13 resultados para Descartes

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Le but de cet article est de présenter les éléments de preuve de l existence de Dieu présentée dans les Méditationes Métaphysiques de René Descartes, en soulignant son importance et son rôle dans le projet philosophique cartésien. La recherche visait á comprendre comment Descartes, étant um homme de science, la recherche de Dieu dans le pilier et d assurer leur philosophie. Par consé quence que Descartes propose de remplacer lui promettant de construire une nouvelle science fondée sur des bases sûres. Ainsi, le texte suit um ordre qu une partie de doute méthodologique comme um élément essentiel pour surmonter une connaissance née de l incertitude et généralisée et d opinions comme étant de droite, pour finalement atteindre la vérité dans les sciencies, Grace à la découverte Du premier cours, le cogito, moi pensant, alors existantes. Trouvé cette certitude, le sujet qui a en elle l idée d um être infini qui contient toutes perfections et, comme Il fera la démonstration de la preuve a posteriori et a priori. Et donc cet être ne peut pas être considéré comme inexistant projet assurant Descartes


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Produced water is the main effluent linked to the activity of extraction of oil and their caring management is necessary due to the large volume involved, to ensure to minimize the negative impacts of discharges of these waters in the environment. This study aimed to analyze the use of retorted shale, which is a reject from the pyrolysis of pirobituminous shale, as adsorbent for the removal of phenols in produced water. The material was characterized by different techniques (grain sized analysis, thermal analysis, BET, FRX, FT-IR, XRD and SEM), showing the heterogeneity in their composition, showing its potential for the removal of varied compounds, as well as the phenols and their derivatives. For the analysis of the efficiency of the oil shale for the adsorption process, assays of adsorption balance were carried through, and also kinetic studies and dynamics adsorption, in the ETE of the UTPF of Petrobras, in Guamaré-RN. The balance assays shown a bigger conformity with the model of Langmuir and the kinetic model more adjusted to describe the adsorption of phenols in retorted shale was of pseudo-second order. The retorted shale presented a low capacity of adsorption of phenols (1,3mg/g), when related to others conventional adsorbents, however it is enough to the removal of these composites in concentrations presented in the produced water of the UTPF of Guamaré. The assays of dynamics adsorption in field had shown that the concentration of phenol in the effluent was null until reaching its rupture (58 hours). The results showed the possibility of use of the reject for removal of phenols in the final operations of the treatment process, removing as well, satisfactorily, the color and turbidity of the produced water, with more than 90% of removal


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The thesis describes parallel possibilities between the knowledge built in theatre and in Science. The narrative is constructed through a reflexive observation of the process of making a threatical play, specifically O Tempo da Chuva by Grupo Beira de Teatro , in analogy to the process of making a scientific theory, specifically the one described by Werner Heisenberg in his book Physics and Beyond: encounters and conversations . It sets a dialog with authors/actors from various areas of knowledge, such as Edgar Morin, Werner Heisenberg, René Descartes, Paul Feyerabend, Paul Caro, Juremir Machado da Silva, Maria da Conceição de Almeida, Renato Ferracini, among others. It discusses the hypothesis that Science is the process of building and the theatrical process of building a play can also be systematized, likewise science. The thesis defends, as the complexities science may suggest, a method as a strategy. Developed throughout the process, such method could only be verified at the end, when the elements of the setting of atomic physics theories and theatre were correlated. Questions such as: the place of theatre and science in our contemporary society and the political and ethical role of artists and scientists are at the episthemological basis of this narrative which we have started, but it is not even close to a conclusion


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The world market of Kaolin has been growing as new investments for better quality of materials have been applied. This market produces amounts of dross that are put in the environment in a wrong way, causing damages to it. Trying to reduce these damages, researches have been done in an attempt to use kaolin dross in ceramic. The disposal of kaolin dross in the environment by the industries of the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Paraiba have great impact in society. Usually this dross is disposed clandestinely in places like roads, river banks and lands of small cities. The present work shows the characteristics of the kaolin produced by the mining company in Junco do Seridó, Paraiba state, western Seridó, 300 km from Natal, in the border of both states. After that, researches were done to study its physical and the chemistry characteristics, trying to see if it can be used in white ceramic. The samples got were bolted in fabric of 325# . The technological characteristics tried to use it as a product in white ceramic. For that, it was made a haracterization of the subject matter through enlargement analyses, ATG and ATD, elaborating three formulations that were burned in four different temperatures, 1175, 1200, 1250 and 1300 degrees centigrade up to 30 minutes. After the burning, the subjects were submitted to water absorbing tests, linear retreating, apparent porosity, apparent specific mass, resistance to flexibility and MEV. For one of the mixtures it was obtained demanded properties for a semi porous material


