9 resultados para Bacia da Estrada Nova - PA

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The study made in this thesis analyzes the new form of work organization at the urban collective transportation sector, so called Altemative Transportation which is a new form of public transportation that appears in the Brazilian urban context by the mid ninety' s, this work is made by independent or sub-contracted workers, usually organized in cooperatives . It reflects the investigation of new forms of precarious work, unformal which has been expanding in the urban transportation sector. Thus, discusses non regulation of the services sector problem the ways of survival of exc1uded workers from the formal work market mainly afier the capital productive restructure. It has as privileged area of investigation, the sector policy of urban transportation that make field of the main nets of political articulations that define the dynamic of the urban space. It is known that the urban collective transportation allows the access to the production, circulation and general consumption being necessary to the mobility of the resident population, mainly to those with low purchasing capacity. It becomes a field of empirical investigation at the Belem municipal, located at the Amazonic region - north Brazil. The main points dealed on this research start from concrete relations from the daily life of workers that deve1op their activity on the altemative transport mediated with theoretical references needed for understanding and interpretation of the studied reality. The investigation strategies were built from the abstract (theorical knowledge produced for the reality analyze) in concrete by the investigation quantitative-qualitative from this area of urban policy, making up possible the formation of a references chart to the analyses of the studied subject. Rescue his historicity, from characterization of the urban space of the metropolitan region of Belem passing true the forms of organization and urban services performances while essential production and reproduction element of the social relations. Identifies the main individuals that historically have been participating in the construction of the municipality transport policy and the ways of expression of the local political strength relations. Outstand the State paper on the net of established relations near the local power, as well as outstand the importance of social sciences in the understanding of urban policies in the transportation area, trying to bring input to the academicals -scientific debate .The above e1ected and mentioned points in this study are crucial for a critical reflection of the transportation policies. That relation is not given, but historically built at the power relation chart that makes up this unique area of the urban policies


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The Pirangi beach is located in the eastern coastline of Rio Grande do Norte state, in the municipality of Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta. In it flow into Pirangi Watershed (PW), whose water receives large amounts of pollutants, mainly domestic and industrial sewage from districts where pass the rivers that consist it, compromising, thus, the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beach. Bearing in mind the importance of water sanitary quality to ensure an environment that no present risk to the bathers s health, this work had as main objective to assess the influence of the PW s waters in the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beaches. To that end, were made collections of water in the beaches and in the rivers with the intention of quantify the fecal contamination indicators thermotolerant coliforms and enterococci, to then classify the conditions of bathing water quality according with the CONAMA Resolution number 274 of 2000. For the purposes greater knowledge about the health conditions of the Beaches Pirangi and about the influence the PW s waters exert on it, was done parallely to the study of the water quality, an investigation of the sand sanitary quality. Furthermore, it was made an evaluation of the PW s Water Quality through Water Quality Index (WQI). Starting from the results obtained in the research present was possible to verify, among other aspects, that the entry of the PW s waters in the Pirangi beaches exerts direct influence in the bathing water quality of the same ones, being the North Pirangi beach (point tracking PA-02) the most influenced. There was noticed also a significant reduction in the conditions of bathing water quality of the beaches in the rainy season. However, the precariousness do sewerage system of the Natal metropolitan region and the absence of a right system of treatment an final disposal of domestic sewage and industrial are the main factors responsi le for deterioration of the PW s Water Quality, and as a consequence, compromising the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beaches


