9 resultados para Cooperativas agrícolas - Brasil
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
O objeto de estudo desta tese é o ensino de projeto de arquitetura no contexto acadêmico brasileiro. O trabalho procura analisar esse objeto nos aspectos relativos ao ensinar a fazer e ao aprender a fazer , por meio de uma perspectiva epistemológica e cognitiva, a partir da produção científica dos Seminários UFRGS (1985) e Projetar (2003-2011) sob o olhar de três estados constitutivos: conservação, permanência e transformação. A metodologia de investigação é qualitativa e seus pressupostos são investigad os por meio do método hipotético-dedutivo em busca de um conhecimento aproximativo. Dentro do universo pesquisado, as hipóteses conduzem: primeiro, à investigação e caracterização de estruturas que se conservam; segundo, à investigação e levantamento de valores e conceitos que permanecem adequados por sua capacidade de adaptação às mudanças e paradigmas; e, terceiro, por procurarem destacar práticas pedagógicas que indicam novos caminhos na maneira de agir e de se pensar o ensino de projeto de arquitetura. A pesquisa demonstrou que, embora em menores proporções, ainda se conservam ações e posturas pedagógicas que: valorizam os ideais funcionalistas e racionalistas da arquitetura; adotam posturas deterministas, caminhos prescritivos ou intuitivos no ensino da concepção arquitetural; não apresentam clareza metodológica na abordagem da problemática arquitetônica; os contextos urbanos são pouco explorados na experimentação; utilizam um sistema de concepção baseado em princípios estéticos canônicos e universais, sem problematizar as causas da transformação da arquitetura contemporânea e qual o seu papel numa sociedade complexa e diversificada. Com relação às novas perspectivas encontradas, a análise da produção científica demonstrou que a prática pedagógica do ensino de projeto de arquitetura no Brasil passa por transformações críticas valiosas. Essa constatação foi percebida, por meio, também, de reflexões e de práticas pedagógicas que valorizam a integração de conteúdos; que possuem um discurso crítico e conciliador com relação à necessidade de renovação de práticas, paradigmas, meios e conteúdos; que estão abertas às posturas cooperativas e às estratégias para a constituição de um corpo teórico-prático para o ensino do projeto que não se limite ao campo da arquitetura; que reconhecem a importância das novas tecnologias computacionais na concepção projetual e no ensino do projeto, assim como, as tecnologias e estratégias que atualizam as soluções projetuais no uso adequado dos recursos ambientais; que consideram o espaço acadêmico como um lugar propício para as experiências projetuais e pedagógicas; que manifestam um esforço em considerar a participação do usuário, assim como em realizar um processo de apreensão de contextos complexos como objeto de estudo, adotando uma postura de valorização do processo projetual. O trabalho conclui que a educação do arquiteto deve estar atenta aos aspectos relativos à inclusão da realidade sociocultural e ambiental como referência para o fazer arquitetural em detrimento da primazia dada à racionalidade técnica, uma vez que essa realidade permite a mediação, entre o ser e o mundo , como uma estratégia que supera qualquer antecipação programática e viabiliza a transformação e a construção do próprio ser e do mundo . Assim, se o aprender fazendo é necessário para a formação do arquiteto, que esse fazer seja refletido e retroalimente a prática
In the current systemic crisis, economic policy is directed to correct the consequences of the functioning of this metabolism, but within the limits of the capital. From this perspective, decision makers propose trade policies, agricultural and industrial to ensure conditions for economic growth. However, as a dead end, there is failure of the State in giving efficacy to the operation of all segments of the economy, especially given the budget constraint. Public managers are forced to seek external resources, resuming the cycle of political allegiance to the interests of international financial and banking representatives, installed in so-called multilateral. The complex ideological capital comes into play in trying to convince society that the paths taken by governments are inevitable, and that capitalism can be "humanized", even with the realization of the growing inequalities caused by historical irrationalism of the production process of capital . In this sense, emerging concepts that attempt to demonstrate the compatibility of the system to real human needs. This ideological offensive is intended to legitimize the capital. The so-called third sector has a special highlight with the concept of corporate social responsibility. It creates a political environment in which the inevitable mix-up with new illusions offered by and often funding the metabolism of capital in order to perpetuate this system. In this context, political elites, and considerable portions of the academy, embark on "waves of capitalist optimism," while the sociometabolismo capital expands its historical limits, driving forces postponing their collapse, but that cause human suffering and ecological stress. Wars are disseminated to strengthen the deadly war industry and the automobile industry; and devastating the environment of which depends the capital system. In this scenario