51 resultados para Desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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REGIS, Josiana Florencio Vieira; CAMPOS, Ana Celia Cavalcanti Fernandes. O paradigma tecnologico e a revoluçao informacional: fundamentos da sociedade da informaçao. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL EM SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇAO E GESTAO DA TECNOLOGIA, 6., 2009. Sao Paulo. Anais eletronicos... Sao Paulo: FEA/USP, 2009. Trabalho oral.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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It seeks to find an alternative to the current tantalum electrolytic capacitors in the market due to its high cost. Niobium is a potential substitute, since both belong to the same group of the periodic table and because of this have many similar physical and chemical properties. Niobium has several technologically important applications, and Brazil has the largest reserves, around 96%. There are including niobium in reserves of tantalite and columbite in Rio Grande do Norte. These electrolytic capacitors have high capacitance specifies, ie they can store high energy in small volumes compared to other types of capacitors. This is the main attraction of this type of capacitor because is growing demand in the production of capacitors with capacitance specifies increasingly high, this because of the miniaturization of various devices such as GPS devices, televisions, computers, phones and many others. The production route of the capacitor was made by powder metallurgy. The initial niobium powder supplied by EEL-USP was first characterized by XRD, SEM, XRF and laser particle size, to then be sieved into three particle size, 200, 400 e 635mesh. The powders were then compacted and sintered at 1350, 1450 and 1550°C using two sintering time 30 and 60min. Sintering is one of the most important parts of the process as it affects properties as porosity and surface cleaning of the samples, which greatly affected the quality of the capacitor. The sintered samples then underwent a process of anodic oxidation, which created a thin film of niobium pentóxido over the whole porous surface of the sample, this film is the dielectric capacitor. The oxidation process variables influence the performance of the film and therefore the capacitor. The samples were characterized by electrical measurements of capacitance, loss factor, ESR, relative density, porosity and surface area. After the characterizations was made an annealing in air ate 260ºC for 60min. After this treatment were made again the electrical measurements. The particle size of powders and sintering affected the porosity and in turn the specific area of the samples. The larger de area of the capacitor, greater is the capacitance. The powder showed the highest capacitance was with the smallest particle size. Higher temperatures and times of sintering caused samples with smaller surface area, but on the other hand the cleaning surface impurities was higher for this cases. So a balance must be made between the gain that is achieved with the cleaning of impurities and the loss with the decreased in specific area. The best results were obtained for the temperature of 1450ºC/60min. The influence of annealing on the loss factor and ESR did not follow a well-defined pattern, because their values increased in some cases and decreased in others. The most interesting results due to heat treatment were with respect to capacitance, which showed an increase for all samples after treatment


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This work main objective is to study the use of bricks in barium X-rays rooms in order to contribute to the optimization of shielding rooms diagnosis. The work was based on experimental measurements of X-ray attenuation (40 to 150 kV), using ceramic seal bearing the incorporation of barium sulfat (BaSO4). Different formulations were studied in three different firing temperatures and evaluated for incorporation in the ceramic body. The composition of 20% of barite processed at a temperature of 950 ° C showed better physical and mechanical properties, is considered the most suitable for the purpose of this work. Were produced bricks sealing composition formulated based on that presented the best technological features. These blocks were tested physically as a building material and wall protective barrier. Properties such as visual, deviation from the square, face flatness, water absorption and compressive strength were evaluated for all the blocks produced. The behavior of this material as attenuator for X-rays was investigated by experimental results which take into account mortar manufacturers barium through the different strains and compared with the reference material (Pb). The simulation results indicated that the ceramic block barium shows excellent properties of attenuation equivalence lead taking into account the energy used in diagnostic X-ray


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The study aimed at the treatment of attapulgite for the development and characterization of composite recycled low density polyethylene - PEBD_rec embedded with natural attapulgite - ATP_NAT, sifted - ATP_PN and attapulgite treated with sulfuric acid - ATP_TR in different compositions (1, 3 and 5%) and compared with the PEBD_rec. The atapulgitas, natural, screened and treated, were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), particle size analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and determining the area specific surface (BET). The composites were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Xray diffraction (XRD), torque rheometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and traction. The composite PEBD_rec / ATP (natural, sieved and treated) were produced by mixing in the molten state in a single screw extruder matrix wire with subsequent reprocessing matrix tape. It was found that the screening of attapulgite not reduce the quantity of quartz and the acid treatment completely extracted dolomite aggregate impurities of the channels attapulgite, and increase their surface area. The addition of attapulgite in PEBD_rec acts as a catalyst, reducing the thermal stability of the polymer. The increased concentration of attapulgite, increases resistance and reduces the elongation at break and modulus of elasticity of the composite PEBD_rec / attapulgite


