10 resultados para Collective imaginary

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Recent studies concerning the landscape have investigated the most important activities that contribute for its modification and have tried to better understand the society through the marks left by its quotidian. It is understood that singular landscapes constitute the cultural patrimonies of the cities, once they are part of the daily life of the citizens and are present in their social representations. Some contemporary authors defend the preservation of the natural and urban landscape trying, specially, to keep its importance for the local population. Natal is a city where the ambient qualities are well defined and known by the beauty of the area where it is located. Situated just between a river and the sea, the city grew following its geographic characteristics. The Potengi River, the Atlantic Ocean and the vast dunes ecosystem represented natural limits to the urban expansion; at the same time they have favored the development of a landscape pattern marked by the dialectic between the natural elements and the human interventions. However, this relationship changed after the intensification of the high rising development process that took place since the 1960s. The urban legislation tried to preserve the features of the local landscape delimiting Areas for Controlling Building High , destined to protect the scenic value of some parts of the city. On the other hand, the civil construction sector has made constant pressure in sense to abolish or to modify this legal instrument, aiming profits that have increased, in the 1990s, because of the consumption and the qualification of the urban space for tourist activities. It is necessary the raising of new elements to stimulate the quarrel about the landscape preservation, the process of the urban space production and the best way for the legislation implementation. This work tries to raise elements about the subject at local level, in sense to use Natal City experience to contribute for the formulation of indicators to raise the question about the lack of measure for subjective values, for example the cultural and affective value of the landscape. The natural elements inserted in the urban profile, represent strong visual references and supply identity to the town; they are part of the collective imaginary and are detached in the social context of the city. Then, why the preservation of the landscape, that estimates the improvement in the quality of life, is not enough to justify the controlling building high already previewed as part of Natal City Legislation? These questions send us to the approach of the landscape, as a community patrimony, alerting that some of its significant esthetics attributes must be preserved as a legacy for the future generations


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The present work analyses and discusses the sociability in the culture of contemporary cities focusing on the theme of fear and violence in the daily life of squares in the city of João Pessoa-PB. We analyse the relations between places in town and make correlations of history and setting of neighborhoods with the process of urban growth, including recent interventions of public authorities in their public spaces. We observed in this dynamics social attitudes and actions that range from a desired peaceful coexistence to social exclusion. Thus, we discuss, based upon the imaginary vision, that the squares exist as a locus of equality, citizenship and political, and, also, as a space for everyone, despite the existence of symbolic forces working towards segregation and privatization, ruled in fear and violence. We aimed to investigate the different symbolic logics from the issue of fear and violence that allows the exclusion and the inclusion of groups and individuals in the quotidian use of public spaces of contemporary cities. We believe that the social action is demarcated by violence ant its corollary, the social fear, and operates based on the logic of a relational game always confrontational but experienced in different forms according to the social segment or group under study. We used a qualitative and quantitative methodology relating data and statistical analysis with categories created for the understanding of subjective factors. Our analyses combined ethnographic elements, periodics research and images of the city and its spaces, with the contribution of a survey that allowed comparisions of five squares of neighborhood based on the daily life under investigation. Our proposal was to deepen the investigations related to the public space of contemporary cities, expanding the look on João Pessoa and its cultural dynamics with an analysis of discourses, images, the collective imaginary and the social appropriation of the spaces based on fear and violence. The research accomplished in different areas and the analysis of images and speeches published in newspapers reports, books, advertising etc. allowed the approach of differentiated patterns of sociability in the same urban process. The neighborhoods in study are indeed spatially and economically distanced and the process of creation and construction of squares occurred in very different ways in the respective location. We defend the thesis that neighborhood community squares provide reinvigorated spaces and public spheres in the urban process and in the dynamics of sociability in the cities. These squares are also social spaces par excellence for the perception of the logic of individualism and segregation so marked by fear and violence in contemporary cities


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Landscape one of the main concepts in Geography can be understood as social practice and also as a form of spatial representation. In any case, it is necessary to understand it not only by it s visual instance though its visual instance is an important part of its own identity , but also as a signifying system that produces meaning through many forms of representation. Within this framework, the photographic image is an alternative field for the building, elaboration, re-elaboration and perception of the landscape. Within this context, the main objective of this work is to produce an understanding of Jardim do Seridó s landscape through the reading of its simbolic text built through the photographs taken by José Modesto de Azevedo, a photographer well known as Zé Boinho , in the period from 1950 to 1980. The way in which a specific representation of a particular geography works within the photographic paradigm, considering the narrative construction of urban space and landscape, constitutes the framework from which the concept of landscape is built. So, this work has taken into consideration the writings of authors such as Aumont (1993), Dondis (1997), Cosgrove (1998), Duncan (2004) e Shama (1996), Castoriadis (1982), etc. Thus, this work aimed to highlight that the urban space photographs narrative built by Zé Boinho is an important alternative field for the understanding of how Jardim do Seridó s landscape became a symbolic representation for the collective imaginary of the city


