24 resultados para Bibliographic research
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
CUNHA, Jacqueline; GALINDO, Marcos. Preservação digital: o estado da arte. In:ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE PESQUISA EM CIÊNCIA DA INFORMAÇÃO, 8., Savador, 2007. Anais... Salvador: ANCIB, 2007. Disponível em:
Analysis of the northeastern sugar economy insertion on the modernization process of these economy based on the José Lins do Rego literary Discourse. In order to do so, there were used the literary works Fogo Morto, Menino de Engenho, Bangüê and Usina as study objects. Throughout the prosecution of a exploratory and documental bibliographic research it was identified that, in the cited literary works, there are three specialties corresponding to the main scenarios of the plots, the Santa Fé and Santa Rosa mills and the Bom Jesus mill factory. We have conceived the mills as main charachters, since all stories deployment corresponds to the other charachters reactions to the many forms that the specialties are, or not, affected by the modernization. Therefore, the narratives in Fogo Morto, Menino de Engenho, Bangüê and Usina reaffirm the viability of the literary discourse application as a source for the construction of the sociological interpretation of the northeastern sugar economy process of modernization in the end of 19th century and beginning of the 20th century
This study approaches the topic of humanization in health that involves the set of policies implemented by the Ministry of Health in Brazil. Its aims are directed towards a reflection on the guiding theoretical and organizing axes of the National Humanization Policy (NHP) and their repercussions on municipal health policy of Natal, Brazil; an analysis of the results of the policy at the local level; knowledge of the views and experiences of the humanization agents in the daily work process and identification of the main challenges of the policy. The empirical field of investigation was the Family Health Strategy (FHS) of the city of Natal. The assumption of the study is that the FHS has produced local experiences with potentialities that must not be wasted, in which there are difficulties and discrepancies between the real and proposed model. The contradictions and challenges in the social and political context of Brazil in the early XXI century and their consequences in the field of health reflect anti-utilitarian aspects anchored strongly in the theoretical concepts of Boaventura de Sousa Santos about the sociology of privations and emergencies as well as of the work of translating. The predominantly qualitative approach collects some complementary quantitative data. The study procedures used were the following: bibliographic research; documental research; interviews; and direct observation. Interpretation of the information obtained was based on documental analysis and on the symbolic cartography of the social representations. Cartographic evidence suggests that practices still take place under dehumanizing conditions that compromise the quality of care given. However, there is a movement aimed at changing the work process that has been strengthening the link and widening the measures developed, incorporating new directions in diversity, integrality and solidarity. The map drawn shows a reality manifested by explicit intentions in a political agenda, by concrete solutions marked by an assortment of difficulties and expressed in the words of the agents and by latent clues identified in successful local experiences, posing many challenges for the consolidation of the proposed changes
It is analyzed the social struggle held by locals at Barreiras, Diogo Lopes and Sertãozinho communities (Macau-RN) in order to avoid the ownership of its mangrove area to hotel managers, in 1995 and to hinder the destruction of Ilha dos Cavalos mangrove by the shrimp producers, in 2000, what led to the creation of Ponta do Tubarão Reserve of State Sustainable Development, located at Macau and Guamaré cities, northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, respectively 180 and 200 kilometers away from Natal, created in July, 18, 2003 by the Decree State Law n. 8.349, to preserve its traditional territory and way of life. It is photographed and analyzed the developed ways of life in this Unit of Conservation, from the sociocultural category, based in pointers of the material production in the life ways as: the work, the leisure, the religion, the popular knowledge and the action of the contemporary men on the environment. In this perspective, it is considered as method strategy a sociocultural photo cartography, created to this research, and to be concretized used photographic documents, observation, interviews, documental research and bibliographic research, being an association of techniques as peculiarities of this strategy of research. It is concluded that the social struggle developed by the collective actors at Ponta do Tubarão Reserve of State Sustainable Development, is characterized as a transforming action against the global and predatory capital, for the maintenance of the environment and the traditional way of life; One also concludes that the sociocultural photo cartography is very important as a proposal of possible procedures to being used in qualitative researches, because of its analytical potentialities providing a more including vision of the sociocultural routine of the studied space, in the attempt to know and to disclose the relations lived for the citizens of the research in Social Sciences
