8 resultados para Brazilian Journalism

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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SOARES, Elvira Maria Mafaldo et al. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and its components in Brazilian women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility and Sterility, v.89, n.3, p.649-655, mar. 2008


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During sleep, humans experience the offline images and sensations that we call dreams, which are typically emotional and lacking in rational judgment of their bizarreness. However, during lucid dreaming (LD), subjects know that they are dreaming, and may control oneiric content. Dreaming and LD features have been studied in North Americans, Europeans and Asians, but not among Brazilians, the largest population in Latin America. Here we investigated dreams and LD characteristics in a Brazilian sample (n=3,427; median age=25 years) through an online survey. The subjects reported recalling dreams at least once a week (76%), and that dreams typically depicted actions (93%), known people (92%), sounds/voices (78%), and colored images (76%). The oneiric content was associated with plans for the upcoming days (37%), memories of the previous day (13%), or unrelated to the dreamer (30%). Nightmares usually depicted anxiety/fear (65%), being stalked (48%), or other unpleasant sensations(47%). These data corroborate Freudian notion of day residue in dreams, and suggest that dreams and nightmares are simulations of life situations that are related to our psychobiological integrity. Regarding LD, we observed that 77% of the subjects experienced LD at least once in life (44% up to 10 episodes ever), and for 48% LD subjectively lasted less than 1 min. LD frequency correlated weakly with dream recall frequency (r =0.20,p< 0.01), and LD control was rare (29%). LD occurrence was facilitated when subjects did not need to wake up early (38%), a situation that increases rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) duration, or when subjects were under stress (30%), which increases REMS transitions into waking. These results indicate that LD is relatively ubiquitous but rare, unstable, difficult to control, and facilitated by increases in REMS duration and transitions to wake state. Together with LD incidence in USA, Europe and Asia, our data from Latin America strengthen the notion that LD is a general phenomenon of the human species.


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This research analyses the silencehood use by the A República journal (Natal/RN), today not being distributed, during the Second World War. Its objective is to unveil the production condition of the news texts, and it was observed that the use of silencehood as a speech strategy with its implications that falls upon the way of behaving and thinking of the society, all that time, influencing the reader in the construction of his image of the reality. During the coverage of the conflict by the local journal it was possible to also observe different speech marks that represented the change in attitude of the Brazilian Government, responsible for the control of what was spread as news. The country lived the dictatorship of the New State and as the war went on the government changed its speech, according to political, social and economical interest s thoughts being played, silencing themes in the name of the national security. We admit as research material journalistic texts that refer to the main facts that occurred during the six years of the world conflict and that is why we used as theoric-metodological support the Speech Analysis


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Brazilian humorist Millôr Fernandes has a widespread work, from literature to visual arts and journalism. Yet there is the indelible mark of humor, wherever it is. In this dissertation, I propose a reading of his work by deploying French philosopher Jacques Derrida, emphasizing how the construction of the other happens. I aim at Millôr Definitivo: A Bíblia do Caos, but other works will be contemplated when necessary. In order to carry out the analysis, I will offer a general exposition of Millorian work (especially Millôr Definitivo:A Bíblia do Caos) and a general sketch of Derridian philosophy, centered on his discussion on Western philosophy, literature and alterity. At the analysis itself, I will set the methodological axis on the quasi-concept of invention. The analysis shall stress the hypothesis of humor as the experience of alterity and impossible, showing off the humorist as the totally other. In the Millorian text, that experience is characterized by conflictivity, without possibility of resolution


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Football, understood as a phenomenon of sports practice and nearly universal coverage, can also be seen as a game whose operation circumvents the cultural universe of people who practice it. Much more than just a sport, so this game is a cultural phenomenon par excellence, bearing a communicational and aesthetic dimension whose occurrence has been spotted in various fields of scientific and cultural. Therefore, it is as game and as a phenomenon of culture, we intend to focus on football here as an object of study. Our aim is to investigate the sport in Brazil taking the Literature and Journalism as privileged instances of their representation in the media. Thus, the central idea of this research is to show when and how football has become a recurrent theme in Brazilian literature, starting with its journalistic approach until we get an overview of the aesthetic representation of the game, Literature as the main focus of attention and taking the genre of fiction story as material fact of their representation. With this approach, we intend to develop an overall view, overview of the literature about football in our country and at the same time, particularize this vision in some representative authors of it, like the writer-journalist Mario Filho (the historian, essayist on the modernization of chronic specific theme), José Lins do Rego (writer passionate about the game), Nelson Rodrigues (the esthetician that elevated the sport to the status of art by chronic), Lima Barreto (who along with Antonio de Alcantara Machado pioneered the formalized within the fiction) and the storytellers of the topic itself. In the end, we intend to infer the results of evaluations and reviews of books and authors listed, we have examined a wide sense, but also vertical (and which were focused on a socio-historical perspective and critical-aesthetic) within the assumption that seems be a homology between the way football practice amongst us will historically winning characteristics as to form a Brazilian school of football, and how our writers, journalists will be addressing the topic, which also would focus on creating a "Brazilian way" of telling literary football. The proof of this hypothesis operational work together with the development of historiography and the necessity arising from it, creating a "Guide to Reading football theme in fictional tale of Brazil" shut the focal perspective of this study