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Recent studies concerning the landscape have investigated the most important activities that contribute for its modification and have tried to better understand the society through the marks left by its quotidian. It is understood that singular landscapes constitute the cultural patrimonies of the cities, once they are part of the daily life of the citizens and are present in their social representations. Some contemporary authors defend the preservation of the natural and urban landscape trying, specially, to keep its importance for the local population. Natal is a city where the ambient qualities are well defined and known by the beauty of the area where it is located. Situated just between a river and the sea, the city grew following its geographic characteristics. The Potengi River, the Atlantic Ocean and the vast dunes ecosystem represented natural limits to the urban expansion; at the same time they have favored the development of a landscape pattern marked by the dialectic between the natural elements and the human interventions. However, this relationship changed after the intensification of the high rising development process that took place since the 1960s. The urban legislation tried to preserve the features of the local landscape delimiting Areas for Controlling Building High , destined to protect the scenic value of some parts of the city. On the other hand, the civil construction sector has made constant pressure in sense to abolish or to modify this legal instrument, aiming profits that have increased, in the 1990s, because of the consumption and the qualification of the urban space for tourist activities. It is necessary the raising of new elements to stimulate the quarrel about the landscape preservation, the process of the urban space production and the best way for the legislation implementation. This work tries to raise elements about the subject at local level, in sense to use Natal City experience to contribute for the formulation of indicators to raise the question about the lack of measure for subjective values, for example the cultural and affective value of the landscape. The natural elements inserted in the urban profile, represent strong visual references and supply identity to the town; they are part of the collective imaginary and are detached in the social context of the city. Then, why the preservation of the landscape, that estimates the improvement in the quality of life, is not enough to justify the controlling building high already previewed as part of Natal City Legislation? These questions send us to the approach of the landscape, as a community patrimony, alerting that some of its significant esthetics attributes must be preserved as a legacy for the future generations


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This dissertation is a proposal for dialogue between Brazilian Social Thought, History of Portuguese America and the Analytical Psychology of C.G. Jung, highlighting the following archetypes: Anima, Animus, Shadow and Persona. Directing the study to the image of Indian women in this Brazilian interpretation of Casa-Grande & senzala by Gilberto Freyre, have largely centered on denial of the feminine image as a creative and positive in the minds of Brazilian culture, where a more specific analysis. We assume that your work has inspired several bridges over imaginary things in Brazil, including aspects relating to miscegenation, the study of foreign travelers, Jesuits and settlers / invaders of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the Portuguese disembarked in America and in this sense, the influence of his work as wasteful image through time and space of the Portuguese slave order. Above all, we intend to do a reading of Native women thought in his book


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Currently in the social sciences the question of self-identity and its meanings, absorb as a central objective aspects that concern analysis of an imaginary (re) constructed from processes of identity affirmation. Ethnic discourse in the consolidation of social boundaries (re) assemble a social policy apparatus able to claim their belongings concerning his ancestry, as well as the interpretation of the meanings given to their territory by any group. This dissertation work is the result of an ethnographic study undertaken with the residents of the Community Maloca, Vargas located in the neighborhood adjacent to the commercial center in Aracaju - SE. Since February 2007 the group is certified by FCP - Palmares Cultural Foundation as a lasting community, while it is part of a special gift for being an urban center, varying from the majority of that remaining Maroons in their contexts, outcrops and specific land rural. It focuses on the work process of territorial formation of the hut, and the arrival of their first actors, contextualizing the process of legitimation refers to the territory they live, as well as the various narratives that (re) construct the time he lived, the relations kinship, conflict, the process of self-affirmation as runaways and the relationship of belonging with their living space / living contained in the imaginary city of Aracaju. Attempts are made to the opportunity to understand the meanings that affirm their ethnicity, parallel group for the pursuit of effective policies and guarantee of constitutional rights in the urban context.


