24 resultados para Carvalho, Luiz Fernando

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The use of raw materials from renewable sources for production of materials has been the subject of several studies and researches, because of its potential to substitute petrochemical-based materials. The addition of natural fibers to polymers represents an alternative in the partial or total replacement of glass fibers in composites. In this work, carnauba leaf fibers were used in the production of biodegradable composites with polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) matrix. To improve the interfacial properties fiber / matrix were studied four chemical treatments to the fibers..The effect of the different chemical treatments on the morphological, physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the fibers and composites were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, tensile and flexural tests, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetry (TGA) and diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results of tensile tests indicated an increase in tensile strength of the composites after the chemical treatment of the fibers, with best results for the hydrogen peroxide treated fibers, even though the tensile strength of fibers was slightly reduced. This suggests a better interaction fiber/matrix which was also observed by SEM fractographs. The glass transition temperature (Tg) was reduced for all composites compared to the pure polymer which can be attributed to the absorption of solvents, moisture and other low molecular weight molecules by the fibers


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The use of raw materials from renewable sources for production of materials has been the subject of several studies and researches, because of its potential to substitute petrochemical-based materials. The addition of natural fibers to polymers represents an alternative in the partial or total replacement of glass fibers in composites. In this work, carnauba leaf fibers were used in the production of biodegradable composites with polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) matrix. To improve the interfacial properties fiber / matrix were studied four chemical treatments to the fibers..The effect of the different chemical treatments on the morphological, physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the fibers and composites were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, tensile and flexural tests, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetry (TGA) and diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results of tensile tests indicated an increase in tensile strength of the composites after the chemical treatment of the fibers, with best results for the hydrogen peroxide treated fibers, even though the tensile strength of fibers was slightly reduced. This suggests a better interaction fiber/matrix which was also observed by SEM fractographs. The glass transition temperature (Tg) was reduced for all composites compared to the pure polymer which can be attributed to the absorption of solvents, moisture and other low molecular weight molecules by the fibers


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Ce travail est une contribution aux études anthropologiques conduites sur Ia beauté et le corps dans des segments moyens urbains. Il cherche à analyser le processus de construction du corps et sa relation avec le individualisme et Ia beauté et la réalisation de chirurgies plasticiennes esthétiques, à partir d'une approche de la construction sociale. En ce sens, la ligne directrice de cette discussion sont le concept de corps comme une construction sociale et culturelle spécifique de chaque société et les différentes utilisations et les représentations que les divers segments font de celui-ci. A cette fin, une recherche de caractere ethnographique a été réalisé aupres des femmes âgés de vingt à quarante et cinq ans, résidents des quartiers Tirol et Petrópolis de Ia ville de Natal-RN (Brésil), dans Ia période d'avril à novembre 2006. Le travail de terrain a mêlé observation directe et entretiens avec des femmes et des médecins chirurgiens plasticiens


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The present Master´s dissertation aims to study the practices of the rezadeiras, Brazilian women healers, through an anthropological perspective. Special attention will be given to the understanding of these practices as a dynamic process in relation to those women who heal in Cruzeta (Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte), where is located our ethnographic research. For this research, twenty four rezadeiras were contacted and colaborated with our work plan. Among them, two were pentecostal rezadeiras and another one was member of the Jurema cult, an afro-brazilian religious cult. Similarities among these women healers were perceived in the research process, mostly in terms of their learning process and the use of certain objects and ritual techniques. However, apparent differences among them gave us the chance for understanding and reflecting on the actual heterogeneity of this world of specialists. Furthermore, i tried to capture the relations between the rezadeiras and the therapeutic practices from health professionals or the religious practices of religious leaders (Catholic, pentecostal, etc). It is possible to ascertain about the complementarity between therapeutic practices from different cultural logics. This complementarity is also perceived through the religious interchanges and transits among different healers, including those who have different religious beliefs. In this work, rituals are also described and they are a crucial factor to the understanding of this particular religious and therapeutic practice conducted by women. Following these ideas, our basic aim is to understand how the rezadeiras make interpretations about health and illness, specially those ones which are particular associated with their practices, the so called "doenças de rezadeiras"