In the teaching history course it s found the female teacher entering, reflecting significantly in the continuous process of her identity redefinitions and reconstruction. This entering brings, even in a silent and not explicit way, the confluence of gender identity to professional identity, in which are present the relations of the proper to female. In the mastership case, these relations are found imbricated in the teaching identity construction and in the translation of this profession as female, based in Virgin Mary, through Mariano ideal diffused by the catholic church. Therefore there is a lanck in educational historiography towards the register of female teachers presence, mainly in male religious institute, the reason of this study, in which we seek to investigate: how to explain that a female identity can give support to a highly male educational project? What relations can we establish between this female identity and the entering of female teachers in Maristas Province Schools of North Brazil? We performed a bibliographic research in Maristas Schools Libraries, of Marista historial, in Recife, of Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná (Catholic University), in Curitiba-PR. We searched for support in studies about pedagogy history, of Marista Institute, Catholic Church, Brasilian Education and of Women; Mariologic studies, the referring to Marista Educational Proposal, to feminization and to teaching identity; and feminist theology productions. The empirical research included 10 schools from referred province and Marista Schools from Lisbon Portugal. Through semi-estructured interviews, we interviewed pioneer female teachers, Marista former Brothers and Brothers from those schools, due to their presence and action within the study period and for the concern to save their memories about the theme. The study reveals the particularities of Mariano ideal as female model and teaching, and her presence in Marista Educational Proposal. This study, in a historical approach, aims to contribute to give visibility to the woman in history and teaching construction in Brazil, mainly in religious institutions from male origin
The aim of this study is to assess the contribution of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to the field of human resources for health in Brazil. The assumption is that this organization not only influenced the development of this field, but but that it was also influenced by Brazilian institutions and by national political movements, through the interaction of its consultants with these movements. Four projects were selected, through which the contribution of PAHO was evaluated: the Program for the Strategic Preparation of Health Personnel (PPREPS), the Project for the Large Scale Formation of Middle and Low Level Personnel (Large Scale Project), the Project for Qualification in the Development of Human Resources in Health (CADRHU) and the Project for the Managerial Development of Basic Units of the National Health System (GERUS). To operacionalize the study, we used three basic complementary procedures: a bibliographic research, documental research and an interview. The time frame considered was from 1975, the year an agreement was signed between PAHO, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture, establishing PPREPS. It was through this program that the first PAHO team of national human resource consultants was contracted. The period between 1975 and 1999 was marked by political and social movements that changed the course of health in the country; among these was the Movement of Sanitary Reform in Brazil, which culminated in the implementation of the National Health System (SUS). This paper shows the connections of the PAHO consultants with this movement and the implications that this had for the Program of Cooperation in the Development of Human Resources of PAHO/Brazil. It also demonstrates that as the program became contaminated by national movements of health system reorganization and of democratization of Brazilian society, it proposed, in cooperation with national institutions, an organization of determinate areas of operation of these same institutions. The manuscript further reveals that, with the Large Scale Project, the human resources program determined the pedagogical and methodological option that would be the model for various other educational projects undertaken by a number of Brazilian institutions with the technical cooperation of PAHO. And finally, the repercussions and contributions of these projects, which strengthened the the field of human resources in the public health services of the country, are identified. Data analysis was based mainly on the theories of Bourdieu, Gramsci and Freire
This study investigates how the reading of fairy tales can be an instrument for reflection on the bullying phenomenon in the live of students. Its relevance is present the work with literature as an alternative to facilitate the understanding of children and young people about this violence practice, on the basis of the discussion moments, mediated in the classroom. Methodologically based in the principles of qualitative investigation, setting itself as a bibliographic research, and linked to the content analysis in order to make inferences and construct interpretations from the study of tales that encourage discussion and reflection about the bullying theme. In this work were selected the following stories: Cinderella 1812) and a One-eye, Two-eyes, Three-eyes (1812) of Grimm Brothers; John-Slapstick (1837), The Storks (1838), and The Ugly Duckling (1844) of Andersen, to make possible a more explicit interface between literature and the bullying theme, providing fertile material for moments of debate. Was taken as the theoretical reference studies of Eco (2003), Jouve (2002), Zilberman (2003, 2004), Lajolo (2001), Rabbit (2008), Bettelheim (2007), Amarilha (2004), Held (1980), Beaudoin and Taylor (2006), Fante and Stone (2008), Middelton-Moz and Zawadski (2007), Olweus (2006), Jares (2002, 2006), Beane (2010), La Taille (2006, 2009) and Piaget (1994). The analysis demonstrated that the characteristics inherent in the literature allow the realization of readings in which the bullying theme can be discussed among students, to contribute positively in the education of children and young people and reflect about violence. This is possible way, especially because of the involvement promoted by the reading of literary texts, allowing that students see, in fiction, possibilities of change
