis of the corpus occurred with the Thematic Content Analysis, considering the theoretical methodological perspective of the Net of Meanings approach. The analysis of the corpus showed the ambiguity of the children, who consider good to live in the institution where they are, recognizing the responsibility of the original caregivers for their sheltered condition and, at the same time, they miss their relatives and wish to be with them. The subjects recognize the perspective of adoption and imagine it in a positive way. However, when the children were questioned about what could happen to them in the future, they said that they did not know, expressing uncertainty concerning their destinations


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This work is on the political thought of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze (1925 – 1995) taking the concepts of major/minor as starting point, since by them the deleuzian philosophy produces significant approaches to think politics and its forms. Not only the concepts of major/minor, but also the concept of becoming, in the mode of becoming-minor, marks the proposition, as we could tell, a properly deleuzian political philosophy. Thus, this work attempts to expose the possible form of this politics and of a fight ethic associated to it. To study the Deleuze political thought today is not to abdicate of a political thought that recognizes the singularities and embraces the political fight not as a totalizing revolution, but as resistance. The analyses of the concepts of major/minor, and the becoming shows itself as necessary in the political proposal in the present context


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This research investigated the female performance in Pernambuco theater during the Brazilian military dictator ship in the 1970s, analyzing the works of four actresses of theater groups Hermilo Borba Filho, Experiential and Expression, who acted in the period. Launches a look at the female body in the theater from a body scenic transgression: the conscience of a body insubordination in response to a given context. However, before delineated an overview of the artistic and socio - cultural position of women in the theater, in the periods prior to the dictatorship in Brazil and Pernambuco, covering theatrical and historical references, in order to reflect on how these settings interfered in the picture Social actr ess under the dictatorship. The groups are revisited by the looks of interpreters, which was perceived that female targeted search relationships, and in this context, relations with other theater groups of the time, with other artists of the groups that we re inserted with the dictatorial context with censorship, with the offender engaged and theater, with the body. In parallel, it develops a reflection on the scenic body that opposed the dictatorship, a body that violates the established norms, the Transgre ssor Body. The research also discusses an analogy between the work of the actresses who opposed the military regime and militant women. Starting from analyzes with interviews with the actresses from the methodologies of Oral History and Discourse Analysis, the study is developed by building up connections between the testimonies of the artists and the philosophical assumptions of Henri Bergson, on the body and memory. It is also designed to reflect on the changes of the female body in the theater in history , also in line with the philosophical concept of Becoming Woman Felix Guattari. It was found, therefore, that the actresses from the nineteenth century, were a group of female social actors who changed the position of women in history; the stigmatization o f the actress by profession, considered indecent in previous centuries, left traces in some areas today and the idea of the liberation of the female body propagated by feminism in the 1970s, was configured at the time as the best way to protest and will influence, in some contexts, the representation of women in their theatrical make.


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In this work, we investigate the symbolic construction of a particular spatiality, starting from the theoretical assumption that spaces are subjective constructions guided by different cultures, feelings and rationales, but mostly spaces are human constructs driven by social relations, as a result of the material investment and symbol that reflects the needs of a particular society at a given time of historical development. Accordingly, we analyze the construction and symbolic imagery of the central region of Portugal, the Alentejo, from the literary production (1916 – 1930) the English poet Florbela Espanca D'Alma Conception Espanca. Thus, we propose to analyze the florbelian work not only from its internal relations, but also external, emphasizing the link between history, space and literature. Thus, we propose to inquire about the symbolic dimension – the meanings of images and representations – which prompted one of the most controversial Portuguese poets of the early twentieth to look into the poetic construction of space Alentejo century, questioning not only the senses brokered by speech literary Florbela Espanca to invent your Alentejo, adorned with memories, pain and longing, but investigate how the socio-cultural environment influenced your work, in your life and ways to feel and live the Alentejo. To better understand how the poet means the Alentejo spatiality, throughout this work we question three categories of space in the work of Florbela Espanca: the region, the countryside and the landscape of the Alentejo. Thus, this research falls within the field of cultural history in the medical we will work with the entire literary output Florbela Espanca, letters, diaries, photos and biographical and literary criticism, by establishing the time frame of 1916 – beginning of intellectual activity Florbela Spank – the 1930 – publication of Blossom Heath (posthumous) and the suicide of the poet. Therefore, a constant symbolic exercise of words crossed by more subjective feelings of the subject, all the time our work will be guided by the question of what would be the Alentejo for the poet, who senses and meanings across this spatiality that marked so sovereignly happiest memories and sad life Florbela Espanca.


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The issue of creating productions of hybrid matrices has demanded, for more than three decades, the attention of several theater theorists (COHEN: 1995; LEHMANN: 2007). The study of philosophers (DELEUZE & GUATTARI: 1995) has contributed for new concepts of the scene. These artistic practices, depending on the context, have been generating, more and more, new ways of staging. I will discuss the contamination caused by Antonin Artaud in contemporary theater, and the theater s infection by the performance, based on the thought of Barbara Browning (1995), from its capacity to penetrate and invade territories, and installs a new system. I affirm that the Totem Group (Recife PE) was contaminated by the performance and analyze two performative plays of the group, their points of convergence and separation. The first one is Ita, the search for the origin, the animal devir; the second is Caosmopolita, the body as a reflex of urbanity