7 resultados para Curso 2013-2014

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Dengue is an acute infectious disease, usually transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The etiologic agents belong to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, and occur as four antigenically related but distinct serotypes designated DENV-1, 2, 3, and 4. In Brazil, the disease represents a national public health problem. The purpose of the present study was to describe epidemiological aspects of dengue in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, from 2013 to 2014. A total of 483 blood or serum samples, collected from January 2013 to December 2014, were studied by RT-PCR for viral detection and typing. The infection was confirmed in 36.44% (176/483) of the cases studied. This study detected the circulation of three serotypes of dengue virus in Rio Grande do Norte, DENV-1, 2, and 4. The predominant serotype in 2013-2014 was the DENV-4, representing 83.51% (81/97) and 68.35% (54/79) of the positive cases, respectively. Regarding the spatial distribution, most of the cases occurred in Natal and Caicó, with 9.28% (9/97) and 18.99% (15/79), respectively. The months with the biggest viral circulation in RN were March 2013 and May 2014. The female gender was the most affected, representing 69.07% (67/97) in 2013 and 54.43% (43/79) in 2014. The most affected age groups were 21-30 years (2013) and 11-20 years (2014) with 25.77% (25/97) and 20.25% (16/79) positive cases, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that genotype V (DENV-1) and genotype II (DENV-4) circulated in the State. Our results provide information about the dynamics of DENV in the Rio Grande do Norte, important for the development of disease control strategies.


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The subject of public safety is part of the academic and popular discussions, due to several factors that act in society culminating in an increasing criminality. The importance of the evaluation of public policies in this context consists in a possible control tool, monitoring and necessary adjustments to the government to make the necessary changes. Given this reality, it is thought the research problem: how Mossoró (RN) city has implemented his public security policy? In general guideline of the research, we work with the following hypothesis: the own formulation of the National Policy of Public Safety there are elements that hinder the implementation of a public policy of municipal security in Mossoró. The objective of this research is to evaluate the existing security public policy in the city of Mossoró, by the elements that facilitate and/or hamper its implementation, through the actions of municipal government in the activities of the Mossoro Civil Guard (GCM). For this, a review of the implementation process was conducted, specifically its subprocesses of selection, training, and logistical or operational. Was used bibliographical research, documental primary and secondary, and field research, with conducting of interviews. It was found that with a staff of 197 guards, and with five years of creation, the actions developed by this institution refer to an early implementation of the municipal security policy. The guard has the basic pattern selection, part of function relocation and part of public tender. The formation occurs in an introductory way, however, not complete and specific, for the function performance. Its operability is limited by the number of existing effective and by the physical structure that has not matching the demand yet, which touches on the municipal budgetary reality of direct resource intended to safety. It was found the absence of a municipal plan of public security with principles, guidelines and goals that could direct the actions of the guard. It is concluded that despite of the implementation of the GCM Mossoró have not achieved, within the parameters of efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness have played their actions, projects and programs, it could trigger a process of opening for construction of a municipal security policy. As well as break with the paradigm of municipal actions just meant for surveillance of public property, interaction affirmative for the prevention of violence and crime


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Tomamos como un fenómeno a ser estudiado en nuestra investigación las prácticas educativas del Lições de Cidadania. O Lições fue creado como un proyecto y más tarde transformado en un Programa de extensión que se centra en la Educación Popular y los Derechos Humanos, forjado en la reflexión - acción - reflexión. Contribuyó a la reorganización de la formación juridica, extensión universitaria y la situación política de la Universidad Federal de Río Grande do Norte. Circunscribiendo nuestro estudio entre los años 2005 y 2013, tuvo como objetivo identificar, analizar y sistematizar los procesos educativos del Lições que tuvieron lugar durante este período en UFRN y en las comunidades que han dialogado con los sujetos de extensión. Nos guiamos durante la investigación en dos preguntas: ¿Cuáles son las bases educativas del Lições de Cidadania? Y, como el Lições de Cidadania hay operado en el mundo? Estas cuestiones sulearam largo de nuestro estudio y nos llevaron a tomar el paradigma Indiciário señalado por Ginzburg, en su obra: Mitos, Emblemas, Signos: Morfología e Historia (1989). Como una estrategia de investigación, se utilizó la entrevista conversacional libre para el diálogo directo con los chicos y chicas que construyeron el Lições de Cidadania, además de recurrir a la extensa documentación de investigación, principalmente a través de correos electrónicos y actas de las reuniones de planificación del Lições. Llamamos a la rueda de la conversación, el concepto de tránsito en Freire, Vivência y Zona de Desarrollo Próximo de Vygotsky y Peregrinación y Itinerancia en Barbosa Jr. y Tavares. Después de la búsqueda para entender las prácticas educativas del Lições a través de la palabra auténtica de las personas y de los documentos, hemos sido capaces de comprender más profundamente la estructura y la acción del Proyecto a lo largo de su existencia, indicando, para nosotros, que, en realidad, fue un Proyecto de extensión que en la promoción de contacto directo de los estudiantes con las comunidades, también promovió cambios significativos en la manera de ser y vivir de los estudiantes


