em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Introduction: The emergence of High Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) increase the life expectancy of the persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV), therefore the prolonged use cause metabolic implications and influences on body fat distribution and increase the cardiovascular diseases prevalence. Aims: Evaluate the effect of resistance training on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype on PLHIV. Methods: Participated this study seven sedentary men, with age above 25 years old, living with HIV/AIDS, under HAART use. Were submitted a 16 week intervention with resistance training. Evaluated the heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype, before, after 8 weeks and 16 weeks, all in paired form. It was found the data normality by Shapiro-Wilk test and conducted the Anova one way combined with Tukey post hoc to samples in each evaluate moment, adopting significance level p<0,05. Also were calculated percentage change deltas. For somatotype was used the somatotype spatial distance (DES), obeying the significance value DES≥1. Results: Was found significance differences only in variable final heart rate delta 60s (p=0,01), however, is not showed changes on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype components. Conclusion: 16 weeks of resistance training showed improvement on heart rate recovery after submaximal effort and, despite is not enough to produce significance differences on biochemical parameters and somatotype components, could be realize improvement on average value of fasting glucose and lipid profile, as well as reducing the endomorphic component
Introduction: The circadian system has neural projections for the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), directly interfering with sympathetic-vagal modulation of the cardiovascular system. Disturbances in the circadian system, such as phase changes in light-dark cycle (LD), has been related to the risk of development of cardiovascular diseases due to increased sympathetic tone and reduction o Heart Rate Variability (HRV - RR intervals). Purpose: Investigate the interaction between Circadian Timing System and cardiac autonomic control in rats. Materials and methods: We used 18 Wistar rats (♀, age = 139.9 ± 32.1 days, weight = 219.5 ± 16.2 g), divided into three distinct groups: Control (CG), phase delay of 6h (GDe) and phase advance of 6h (GAd). Three animals were excluded during data collection (CG/GDe/GAd - n=5). Telemeters were surgically implanted in each animal for continuous acquisition of electrocardiographic (ECG) signals (duration of 21 days in the CG and 28 days in GDe/ GAd). A LD cycle was established 12h: 12h, beginning of light at18:00h and dark at 06:00h. The animals remained in the same CG LD cycle throughout the experimental period, while, on the 14th day of registration, the GDe and GAd underwent a delay and an advance in 6h, respectively. Throughout the experimental period, the locomotor activity (LA), the mean heart rate (mHR) and variables related to iRR [mean RR (mRR), SDNN, RMSSD, LF, HF and LF/ HF ratio ] were recorded. All data were analyzed in blocks of 3 and 7 days, for the presence of circadian rhythm, values of Cosinor - mesor, amplitude and acrophase (paired t test), phase relationship, differences between light and dark (t test independent), averages every 30 minutes along each time series (two-way ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni). The data block B1,M1 and M2 in CG served as benchmarks for comparisons between series of analysis of the GAT/GAV. Results: We observed circadian rhythmicity in the variables LA, mRR and mFC(p<0.01). mRR and mFC showed phase relationship with the LA in all three groups, being less stable in GAd. In the CG, no significant differences between blocks were found in any of the analyzes(p>0.05). Among the 7 day blocks, there was a significant reduction in mRR(p=0.04) and mFC(p=0.03) in GDe and significant reduction in HF mean(p=0.02) in GAd; and between 3 day blocks, a significant increase of LF/HF(p= 0.04) in the GDe; besides mRR(p=0.03), SDNN(p=0.04), RMSSD (p=0.04), LF (p=0.01) and HF(p=0.02) significant increase in the GAd. It was found that the differences between the means of the mRR, LA and mFC in light and dark phases were not significant after phase changes in some of the blocks/moments (GDe and GAd). No significant results were found when comparing rhythmic variables means every 30 minutes over the blocks, except for a significant decrease in mRR at the middle of the dark phase (B2) and the start of light phase (B3) - (p<0.01). Conclusion: phase advances and delays (6h) altered cardiac autonomic control in the experimental groups by temporarily HRV decrease. Phase advances apparently had greater negative interference in this process, in relation to the phase delays.
The high-intensity interval exercise has been described as an option for increasing physical activity and its use also being suggested in the therapeutic management of many conditions such as diabetes mellitus and heart failure. However, the knowledge of its physiological effects and parameters that can assure greater safety for interval exercise prescription; especially its effect on short- and medium-term (24 hours after exercise) exercise recovery, need to be clarified. This study objective was to evaluate the effect of continuous and interval aerobic exercise on the cardiac autonomic control immediate and medium term (24 hours), by assessing heart rate variability (HRV). The present study is a randomized crossover clinical trial in which healthy young individuals with low level of physical activity had the VFC 24 hours measured by a heart rate sensor and portable accelerometer (3D eMotion HRV, Kuopio, Finland) before and after continuous aerobic exercise (60-70% HR max, 21 min.) and interval exercise (cycle 1 min. 80-90% HR max, 2 min. at 50-60% HR max, duration 21 min.). HRV was measured in the time and frequency domain and the sympathovagal balance determined by the ratio LF / HF. Nonlinear evaluation was calculated by Shannon entropy. The data demonstrated delayed heart rate recovery immediate after exercise and lower HR after 24 hours compared to pre intervention values, especially in the interval exercise group. There was a tendency to higher predominance and representatives index values of sympathetic stimulation during the day in interval exercise group; however, without statistical significance. The study results help to clarify the effects of interval exercise on the 24 hours following interval exercise, setting parameters for prescription and for further evaluation of groups with metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.