5 resultados para Bancárias
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Wich the big transformations at the world of labor, thus as the appearing of the negatives psicologicals consequencies? Publications in books and articles about the health of the workers have been seen in the last 40 years, pointing at the increase of occupational ills, increase of the absenteeism, reach the redation between the labor and the family. With the appearing of the neoliberal sistem, changed all the net of relations, thus as the temporary labor contract, the flexibility at the work timetable, and others, that privilege the capitalism, in detriment of the worker health. It was given emphasis to the banking worker, in time that the banks and the banking agencies were one of the departaments that more suffered the impact of the productive restructuring at the last years. 200 bank clerks shared the search, in that 41,9% was female and 58,1% was male, 60,9% presenting a civil state married, following of 28,4% of single. The participants answered the following instruments: Scale of Positives and Negative Kindness, General Health Questionaire GHQ 12, Scale of Organization, Conditions and Labor Relations, Scale of Desire (own authorship), Scale about economic situation and a social-demographic record car. With the objective of trying the instruments of measure, it was checking the psychometric parameter of the search scales. We could verify that it has been more positive than negative ones for the mental health, but it was found some kind of depression and unsatisfied with their lives in some pieces of the sample. We can finally say that the work place has an impact at the mental health of the bank clerks. So, some interventions actions to promote the worker health could be essential
This master s dissertation deals with motivation and the meaning of work amongst bank employees. This is done considering a cognitive perception. Work is understood here under a social and subjective comprehension, once it deals with significance attribution. Motivation is the process that rules choice of the different possibilities of individual behavior, all of which according to the Expectation Theory. This study aims to analyze the implications of the productive restructure, since it is related to technological innovation, organizational changes and management, in motivation and work significance. Thus, the objective of the research is to verify motivational differences and the meaning of work amongst bank employees. This is done in two distinct moments of the productive restructure of bank employees in Natal-RN. The research is divided in two parts. In the first one, changes that occurred in banks between 1999 until 2005 were identified by the means of interviews with 7 bank managers. The analyzed perspective was training intensifying, quality emphasis of customer attendance, the use of automation/technology, staff stabilization, change in staff profile, work intensification, etc. In the second study the Inventory of Motivation and Work Meaning was applied. Thus, questions related to work focus, social demographic data, in 187 bank employees were dealt with. The collected data was compared to data from previous work. It was observed that productive restructure has a reflection in the meaning of work increasing self-expression, economical reward, and responsibility in work conditions. All of the item mention beforehand maintain the level of inhumanness and consummation and respond as being the characteristics of the real work environment. On the other hand, bank employees value less justice, self-expression and more the survival perspective, implying instrumental values to work. As for motivation, it is increased among bank employees. These employees have greater expectations that their work produce results since they believe in their interference in work results
thèse de maîtrise, qui a été idealizée et exécutée à partir de la réunion et les relations dialogiques établies entre la géographie et l'histoire, et l'espace et le temps, a considéré l'environnement urbain comme le thème général et, comme la référence empirique, l'espace urbain de Caicó, incrusté dans les terres semi-arides du Sertão do Seridó Potiguar, plus précisément à la mi-sud de l'État du Rio Grande do Norte. Dans cet espace, à travers de recherche des fragments de mémoires acquis de diverses sources historiques, on a tenté de faire des investigations sur les transformations urbaines qui ont eu lieu dans la ville au cours des années 50 et 60 du XXe siècle. Ces transformations, dans l espace urbain de Caicó à un moment du pic de l'activité de développement de coton, reflétaient et conditionnaient les propres projets de modernization urbaine qui représentants des élites locales eurent conçu avec l'objectif de la construction d une ville idéal dans les regions isolées du Seridó: moderne, civilisé, progressive et capitale régionale du Seridó. Pour cette construction, les nouveaux équipements et services urbains ont passé du plan imaginaire à l espace réel, installés dans plusieurs quartiers de la ville en transformant le paysage urbain. Face à cette situation, cinémas, magasins, station de radio, énergie électrique, institutions de l'éducation, téléphonie, maison de soins infirmiers, usine de bénéficiement de coton, banques, politiques urbaines, hygiéniques et sanitaires, modes de comportement, sociabilités urbaines distincttes, parmi d'autres éléments géographiques se sont institués à travers la réalisation de certains idéaux de progrès social et dans un esprit de modernité urbaine, dans de nouveaux espaces et pratiques inventés, tramés et éprouvés sur les rochers et entre le cours d eau au milieu d'un quotidien urbain marqué par ruptures et permanence de certaines coutumes et habitudes antiques et de certains paysages et environnement ridé
The state of Rio Grande do Norte has been undergoing transformations in their territory, they are promoted by the installation of new infrastructure equipment, which in turn cause changes in the dynamic spatial and social hour set, causing new arrangements and new dynamics between cities. The overall goal of the research is to understand, at present, the urban network of the Rio Grande do Norte, from the centers of territory management. The picture presented in the paper reveals a network of cities that has gained a material basis urban, with the installation of new objects macro state structures (roads, ports, wind farms, banks, pipelines, internet access) that enable a relationship more intense between the urban centers of the state and other cities in the world, that the current structure characteristic of the urban network, its global nature, since the possibility of relations between the centers is greater. Such a relationship is indeed possible because the characteristics of the current historical period, with the high density of the tripod technique, science and information controlled by the market. In Rio Grande do Norte intentionality of the new arrangement that is configured is not other but meet market demands
This work test the relationship of performance and legal form of microfinance institutions (MFI), in our work MFI can be banks, non-governmental organizations (NGO), cooperatives, non-banks financial institutions (NBFI) or rural banks. We use linear regression model, panel data and variables dummy for the legal forms. Our samples are 243 MFI from all continents, except North America, in the period from 2007 to 2012. We found that bigger MFI generates higher profit, higher returns and higher self-sufficiency rates, so the growing can be a way for consolidation of MFI. For smaller MFI a way can be assimilation or merging with other MFI. Cooperatives, non-bank financial institutions and rural banks can serve more customers, causing greater impact on society, and get higher returns. This suggests the most appropriate legal form for microfinance market can be cooperatives, non-banks financial institutions or rural banks balancing social orientation and profit orientation.