6 resultados para Brasil Política e governo Séc. XIX

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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In 1878, at the province of Rio Grande do Norte, between Cear-Mirim and Extremoz, was founded the Agricultural Colony of Sinimb. On this location, about 6,600 freed men and women had gathered. They were not only fleeing from the terrible 1877 drought but also encouraged by the promise of accessing basic necessities, i.e. housing and medical assistance, upon work, as required by local and central representatives of power. However, the migrants faced otherwise reality, since conditions within the agricultural facility were of shortage and violence, as denounced on the presidential reports of that time. This work aims at analyzing the conflicts that took place at the Sinimb Colony, while it seeks to emphasize how the tensions and interests of both local elite and central government representatives relate to the opening and closure of this space, on a context where the debate on the control over freed poor workers was on the rise. Thus, we intend to demonstrate that on the one hand, institutionalized places provided the native freed a sense of work guided by the discipline of the body, control of time and arrangement of space. On the other hand, unlike forms of resistance enacted by freed working men and women undergoing the rearranging process of labor world cannot be disregarded.


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In Brazil, between the late nineteenth and early decades of the twentieth, polytechnic engineers assumed an important role in discussing the establishment of a modern country. The problem of drought in northeastern Brazil gave the professionals performance, within an interventional process more mounts, the conception plans and measures for the purposeful integration of the territory afflicted. With the foundation of Inspetoria de Obras Contra as Secas (IOCS), in 1909, the actions to combat drought and would be institutionalized, them, studies performed out by technical and scientific committees would be systematically applied in the Brazilian Northeast. So, This work was central objective understand the historical process inplantation of a whole infrastructure of modern character by professional technical and their consequences within the Northeast Geographic space, in specific, in the municipality of Acari in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, in the first half of the twentieth century. The politics of the government, through technical education and scientific engineers polytechnics, would emphasize, during the twentieth century, the building of dams, and irrigation canals, wells, railways, highways, between other elements, that would soon transform the physical space-northeast, specifically, the territory acariense. These works began to contribute to the setting of man backcountry their land, promote the regular practice of agriculture even in periods of drought and, the integration, especially, economic of territory acariense the other producing regions of Rio Grande do Norte and the Northeast as well as promoting the modification of the landscape of the world backcountry. These actions functioned as elements of modernity and progress that transformed the space by favoring by favoring the formation of urban networks (urban) in this space


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Em meio s intervenes políticas, econmicas e administrativas realizadas no Brasil a partir de 1750, possvel observar como se deram as tentativas de organizao da capitania de So Jos do Piauhy e at mesmo o seu reconhecimento como importante rea pecuarista da colnia. Neste trabalho, realizou-se um recorte espacial priorizando a regio em que a apropriao territorial teria se dado de forma mais diversa em tal capitania, pois alm dos procedimentos de aquisio de sesmarias, existiram ainda os processos de herana e confisco. Sobre estes ltimos, os mesmos incidiram sobre as fazendas que pertenceram ao sertanista baiano Domingos Afonso Mafrense, e que aps serem deixadas de herana para os religiosos da Companhia de Jesus (1711), foram confiscadas pela Coroa Portuguesa (1759). Isso aconteceu em meio ao planejamento e execuo de medidas governamentais que atingiram todos os domnios portugueses durante esse perodo, a chamada Política Pombalina. Tais intervenes administrativas, por sua vez, puderam ser analisadas tomando-se como referncia a confeco da primeira representao cartogrfica destinada a tal capitania, o Mappa Geogrfico da Capitania do Piauhy, produzido pelo engenheiro italiano Henrique Antnio Galcio. Deste modo, considerando-se as particularidades da política portuguesa destinada ao interior do Brasil, em meados do séc. XVIII, com destaque para as medidas incidentes sobre os modos de vida indgena e rural, observou-se a tentativa de implantar-se uma nova forma de organizao espacial, a partir de modos e instalaes urbanas. Neste contexto, So Jos do Piauhy passa a ser alvo de intensas investidas enquanto rea oficialmente pertencente ao Estado do Gro-Par e Maranho


