5 resultados para Desempenho econômico
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Sustainability in buildings, while reducing the impact on the environment, contributes to the promotion of social welfare, to increase the health and productivity of occupants. The search for a way of build that meets the aspirations and development of humanity without, however, represent degradation of the environment, has become the great challenge of contemporary architecture. It is considered that the incorporation of principles that provide a sustainable building with careful choices of design solutions contribute to a better economic and thermal performance of the building, as well as functional and psychological comfort to its users. Based on this general understanding, this paper presents an architecture project aimed to health care whose the solutions adopted follow carefully the relevant legislation and sets his sights on the theme of sustainability. The methodology began with studies on the themes of verification service of deaths, sustainability and those application in construction developed through research in academic studies and analysis of architectural projects, using them like reference for the solutions adopted. Within the project analysis was performed a visit to the verification service of deaths in the city of Palmas in Tocantins, subsidizing information that, plus the relevant legislation, led to functional programming and pre-dimensional of the building to be designed. The result of this programming environments were individual records with information from environmental restrictions, space required for the development of activities, desirable flow and sustainability strategies, that can be considered as the first product of relevance of the professional master's degree. Finally we have outlined the basic design architecture of a Verification Service of Death SVO/RN (in portuguese), whose process of projecting defined as a guiding line of work four points: the use of bioclimatic architecture as the main feature projectual, the use of resources would provide minimal harm to the environment, the use of modulation and structure to the building as a form of rationalization and finally the search for solutions that ensure environmental and psychological comfort to users. Importantly to highlight that, besides owning a rare theme in literature that refers to architectural projects, the whole project was drawn up with foundations in projective criteria that contribute to environmental sustainability, with emphasis on thermal performance, energy efficiency and reuse of rainwater
Sustainability in buildings, while reducing the impact on the environment, contributes to the promotion of social welfare, to increase the health and productivity of occupants. The search for a way of build that meets the aspirations and development of humanity without, however, represent degradation of the environment, has become the great challenge of contemporary architecture. It is considered that the incorporation of principles that provide a sustainable building with careful choices of design solutions contribute to a better economic and thermal performance of the building, as well as functional and psychological comfort to its users. Based on this general understanding, this paper presents an architecture project aimed to health care whose the solutions adopted follow carefully the relevant legislation and sets his sights on the theme of sustainability. The methodology began with studies on the themes of verification service of deaths, sustainability and those application in construction developed through research in academic studies and analysis of architectural projects, using them like reference for the solutions adopted. Within the project analysis was performed a visit to the verification service of deaths in the city of Palmas in Tocantins, subsidizing information that, plus the relevant legislation, led to functional programming and pre-dimensional of the building to be designed. The result of this programming environments were individual records with information from environmental restrictions, space required for the development of activities, desirable flow and sustainability strategies, that can be considered as the first product of relevance of the professional master's degree. Finally we have outlined the basic design architecture of a Verification Service of Death SVO/RN (in portuguese), whose process of projecting defined as a guiding line of work four points: the use of bioclimatic architecture as the main feature projectual, the use of resources would provide minimal harm to the environment, the use of modulation and structure to the building as a form of rationalization and finally the search for solutions that ensure environmental and psychological comfort to users. Importantly to highlight that, besides owning a rare theme in literature that refers to architectural projects, the whole project was drawn up with foundations in projective criteria that contribute to environmental sustainability, with emphasis on thermal performance, energy efficiency and reuse of rainwater
This Master s Thesis aims to use the theoretical models of growth with restricted balance of payments, specifically Kaldor (1970) and Thirlwall (1979) models, to analyze the behavior and the pattern of specialization of Brazilian exports and imports in the last years. It is observed that, in some periods, the pattern of specialization has contributed in restricting long-term growth of the Brazilian economy. It has been hypothesized that overall this is due to lack of structural transformation policies. To achieve this goal, it analyzed the performance of Brazilian exports and imports disaggregating them according to their technological content. The basis for comparison was a group of countries to which Brazil is inserted in, the BRIC. In this regard, the work is a comparative analysis by using descriptive statistics. It is concluded that the low rate of GDP growth experienced by Brazil since the 1980s can be explained in part by the decoupling of the Brazilian National Innovation System (NIS) and the Brazilian productive structure. This would be reducing the income elasticity of exports and raising imports, causing a pattern of specialization intensive primary commodities and labor and low-skill labor
The purpose of this study was to analyze the behavior of Sell-Side analysts and analysts propose a classification, considering the performance of the price forecasts and recom- mendations (sell-hold-buy) in the Brazilian stock market. For this, the first step was to analyze the consensus of analysts to understand the importance of this collective interven- tion in the market; the second was to analyze the analysts individually to understand how improve their analysis in time. Third was to understand how are the main methods of ranking used in markets. Finally, propose a form of classification that reflects the previous aspects discussed. To investigate the hypotheses proposed in the study were used linear models for panel to capture elements in time. The data of price forecasts and analyst recommendations individually and consensus, in the period 2005-2013 were obtained from Bloomberg R ○ . The main results were: (i) superior performance of consensus recommen- dations, compared with the individual analyzes; (ii) associating the number of analysts issuing recommendations with improved accuracy allows supposing that this number may be associated with increased consensus strength and hence accuracy; (iii) the anchoring effect of the analysts consensus revisions makes his predictions are biased, overvaluating the assets; (iv) analysts need to have greater caution in times of economic turbulence, noting also foreign markets such as the USA. For these may result changes in bias between optimism and pessimism; (v) effects due to changes in bias, as increased pessimism can cause excessive increase in purchase recommendations number. In this case, analysts can should be more cautious in analysis, mainly for consistency between recommendation and the expected price; (vi) the experience of the analyst with the asset economic sector and the asset contributes to the improvement of forecasts, however, the overall experience showed opposite evidence; (vii) the optimism associated with the overall experience, over time, shows a similar behavior to an excess of confidence, which could cause reduction of accuracy; (viii) the conflicting effect of general experience between the accuracy and the observed return shows evidence that, over time, the analyst has effects similar to the endowment bias on assets, which would result in a conflict analysis of recommendations and forecasts ; (ix) despite the focus on fewer sectors contribute to the quality of accuracy, the same does not occur with the focus on assets. So it is possible that analysts may have economies of scale when cover more assets within the same industry; and finally, (x) was possible to develop a proposal for classification analysts to consider both returns and the consistency of these predictions, called Analysis coefficient. This ranking resulted better results, considering the return / standard deviation.