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Shows up the memory of the elderly, as a consistent experience in the in the construction of the social memory of Janduís, Rio Grande do Norte, where the research takes place. Through an autobiographic narrative, in a qualitative approaching, the intent is to stand up aspects about the individual history and collective memories, starting in a simple question: what did they remember? A question that turns into many others, as how the remember and under which circumstances. So, the lived and remembered moments are the subject of this paper, as these testimonials shows and reveals the citizens typical aspects, intending to telling (again) the city s history by the memories of this people. By oral statements and the analysis that followed, subjective aspects that made a social memory, highlight in violent episodes, that, now remembered, occurred in the historical sediment, which connects several social times, establishing a narrative standard. In Janduís, this standard is about the memory that sticks out their individual ways, and the collective life, in the past, standing out the fair and the events that occurred on it, as the most remembered place, where the memories go stronger. When they narrate are incorporated others facts, the story is reinvented, connecting the past to the future. The paper also revels builders subjects aspects of a social memory, as historical sediment that joins the social times. At the present moment, the fair, to them, is a place that doesn t exist anymore; for the city, is a place of enlargement of women s presence at the trending spaces, which means a place of social transformation. That being said, the fair, in both times, present and past, turns into a analysis object, with important elements to reference narrative s time and place. And how the narrative update the past recorded in the old citizen s memory. What was intended to do was articulate the memory and the history form temporal and special etching that define the place and the narrative context: the lived and the remembered at the group s day by day. In that way, were identify the collective memory s common elements, enunciating the memory and the narratives that update that history, influencing and being influenced, forming in memories in a collective phenomenon fueling the local imaginary


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Social violence is one of the phenomena of human life that produce effects on the social imaginary as it is in it that are designed conflicting values concerning what is most vital to humans, such as respect for the strength and the fear of death, pleasure trespass for injury and pain, the rejection of injustice and anger that is born of revolt. The variability of feelings and reasons that constitute violence has required academic knowledge increasingly sensitive reflections that encompass the complexity of its manifestations. The feeling of fear and insecurity which constitute the collective social imagination has caused large changes in the behavior of both individuals and the society as a whole. This study aims to reflect on media representations the social violence in Natal-RN. Through a thematic survey and documentary analysis of three newspapers of Rio Grande do Norte - Tribuna do Norte, Novo Jornal and Jornal Metropolitano - was possible to list events and trace different discursive strategies that lead to receptors ideological interests of class, constitute social and spatial segregations and maximize violations of rights and of the human dignity, with important implications in the construction of social representations concerning the reality of violence


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This research looks at the collective imagination in which it keeps alive the issue of heroin wise. Two wise women appear in the narratives of popular history and the History of Donzela Theodora and History Imperatriz Porcina, collated by Luís da Câmara Cascudo in his Five Books of the People. The universality, mobility and circularity of these narratives are discussed by authors such as Bakhtin and Guinzburg. The research is developed from three key categories: Knowledge Magic as the knowledge of tradition (Almeida), sensitive knowledge (Levi-Strauss), thought mythical / magical / symbolic (Morin); Wise Women as carriers of this knowledge, which merge and overlap with the imagery of witches and healers; and Mythical Elements which corresponds to the archetypal images (Jung and Silveira), symbols and other images that relate to the magic universe, the magical beliefs and practices considered, ie belonging to the imaginary magic (Bethencourt). Porcina and Theodora are understood as bearers of knowledge of Métis (Detienne and Vernant), or the cunning intelligence, the manipulation of phármakon (Derrida), the healing potion, which may be the word or ointment of the herb. The route takes us to meet the great archetype of the Wise Woman as psychic power of the feminine, the anima. Narratives are medicinal balms (Estes) and is the clash between the anima and its embodiments by wise women, and animus, his opponents, which gives the transmutation of the psyche, a work comparable to that of alchemyThe Knowledge Magic, operating through the female, myth and nature can recover from its essential value to the emerging paradigm that suggests a more complete human science and a more plural


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In order for this study to be developed, the central goal on our investigation was defined as analyzing and interpreting the aesthetical experiences meanings lived by singers-educators in the human formation. The interest for the aesthetical experience theme was built from my own experience for the last twelve years as a member of the School of Music Madrigal, the oldest group in the State Federal University, created for research and cultural extension with structural perspective which brings closer teachers, students and the outer community that comes from different social realities to face the challenge of combining the ability of singing, the corporeity involvement and the aesthetical experiences meanings. This paper points out the understanding of art as perceptive expression of human emotions, such as the creation of existential demand, the restructuring of oneself and the constructions which shape beauty. We seek a dense contribution of new challenges to the peculiar demand of human potential in terms of sensibility repertoire, of involvement, of expectation in magnifying the possibilities and the human and social competences. In the formation human process, we find a living field blooming with natural artistical possibilities, experimenting emotions and feelings shared in collective life, and bringing out impulses to unexpected ludic creation, establishing a powerful aesthetical ambience which highlights the symbolic and imaginary with the deepening of rich ludopoiese properties in several meanings. From the guiding principles of etnophenomenology we find structural and indispensable perspectives which contemplate values, desires, archtype images and ideas that impress originality and fertility to the study. On this path we understand the abundance of living moments of intense commitment, acquaintance, challenges, reunions and connections that stand out from fundamental aspects to freedom, autonomy, creativity and new discontinuities. This acknowledgement brings us closer to the enlighted fullness which makes us humans