11 resultados para Betão colorido

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Textile production has been considered as an activity of high environmental impact due to the generation of large volumes of waste water with high load of organic compounds and strongly colored effluents, toxic and difficult biodegradability. This thesis deals with obtaining porous alumina ceramic membranes for filtration of textile effluent in the removal of contaminants, mainly color and turbidity. Two types of alumina with different particle sizes as a basis for the preparation of formulation for mass production of ceramic samples and membranes. The technological properties of the samples were evaluated after using sintering conditions: 1,350ºC-2H, 1,450ºC-30M, 1,450ºC-2H, 1,475ºC-30M and 1,475ºC-2H. The sintered samples were characterized by XRD, XRF, AG, TG, DSC, DL, AA, MEA, RL, MRF-3P, SEM and Intrusion Porosimetry by Mercury. After the characterization, a standard membrane was selected with their respective sintering condition for the filterability tests. The effluent was provided by a local Textile Industry and characterized at the entry and exit of the treatment plant. A statistical analysis was used to study the effluent using the following parameters: pH, temperature, EC, SS, SD, oil and grease, turbidity, COD, DO, total phosphorus, chlorides, phenols, metals and fecal coliform. The filtered effluent was evaluated by using the same parameters. These results demonstrate that the feasibility of the use of porous alumina ceramic membranes for removing contaminants from textile effluent with improved average pore size of 0.4 micrometre (distribution range varying from 0,025 to 2.0 micrometre), with total porosity of 29.66%, and average percentages of color removal efficiency of 89.02%, 92.49% of SS, turbidity of 94.55%, metals 2.70% (manganese) to 71.52% (iron) according to each metal and COD removal of 72.80%


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Remote Communities. Absence of artifacts and minimization of the exacerbated consumption of modernity. The desire which spread beyond what reality can provide. Expressions like this are present in this paper which focus in the social representations of school built by residents who live at the riversides of Môa and Azul Rivers, in Mâncio Lima, Acre State. To do so, we used the methodological contribution of the semi-structured interview, observation of the place while a natural inhabitant of the region, and also photos analyses of local reality. A key feature of the riverside homes is the glued paper on the walls of houses forming a panel set of portraits, pictures, letters and numbers for all appreciated. Regardless of whether or not read, there is admiration for the color of the images, the layout of the letters, and the things of the city awakening the desire to obtain school knowledge. The resident of this Amazon region maintains a close relationship between thinking, acting and feeling living harmonically with nature that connects them to the ideal landscape which is revisited by the graphic material that attracts wondering what exists beyond the shores of the river, beyond the horizon of green forests. It is a life entirely accomplished by the imaginary where exist a framed landscape merged and confused by the real and the supernatural, in which men and gods walk together by the forest, sailing by the rivers and seek a possible aesthetic between the real and ideal. The Theory of Social Representations spread by Serge Moscovici (2005) and Jodelet (2001) guided our gaze on the understanding what the school is and its representation to the riversides, as well to reveal the relation they practice with the knowledge that is spread by the mystification and the knowledge that is practice daily. Based in Bardin s thematic analysis (2004) we tried to raise such contents combining them in five analysis categories


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The text aims to discuss the problems that this would be set: - What are the concepts of public school children about their right to primary education, as required step in the Basic Education? - What are conducted by children on the elementary school, in terms of its structure, teaching, and acquisitions provide for their users, especially when it comes to literacy? In order to answer these questions, we conducted within the qualitative a case study within twenty children of the early years of elementary public school, ten of the School Mauricio de Sousa and ten children of the School Monteiro Lobato. with construction procedures of data, we worked with observation, semi-directive interview, questionnaire and document analysis. In analyzing the data, two categories emerged: right to education and school for children. The first focuses on what children think about the legal guarantee to school, seeking to understand if they understand the educational area as a right and relate what the law says and the reality in which they participate. The category for school children, including their purposes, characteristics, space literacy and its relationship with the teacher. In this sense, we comment, taking as its founding, the speech of children in their schools, focusing on how they perceive the school in terms of its structure and functioning, relations with the knowledge and the other children. With regard to child rights, the appreciation of Brazilian children should be the basis of the struggle for a more just, democratic, nondiscriminatory. However, children show not recognize education as a right, but as one who deserves the credit, that is, those children who are always attentive, do not fight and do not complain. In interviews, children express a simple wish child that the school had toys. A school for children should be a place with its own characteristics: cheerful, lively, colorful, which included the same time, security and challenges. Children point to the hope that the course of action the teacher was guided by respect their differences in a more emotional, especially with regard to issues of authority and discipline of the group. The most important learning is for all subjects learning to read / write, differing in the idea of how to learn. Unfortunately, for some students, learning reading and writing appears as a difficult and enjoyable process is not perceived by some subjects up to recognize the instrumental writing. Finally, we point to the actors of the school to launch a more accurate to say that the children and how to outline your main locus of learning