disassemble, propositions emerge around a "new social pact" in order to minimize the adverse effects of the dynamics of reproduction of capital. The business class is called to exercise its role through the discourse that appeals to social responsibility programs, in order to intervene directly in the "social question". The core of this research is precisely this point. Although there is considerable scholarship on the phenomenon of Social Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship, there is also an evident lack of this approach focused on the banking sector in Brazil. The importance of rentier capital increased ownership of shares in the wealth produced by all of Brazilian society, justifies a sociological research project on Social Responsibility in the domestic financial sector. In this sense, it was decided to perform a dynamic approach to the "Corporate Citizenship" in the banking industry, specifically in the Bank of Brazil. As this is a key institution, is important analyze of the impacts of this strategy fetish of capitalist reproduction, in order to evaluate the social legitimization of rentier capital in Brazil. In this scenario of the abundance of the discourse on social responsibility there exist a progressive impoverishment of professional work in this segment in Brazil. There is a dramatic mismatch between rhetoric and practice because of the trend of deepening vulnerability of the working conditions of the Brazilian bank worker, from the 1990's. In the specific case of the Bank of Brazil, the first initiative of the institution was to conform to the principles of the UNO and the Ethos Institute, aiming to align their domestic policies to this new strategy of domination of capital. The purpose is to place the Bank in the ideological sphere of corporate social responsibility, just as with its partners in the private financial intercapitalist competition. Indeed, in the internal ambit of the Bank of Brazil, there is a policy to adjust its functional segments to the doctrine of Social Corporate Responsibility. The concepts of this doctrine is presented as something inexorable. There are no alternatives. The Bank of Brazil operates in a highly competitive market, the segment featuring the dominance of financial capital accumulation today. For this reason it can not fail to incorporate the technological advances organizational. For employees there is no alternative but to adapt to this new set of ideas proposed by the metabolism of capital
Nowadays, Brazil has both the greatest goat herd and the greatest goat milk production of South America. The state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in northeast of Brazil, has an average year production of three thousand cubic meters of goat milk in natura. Part of this milk production is homemade and it comes from small farms, which unite in rural cooperatives created to encourage the production and implementation of industrial processes for preservation and processing of milk. Results presented by literature and obtained from preliminary essays in this thesis show that non conventional dryer of spouted bed with inert particles is able to produce powder milk from in natura milk (cattle or goat), with the same quality of spray dryer, however, operating at low cost. The method of drying in spouted bed consists of injecting milk emulsion on the bed of inert particles gushed by hot air. This emulsion covers the particles with a thin film, which dries and is reduced to powder during the circulation of inerts inside the bed. The powder is dragged by exhaustion air and separated in the cyclone. The friction among particles resulted from the particles circulation, encourages high taxes of shear in the thin film of emulsion, breaking the cohesive forces and making this process possible. Studying the drying process and the powder goat milk production in one unit of spouted bed with inert particles, seeing the development of a low cost technological route for powder milk production is the aim of this thesis. The powder milk produced by this route must attend the local demand of food industries which need an intermediate product to be used as a food ingredient (ice-cream, milk candy). In order to reach this aim, this thesis approaches the aspects related to physical, thermodynamics and physic-chemicals characteristics of goat milk, whose complete data are still inexistent in the literature. The properties of materials are of great importance to the project of any process which involves the operations of transportation of movement, heat and mass quantity, such as the dryers which operate in fluid dynamically active regime, like the spouted bed. It was obtained new data related to the goat milk properties in function of concentration of solids and temperature. It is also important to mention the study developed about the kinetic of solids retention in the bed of inert particles during the drying of goat milk. It was found more adequate processes conditions to the proposed technological route to be implemented in small and micro-industries, with simplifications in the system of milk injection as well as in the form of operation of the dryer. Important data were obtained for a posterior stage of this research which involves the v modeling, simulation, control and optimization of the process. The results obtained in this thesis, in relation to process performance as well as to the quality of produced powder milk validate the proposal of using the spouted bed dryer in the production of powder goat milk