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Actually, surveys have been developed for obtaining new materials and methodologies that aim to minimize environmental problems due to discharges of industrial effluents contaminated with heavy metals. The adsorption has been used as an alternative technology effectively, economically viable and potentially important for the reduction of metals, especially when using natural adsorbents such as certain types of clay. Chitosan, a polymer of natural origin, present in the shells of crustaceans and insects, has also been used for this purpose. Among the clays, vermiculite is distinguished by its good ion exchange capacity and in its expanded form enhances its properties by greatly increasing its specific surface. This study aimed to evaluate the functionality of the hybrid material obtained through the modification of expanded vermiculite with chitosan in the removal of lead ions (II) in aqueous solution. The material was characterized by infrared spectroscopy (IR) in order to evaluate the efficiency of modification of matrix, the vermiculite, the organic material, chitosan. The thermal stability of the material and the ratio clay / polymer was evaluated by thermogravimetry. To evaluate the surface of the material was used in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and (BET). The BET analysis revealed a significant increase in surface area of vermiculite that after interaction with chitosan, was obtained a value of 21, 6156 m2 / g. Adsorption tests were performed according to the particle size, concentration and time. The results show that the capacity of removal of ions through the vermiculite was on average 88.4% for lead in concentrations ranging from 20-200 mg / L and 64.2% in the concentration range of 1000 mg / L. Regarding the particle size, there was an increase in adsorption with decreasing particle size. In fuction to the time of contact, was observed adsorption equilibrium in 60 minutes with adsorption capacity. The data of the isotherms were fitted to equation Freundlich. The kinetic study of adsorption showed that the pseudo second- order model best describes the adsorption adsorption, having been found following values K2=0,024 g. mg-1 min-1and Qmax=25,75 mg/g, value very close to the calculated Qe = 26.31 mg / g. From the results we can conclude that the material can be used in wastewater treatment systems as a source of metal ions adsorbent due to its high adsorption capacity


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Placed in the field of Didactic of Science, this paper proposes an approach to the introduction of the History of Science in science education, at high school level. It was designed and implemented a series of activities regarding the history of the Principle of Inertia. The aim of this approach was to give more meaning to scientific education, while opening new avenues for a better understanding of the processes of construction of scientific knowledge. The preparation of the activities involved a study of the historical development of the concept of motion, from the Aristotelian physics through physical movement concepts at medieval period, from Galileo, Gassendi, Descartes, until the first law of Newton. The strategy of teaching was applied to three classes of high school (night period) of a state public school at the city of Natal (RN). The results indicated the difficulty of overcoming alternative conceptions about movement by students. Nevertheless, we consider that the implementation of this strategy of teaching both represented gains for the learning of students, and contributed to the resizing of pedagogical practices of the teacher-researcher