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Ceramic filters are cellular structures that can be produced by various techniques, among which we highlight the replication method, or method of polymeric sponge. This method consists of impregnating polymeric foam with ceramic slurry, followed by heat treatment, where will occur decomposition of organic material and the sinter of the ceramic material, resulting in a ceramic whose structure is a replica of the impregnated sponge. Ceramic filters have specific properties that make this type of material very versatile, used in various technological applications such as filters for molten metals and burners, make these materials attractive candidates for high temperature applications. In this work we studied the systems Al2O3-LZSA ceramic filters processed in the laboratory, and commercial Al2O3-SiC ceramics filters, both obtained by the replica method, this work proposes the thermal and mechanical characterization. The sponge used in the processing of filters made in the laboratory was characterized by thermogravimetric analysis. The ceramic filters were characterized by compressive strength, flexural strength at high temperatures, thermal shock, permeability and physical characterization (density and porosity) and microstructural (MEV and X-rays). From the results obtained, the analysis was made of the mechanical behavior of these materials, comparing the model proposed by Gibson and Ashby model and modified the effective area and the tension adjusted, where the modified model adapted itself better to the experimental results, representing better the mechanical behavior of ceramic filters obtained by the replica method


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Steel is an alloy EUROFER promising for use in nuclear reactors, or in applications where the material is subjected to temperatures up to 550 ° C due to their lower creep resistance under. One way to increase this property, so that the steel work at higher temperatures it is necessary to prevent sliding of its grain boundaries. Factors that influence this slip contours are the morphology of the grains, the angle and speed of the grain boundaries. This speed can be decreased in the presence of a dispersed phase in the material, provided it is fine and homogeneously distributed. In this context, this paper presents the development of a new material metal matrix composite (MMC) which has as starting materials as stainless steel EUROFER 97, and two different kinds of tantalum carbide - TaC, one with average crystallite sizes 13.78 nm synthesized in UFRN and another with 40.66 nm supplied by Aldrich. In order to improve the mechanical properties of metal matrix was added by powder metallurgy, nano-sized particles of the two types of TaC. This paper discusses the effect of dispersion of carbides in the microstructure of sintered parts. Pure steel powders with the addition of 3% TaC UFRN and 3% TaC commercial respectively, were ground in grinding times following: a) 5 hours in the planetary mill for all post b) 8 hours of grinding in the mill Planetary only for steel TaC powders of commercial and c) 24 hours in the conventional ball mill mixing the pure steel milled for 5 hours in the planetary mill with 3% TaC commercial. Each of the resulting particulate samples were cold compacted under a uniaxial pressure of 600MPa, on a cylindrical matrix of 5 mm diameter. Subsequently, the compressed were sintered in a vacuum furnace at temperatures of 1150 to 1250 ° C with an increment of 20 ° C and 10 ° C per minute and maintained at these isotherms for 30, 60 and 120 minutes and cooled to room temperature. The distribution, size and dispersion of steel and composite particles were determined by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy followed by chemical analysis (EDS). The structures of the sintered bodies were observed by optical microscopy and scanning electron accompanied by EDS beyond the x-ray diffraction. Initial studies sintering the obtained steel EUROFER 97 a positive reply in relation to improvement of the mechanical properties independent of the processing, because it is obtained with sintered microhardness values close to and even greater than 100% of the value obtained for the HV 333.2 pure steel as received in the form of a bar


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Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis of worldwide distribution caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, triggering dangerous complications in immunocompromised patients and pregnant women, as well as having great economic impact for the livestock. So far the control of toxoplasmosis is made primarily by chemotherapy. However, most drugs used routinely have some limitations. In order to control this disease, several research groups, including ours, has been working to develop a medical-veterinary vaccine based on parasite antigens, vectors and protocols of immunization. In this study were implemented and standardized methodologies for amplification and cloning of recombinant immunogens in the system for the development of a prototype vaccine, based on the surface antigens of T. gondii and recombinant adenovirus encoding these antigens. Genes encoding BAG1, GRA2 and SAG1 proteins were amplified. We established a strategy for cloning SAG1, SAG2, SAG3 and TgAMA1- genes in recombinant system. The genes encoding SAG1 and SAG2 were cloned and their sequences showed high similarity with sequences from GenBank. The virtual translation of these proteins showed polymorphisms in the amino acid sequence, which can be correlated with levels of antigenicity. Simultaneously, the adenovirus encoding the SAGs (HAdSAGs) were expanded, purificated and characterizated. Immunization of C57bl/6 mice, using viral supernatant was not enought to elicit immune responses at high levels, being required HAdSAGs titration for future immunizations. Therefore, this study allowed the cloning of the two genes important for the development of a prototype vaccine. Besides, implementations methodologies that permit advancements in the development of a vaccine against toxoplasmosis using adenovirus to express proteins of the parasite