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This thesis deals with the sedimentological/stratigraphic and structural evolution of the sedimentary rocks that occur in the NW continental border of the Potiguar Basin. These rocks are well exposed along coastal cliffs between the localities of Lagoa do Mato and Icapuí, Ceará State (NE Brazil). The sedimentological/stratigraphic study involved, at the outcrop scale, detailed facies descriptions, profile mapping of the vertical succession of different beds, and columnar sections displaying inferred lateral relationships. The approach was complemented by granulometric and petrographic analyses, including the characterization of heavy mineral assemblages. The data set allowed to recognize two kinds of lithological units, a carbonate one of very restricted occurrence at the base of the cliffs, and three younger, distinct siliciclastic units, that predominate along the cliffs, in vertical and lateral extent. The carbonate rocks were correlated to the late Cretaceous Jandaíra Formation, which is covered by the siliciclastic Barreiras Formation. The Barreiras Formation occurs in two distinct structural settings, the usual one with nondeformed, subhorizontal strata, or as tilted beds, affected by strong deformation. Two lithofacies were recognized, vertically arranged or in fault contacts. The lower facies is characterized by silty-argillaceous sandstones with low-angle cross bedding; the upper facies comprises medium to coarse grained sandstones, with conglomeratic layers. The Tibau Formation (medium to coarse-grained sandstones with argillite intercalations) occurs at the NW side of the studied area, laterally interlayered with the Barreiras Formation. Eolic sediments correlated to the Potengi Formation overly the former units, either displaying an angular unconformity, or simply an erosional contact (stratigraphic unconformity). Outstanding structural features, identified in the Barreiras Formation, led to characterize a neocenozoic stress field, which generated faults and folds and/or reactivated older structures in the subjacent late cretaceous (to paleogene, in the offshore basin) section. The structures recognized in the Barreiras Formation comprise two distinct assemblages, namely a main extensional deformation between the localities of Ponta Grossa and Redonda, and a contractional style (succeeded by oblique extensional structures) at Vila Nova. In the first case, the structural assemblage is dominated by N-S (N±20°Az) steep to gently-dipping extensional faults, displaying a domino-style or listric geometry with associated roll-over structures. This deformation pattern is explained by an E-W/WNW extension, contemporaneous with deposition of the upper facies of the Barreiras Formation, during the time interval Miocene to Pleistocene. Strong rotation of blocks and faults generated low-angle distensional faults and, locally, subvertical bedding, allowing to estimate very high strain states, with extension estimates varying between 40% up to 200%. Numerous detachment zones, parallel to bedding, help to acommodate this intense deformation. The detachment surfaces and a large number of faults display mesoscopic features analoguous to the ones of ductile shear zones, with development of S-C fabrics, shear bands, sigmoidal clasts and others, pointing to a hydroplastic deformation regime in these cases. Local occurrences of the Jandaíra limestone are controled by extensional faults that exhume the pre-Barreiras section, including an earlier event with N-S extension. Finally, WNWtrending extensional shear zones and faults are compatible with the Holocene stress field along the present continental margin. In the Vila Nova region, close to Icapuí, gentle normal folds with fold hinges shallowly pluging to SSW affect the lower facies of the Barreiras Formation, displaying an incipient dissolution cleavage associated with an extension lineation at high rake (a S>L fabric). Deposition of the upper facies siliciclastics is controlled by pull-apart graben structures, bordered by N-NE-trending sinistral-normal shear zones and faults, characterizing an structural inversion. Microstructures are compatible with tectonic deformation of the sedimentary pile, burried at shallow depths. The observed features point to high pore fluid pressures during deformation of the sediments, producing hydroplastic structures through mechanisms of granular flow. Such structures are overprinted by microfractures and microfaults (an essentially brittle regime), tracking the change to microfracturing and frictional shear mechanisms accompanying progressive dewatering and sediment lithification. Correlation of the structures observed at the surface with those present at depth was tested through geophysical data (Ground Penetrating Radar, seismics and a magnetic map). EW and NE-trending lineaments are observed in the magnetic map. The seismic sections display several examples of positive flower structures which affect the base of the cretaceous sediments; at higher stratigraphic levels, normal components/slips are compatible with the negative structural inversion characterized at the surface. Such correlations assisted in proposing a structural model compatible with the regional tectonic framework. The strong neogenepleistocene deformation is necessarily propagated in the subsurface, affecting the late cretaceous section (Açu and Jandaíra formations), wich host the hydrocarbon reservoirs in this portion of the Potiguar Basin. The proposed structural model is related to the dextral transcurrent/transform deformation along the Equatorial Margin, associated with transpressive terminations of E-W fault zones, or at their intersections with NE-trending lineaments, such as the Ponta Grossa-Fazenda Belém one (the LPGFB, itself controlled by a Brasiliano-age strike-slip shear zone). In a first step (and possibly during the late Cretaceous to Paleogene), this lineament was activated under a sinistral transpressional regime (antithetic to the main dextral deformation in the E-W zones), giving way to the folds in the lower facies of the Barreiras Formation, as well as the positive flower structures mapped through the seismic sections, at depth. This stage was succeeded (or was penecontemporaneous) by the extensional structures related to a (also sinistral) transtensional movement stage, associated to volcanism (Macau, Messejana) and thermal doming processes during the Neogene-Pleistocene time interval. This structural model has direct implications to hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities at this sector of the Potiguar Basin and its offshore continuation. The structure of the reservoirs at depth (Açu Formation sandstones of the post-rift section) may be controlled (or at least, strongly influenced) by the deformation geometry and kinematics characterized at the surface. In addition, the deformation event recognized in the Barreiras Formation has an age close to the one postulated for the oil maturation and migration in the basin, between the Oligocene to the Miocene. In this way, the described structural cenario represents a valid model to understand the conditions of hydrocarbon transport and acummulation through space openings, trap formation and destruction. This model is potentially applicable to the NW region of the Potiguar Basin and other sectors with a similar structural setting, along the brazilian Equatorial Atlantic Margin