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The production of oil and gas is usually accompanied by the production of water, also known as produced water. Studies were conducted in platforms that discharge produced water in the Atlantic Ocean due to oil and gas production by Petrobras from 1996 to 2006 in the following basins: Santos (Brazilian south region), Campos (Brazilian southeast region) and Ceara (Brazilian northeast region). This study encompasses chemical composition, toxicological effects, discharge volumes, and produced water behavior after releasing in the ocean, including dispersion plumes modeling and monitoring data of the marine environment. The concentration medians for a sampling of 50 samples were: ammonia (70 mg L-1), boron (1.3 mg L1), iron (7.4 mg L-1), BTEX (4.6 mg L-1), PAH (0.53 mg L-1), TPH (28 mg L-1); phenols (1.3 mg L-1) and radioisotopes (0.15 Bq L-1 for 226Ra and 0.09 Bq L-1 for 228Ra). The concentrations of the organic and inorganic parameters observed for the Brazilian platforms were similar to the international reference data for the produced water in the North Sea and in other regions of the world. It was found significant differences in concentrations of the following parameters: BTEX (p<0.0001), phenols (p=0.0212), boron (p<0.0001), iron (p<0.0001) and toxicological response in sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus (p<0.0001) when considering two distinguished groups, platforms from southeast and northeast Region (PCR-1). Significant differences were not observed among the other parameters. In platforms with large gas production, the monoaromatic concentrations (BTEX from 15.8 to 21.6 mg L-1) and phenols (from 2 to 83 mg L-1) were higher than in oil plataforms (median concentrations of BTEX were 4.6 mg L-1 for n=53, and of phenols were 1.3 mg L-1 for n=46). It was also conducted a study about the influence of dispersion plumes of produced water in the vicinity of six platforms of oil and gas production (P-26, PPG-1, PCR-1, P-32, SS-06), and in a hypothetical critical scenario using the chemical characteristics of each effluent. Through this study, using CORMIX and CHEMMAP models for dispersion plumes simulation of the produced water discharges, it was possible to obtain the dilution dimension in the ocean after those discharges. The dispersion plumes of the produced water modelling in field vicinity showed dilutions of 700 to 900 times for the first 30-40 meters from the platform PCR-1 discharge point; 100 times for the platform P-32, with 30 meters of distance; 150 times for the platform P-26, with 40 meters of distance; 100 times for the platform PPG-1, with 130 meters of distance; 280 to 350 times for the platform SS-06, with 130 meters of distance, 100 times for the hypothetical critical scenario, with the 130 meters of distance. The dilutions continue in the far field, and with the results of the simulations, it was possible to verify that all the parameters presented concentrations bellow the maximum values established by Brazilian legislation for seawater (CONAMA 357/05 - Class 1), before the 500 meters distance of the discharge point. These results were in agreement with the field measurements. Although, in general results for the Brazilian produced water presented toxicological effects for marine organisms, it was verified that dilutions of 100 times were sufficient for not causing toxicological responses. Field monitoring data of the seawater around the Pargo, Pampo and PCR-1 platforms did not demonstrate toxicity in the seawater close to these platforms. The results of environmental monitoring in seawater and sediments proved that alterations were not detected for environmental quality in areas under direct influence of the oil production activities in the Campos and Ceara Basin, as according to results obtained in the dispersion plume modelling for the produced water discharge


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The production of oil and gas is usually accompanied by the production of water, also known as produced water. Studies were conducted in platforms that discharge produced water in the Atlantic Ocean due to oil and gas production by Petrobras from 1996 to 2006 in the following basins: Santos (Brazilian south region), Campos (Brazilian southeast region) and Ceara (Brazilian northeast region). This study encompasses chemical composition, toxicological effects, discharge volumes, and produced water behavior after releasing in the ocean, including dispersion plumes modeling and monitoring data of the marine environment. The concentration medians for a sampling of 50 samples were: ammonia (70 mg L-1), boron (1.3 mg L1), iron (7.4 mg L-1), BTEX (4.6 mg L-1), PAH (0.53 mg L-1), TPH (28 mg L-1); phenols (1.3 mg L-1) and radioisotopes (0.15 Bq L-1 for 226Ra and 0.09 Bq L-1 for 228Ra). The concentrations of the organic and inorganic parameters observed for the Brazilian platforms were similar to the international reference data for the produced water in the North Sea and in other regions of the world. It was found significant differences in concentrations of the following parameters: BTEX (p<0.0001), phenols (p=0.0212), boron (p<0.0001), iron (p<0.0001) and toxicological response in sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus (p<0.0001) when considering two distinguished groups, platforms from southeast and northeast Region (PCR-1). Significant differences were not observed among the other parameters. In platforms with large gas production, the monoaromatic concentrations (BTEX from 15.8 to 21.6 mg L-1) and phenols (from 2 to 83 mg L-1) were higher than in oil plataforms (median concentrations of BTEX were 4.6 mg L-1 for n=53, and of phenols were 1.3 mg L-1 for n=46). It was also conducted a study about the influence of dispersion plumes of produced water in the vicinity of six platforms of oil and gas production (P-26, PPG-1, PCR-1, P-32, SS-06), and in a hypothetical critical scenario using the chemical characteristics of each effluent. Through this study, using CORMIX and CHEMMAP models for dispersion plumes simulation of the produced water discharges, it was possible to obtain the dilution dimension in the ocean after those discharges. The dispersion plumes of the produced water modelling in field vicinity showed dilutions of 700 to 900 times for the first 30-40 meters from the platform PCR-1 discharge point; 100 times for the platform P-32, with 30 meters of distance; 150 times for the platform P-26, with 40 meters of distance; 100 times for the platform PPG-1, with 130 meters of distance; 280 to 350 times for the platform SS-06, with 130 meters of distance, 100 times for the hypothetical critical scenario, with the 130 meters of distance. The dilutions continue in the far field, and with the results of the simulations, it was possible to verify that all the parameters presented concentrations bellow the maximum values established by Brazilian legislation for seawater (CONAMA 357/05 - Class 1), before the 500 meters distance of the discharge point. These results were in agreement with the field measurements. Although, in general results for the Brazilian produced water presented toxicological effects for marine organisms, it was verified that dilutions of 100 times were sufficient for not causing toxicological responses. Field monitoring data of the seawater around the Pargo, Pampo and PCR-1 platforms did not demonstrate toxicity in the seawater close to these platforms. The results of environmental monitoring in seawater and sediments proved that alterations were not detected for environmental quality in areas under direct influence of the oil production activities in the Campos and Ceara Basin, as according to results obtained in the dispersion plume modelling for the produced water discharge