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The fat acid esters and tocopherolic derivatives are of great economic interest in many industries. The sunflower oil, which had its rich constitution in these composites, is a very interesting raw material source for the job in some sectors as bio-carburants, bio-lubrificants, bio-surfactants, dispersing agents, food industries, medicines and cosmetics. A system emulsified steady from this oil can wide be used in the therapeutical one, therefore it is of easy acceptance for the patient, for being pharmaceutical forms that allow a better medicine administration. The chemical composition characteristics, rich in unsaturad fat acid and tocopherolic derivatives, the sunflower oil, make of the emulsified systems contend this oil a proposal promising for formularizations of pharmaceutical and cosmetic use with antirust and photoprotection. The general objective of this work was to apply the HLB beddings to determine the sunflower oil critical HLB and, from this, to be able to evaluate the ideal mixture of the constituent of this system through the study of the ternary diagrams for the determination of the ratio of constituent that will generate the emulsion most steady


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This research has the objective of studying the teacher-engineers awareness regarding their teaching practice of courses Civil, Electrical and Materials at the Federal University of Campina Grande. It presents and analyses major themes concerning the teaching work. At the same time, it pinpoints the need to develop good teaching practice in higher education. The study is based on the concepts of bricolage (KINCHELOE; BERRY, 2007) and multi-referentiality (ARDOINO, 1998). The Case Study procedure was adopted as an investigation strategy (YIN, 2004; AFONSO, 2005). The data collection was done through the application of questionnaires based on the teacher education paradigms (ZEICHNER, 1983; SACRISTAN, 1998; ALTET, 2001; BRÜTTEN, 2008). The theoretical background for the thematic axis is oriented by reflections on university teaching (MASETTO, 2003; 2007; ZABALZA, 2004; CUNHA et al, 2005; GRILLO, 2008; PIMENTA; ANASTASIOU, 2010 ); on Engineering teaching (BAZZO, 2001; MASETTO, 2009) and on the present-day relationship between educational policies and higher education (MENEZES, 2001; SANTOS, 1995;2005; BOSI, 2007). The data analysis was done by means of a quantitative and qualitative approach (SAMPIERI; COLLADO; LUCIO, 2006), allow us to understand how the teachers surveyed live their professional activity. The results make it possible to generalize that the teacher-engineers give value to research as part of their teacher education and they view the university pedagogy as an important aspect to improve their practice. A considerable number of them is interested in being part of reflection groups, aiming to enhance teaching at higher education. The teacher-engineers dedicate themselves to university teaching without sharing their experience with other teachers, consolidating a present tendency seen in the international and national literature. They tend to apply a pedagogy originated from their daily teaching practice, because they believe that teaching is perfected through practice, though they admit that practice alone is not sufficient for professional development. In the view of most informants, good teaching requires willingness, along with the political element, the mastery of the lesson contents and familiarity with the discipline objectives, if we regard teachers as advisors in the educational process. Throughout the teaching process, the teachers use diversified pedagogical strategies, such as contextualization and exemplification of the lesson contents, epistemological basis in the scientific field, and group work. They do not share any bond of relationship between them and the students, though they consider it important. In general terms, they lack preparation for university teaching and no involvement or interest in institutional issues, by supporting and improving the teaching quality


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The accompanying the growth and development of the child is the guiding line of basic health measures directed at this public, acting within the scope of health monitoring and inferring positively in the rate of infant morbidity and mortality, which are still a preoccupation worldwide and in Brazil. However, mostly, this practice is based on the biomedical model of care, individualized, with emphasis on the medicalization and complaints, favoring the passivity of users. Given this issue, aim to develop accompanying the growth and development of the child in a Basic Unit Family Health, through a collective approach of medical care next to a health team, especially nurses and caregivers. This is a qualitative study, with the research-action method. Involved the four nurses and twenty-six of children's caregivers of the area of Basic Unit Family Health of Cidade Nova, in Natal, in the period from February to July 2010. The results were analyzed following the direction of the thematic analysis of Freire. In the situation analysis of the current reality of the accompanying the growth and development the children in the Basic Unit Family Health, through participant observation and applying a questionnaire to the nurses, we realize that despite these professionals have a knowledge tied to the paradigm of health promotion, in practice the monitoring of child is done through individual consultations in outpatient room, based on complaints brought by caregivers, with little solvability in actions employed. Given the need for change in medical care model, we decided jointly, in the focal group, for the collective monitoring of children's the growth and development, featuring then this proposal to the multidisciplinary team, discussing the participation of professional categories and planned collectively the actions. In the implementation stage of collective action, we contemplate the execution by the caregivers of anamnesis and physical examination, recording data in the Child Health Handbook and discussion of clinical findings, under the supervision of nurses and facilitators. In the evaluation, we found that this collective accompanying strategy allowed to caregivers learn new knowledge, exchange experiences, assistance in home care, beyond reduce the waiting time for medical care and creating opportunity of more time for debate about the children‟s health situation, differing of ambulatory care. As difficulties, we face with a high rate of defaulters (53.8%), lack of motivation and passivity of the users, little participation of other health professionals and nurses' involvement in other activities, technical and bureaucratic in the moment of care. Thus, we note also a strong rooting of individual clinical model on the way of thinking and acting of nurses and caregivers


