5 resultados para Bomb reconnaissance.

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Ce travail s agit du processus d´affirmation de l´identité Fulni-ô et de la mobilisation ethnique du groupe qui sont organisées et maintenues en bénéfice de leurs droits; ceux-ci consistent en la reconnaissance comme indiens devant la société et leurs droits sur le territoire. Le groupe est situé dans la municipalité d´Águas Belas, localisé entre l´ agreste et le sertão de l´état du Pernambuco. Ce sont, en moyenne, 3.676 indiens qui présentent comme signes d´identification ethnique: le Yathê, langue spécifique du groupe qui continue à être utilisée au quotidien; l´Ouricuri, terme qui désigne le rituel qui a lieu pendant le printemps et pendant des périodes spécifiques de l´année; le Toré, danse commune aux indiens du Nordeste. La mémoire et la matière culturelle sont les signes de mobilisation ethnique sélectionnés par les Fulni-ô pour favoriser l´affirmation de leur identité et la protection de leurs droits. Cet aspect sera traité tout au long de ce travail. La mobilisation ethnique est permanente, les Fulni-ô ne cessent d´utiliser des moyens qui peuvent les aider à vivifier leur identité et à protéger l´intégrité de leur territoire. Au travers de la mémoire ou grâce à l´utilisation de signes et de symboles ethniques (comme la langue, le rituel religieux et le Toré) ils consolident l´idée qu´ils sont indiens en même temps qu´ils établissent et défendent leurs frontières ethniques et physiques


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This master´s thesis presents a reliability study conducted among onshore oil fields in the Potiguar Basin (RN/CE) of Petrobras company, Brazil. The main study objective was to build a regression model to predict the risk of failures that impede production wells to function properly using the information of explanatory variables related to wells such as the elevation method, the amount of water produced in the well (BSW), the ratio gas-oil (RGO), the depth of the production bomb, the operational unit of the oil field, among others. The study was based on a retrospective sample of 603 oil columns from all that were functioning between 2000 and 2006. Statistical hypothesis tests under a Weibull regression model fitted to the failure data allowed the selection of some significant predictors in the set considered to explain the first failure time in the wells


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As an auxiliary tool to combat hunger by decreasing the waste of food and contributing for improvement of life quality on the population, CEASA/RN has released from August/03 to August/05 the program MESA DA SOLIDARIEDADE. Despite of the positive results of this program, that has already distributed around 226 tons of food, there is still food being thrown in the trash as the deliver of the same food in its natural form would be a health risk to those who would consume it and only the correct processing of this food can make it edible. This work has as a goal the reuse of solid residues of vegetal origin generated by the CEASA/RN, through the Program MESA DA SOLIDARIEDADE and the characterization of the product obtained so it might be used as a mineral complement in the human diet. To the collecting of samples (from September until December /2004) it was developed a methodology having as a reference the daily needs of mineral salts for infants at the age of seven to ten. The sample was packed in plastic bags and transported in an ambient temperature to the laboratory where it was selected, weighted, disinfected, fractionated and dried to 70ºC in greenhouse. The dry sample was shredded and stored in bottles previously sterilized. The sample in nature was weighted in the same proportion of the dry sample and it was obtained a uniform mass in a domestic processor. The physical-chemical analyses were carried out in triplicate in the samples in nature and in the dry product, being analyzed: pH, humidity, acidity and soluble solids according to IAL (1985), mineral salts contents (Ca, K, Na, Mg, P and Fe) determined by spectrophotometry of Atomic Absorption, caloric power through a calorimetric bomb and presence of fecal traces and E. coli through the colilert method (APHA, 1995). During this period the dry food a base of vegetables presented on average 5,06% of humidity, 4,62 of pH, acidity of 2,73 mg of citric acid /100g of sample, 51,45ºBrix of soluble solids, 2.323,50mg of K/100g, 299,06mg of Ca/100g, 293mg of Na/100g, 154,66mg of Mg/100g, 269,62mg of P/100g, 6,38mg of Fe/100g, caloric power of 3,691Kcal/g (15,502KJ/g) and is free of contamination by fecal traces and E..coli. The dry food developed in this research presented satisfactory characteristics regarding to its conservation, possessing low calories, constituting itself a good source of potassium, magnesium, sodium and iron that can be utilized as a food complement of these minerals