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This study focuses on the child within the hospital environment. Its purpose is to describe children s perceptions of their illness and time in hospital and to identify their main hardships during treatment. This study has a qualitative nature and is theoretically and methodologically supported by the creative and sensitive method developed by Cabral (1998), studies by Piaget, Vygotsky and Wallon on child development, and studies conducted by Pinto (2005), Collet (2004), Chiattone (2003), Silva (2002), Lima et.al (1999) on in-patient children. For this study, 13 children between the ages of 7 and 12 at a public hospital institution specialized in child care in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, were interviewed. As a criterion for taking part in this study the children would have to have been in hospital for over three days and be fully capable of physically and emotionally interacting with the researcher at the time the interview took place. Analysis drew on the study of the empirical material made up of interviews and a field diary where notes had been entered for the children s reactions, expressions and gestures. Results show that there is some understanding, on the part of these children, of their illness, with their parents as the main informants. They accept being in hospital because they need treatment, but they realize that life becomes different especially on account of the constraints resulting from the illness and the hospital itself. The main hardships during treatment are: lack of recreational activities in the evenings and on the weekends within the hospital environment; absence of family members, especially brothers and sisters; and lack of explanation on the part of health professionals regarding some procedures as these are being carried out. Our conclusion is that children perceive illness and the hospital environment as something that changes the rhythm of their lives bringing on them perturbations, fears and anxieties. Hence, we suggest that professionals working with in-patient children should be especially prepared to deal with these children and their parents, aiming at bringing down fears and anguishes, clear their doubts and, in addition, advise the parents in respect of their children s treatment while in hospital and after hospital discharge. The hospital environment should also be cheerful and colorful and have a toy room under the coordination of persons especially prepared for that purpose


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This work proposes a kinematic control scheme, using visual feedback for a robot arm with five degrees of freedom. Using computational vision techniques, a method was developed to determine the cartesian 3d position and orientation of the robot arm (pose) using a robot image obtained through a camera. A colored triangular label is disposed on the robot manipulator tool and efficient heuristic rules are used to obtain the vertexes of that label in the image. The tool pose is obtained from those vertexes through numerical methods. A color calibration scheme based in the K-means algorithm was implemented to guarantee the robustness of the vision system in the presence of light variations. The extrinsic camera parameters are computed from the image of four coplanar points whose cartesian 3d coordinates, related to a fixed frame, are known. Two distinct poses of the tool, initial and final, obtained from image, are interpolated to generate a desired trajectory in cartesian space. The error signal in the proposed control scheme consists in the difference between the desired tool pose and the actual tool pose. Gains are applied at the error signal and the signal resulting is mapped in joint incrementals using the pseudoinverse of the manipulator jacobian matrix. These incrementals are applied to the manipulator joints moving the tool to the desired pose


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Navigation based on visual feedback for robots, working in a closed environment, can be obtained settling a camera in each robot (local vision system). However, this solution requests a camera and capacity of local processing for each robot. When possible, a global vision system is a cheapest solution for this problem. In this case, one or a little amount of cameras, covering all the workspace, can be shared by the entire team of robots, saving the cost of a great amount of cameras and the associated processing hardware needed in a local vision system. This work presents the implementation and experimental results of a global vision system for mobile mini-robots, using robot soccer as test platform. The proposed vision system consists of a camera, a frame grabber and a computer (PC) for image processing. The PC is responsible for the team motion control, based on the visual feedback, sending commands to the robots through a radio link. In order for the system to be able to unequivocally recognize each robot, each one has a label on its top, consisting of two colored circles. Image processing algorithms were developed for the eficient computation, in real time, of all objects position (robot and ball) and orientation (robot). A great problem found was to label the color, in real time, of each colored point of the image, in time-varying illumination conditions. To overcome this problem, an automatic camera calibration, based on clustering K-means algorithm, was implemented. This method guarantees that similar pixels will be clustered around a unique color class. The obtained experimental results shown that the position and orientation of each robot can be obtained with a precision of few millimeters. The updating of the position and orientation was attained in real time, analyzing 30 frames per second


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Cet article étudie la poésie de l'enfance et de la mort de Manuel Bandeira, à partir de la relation entre l'expérience, le langage et le sens, afin de mettre en place une nouvelle perspective sur ce thème, qui sert de guide et structure son Estrela da vida inteira (1966). Pour cela, il faut introduire la notion de lyrique, discutée par Theodor Adorno, pendant la conférence Lírica e sociedade (1958), à promouvoir la compréhension du poète, comme c'est le cas de Bandeira, implique son art par le biais de la dimension négative face à une situation de fétichisation des choses, afin d'appréhender des expériences qui constituent la substance de la vie et l'essence de la poésie. À cette perspective de lyrique s ajoutent les concepts de l'enfance et de la mort, exploités par Giorgio Agamben, dans les oeuvres Infância e história (2005) et A linguagem e a morte (2006), étant largement favorables à la compréhension de la poétique de l'enfance chez Manuel Bandeira, comme une sorte de discours qui récupère l'idée d'expérience dans l actualité, en marquant la limite entre une expérience muette et une expérience de la langue, de même, la mort apporte des implications relatives à la négativité, comme une brèche par laquelle l'auteur explore la signification de sa lyrique et la«dénoue» des incrustations du monde réifié, pour être dans la défense du langage non contaminé par le clôturée qui entravent la conservation de la créature et la donnée originaire des choses . Cela culmine l aboutissement de la thèse, la conclusion d être la négativité la voie qui explicite, dans l oeuvre bandeirienne, la culture brésilienne non comme une totalité positivée dans une ethnie, classe ou nation, mais comme un langage qui reconstruit, avec lyrisme, le coloré mosaïque qui est le Brésil