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The question of participation has been debated in Brazil since the 1980 decade in search a better way to take care of poulation s demand. More specificaly after the democratic open (1985) begins to be thought ways to make population participates of decisions related to alocation of public resources. The characteristic of participates actualy doesn t exist, population to be carried through is, at top, consulted, and the fact population participates stays restrict to some technics interests at the projects, mainly of public politics of local development. Observe that this implementation happens through a process and that has its limits (pass) that could be surpassed through strategies made to that. This dissertation shows results of a research about participative practices in city of Serrinha between 1997 and 2004, showing through a study of the case of Serrinha what was the process used to carry through these pratices in a moment and local considered model of this application. The analyses were developed through a model of research elaborated by the author based on large literature respects the ideal process to implant a participative public politics. The present research had a qualitative boarding, being explorative and descritive nature. The researcher (author of this dissertation) carried through all the research phases, including the transcriptions of interviews that were recorded with a digital voice recorder. Before the analysis of these data was verified that despite the public manager (former-mayor) had had a real interest in implant a process of local development in city, he was not able to forsee the correct process to do it. Two high faults were made. The first was the intention to have as tool a development plan, what locked up to make this plan was the booster of supossed participative pratice and no the ideal model that would be a plan generate by popular initiative. The second one was absence of a critical education project for the population that should be the fisrt step to carry through a politc like that


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Brazilian craft production plays an important role in the generation of employment and income for many families in every state across Brazil. In Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, among many types found, identifies itself with the production of bobbin-lace, still practiced in Ponta Negra Village for ancient craftswomens of city that try to preserve the art and tradition of bobbin-lace. This work presents the results of an analysis conducted based in concepts of anthropotechnology, on the effects of a design workshop held with bobbin-lace craftswomen in the village of Ponta Negra in July of 2006. The workshop was intended to propose a new concept of products and a new alternative for production in the activity of the craftswomen, on the premise that the laces could be used as a detail inserted into other industrial products such as shirts, bags, towels, etc. Evaluations after the workshop showed that none of the artisans continued to work, indicating that actions focused solely on products did not generate representative results in the production of bobbin-lace. Evaluations also indicated that knowledge about the artisan's personal and professional characteristics, organization, pace, workload, and cultural and historical issues that permeate the activity are essential to the success of technology transfer, particularly when the transfer affects the craft production as it relates to the inseparable aspects of the craftswomen's work and lifestyle


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This research refers to the production of green buildings, defined, mainly, based on the use of sources of alternative energies, smaller emission of pollutant, use of recyclable materials, systems of recycling of the waters, maximization of the natural illumination, preservation of green areas or native, and appropriate quality of the internal air. From the conception of those buildings, it appears the needs of evaluating them, creating the methodologies for the evaluation of environmental performance of buildings. In that way, this work can be divided in two moments: the first one when it identifies the methodologies for the evaluation of environmental performance for buildings existents in the literature, defining their categories, criteria and sub-criteria to be appropriate to the reality of the Brazilian Northeast; and the second one when starting from the analysis of the systems of existent evaluation. It defines a methodological base and it generates a new evaluation system, denominated MEDACNE (Methodology of Evaluation of Environmental Acting for Construction in the Northeast). In that moment, the process of framing of the section of the building site is verified under the maintainable optics, stimulated mainly by the pressures of the society - conferences, protocols and agreements. Finally, the proposed methodology was applied in a case study, a residential building, called Maria José Gurgel , located in Natal-RN, Brazil, for its validation. This methodological proposition should increase the patterns environmental places for the production of new buildings, and it will be a reference guide for architects, engineers and planners to develop their constructions considering the criteria of the sustainability. This study made use of bibliographical research in books and specialized magazines and the analysis of the data was realized in an interpretative way