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The Rio do Peixe Basin represents a main basin of northeastern Brazil and pioneering work positioned the rocks of this basin in the Early Cretaceous. However, a recent study, based on integrated pollen analysis from three wells, found an unprecedented siliciclastic sedimentary section, in the region, of early Devonian age. Therefore, the present study aims a detailed petrographic and petrological analysis of this devonian section, in the Rio do Peixe Basin and proposes a diagenetic evolution, to understand the characteristics of the porous system, identify the main reservoir petrofacies with the main factors impacting on the quality of these rocks as reservoirs and a quick study on the provenance of this section. The petrographic study was based on samples obtained from subsurface and surface. The diagenetic evolution of petrofacies and its identification were based only on subsurface samples and the study of provenance was based on surface samples. The thin sections were prepared from sandstones, pelites and sandstones intercalated with pelites. The original detrital composition for this section is arcosean and the main diagenetic processes that affected these rocks occur in various depths and different conditions, which resulted in extensive diagenetic variety. The following processes were identified: early fracture and healing of grains; albitization of K-feldspar and plagioclase; siderite; precipitation of silica and feldspar; mechanical infiltration of clay and its transformation to illite/esmectite and illite; autigenesis of analcime; dissolution; autigenesis of chlorite; dolomite/ferrous dolomite/anquerite; apatite; calcite; pyrite; titanium minerals and iron oxide-hidroxide. The occurrence of a recently discovered volcanism, in the Rio do Peixe Basin, may have influenced the diagenetic evolution of this section. Three diagenetic stages affected the Devonian section: eo, meso and telodiagenesis. This section is compositionally quite feldspathic, indicating provenance from continental blocks, between transitional continental and uplift of the basement. From this study, we observed a wide heterogeneity in the role of the studied sandstones as reservoirs. Seven petrofacies were identified, taking into account the main diagenetic constituent responsible for the reduction of porosity. It is possible that the loss of original porosity was influenced by intense diagenesis in these rocks, where the main constituent for the loss of porosity are clays minerals, oxides and carbonate cement (calcite and dolomite)


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The aim of this study was to learn about the social representations of the care provided by the Family Health Program (FHP) in the city of Natal, Brazil and determine how these representations guide the daily actions of doctors, dentists, nurses, nurse s assistants and oral health assistants during the work process. In this sense, we used the theoreticalmethodological approach to the Theory of Social Representations. For data collection, we used the following instruments: a two-part questionnaire, where the first part recorded sociodemographic data and the second part was adapted to the free word association technique (FWAT), which was applied to 90 professionals belonging to 18 FHP units. Interviews were also used as collection instruments. These were based on inductive stimuli and on direct observations of 30 of these professionals. After a superficial reading of the material, we constructed a corpus from which ten categories emerged. To analyze FWAT we used lexicographic analysis, combining frequency and the mean order of responses. The interviews and sociodemographic variables were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive statistical analysis, respectively. The study showed that the central nucleus of the social representation in question is composed of the elements attention, receptivity and love, revealing that the subjects have different understandings of the FHP care process and that the knowledge accumulated in this respect is supported by an approximate vision of the meaning of care. However, traditional elements with trivializing connotations about care predominate, which compromises the development of strategies to overcome traditional practices. In the set of analyses, we were able to capture the invariance of a contradiction: on one hand, professionals know and affirm the importance of providing care for FHP patients; on the other, the experience of daily practice translates into the negation of this concept. In this contradictory context, professionals build gradual and successive syntheses that allow them to act and affirm themselves by associating information from their academic formation, structured knowledge acquired in other experiences, values and symbols of their daily routine. Thus, they shape and reshape themselves, according to what is concretely and specifically required, at the same time both plural and multiple. The composition of the central nucleus indicates that any measure that intends to modify attitudes that is, the daily actions of FHP professionals with respect to care must take into account and give priority to the debate about the redefining of the semantic fields of the central nucleus (love/attention/receptivity and humanization), especially those of love and attention