Brazil is one of the major centers of diversity for polyploid cotton plants; these plants belong to the genus Gossypium, which has three known species: G. hirsutum, G. barbadense and G. mustelinum. The Northeast is the only region where the three species occur, the last group being endemic. Northeast s cotton plants can be important sources of variability for genetic breeding. It is believed that great part of local diversity is being lost, due to economic, political, cultural and agricultural problems. In an attempt to mitigate this loss and delineate conservation strategies it is necessary to know how the species are found where they occur. The objective was to characterize and determine how plants are maintained in situ in the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba at the beginning of the XXI century. The in situ characterization of G. hirsutum and G. barbadense was conducted through structured interviews with the cotton plants owners and through the analysis of the environment. The data were collected during expeditions undertaken between the years 2004 to 2005. Twenty-two plants were collected in the state of Paraíba, forty-four in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, one hundred and forty-six in the state of Ceará, forty in the state of Maranhão and ninety-one plants in the state of Piauí. All plants collected in the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte belonged to moco type. Moco cotton plants also predominated in the other states, representing 92%, 62% and 78% of plants collected in Ceará, Piauí and Maranhão, respectively. The other cotton plants collected belong to the species G. barbadense. The cotton plants were found in situ as dooryard plants, roads side, feral populations, cultivation or local varieties. Great part were dooryard plants (45.2%), being major in Piauí and Maranhão. Cultivation predominated in Ceará; in Rio Grande do Norte feral populations were the most frequent and, in Paraíba, local varieties. The maintenance of moco plants is related, mainly, to the phytotherapic domestic use (20.9%) and to confection of lamp wicks (29.7%). Few inhabitants in Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí and none in Maranhão used harvest the plants, storage the seeds or gin; however, in Ceará, 40.5% of owners affirmed that they harvested and commercialized the fiber. It was found that the maintenance of species is dependent of the fragile cultural habits of local inhabitants, therefore the maintenance in situ is not a suitable way to conservation of genetic resources. The efforts must be directed to the continuity of collections, maintenance and characterization ex situ
Brazil has been considered one of the diversity centers of Gossypium barbadense species. It is believed that a relatively big erosion genetic process occurs with the species, due to economic, cultural and agricultural problems. A local diagnostic about species situation is the first step for reducing the diversity loss and establishing conservation strategies in situ. This research aimed the identification of the presence of Gossypium populations, characterization, determination of the main risks and collection of the accesses to store in germoplam banks, in Para and Amapa States. Expeditions were conducted in November 2004. An interview was carried out with the plant proprietor for characterizing in situ of G. barbadense species and of the environment where the plants were inserted. On hundred seventy nine plants in 22 municipal districts were collected in Para State and 117 plants in nine municipal districts in Amapa State. The majority of plants belong to G. barbadense species (98% in Amapa and 94% in Para). Plants occur in back yards, beside roads and spontaneously. That ones from back yards were more abundant (97% in Amapa and 95% in Para) and maintained as medicinal plants as the principal reason. Plants in natural environments in both states evaluated were not found, therefore, the creation of reserves and the application of others conventional methods of maintenance in situ are not applicable. The plant proprietors do not use to store or process seeds. Seed storage was reported as a practice by only 1% of the plant proprietors from Para and 11% from Amapa. The most plants collected were from two to three years of age (58% in Amapa and 93% in Para). As conclusions G. barbadense is the species most spread in the two studied states and are found in back yards. In Amapa State the botanical variety barbadense or Quebradinho is predominant, whereas in Para State the predominant variety is brasiliense or Rim-de-boi. Adequate conservation of thestudied species must be carried out in germoplasm collections maintained ex situ