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In recent years, as part of the expansion process of its activities, the Instituto Federal de Educao, Cincia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte IFRN (Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology of the State of Rio Grande do Norte IFRN) detected the need to hire more employees for the institution. This expansion process, a policy of the Federal Government, together with the increase of human resources, required the construction of an adequate facility in the municipality of So Gonalo do Amarante-RN, for training and qualification and as a means of better enabling its personnel. Along with this policy, the Federal Government is also deeply concerned that its buildings be environmentally friendly. This study deals with this subject matter, as it develops an architectural design of a public building with an emphasis upon the reduction of energy consumption, through the study of energy performance factors such as defined by Carneiro (1988) and adapted by the author of the present study. It is known that residential, commercial and public buildings represent about 45 % of energy consumption in Brazil. That is why it is necessary to consider the reduction of such consumption in buildings, as well as the role that professionals, especially architects, play in this issue. The most effective participation in this regard in the field of architecture occurs in the design phase. However, the architectural solution proposed here goes beyond the energy performance factors, since it also involves other aspects, such as the definition of the concept, the parti and the spatial solution itself. In this sense, the architectural project of the Centro de Treinamento dos Servidores do IFRN - CTSIFRN (Training Center for IFRN Personnel CTSFIRN) is particularly fitting as a subject for research at the Professional Master Program at PPGAU/UFRN, which is devoted to research on architecture, design and the environment.


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For many y ears, the federal government policy is to use project for in order to speed up the work for decreasing the elementary education deficit vacancy . In Natal municipality the schoolhouses for children, from 0 to 6 years of age are denom inated Muinicipality Centre for Elementary Education. The federal government provides capital for the news edifications by the program of government named PROINFNCIA. This program embraces three types of projects. Type A must be furnished by the interes ted municipality and approved by Education and Cultura Ministry. The type B is standard plan with capability to 120 schoolchildren in full - time or 240 in two turns and ground plot measuring 40 x 70m and the type C also a standart projects to 60 schoolc hildren in full - time or 120 in two turns and ground plot measuring 35 x 45m. Sometimes , due to scarcity of bigger ground plot s is the type C instead of type B, referring to offering vacancies. In this meaning, this study intend s to present the draft - project to elementary schoolhouse, modulated and flexible, emphasizing the children needs . Therefore, it was studied concept, school architecture, construction technology, reference study and visiting to MCEE Fernanda Jales (PROINFNC IA tipo B). However, the proposal synthesizes the draft - project by module, implanting in its totality or in parts, according to its necessity and lot cha racteristic.


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The purpose of this study is to search the school group Baro de Mipib/RN, which is located in a city called So Jos de Mipib. The aim of this work is to discuss about the use of education as a tool for the formation of the republican imaginary society norte-riograndense. We defined a period from 1909 through 1920. The choice of this work is about how this could be important to the Brazilian History of Education and local, as well as for Cultural History and extends to studies of everyday school life and history of school disciplines. Their achievement was through bibliography search and document analysis. The first was through a review of bibliography on the national and local historiography about the School Groups and productions of the Brazilian Republic. The last one, through the following sources, namely, just the same building of the school group Baro de Mipib, furniture inventories, class daily, terms of visits of Education Directors and reports of the Directors, book Our History by Rocha Pombo, Educational Legislation, Legislative Congress posts, the decree of creation of School Groups, in particular Baro de Mipib and the Group Model Augusto Severo, as well as the internal statute and finally, interviews with Alumni of the 50s. The study is inserted in the history of education and as the theoretical to assist in the analysis of sources on the imagination of the study, we looked for support in Jacques Le Goff (1994), Bronislaw Bazcko (1985), Cornelius Castoriadis (1982). At the end of this work it was possible to get the understanding that the Republican government found in the educational Field, one way to spread their ideals and collaboration in building the social Imaginary of the republic, which was constituted in the early twentieth century.