7 resultados para Cytoplasm.

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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We investigated the immunohistochemistry expression of claudins -1 and -7 in ameloblastoma and in human dental germs on the pattern of distribution (focal, regional or diffuse), the cells that expressed (if central or peripheral) and the location of that expression in the cell components recital membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. Among the 29 cases of ameloblastoma, 24 were type solid and 6 unicystic. In 7 mandibular specimens of human fetuses found dental germs from the stage of bud to the crown. We note that the pattern of expression in the dental germs was variable for claudinas studied according to the cell type and stage of differentiation and was invariate only in the cells of stellate reticulum. In epithelium internal of enamel organ, claudin-1 has been decreasing with the progression of differentiation as to claudina-7 that was found in the cells of the peripheral papilla. For ameloblastoma the expression was more significant than that observed in dental germs. Fisher s exact test no found association between the expression of claudinas cells in central and peripheral and the type of ameloblastoma (solid or unicystic). Thus, in general the claudin-1 was positive in the central cell of 93,1% of the cases and in peripheral cells of 51,7%. The claudin-7 was expressed in the cells of all cases central and peripheral cells from 89,7%. For both claudins the distribution was predominantly diffuse cells both in central and peripheral cells. Given our findings it is suggested that the expression of claudins may be indicative of the involvement of these molecules in morphogenetics events culminating with the dental development and that possibly influence the development of neoplastic ameloblastoma


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Several studies are carried out with aim to establish parameters to determine biologic behavior of oral squamous cell carcinoma, in order this neoplasm presents high rates of morbidity and mortality. The purpose of present research was to performe a clinic, morphologic and immunohistochemical analysis by the expression of galectins 1, 3, 4 and 7 in 65 cases of tongue squamous cell carcinoma, correlating this expression with clinics (outcome of the disease, metastasis and clinical staging) and morphologic parameters (malignancy histologic gradation system). The clinical and morphologic parameters analysed and expression of galectins 1, 3, 4 and 7 were submitted to statistical analysis (Qui2 test), observing that can be utilized as indicators of the biological behavior of the tongue squamous cell carcinoma. The galectin 1 was expressed in 87,7% of cases studied and it exhibit statistically significant correlation with metastasis (p=0,033) and clinical staging (p=0,016), it is located mostly in the citoplasm of the stomal cells. The immunoexpression of galectin 3 in 87,7% of cases was correlated with the presence of metastasis (p=0,033) and malignancy histological gradation system (p=0,031), observed, mostly of cases, in tongue squamous cell carcinoma of malignancy high grading. The galectin 4 showed no statistical significance to any of the parameters evaluated. The expression of galectin 7 in 73,8% of cases showed statistically significant correlation with the malignancy histologic grading (p=0,005), which is marking exclusively found in neoplastic epithelial cells, in the mostly of cases, it is found in cytoplasm and membrane (50%). The expressive immunopositivy of the galectins 1, 3 and 7, observed in this research, leads us to suggest a broad participation of these proteins in oral carcinogenesis, and its possible use as markers of biological behavior and tumor progression in cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue


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The tumor hypoxia modulates a series of genetic changes related to adaptive development, invasion and metastasis of various human cancers, among which squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue (SCCT). The objective of this study was to analyze clinical, morphological and immunohistochemical expression by HIF-1α, GLUT-1 and CA-IX in 57 cases of CEL and correlated this expression to clinical parameters and morphological. After a descriptive analysis of data on gender, age, race, and habits of patients, it was found that the results were consistent with the literature. The clinical and morphological parameters analyzed and the expression of these markers of hypoxia were subjected to statistical analysis (Qui2 test), verifying that they can be used as indicators of the biological behavior of CEL. Among the results of this study, we observed that the intensity of expression for HIF-1α, in most cases located in the cytoplasm and nucleus, statistically correlated with clinical staging (p = 0.011) and histological grading (p = 0.002). As for the relationship between the distribution of labeling for HIF-1α and metastasis, the chi-square (Qui2) showed that there was statistically significant differences between the groups (p = 0.040). 75.8% of the sample who had metastases, there was the predominance of diffuse marking. The immunoexpression cytoplasmic/membrane GLUT-1 showed a statistically significant correlation with the clinical stage (p = 0.002) and histological grading (p = 0.000). Concerning the location of markings for GLUT-1 tumor on the island, there was a predominance of peripheral marking specimens in most low-grade (78.6%). In the sample of high-grade, prevailed the location center/periphery (55.8%). According to the chi-square (Qui2), the location on the island of the tumor (p = 0.025) showed statistically significant difference in histological grading. The immunoreactivity of CA-IX, in most cases located in the membrane and cytoplasm, exhibited a statistically significant correlation with histological grading (p = 0.005). Based on these results, we can conclude a broad participation of these markers of hypoxia in oral carcinogenesis and its possible use as markers of biological behavior and tumor progression in CEL