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Pesquisas acerca das Infecções Hospitalares mostram a gravidade do problema na saúde e a existência de poucos profissionais das áreas do Direito e da Saúde especializados nas implicações jurídicas relacionadas com o controle das Infecções Hospitalares. Assim, este estudo multidisciplinar tem como objetivos: apreender as Representações Sociais das Implicações Jurídicas das Infecções Hospitalares e de seu Controle, elaboradas pelos profissionais do direito e da saúde e analisar o impacto destas representações sobre Infecções Hospitalares e seu controle no âmbito do Hospital Getúlio Vargas, em Teresina, no Estado do Piauí. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter exploratório, desenvolvido em hospital público com profissionais do Direito e da Saúde, subsidiado na Teoria das Representações Sociais, de Serge Moscovici. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista em profundidade e da observação. As informações apreendidas foram processadas no software Alceste 4.8, possibilitando a análise lexical e estatística pela Classificação Hierárquica Descendente, que permitiu identificar no discurso classes representativas de palavras de interesse da investigação. Os resultados indicaram que os sujeitos do estudo, através das suas representações sociais, defendem os direitos dos usuários da saúde e conhecem a prática das políticas de saúde, prevenção das Infecções Hospitalares e de seu Controle. Porém, demonstraram pouca preocupação com as implicações jurídicas inerentes às sua práticas mesmo estando sujeitos a responder civil e penalmente pelas ocorrências geradas por iatrogenia no exercício da profissão


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This study aims to identify the social representations built on senior care health workers of Primary Care. This is an exploratory research within the subsidized social representations held in 100 Basic Health Units in the city of João Pessoa-PB, with a sample of n= 204 workers of both sexes, who agreed to participate. To collect the data used to set an interview in two parts: the first looked at the Test of Free Association of Words using the inductive stimulus "senior care". The interviews were analyzed with the help of a software for quantitative analysis of textual data ALCESTE (version 2010). The results were interpreted from the theoretical framework of social representations. The study included 178 women (87.25%) and 26 men (12.75%), working in Family Health Units in the city of João Pessoa, the majority are aged between 40-49 years of age ( 28.92%), and have higher education with 81.86%. The results of Alceste link to the term inducer six (6) where the hierarchical classes representing senior care workers as synonymous with care and attention, showing situations neglect of the elderly, for that patience is required to promote the increase of disease prevention and living with the elderly to generate humanization in health services. It is considered that the social representations of health workers on assistance to the elderly may support modeling of strategic actions in health services with health promotion programs for large groups, able to modify practices and behavior in elder care and strengthening the policy was directed at the elderly


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Cette étude propose de réaliser une lecture du chouriço, une confiture faite avec du sang, fabriquée et consommée dans tout le Seridó potiguar. Grace à l observation ethnographique réalisée entre 2003 et 2007, nous découvrons une économie domestique, une organisation sociale, des formes de sociabilité et de solidarité contruites autour de l élevage des porcs et des pratiques culinaires. Cette observation a aussi révélé un style alimentaire, des discours, des perceptions, des goûts et des comportements relatifs à la consommation de la confiture qui résultent, em grande partie, de la relation dynamique entre une norme idéalisée et des pratiques observées qui ont montré des tensions et des contradictions entre ce qui est dit et ce qui est fait. Avec l étude du chouriço, nous reálisons une lecture de la culture alimentaire; notre intention a été de problématiser l applicabilité des normes sociales et leur inscription dans la réalité. Ainsi, em faisant une analyse simbolique du chouriço, nous considérons ensemble les aspects sociaux et symboliques et nous décrivons comment les habitants du Seridó pensent leur alimentation en corrélation avec les pratiques alimentaires et les formes de sociabilité. L étude a révélé que les príncipes de confiance et d interconnaissance, fondés sur les liens sociaux, structurent les relations constituées autour de l élevage des porcs et de la production, de la distribution et de la consommation du chouriço. D un point de vue symbolique, le sang est central dans le style alimentaire: il apparaît comme une anti-nourriture et révèle des prohibitions et des transgressions. La contrastivité entre les pratiques et les discours est en relation directe avec la nature du chouriço, fait avec le sang du porc et considéré comme un dessert


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Ce travail est une contribution aux études anthropologiques conduites sur la sexualité et le corps dans les classes populaires. Il cherche à analyser le processus de construction des représentations du corps ainsi que sa relation avec la sexualité et le genre, à partir d une approche de la construction sociale. En ce sens, la ligne directrice de cette discussion est d une part le concept de corps compris comme une construction socioculturelle propre à chaque société, d autre part les différents usages et représentations dont chaque classe sociale investit le corps. A cette fin, une recherche de caractère ethnographique a été réalisée auprès d adolescents âgés de treize à dix-sept ans, résidents d un quartier populaire de Natal (Brésil), le Guarapes. Conduit d avril 2005 à juillet 2006, ce travail de terrain a mêlé observation directe et entretiens avec des adolescents des deux sexes