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This assignment ains to prove the pertinency of using the wittgenstein´s argument against private language as a criticism to cartesian fundacionism. Therefore, I want to demonstrate in the first chaper the conceptual viability of facing the cartesian argument of cogito not as a simple silogism but as an exemple of a private experience (process of thinking). At the second chaper, the subordination of the argument against private language give us the idea that rules can only be followed by means of corrections givem by a linguistic community that is external to the private subject, in a way to be unviable the assumption that is possible to name an internal experience without searching external rules of the use of terms. At the chaper 3 the pertinency of the hypothesis raised by A. Kenny, about the overtaking of the argument against private language can be extended to the idea of epistemic and ontologic privacy that would lend validity to the fundacion present at the argument at the cartesian cogito. In oder to become evident the pertinency of use of Wittgenstein´s argument agaist Descartes´ fundation, it´s necessary, at the chaper 3, to demonstrate the impertinency of the objection to the A. Kenny´s hypothesis, based on the experiency of the thought of the brain at the recipient, to make clear the incompatibility existing between the cartesian idea of cogito and Wittgenstein´s notion that language is an activitie followed by rules, wich correction criterion may be external and intersubjective


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A reading method (Cervo & Bervian, 1983) was applied to select psychology publications on health. The rejection of the biomedical model is a recurring theme in these publications. Its point of view is that the model is reductionistic because it emphasizes (1) the disease (2) as a body dysfunction and by consequence health is understood as the absence of disease. The implications of the biomedical model for health are biological materialism and physiological mechanicism. Psychology publications counterpoint to biomedicine is to include attention to life contexts and consider the role of individual behavior and lifestyle in the health-disease process. Those thoughts about the nature of health imply a conception of man, especially when some articles claim that Descartes’ ideas are the ground to biomedicine development. Psychology publications reviewed highlight health characteristics related to a different view of the human mode of being. The thesis presented develops an understanding that Martin Heidegger’s Dasein Analytic is a conception of human being consistent with the selected psychology works’ view of health. It means psychology’s discussion about what is health is based on an implicit approach to the human being, one that allows the rethinking of health. The heideggerian Dasein is a vision of man in tune with the comprehension of health presented in the selected publications. It is understood that the manner a human phenomenon is conceptualized is related even implicitly to a conception of man. To take into account health’s contextual aspects like society, environment, and culture call attention to the man world relationship to which Heidegger calls being in the world. To highlight the role of behavior on one’s own health makes a point of the relationship man has with her/his own being, which Heidegger calls mineness.