O crescimento demográfico de idosos é um fenômeno mundial e exerce influência sobre o desenvolvimento e funcionamento das sociedades. Fatores sociais, econômicos, ambientais, biológicos e culturais influenciam o processo de envelhecimento, que pode vir acompanhado de contínua perda na capacidade de adaptação do indivíduo ao meio ambiente, de maior vulnerabilidade ao estresse, limitações funcionais e diminuição da qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Todavia, ao longo do curso da vida, o indivíduo vivencia múltiplas exposições adversas à saúde, e o declínio da mobilidade surge como um dos primeiros sinais do envelhecimento, repercutindo na saúde física e mental do indivíduo. Para contribuir com o conhecimento sobre os desfechos relacionados ao envelhecimento e mobilidade, o estudo IMIAS investiga idosos em quatro países com diferentes perfis epidemiológicos. O presente estudo abordou os possíveis fatores associados ao declínio físico em idosos de distintas sociedades, sobre a perspectiva epidemiológica do curso da vida e dos biomarcadores da inflamação e do estresse. Objetivos: 1) Analisar as relações entre as adversidades sociais e econômicas, vivenciadas durante a infância, a fase adulta e a velhice, com o baixo desempenho físico em populações idosas, de diferentes contextos sociais, econômicos e culturais. 2) Verificar a associação entre os níveis elevados da proteína c-reativa (PCR) com o desempenho físico em idosos de diferentes populações. 3) Avaliar se a desregulação nos níveis de cortisol diurno exerce influência sobre o desempenho físico em idosos com distintos perfis epidemiológicos. Métodos: Foram utilizados dados da linha de base do IMIAS – Estudo Internacional de Mobilidade no Envelhecimento, composto por 1.995 indivíduos entre 65 e 74 anos de idade, residentes em comunidades de quatro países (Albânia, Brasil, Canadá, Colômbia). O desempenho físico foi avaliado através do Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) e da força de preensão manual. As adversidades durante o curso da vida foram estimadas a partir de eventos e exposições sociais, econômicas e culturais ocorridas durante a infância, fase adulta e velhice. Para avaliar o percurso biológico e suas associações com a mobilidade, a proteína c-reativa e o cortisol foram considerados como biomarcadores da inflamação e do estresse, respectivamente. No sentido de responder as questões de investigações, foram conduzidas análises de estatística descritiva, bivariada e multivariada, mediante técnicas de distribuição de frequências, teste qui-quadrado, odds ratio e regressões logística, linear e multinível. Resultados: O desempenho físico foi menor nos participantes que vivem na Colômbia, Brasil e Albânia do que nos que vivem no Canadá, mesmo quando ajustados por idade, sexo e adversidades durante o curso da vida. O baixo nível de desempenho físico (SPPB < 8) foi associado a ter sofrido adversidade social e econômica na infância, ter tido ocupação semiqualificada na fase adulta, morar sozinho e possuir renda insuficiente na velhice. A PCR esteve associada com a baixa força de preensão manual e com o SPPB<8. Entretanto, a associação entre a PCR e a força de preensão manual não se manteve quando ajustada por fatores socioeconômicos e hábitos de saúde. As associações negativas entre SPPB e PCR permaneceram significativas mesmo após ajustes por idade, sexo, escolaridade, local de pesquisa e condições de saúde. O baixo desempenho físico (SPPB ≤ 8) foi associado com uma significativa diminuição nos níveis de cortisol ao acordar, em comparação com os níveis de cortisol de idosos com bom desempenho físico (SPPB > 8), mesmo após modelos controlados por local de estudo, sexo, depressão, hábitos de saúde, uso de psicotrópicos e índice de massa corporal. Conclusões: Os resultados evidenciaram associação entre a inflamação, o estresse e as desigualdades sociais e econômicas na infância, sobre o desempenho físico de idosos com diferenciados perfis epidemiológicos. Enfatizamos que a promoção do envelhecimento saudável requer considerar políticas e práticas que favoreçam o bem-estar econômico e social para crianças, adultos e idosos.