The aim of this study is to investigate the eco-environmental vulnerability, its changes, and its causes to develop a management system for application of eco-environmental vulnerability and risk assessment in the Apodi-Mossory estuary, Northeast Brazil. This analysis is focused on the interference of the landscape conditions, and its changes, due to the following factors: the oil and natural gas industry, tropical fruits industry, shrimp farms, marine salt industry, occupation of the sensitive areas; demand for land, vegetation degradation, siltation in rivers, severe flooding, sea level rise (SLR), coastal dynamics, low and flat topography, high ecological value and tourism in the region and the rapid growth of urbanization. Conventional and remote sensing data were analyzed using modeling techniques based on ArcGIS, ER-Mapper, ERDAS Imagine and ENVI software. Digital images were initially processed by Principal Component Analysis and transformation of the maximum fraction of noise, and then all bands were normalized to reduce errors caused by bands of different sizes. They were integrated in a Geographic Information System analysis to detect changes, to generate digital elevation models, geomorphic indices and other variables of the study area. A three band color combination of multispectral bands was used to monitor changes of land and vegetation cover from 1986 to 2009. This task also included the analysis of various secondary data, such as field data, socioeconomic data, environmental data and prospects growth. The main objective of this study was to improve our understanding of eco-environmental vulnerability and risk assessment; it´s causes basically show the intensity, its distribution and human-environment effect on the ecosystem, and identify the high and low sensitive areas and area of inundation due to future SLR, and the loss of land due to coastal erosion in the Apodi-Mossoró estuary in order to establish a strategy for sustainable land use. The developed model includes some basic factors such as geology, geomorphology, soils, land use / land cover, vegetation cover, slope, topography and hydrology. The numerical results indicate that 9.86% of total study area was under very high vulnerability, 29.12% high vulnerability, 52.90% moderate vulnerability and 2.23% were in the category of very low vulnerability. The analysis indicates that 216.1 km² and 362.8 km² area flooded on 1m and 10m in sea levels respectively. The sectors most affected were residential, industrial and recreational areas, agricultural land, and ecosystems of high environmental sensitivity. The results showed that changes in eco-environmental vulnerability have a significant impact on the sustainable development of the RN state, since the indicator is a function of sensitivity, exposure and status in relation to a level of damage. The model were presented as a tool to assist in indexing vulnerability in order to optimize actions and assess the implications of decisions makers and policies regarding the management of coastal and estuarine areas. In this context aspects such as population growth, degradation of vegetation, land use / land cover, amount and type of industrialization, SLR and government policies for environmental protection were considered the main factors that affect the eco-environmental changes over the last three decades in the Apodi-Mossoró estuary.
The expansion of cultivated areas with genetically modified crops (GM) is a worldwide phenomenon, stimulating regulatory authorities to implement strict procedures to monitor and verify the presence of GM varieties in agricultural crops. With the constant growing of plant cultivating areas all over the world, consumption of aflatoxin-contaminated food also increased. Aflatoxins correspond to a class of highly toxic contaminants found in agricultural products that can have harmful effects on human and animal health. Therefore, the safety and quality evaluation of agricultural products are important issues for consumers. Lateral flow tests (strip tests) is a promising method for the detection both proteins expressed in GM crops and aflatoxins-contaminated food samples. The advantages of this technique include its simplicity, rapidity and cost-effective when compared to the conventional methods. In this study, two novel and sensitive strip tests assay were developed for the identification of: (i) Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 proteins expressed in GM cotton crops and; (ii) aflatoxins from agricultural products. The first strip test was developed using a sandwhich format, while the second one was developed using a competitive format. Gold colloidal nanoparticles were used as detector reagent when coated with monoclonal antibodies. An anti-species specific antibody was sprayed at the nitrocellulose membrane to be used as a control line. To validate the first strip test, GM (Bollgard I® e Planta 50- EMBRAPA) and non-GM cotton leaf (Cooker 312) were used. The results showed that the strip containing antibodies for the identification of Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 proteins was capable of correctly distinguishing between GM samples (positive result) and non-GM samples (negative result), in a high sensitivity manner. To validate the second strip test, artificially contaminated soybean with Aspergillus flavus (aflatoxin-producing fungus) was employed. Food samples, such as milk and soybean, were also evaluated for the presence of aflatoxins. The strip test was capable to distinguish between samples with and without aflatoxins samples, at a sensitivity concentration of 0,5 μg/Kg. Therefore, these results suggest that the strip tests developed in this study can be a potential tool as a rapid and cost-effective method for detection of insect resistant GM crops expressing Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 and aflatoxins from food samples.