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This work discusses the ontology of the visible at the thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961), which points to a depth and opacity of the perceived world that oppose transparency of geometric world thought by René Descartes (1596-1650). At first we approached the Cartesian discourse developed in Dioptrics Descartes, the first of three scientific discourses published in 1637, being introduced by the famous Discourse method. In this sense, this research discusses the mechanistic explanation that the modern philosopher has the vision, process comprising the formation of images on the retina and its communication to the brain, and the subsequent reading performed by an immaterial mind. Discusses the notion of image as a result of the interpretation of the spirit because, for Descartes, is not the eye that sees, but the spirit that reads and decodes the signals that the body receives the world. At another point, reflected on the criticism of the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty at the thought of overflight present in Dioptrics Descartes. Therefore, it takes as its reference the third part of the book The Eye and the Spirit (1961), in which the intellectualist approach of vision is considered a failed attempt to move away from the visible to rebuild it from anywhere . In this sense, it reflects on a new ontology proposed by Merleau-Ponty thinking being without departing from the puzzles of the body and vision. Puzzles that show a promiscuity between the seer and the seen, between sentient and sensitive. Thus, this paper discusses how visibility was treated by the contemporary philosopher, not as something to be judged by the spirit to get a real nature of things, but as a manifestation of the same things. Finally, this research explores the ontology of the visible in merleaupontiano thought, an ontology that does not rebuild or appropriates visible by a thought of overflight, but what you do from your own visibility as compared original and constant with depth in the world.


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This work discusses the ontology of the visible at the thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961), which points to a depth and opacity of the perceived world that oppose transparency of geometric world thought by René Descartes (1596-1650). At first we approached the Cartesian discourse developed in Dioptrics Descartes, the first of three scientific discourses published in 1637, being introduced by the famous Discourse method. In this sense, this research discusses the mechanistic explanation that the modern philosopher has the vision, process comprising the formation of images on the retina and its communication to the brain, and the subsequent reading performed by an immaterial mind. Discusses the notion of image as a result of the interpretation of the spirit because, for Descartes, is not the eye that sees, but the spirit that reads and decodes the signals that the body receives the world. At another point, reflected on the criticism of the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty at the thought of overflight present in Dioptrics Descartes. Therefore, it takes as its reference the third part of the book The Eye and the Spirit (1961), in which the intellectualist approach of vision is considered a failed attempt to move away from the visible to rebuild it from anywhere . In this sense, it reflects on a new ontology proposed by Merleau-Ponty thinking being without departing from the puzzles of the body and vision. Puzzles that show a promiscuity between the seer and the seen, between sentient and sensitive. Thus, this paper discusses how visibility was treated by the contemporary philosopher, not as something to be judged by the spirit to get a real nature of things, but as a manifestation of the same things. Finally, this research explores the ontology of the visible in merleaupontiano thought, an ontology that does not rebuild or appropriates visible by a thought of overflight, but what you do from your own visibility as compared original and constant with depth in the world.


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Produced water is the main effluent linked to the activity of extraction of oil and their caring management is necessary due to the large volume involved, to ensure to minimize the negative impacts of discharges of these waters in the environment. This study aimed to analyze the use of retorted shale, which is a reject from the pyrolysis of pirobituminous shale, as adsorbent for the removal of phenols in produced water. The material was characterized by different techniques (grain sized analysis, thermal analysis, BET, FRX, FT-IR, XRD and SEM), showing the heterogeneity in their composition, showing its potential for the removal of varied compounds, as well as the phenols and their derivatives. For the analysis of the efficiency of the oil shale for the adsorption process, assays of adsorption balance were carried through, and also kinetic studies and dynamics adsorption, in the ETE of the UTPF of Petrobras, in Guamaré-RN. The balance assays shown a bigger conformity with the model of Langmuir and the kinetic model more adjusted to describe the adsorption of phenols in retorted shale was of pseudo-second order. The retorted shale presented a low capacity of adsorption of phenols (1,3mg/g), when related to others conventional adsorbents, however it is enough to the removal of these composites in concentrations presented in the produced water of the UTPF of Guamaré. The assays of dynamics adsorption in field had shown that the concentration of phenol in the effluent was null until reaching its rupture (58 hours). The results showed the possibility of use of the reject for removal of phenols in the final operations of the treatment process, removing as well, satisfactorily, the color and turbidity of the produced water, with more than 90% of removal