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The objective of this study was perform by the streptoavidin-biotin technique an immunohistochemical analysis of α2β1, α3β1e α5β1 integrins in 11 normal oral mucosa (NOM), 16 oral inflammatory fibroepithelial hyperplasia (OIFH) and 25 oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) (16 mild, 2 moderates and 7 severe), to determine if exists qualitative alteration in the expression of these integrins and if this guard relation with the oral epithelial modifications. It was observed that for the α2β1 integrin the majority of the sample showed a predominantly intense labeling diffusely distributed in the intercellular contacts and the cytoplasm of cells of the basal and suprabasal layers, without difference of this profile between the different types of specimens, however with a trend to weak or loss of expression in 21.1% of the OEDs, being all the specimens that had not expressed this heterodimer, severe OEDs. For the α3β1 integrin the majority of the sample showed a weak or absent labeling in basal layer. The α5β1 integrin showed a predominant strong diffuse labeling in the intercellular contacts and cytoplasm in the suprabasal layer, with difference only in the labeling intensity between the types of specimens, inhabiting this difference in the OEDs, where 12 (48%) specimens had shown a weak labeling. It was concluded that the evaluated integrins can be involved in the cell-cell, cell-ECM interactions modulating the cellular differentiation and maintenance of the epithelial structural arrangement. The variable expression of the α5β1 integrin in the OEDs, could suggest, respectively, a role of this molecule in the cellular survival, with intention to perpetuate the modified phenotype in these lesions, or a suppressor role on the modified phenotype due to lack of interaction of this molecule with the fibronectina of the MEC


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The adhesion molecules E-cadherin and β-catenin have been studied as possible markers to distinguish carcinomas with and without metastatic potential. The objective of this research was to study the imunohistochemistry expression of the E-cadherin and β-catenin in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), aiming to contribute for the better understanding of the biological behavior of this lesion. The sample consisted of 30 cases of OSCC, being 15 of tongue and 15 of lower lip. The profile and intensity of labeling and semi quantitative analysis of the percentage of immunopositive tumoral cells in membrane for E-cadherin and β-catenin had been related with the anatomical localization of the lesion, the presence or not of nodal metastasis and the histological grade of malignancy in the invasive front area of the tumor. It was registered the presence or not of cytoplasmic and nuclear labeling of the β-catenin. The results had been submitted to the statistical analysis, being used the Mann-Whitney Test, the Fisher Test and the Spearman Correlation Coefficient (α=0, 05). The results showed that the expression in membrane for E-cadherin and β-catenin was, predominantly, the heterogeneous profile in the lower lip and tongue carcinomas, as well as in the cases with and without nodal metastasis. It was not observed significant statistical difference between expression profile and amount of immunopositive cells for E-cadherin, β-catenin and the anatomical localization of the lesion and for the presence or not of nodal metastasis. However, there was significant difference of the reduced expression of these proteins with the high score of malignancy. It was verified that the expression of the β-catenin in cytoplasm was present in 22 (73.33%) of the 30 analyzed cases, and 6 cases (20%) showed nuclear expression. The statistical analysis detected significant association between the expression of the β-catenin in the cytoplasm with the histological grade of malignancy, being this molecule more frequently present in the cytoplasm in the cases of high score of malignancy. It was concluded that the reduced immunoexpression of these proteins in membrane can be related with the lowest cellular differentiation, as well as with the pattern of invasion in nests and isolated cells, demonstrated in the cases of OSCC with high histological grade of malignancy


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The unpredictable biologic behavior of the oral squamous cells carcinoma has determined extensive research on the evolution of such tumor. Due to the existing relation between the outer cell matrix and the tumor cells, the integrins have been used as markers in the predictive study of the cell behavior. This study aims to analyze immunohistochemically the expression of the integrin α2β1, α3β1, and α5β1 connections for the collagen, the laminin and the fibronectin respectively in 15 cases of squamous cells carcinoma from the lower lip and 15 from the tongue, with different scores of malignance grading. A predominantly diffuse, cytoplasm and granular immunological marking was observed in the majority of the analyzed cases. According to the marking intensity, integrin α2β1 appeared positive in 80% of the lip and in 93,3% of the tongue cases. The immunological reactivity of integrin α3β1 was classified as positive in 60% of both the tongue and lip cases. For this integrin, 20% and 33.3% of the tongue and lip cases, respectively, were negative. In relation to integrin α5β1 the intensity was classified as positive in 53,3% of the cases and strongly positive in 46,7% of those located in the lip. In the tongue carcinomas, the intensity was positive in 46,7% of the cases and strongly positive in 53,3%. The statistic analysis did not show any significant differences or correlation of expression between these integrins nor between the anatomical sites or between different scores of malignancy grading. The expressive immunological marking of the integrins, α2β1, α3β1, and α5β1 in the studied cases of squamous cell carcinomas leads us to think of a great participation of these proteins in oral carcinogenesis; however, our results do not allow us to correlate its expression as an indicator of variations in the biological behavior of this neoplasia


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The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus, together with the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) of the thalamus are considered the central components of the circadian timing system (CTS) of mammals. This system is responsible for the generation and regulation of circadian rhythms by establishing a temporal organization of physiological processes and behaviors. The neuronal specific nuclear protein (NeuN) has been widely used as a neuronal marker in several studies. Since glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a component of intermediate filaments found in the cytoplasm of astrocytes and is commonly used as a specific marker for these cells. This study aims to identify, in the marmoset, the NeuN immunoreactive neurons and glial cells immunoreactive to GFAP, as well as map the major route of photic synchronization of the STC, retinohypothalamic tract (RHT), and identify the indirect pathway to the SCN and pregeniculate nucleus (PGN) - structure homologous to IGL rodents, using immunohistochemical and cytoarchitectonic techniques. Observed in SCN the presence of neurons immunoreactive to NeuN and terminals immunoreactive subunit b of cholera toxin (CTb), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and serotonin (5- HT). In the PGN noted the presence of the NeuN and NPY immunoreactive neurons and the immunoreactive terminals CTb and 5-HT. Astrocytes are present throughout the extent of the SCN and the PGN this New World primate