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by female mosquitoes from genus Aedes, the principal urban vector is Aedes aegypti. Actually dengue has caused, in global scale, substantial morbidity and mortality. Four serotypes (antigenically distinct) are known: DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4. The objective of this study was described the epidemiological profile dengue in the states of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) and Paraíba (PB), 2013. For that, suspected cases of dengue were studied, received for Laboratory of Molecular Biology of infectious disease and cancer (LADIC-UFRN) from different Health Units from RN and PB between January and December of 2013. The viral RNA was obtained from serum samples of patient from health units from RN and PB. It were studied 478 suspected cases of dengue , 252 (52,7%) from Rio Grande do Norte and 226 (47,3%) from Paraíba, showeds a global rate of infection global prevalence of 29,7% (142/478). The co-circulation of three serotypes was observed: DENV-1 (9,8% [14/142]), DENV-2 (3,5% [5/142]) and DENV-4 (86,7% [123/142]). People between 21-30 years old were the most affected by the disease during all the period of the study, representing 63,7% of the cases in both states. The genus most affected was female, representing 63,3% of cases in both states. Pau dos Ferros, Rio Grande do Norte, had the highest circulation of disease, with 8,2% (8/97) of cases. In Paraíba, the city most affected was João Pessoa, with (80% (36/45) of cases. The months with the biggest viral circulation in RN and PB were March and August, respectively. These results are very important to understanding the dengue viral activity in RN and PB, providing data that can guide control actions of this disease in support to local control programs


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The National Curricular Guidelines for nutrition course predict training directed to the work in the Unified Health System (SUS) and the mandatory completion of course work. The aim of this study was to analyze the formation of dieticians in Rio Grande do Norte state/Brazil to work in the SUS, from the compulsory scientific production provided for training. This is a bibliometric study, quantitative approach, performed with completion of course works of five nutrition undergraduate courses in Rio Grande do Norte state in the years 2013/2013. From the reading of the works, the following variables were collected: nature of the institution, institution administrative category, location, work title, number of authors, work format, titration of the teacher advisor, study type, area of interest, scenery of accomplishment, submission to the ethics committee, suitability of descriptors and, as pertaining to the field of public health, the subfield of public health and the theme. The pedagogical projects of the courses were read and were identified opportunities to develop research in the graduation. For detection of significant categories we applied the Pearson chisquare test. We analyzed 195 works, coming mostly belonging to universities courses (79.0%) and private institutions (56.4%). A higher frequency of articles (68.2%), developed by one student (65.6%), guided by master teachers (57.9%), with cross-sectional study design (49.2%), conducted in laboratory (25%) and without submission to the ethics committee in research (49.2%) was find. The median adequacy of descriptors was 50%. As for the interest of the study, there was a higher frequency of work in the field of public health (p <0.001), within this subfield highlighting the nutritional epidemiology (63.0%) (p <0.001) and the subject nutrition assessment (57, 4%) (p <0.001). In cut on three major areas of dietician performance, was significant performing work in the field of public health in public institutions (p <0.05). The presence of complementary activities was unanimous in the pedagogical projects of the courses. The results of the study showed some methodological weaknesses in the research approaches, as well as a hegemonic positivist training. Despite the emphasis on public health, it was noticed little approximation of policies and nutrition programs in the context of the mandatory recearch of Rio Grande do Norte state nutrition courses.


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In recent decades, the collective leadership of the Solidary Economical Enterprises (ESS) that are active in providing collection and recycling services, has been presented as a proposal for the organization of urban space with the creation of new enterprises and solidarity production chains. Are activities that have gained a new stimulus to the creation of the National Secretariat of Solidarity Economy and the National Policy on Solid Waste that assigned a leading role in these social actors. These experiences contribute to building a participatory development path, resembling with the pluralistic perspective of development of the Indian economist Amartya Sen, that goes beyond the simplistic design of the increased income, focusing on the process of expanding freedoms that people enjoy. The aim of this work is to situate the perspective of endogenous development with the Collection Services segment and Material Recycling in the field of Solidarity Economy, through the analysis of the experience of the Cooperative of Selective Collection and Recycling Friends of the planet, located in the municipality of Lauro to Freitas - BA, from 2004 to 2013. for this the following procedures were adopted: analysis of the main contributions of the international literature on the phenomenon of pluriactivity; review of national literature that analyzes the emergence and evolution of the projects of solidarity economy in Brazil; bibliographical and documentary research; and socio-economic evaluation of the EES. The guiding problem of this work, understandably, is: what is the meaning of endogenous perspective with the Materials Collection and Recycling Services segment in the field of Solidarity Economy? It starts with the hypothesis that the development of these practices requires an environment that removes the main sources of deprivation involving the conditions of existence of these enterprises. The results show that not enough development to be built with the participation of social actors, but there are minimally necessary conditions for such experiences can take hold in order to achieve their goals. Thus, not only is it a strictly economic issue, but requires political actions for a process of social transformation.