This work is a research about the policy of initial education of teachers made by the federal government, in the Brazilian educational view in the 1990 s. It is based on that the procedures to the initial education of teachers are in a much bigger context of the productive rearrangement and of the reconstruction of the State and they have in the international institutions, like the CEPAL, UNESCO and the World Bank, their main mediators. The dissertation aims to analyze the implementation of the policy of initial education of educators, having as empirical field the CEFET RN institution, and as reference the undergraduate course of Geography, more specifically the subject vocational practice. This study is advised by the theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the qualitative research, and it is being characterized by a case study. Among the methodological procedures which were used, some of them can be pointed out such as, the bibliographic research, the documental analysis, the application of questionnaires and the carrying out of interviews. The studies show up CEFETs and the Superior Education Institutes were considered by the Brazilian government suitable for the introduction of the initial education of vocational training, related to teaching, a proposed model by updated principles of international organizations. However, in the CEFET RN reality, although the difficulties listed by the teachers and students in the introduction of the subject vocational practice, the initial background in the undergraduate course of Geography got one point which is getting close to the teaching that is carried out in universities, privileging teaching, research and extension. For the people who have participated of researches, the subject vocational practice is relevant for the curriculum of teaching education because it makes the articulation between theory and practice possible, aspects considered essential ones for a teaching education of quality. Also, the studies show that one of the big obstacles faced in the introduction of the subject in question, was the lack of assistance to the students who are in a period of training and in the execution of research and extension projects caused by the insufficiency of educators to perform in the undergraduate course, as well as the lack of time of the teachers due to a large number of activities that they develop in their workplace (CEFET RN). This fact reveals the way how the policy of education of teachers came to educational institutions, imposed by MEC, without considering their structure conditions. Although the difficulties, the innovator character of the experience stood out, as in relation to the locus of education as because of being an educational model which involves theory and practice and the different kinds of knowledge, pretty necessary ones for the teaching education, as well as coming beyond a pragmatic education coherent with the immediate interests of the world of work
This dissertation has as aim the praxis of co-management of the health service of CAPS II OESTE of Natal-RN, where health workers, family members got to materialize guidelines and principles of psychiatric Brazilian reform in real possibilities of subjectivity construction, whereas they changed social relations in daily life. The path chosen to record was from testimonials and contributions of those who meant their done. Redeeming this story from social representations of the majority of their builders was an instigating, delicate and rewarding task, emphasizing the living memory, rebuilt in a line of time which could not be found in simple documentary collections. Mainly, by knowing that service routine was intense and had as characteristic the singular mobility itself from a creation process and therefore not always its dynamic allowed adequate records. At the same time, from this occurred the field and bibliographic research which allowed the detailed information from the prior milestones and motivated to the practice here reported. The rereading of concepts in an interface with the reports of the interviewees enabled the verification that the model of mental health advocated by psychiatric reform was understood. Once noticed the presence of the beliefs and values of people in motivating energy for the progress of reform, it has gone to fetch theoretical subsidies of administrative order to understand how they saw this building and that uniqueness has been printed. The theoretical way and praxis have tracked here has allowed to analyze how occurred such a process of production and subjectivity and collectives that when organize enabled themselves for analysis and intervention, including in crisis situations. Therefore, it was revealed that ethical and multi-disciplinarity, the humanitarian sense, the coresponsibility, co-production and horizontal management were the key factors for spread from a changing protagonist. One can thus conclude that co-management from that collective has been multi-disciplinary weaving a cross
This essay aims to analyze different aspects regarding employees satisfaction about their work environment in order to preparethem to deal with quality programs. The study was developed through field and bibliographic research, which was turn in to a comparative analysis between the results obtained in a pilot research and the results from a final research applied to Brazilian Mail enterprise that got the bronze award of the Federal Government Quality Award. The main issue is to define where to act so that employees will be ready to deal with a quality program, identifying why they consider important, their influence in the insertion of the program and the relationship between satisfaction in the work environment and the success of such insertion
This survey develops a study about the pro-environment behavior of a brazilian company of oil and gas sector, emphazing the Petróleo Brasileiro S/A PETROBRAS in its Unit of Business of Exploration and Production in the State of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará − UN-RNCE. The work s development adopt the bibliographic research methodology with the descriptive exploratory analisys, with the purpouse of identifying related points with the knowledge and the analysed enterprise s staff conduct, by the aplication of the interview with a instrument of data colecting with closed variable questions from answers that varies from o to 10.The answers allowed us to know the employees knowledge about the related aspects of environmental responsability, knowing also the involvement of the employees with the politics of environmental managment that has been implemented in the operating area of the company. The research led us to an important verification of the pro-environmental behavior of the people interviewed. The results depends of a wise acting, not only inside the company, but also outside, where the results of this acting will be more perceived for the society. Finally, we conclude that the company has a politics of management with a great importance, emphasinzing that the employees are been in constant training about their behavior resulting in satisfaction