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The main objective of this study is to investigate the meanings of body and costume as essential components of television journalists aesthetic discourse, as exemplified by the presenters of Jornal Nacional, from Rede Globo. The study is inspired on the paths proposed by semiotics, and combines this approach with other techniques of scientific investigation to identify the meanings of this non-verbal communication form. For that, this work uses the concept of communication proposed by the Palo Alto School s authors, more specifically the concept of Watzlawick et al. (2005), which understands communication like relation and inherent of human beings. The precepts of complex thought and the hologramatic principle of Morin (1990), which value the union and the need to connect the knowledge of elements or parts to that of the systems these parts constitute, is also present in the thinking that guides the work. Throughout the chapters, we elucidate our understanding of body and television as media, and fashion and television journalism as languages. This work approaches a televisual history of Jornal Nacional in order to better understand the aesthetic proposed by television news over time, its presenters and costumes. The elements that are part of the televisual language s expression and content are addressed so that we can better understand the importance of body and presenters costume in this context. Finally, we conduct an analysis of the meanings of television journalism presenters body and costume through their stereotypes, their integration into the fashion cycle and also into the televisual analysis of the most important costume elements of Jornal Nacional s presenter couple: colors, models and accessories. We thus seek to strengthen the understanding of the wardrobe inseparable from the body as communication and detail some of their production understanding processes. The women historical role in brazilian television journalism, as well as masculinization of TV journalism environment are important elements to contextualize televisual language thinking in contemporary society. The investigation covers the origins, concepts, proposals, stereotypes, prejudices, reproductions, naturalizations and reinterpretation of the body and the costume of the presenters through time and the relationship between body, fashion and communication


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The transmedia storytelling is a phenomenom recently conceptualized theoretically (JENKINS, 2009), arising from ficcional mediatic products and disseminated as well by the use on other fields. This search aims to analyze how the transmedia storytellings can be applied to journalism on the basis of an specific genre, the reporting. To that, take as reference theoretical developments performed by brazilian authors (FECHINE et al., 2011, 2012, 2013), on the basis of televisive fiction, which culminated on concepts as transmediation and transmedia contents and deepened the comprehension and the research in this area. Thenceforth, this study propone a problematization and apropriation of this theoretic support for the journalism field, using, for that, a comprehension of journalistic production on a speech level, as well as its social practices (newsmaking). The empiric research also take two different paths. First, analyze a group of reportings, in which there is transmediation, in order to verifying the configuration of the transmedia phenomenom - more specifically of the transmedia storytelling - and its particularities to journalism. Then, develops an investigation, based on the etnographic method, of the productive routine on the special reporting section of the Jornal do Commercio (Recife/PE), aiming to investigate the conditions of transmediation in this range and the practices that favor and difficult the employment of transmedia storytelling. The result are, therefore, compared and related, with the goal of providing multidimensional view of the phenomenom


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This thesis is consisted of a theoretical and empirical study about the treatment given by media, particularly on telejournalism, to violence against women. It aims to analyze and reflect about the role of media, particularly television, on the process of reproduction of patriarchy system of gender on the context of Brazilian society, from content and narrative news about crimes committed against Andreia Rodrigues and Eliza Samudio. In light of the critical perspective, we seek to apprehend the particularities of patriarchy as a system of domination and subjugation of women, and also reveal the involvement of traditional means of media on reproduction and maintenance of inequality between men and women. To apprehend that reality, we had as guidance a critical social theory, grounded in historical-dialectical materialism which enabled us to apprehend the phenomenon under investigation actually enrolled in a dynamic and contradictory reality. The research had qualitative approach. We appeal to the specialized literature of the area from classical and contemporary authors. We conducted a content analysis of categorized matters, and interviews with individuals involved in issues of gender and / or communication. The critical examination of the matters indicated that television journalism is permeated by the contradictions inherent in social life, means that states and restates the ideology of ruling classes, their values and worldviews, but also express conflicts and social demands. The study revealed that prevails on television playing stereotypes and gender inequalities. We could also see that violence against women gets a sensationalist overblown approach and with no insights on the social relations that determine and base it.