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Polyester fibers are the most used fibers in the world and disperse dyes are used for dyeing these fibers. After dyeing, the colorful dyebath is discharged into effluent streams, which needs a special treatment for color removal. Surfactants interaction with dyes has been evaluated in several studies, including the textile area, specifically in the separation of dyes from textile wastewater. In this work a cationic surfactant was used in a microemulsion system for the extraction of anionic dyes (disperses dyes) from textile wastewater. These microemulsion system was composed by dodecylamonium chloride (surfactant), kerosene oil (organic phase), isoamyl alcohol (cosurfactant) and the wastewater (aqueous phase). The wastewater that results after the dyeing process is acid (pH 5). It was observed that changing the pH value to above 12.8 the extraction could be made, resulting in an aqueous phase with low color level. The Scheffé net experimental design was used for the extraction process optimization, and the obtained results were evaluated using the program "Statistica 7.0". The optimal microemulsion system was composed by 59.8wt.% of wastewater, 30.1wt.% of kerosene, 3.37wt.% of surfactant and 6.73wt.% of cosurfactant, providing extraction upper than 96%. A mix of reactive dyebath (50%) and disperse dyebath (50%) was used as aqueous phase and it presented extraction upper than 98%. The water phase after extraction process can be reused in a new dyeing, being obtained satisfactory results, according to the limits established by textile industry for a good dyeing. Tests were accomplished seeking to study the influence of salt addition and temperature. An experimental design was used for this purpose, which showed that the extraction doesn't depend on those factors. In this way, the removal of color from textile wastewater by microemulsion is a viable technique (that does not depend of external factors such as salinity and temperature), being obtained good extraction results even with in wastewater mixtures


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In this work evaluate the technical characteristics of the fibers grown in settlements Guamaré, colored cotton seeds were donated existing in the Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Cotton. We sought through the breeding program, raising the resistance, fineness, length and uniformity of cotton fibers, as well as stabilize the staining of fibers in the BRS Topaz, BRS Brown and BRS Green shades and raise their productivity in the field. First, the individual selections to test progeny seeds, and thereafter the hybridization method followed by family selection to obtain variations in the color tones were performed. The BRS Topaz, BRS Brown and BRS Green varieties were produced, analyzed and compared with existing cottons in the region which is the White cotton. The properties amount of impurities and neps, length, length uniformity, short fiber content, fineness and tensile strength of the fibers were sized in Classifiber, NATI, Pressley and Micronaire devices. 10 trials each with 10 tests for all four fiber types were carried out. The White and Topaz fibers showed greater length (32-34mm) and greater resistance (7.94 lb/mg and 7.97 lb/mg respectively) and showed finesse with lower micronaire index 3,71μg/inch and 3, 73μg/inch and a low rate of short fibers. The results were very promising for the use of genetically improved cotton in the manufacturing of fabric and yarn in the textile industry. The fibers were brown colored cotton used in the manufacture of a composite fiber with thermoplastic resin


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Textile production has been considered as an activity of high environmental impact due to the generation of large volumes of waste water with high load of organic compounds and strongly colored effluents, toxic and difficult biodegradability. This thesis deals with obtaining porous alumina ceramic membranes for filtration of textile effluent in the removal of contaminants, mainly color and turbidity. Two types of alumina with different particle sizes as a basis for the preparation of formulation for mass production of ceramic samples and membranes. The technological properties of the samples were evaluated after using sintering conditions: 1,350ºC-2H, 1,450ºC-30M, 1,450ºC-2H, 1,475ºC-30M and 1,475ºC-2H. The sintered samples were characterized by XRD, XRF, AG, TG, DSC, DL, AA, MEA, RL, MRF-3P, SEM and Intrusion Porosimetry by Mercury. After the characterization, a standard membrane was selected with their respective sintering condition for the filterability tests. The effluent was provided by a local Textile Industry and characterized at the entry and exit of the treatment plant. A statistical analysis was used to study the effluent using the following parameters: pH, temperature, EC, SS, SD, oil and grease, turbidity, COD, DO, total phosphorus, chlorides, phenols, metals and fecal coliform. The filtered effluent was evaluated by using the same parameters. These results demonstrate that the feasibility of the use of porous alumina ceramic membranes for removing contaminants from textile effluent with improved average pore size of 0.4 micrometre (distribution range varying from 0,025 to 2.0 micrometre), with total porosity of 29.66%, and average percentages of color removal efficiency of 89.02%, 92.49% of SS, turbidity of 94.55%, metals 2.70% (manganese) to 71.52% (iron) according to each metal and COD removal of 72.80%