We propose an online configurable multiplatform development environment specifically developed for educational robotics applications. The environment, which appears as an extension of RoboEduc software, allows the programming of several programmable robots to be performed using the R-Educ language. We make it possible for the user to program in the language R-Educ and then translate the code to a language previously registered, compiled and then sent or executed by the robot. To develop this work, we conducted a bibliographic research about the main programming languages used in robotics, as well as their definitions and paradigms, from which it was possible to define a set of patterns considered important for the creation of this environment. Then, in the software development phase, we implemented the development environment, bearing in mind the requirements and functionality defined in the design phase. Finally, to validate the platform, we conducted some trials of programming languages and verificate if the complete cycle was satisfied - registration of language, programming in R-Educ, compilation for the registered language, compilation to the machine code and send the code for the robot
This work presents a contribution for the studies reffering to the use of the History of Mathematics focusing on the improvement of the Teaching and Learning Process. It considers that the History of Matematics, as a way of giving meaning to the discipline and improve the quality of the Teaching and Learning Process. This research focuses on the questions of the students, classified in three categories of whys: the chronological, the logical and the pedagogical ones. Therefore, it is investigated the teaching of the Complex Numbers, from the questions of the students of the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte (Educational Institution of Professional and Technology Education from Rio Grande do Norte). The work has the following goals: To classify and to analyse the questions of the students about the Complex Numbers in the classes of second grade of the High School, and to collate with the pointed categories used by Jones; To disccus what are the possible guidings that teachers of Mathematics can give to these questions; To present the resources needed to give support to the teacher in all things involving the History of Mathematics. Finally, to present a bibliographic research, trying to reveal supporting material to the teacher, with contents that articulate the Teaching of Mathematics with the History of Mathematics. It was found that the questionings of the pupils reffers more to the pedagogical whys, and the didatic books little contemplate other aspects of the history and little say about the sprouting and the evolution of methods of calculations used by us as well
Abstract:It boards a study about the methodology applied in the classroom, with emphasis at the Physic teaching, but could be taken to the other matters of high school, mainly to that alumns with school delay and that needs a pedagogics resources to get the aproach of them to the subject showed trying to improve their learnship. The study was developed through the bibliographic research methodology, associated to the induce resource that allows to evaluate the methods of teaching praticed actually at High Schools, as the private as the public, to give to the teachers the resources that should change the dificulties of learning with prejudice the classmates performances. The results reacheds demonstrated that is perfectly possible to augment the physic teaching body, taking in consideration the expansion of the profit at the teachinglearnig procces, besides having allowed to shows that this methodology porpouse could be takes to others subjects of the High School to became this phase of school more suitable to the necessities of society. It concludes that the brazilian Education could receive a lot of augments, from the professional criativity on always that inside the classroom, really close of the problems showed by the classmates about learning collecting
It is a dissertation which has the Area of Concentration: Social Services, Vocational Training, Labour and Social Protection. Research Line: Social Services, Labor, Social Protection and Citizenship. Brings an approach to health and worker safety, approached on the organization of work in their processes of worker exploitation, analyzed from the critical perspective and all. Its central objective of uncovering how the organization of work affects the health of their workers, considering the working process in the capitalist mode of production, the health-disease relationship. Displays the worker, as determined by the work process, emphasizing, along the lines of capitalism, the consequences for the physical well-being, mental and social workers. To this end, we make a documentary and bibliographic research, whose point of analysis is based on the perspective of the centrality of work, recovering their sense of ontological Marx, through which the transformations are discussed in the working world, listed based on context productive restructuring of capital, which occurs along the imperialist stage of capitalist mode of production. It is problematized, though, worker health, analyzed from the wider definition of health as a field of public health, considering the work process in health-disease relationship. Finally, the research developed raised between 2006 and 2010, the Graduate Programs UFRN that address the range of issues studied in this dissertation. The scientific outputs are problematized as a way to reveal the theoretical trends (critical or conservative) which facilitate the thematic area