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La valeur évocative, magique ou my(s)thique attribuée à la relation homme/animal peut être observée dans la culture depuis les époques lointaines. Dans la symbologie animale on trouve une immense charge sémantique justifiant les croyances les plus anciennes que les êtres humains ont déjà eues. Les animaux sont à la base du symbolisme mythique et ils se constituent en tant qu une source pour la riche production artistique englobant une grande variété iconographique et des textes de nature diverse. Ayant comme référence de la symbologie animal l image my(s)thique du chat, on observe la façon par laquelle le langage poétique contemple les profils mythiquesymboliques qui ont un rapport avec ce langage, tout en mettant en relief ceux qui ont des rapports aux relations entre le monde humain et le félin. À partir de l antologie tématique Assinar a pele ; des concepts théoriques ; et des abordages mitocritiques, nous cherchons à analyser les façons par lesquelles les différentes images mythiques associées au chat ont été explorées par la poésie. La définition d une typologie englobant des catégories telles : chat domestique, chat de rue, chat femme, chat nocturne, chat démoniaque et chat divin, parmi d autres, soutient la reconnaissance d identités possibles entre ces poèmes et signale la répétition d un répertoire symbolique divers en soi, mais, cohérent avec la présence du chat dans la société humaine à travers les temps


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The wide distribution along the Brazilian coast of specie Sotalia guianensis has been growing interest in searchers on the ecology of this species, addition to commercial interests by whalewatching. This work described the accoustic repertory of S. guianensis and their behavior associated and found if underwater noises affect this repertorie in Pipa-RN. It were analyzed 18:49h of recordings maked between april and june/2009. It were found 3258 whistles, 289 calls, 873 clicks and no gargle. The frequencies range of guiana dolphins was 1 a 48kHz and may be related to system response recorder and population s regionalization. The frequencies overlaps the noise made by motorboats, schooners and water bomb. The behavior travelling ocurred siletly in 72,58% and socialization presented no sound (56,4%) and presence of sound (43,6%). This great absence of sound may be relacioned to saving energy, probably because in this behaviors they can use physical and visual contacts. The foraging presented highest records of all class noise with 46,84% clicks, 33,84% whistles and 9,02% calls. All this sounds occurred differently in each behavior (travelling: x2 = 134,35 df = 3 p = 0,0001; foraging: x2 = 19,83 df = 3 p= 0,00018 and socialization x2 = 60,35 df = 3 p = 0,0001). It was possible to determine that underwater noise cause changes in the repertorie and does a considerable increase in whistle s number and reduce clicks. Also occurs changes in some whistles (FI: t=2,42, p=0,015; FF: t= -2,22, p=0,025), calls (FMI: t= -3,13, p=0,001; FMA: t= -3,49, p=0,0005; FD: t= -2,21, p=0,027; D: t=2,89, p=0,004) and clicks parameters (D: t= -3,85, p=0,0001; I: t= -5,32, p=0,0001) during presence of noise. These changes may be a strategy of these animals to win this sound barrier. We can not say which noise has more impact, ix however the water bomb seems to affect more the clicks and the motorboats seems to affect the others sounds. Little is know about auditive sensibility of this specie, but daily exposure to this noise may cause damage and this specie appears to have residence. The specie conservation is necessary because the population already seems to suffer damage as decrease in length of stay, number of individuals entering the inlet and the apparent diminution in the foragind during vessels presence and control standards and ambiental education can help. So, we can advance in knowledge about the ecology of this specie especially when it come to bioacoustics and their behaviors associated and reveals some of the impacts that the noise have brought to this population