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The complex human behavior related to exercise involves cognitive, physical and emotional processing. The recent theories about exercise s intensity regulation have highlighted the role played by psychophysics aspects in controlling exercise s intensity. In this regard, recent evidences have shown that there is variability in human capacity in perceiving interoceptives clues. Thus, subjects more sensitive show higher physiological arousal to physical and/or emotional stress, and sensations with higher intensity. In fact, studies have evidenced that interoceptive feedback modifies behavior in exercise with free load. However, exercise recommendations are based in a constant load standard. Therefore, we aimed to analyze the influence of interoceptive sensibility on psychophysics responses during dynamic exercise performed with constant load. Twenty-four adult males were allocated into two groups accordingly with their interoceptive sensibility: high sensibility (n=11) and low sensibility (13). They underwent to an incremental test (IT) and then randomly to two sections of moderate and severe exercise intensity for 20 minutes. Heart rate (HR), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), affective feelings (AF), alert state (AS), and percentage of associative thoughts were collect during exercise. A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to assess differences between psychophysics responses. There were differences between group in RPE, AF, and AS in moderate intensity. There was no difference in any measure in severe intensity. We conclude that subjects with high interoceptive sensibility feel dynamic moderate exercise more intense than the subjecs with low interoceptive sensibility


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Deaf people have serious difficulties to access information. The support for sign languages is rarely addressed in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Furthermore, in scientific literature, there is a lack of works related to machine translation for sign languages in real-time and open-domain scenarios, such as TV. To minimize these problems, in this work, we propose a solution for automatic generation of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) video tracks into captioned digital multimedia contents. These tracks are generated from a real-time machine translation strategy, which performs the translation from a Brazilian Portuguese subtitle stream (e.g., a movie subtitle or a closed caption stream). Furthermore, the proposed solution is open-domain and has a set of mechanisms that exploit human computation to generate and maintain their linguistic constructions. Some implementations of the proposed solution were developed for digital TV, Web and Digital Cinema platforms, and a set of experiments with deaf users was developed to evaluate the main aspects of the solution. The results showed that the proposed solution is efficient and able to generate and embed LIBRAS tracks in real-time scenarios and is a practical and feasible alternative to reduce barriers of deaf to access information, especially when human interpreters are not available


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Became a little more than half century ago that has been consolidated the also called philosophy of comparative edge, by which was possible exploited new ways of thought, since the dialogue between West and East. This fructiferous cooperation between-edges, by which possibilities has been ramifies in lots of different areas of knowledge, has a common birthplace: the talk between Heidegger and the Japanese from the also called Kyoto School of Philosophy. The intention of this mastering degree s dissertation is show, since Heidegger s thought and the contemporary Japanese philosophy, the theoric viability of such trade of experiences between westerns and easterns in philosophy.


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The hypothalamus is a diencephalic portion located around the third ventricle below the hypothalamic sulcus, limited by the optic chiasm, and by the mammillary bodies, acting as a center that integrates behavioral and homeostatic functions. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter produced in limited sites in the midbrain and brain stem, but is distributed throughout the central nervous system and has many functions, acting through specific receptors that are also distributed throughout the nervous system. Using immunohistochemical techniques, the aim of this study was to delineate the hypothalamic nuclei of the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) and study the distribution of serotonin transporter and serotonin receptors in the hypothalamus of this species. We used the Nissl method to determine the cytoarchitecture of the hypothalamic nuclei, and immunohistochemistry to reveal the presence of NeuN as a method to determine the contours of the hypothalamic nuclei. As a result, we found serotonin containing fibers and terminals throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the hypothalamus, more concentrated in some nuclei, and even absent in some. Like serotonin, serotonin transporter was observed between pre-optic area and tuberal region of the hypothalamus, in densities and distribution similar to serotonin. The 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors were found with minor differences among itselves regarding the disposition and intensity of staining.


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Environmental issues are becoming increasingly habitual to the media, particularly when calamities are involved. A feature of environmental disasters is that they disclose both environmental crises and the media limitation in reporting them. The research tried to contribute to the subject through the study of press media coverage of a large fish kill along an estuary in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in 2007. Thematic content analysis of newspaper reports identified the predominance of a superficial and denunciative coverage, lacking an educational perspective, and with little contribution to formation of a critical sense in readers. It also has identified the precarious treatment of those scientific concepts that could substantiate the actual causes of mortality of tons of aquatic fauna