The expansion of cultivated areas with genetically modified crops (GM) is a worldwide phenomenon, stimulating regulatory authorities to implement strict procedures to monitor and verify the presence of GM varieties in agricultural crops. With the constant growing of plant cultivating areas all over the world, consumption of aflatoxin-contaminated food also increased. Aflatoxins correspond to a class of highly toxic contaminants found in agricultural products that can have harmful effects on human and animal health. Therefore, the safety and quality evaluation of agricultural products are important issues for consumers. Lateral flow tests (strip tests) is a promising method for the detection both proteins expressed in GM crops and aflatoxins-contaminated food samples. The advantages of this technique include its simplicity, rapidity and cost-effective when compared to the conventional methods. In this study, two novel and sensitive strip tests assay were developed for the identification of: (i) Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 proteins expressed in GM cotton crops and; (ii) aflatoxins from agricultural products. The first strip test was developed using a sandwhich format, while the second one was developed using a competitive format. Gold colloidal nanoparticles were used as detector reagent when coated with monoclonal antibodies. An anti-species specific antibody was sprayed at the nitrocellulose membrane to be used as a control line. To validate the first strip test, GM (Bollgard I® e Planta 50- EMBRAPA) and non-GM cotton leaf (Cooker 312) were used. The results showed that the strip containing antibodies for the identification of Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 proteins was capable of correctly distinguishing between GM samples (positive result) and non-GM samples (negative result), in a high sensitivity manner. To validate the second strip test, artificially contaminated soybean with Aspergillus flavus (aflatoxin-producing fungus) was employed. Food samples, such as milk and soybean, were also evaluated for the presence of aflatoxins. The strip test was capable to distinguish between samples with and without aflatoxins samples, at a sensitivity concentration of 0,5 μg/Kg. Therefore, these results suggest that the strip tests developed in this study can be a potential tool as a rapid and cost-effective method for detection of insect resistant GM crops expressing Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 and aflatoxins from food samples.
O objeto de estudo desta tese é o ensino de projeto de arquitetura no contexto acadêmico brasileiro. O trabalho procura analisar esse objeto nos aspectos relativos ao ensinar a fazer e ao aprender a fazer , por meio de uma perspectiva epistemológica e cognitiva, a partir da produção científica dos Seminários UFRGS (1985) e Projetar (2003-2011) sob o olhar de três estados constitutivos: conservação, permanência e transformação. A metodologia de investigação é qualitativa e seus pressupostos são investigad os por meio do método hipotético-dedutivo em busca de um conhecimento aproximativo. Dentro do universo pesquisado, as hipóteses conduzem: primeiro, à investigação e caracterização de estruturas que se conservam; segundo, à investigação e levantamento de valores e conceitos que permanecem adequados por sua capacidade de adaptação às mudanças e paradigmas; e, terceiro, por procurarem destacar práticas pedagógicas que indicam novos caminhos na maneira de agir e de se pensar o ensino de projeto de arquitetura. A pesquisa demonstrou que, embora em menores proporções, ainda se conservam ações e posturas pedagógicas que: valorizam os ideais funcionalistas e racionalistas da arquitetura; adotam posturas deterministas, caminhos prescritivos ou intuitivos no ensino da concepção arquitetural; não apresentam clareza metodológica na abordagem da problemática arquitetônica; os contextos urbanos são pouco explorados na experimentação; utilizam um sistema de concepção baseado em princípios estéticos canônicos e universais, sem problematizar as causas da transformação da arquitetura contemporânea e qual o seu papel numa sociedade complexa e diversificada. Com relação às novas perspectivas encontradas, a análise da produção científica demonstrou que a prática pedagógica do ensino de projeto de arquitetura no Brasil passa por transformações críticas valiosas. Essa constatação foi percebida, por meio, também, de reflexões e de práticas pedagógicas que valorizam a integração de conteúdos; que possuem um discurso crítico e conciliador com relação à necessidade de renovação de práticas, paradigmas, meios e conteúdos; que estão abertas às posturas cooperativas e às estratégias para a constituição de um corpo teórico-prático para o ensino do projeto que não se limite ao campo da arquitetura; que reconhecem a importância das novas tecnologias computacionais na concepção projetual e no ensino do projeto, assim como, as tecnologias e estratégias que atualizam as soluções projetuais no uso adequado dos recursos ambientais; que consideram o espaço acadêmico como um lugar propício para as experiências projetuais e pedagógicas; que manifestam um esforço em considerar a participação do usuário, assim como em realizar um processo de apreensão de contextos complexos como objeto de estudo, adotando uma postura de valorização do processo projetual. O trabalho conclui que a educação do arquiteto deve estar atenta aos aspectos relativos à inclusão da realidade sociocultural e ambiental como referência para o fazer arquitetural em detrimento da primazia dada à racionalidade técnica, uma vez que essa realidade permite a mediação, entre o ser e o mundo , como uma estratégia que supera qualquer antecipação programática e viabiliza a transformação e a construção do próprio ser e do mundo . Assim, se o aprender fazendo é necessário para a formação do arquiteto, que esse fazer seja refletido e retroalimente a prática