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The aim of this work was to describe the methodological procedures that were mandatory to develop a 3D digital imaging of the external and internal geometry of the analogue outcrops from reservoirs and to build a Virtual Outcrop Model (VOM). The imaging process of the external geometry was acquired by using the Laser Scanner, the Geodesic GPS and the Total Station procedures. On the other hand, the imaging of the internal geometry was evaluated by GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar).The produced VOMs were adapted with much more detailed data with addition of the geological data and the gamma ray and permeability profiles. As a model for the use of the methodological procedures used on this work, the adapted VOM, two outcrops, located at the east part of the Parnaiba Basin, were selected. On the first one, rocks from the aeolian deposit of the Piaui Formation (Neo-carboniferous) and tidal flat deposits from the Pedra de Fogo Formation (Permian), which arises in a large outcrops located between Floriano and Teresina (Piauí), are present. The second area, located at the National Park of Sete Cidades, also at the Piauí, presents rocks from the Cabeças Formation deposited in fluvial-deltaic systems during the Late Devonian. From the data of the adapted VOMs it was possible to identify lines, surfaces and 3D geometry, and therefore, quantify the geometry of interest. Among the found parameterization values, a table containing the thickness and width, obtained in canal and lobes deposits at the outcrop Paredão and Biblioteca were the more relevant ones. In fact, this table can be used as an input for stochastic simulation of reservoirs. An example of the direct use of such table and their predicted radargrams was the identification of the bounding surface at the aeolian sites from the Piauí Formation. In spite of such radargrams supply only bi-dimensional data, the acquired lines followed of a mesh profile were used to add a third dimension to the imaging of the internal geometry. This phenomenon appears to be valid for all studied outcrops. As a conclusion, the tool here presented can became a new methodology in which the advantages of the digital imaging acquired from the Laser Scanner (precision, accuracy and speed of acquisition) were combined with the Total Station procedure (precision) using the classical digital photomosaic technique


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A complex depositional history, related to Atlantic rifting, demonstrates the geological evolution during the late Jurassic and early Neocomian periods in the Araripe Basin NE Brazil. Based on outcrop, seismic and remote sensing data, a new model of the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the section that covers the stages Dom João, Rio da Serra and Aratu (Brejo Santo, Missão Velha and Abaiara formations) is presented in this paper. In the stratigraphic section studied, ten sedimentary facies genetically linked to nine architectural elements were described, representing depositional systems associated with fluvial, aeolian and deltaic environments. Based on the relationship between the rates of creation of accommodation space and sediment influx (A / S) it was possible to associate these depositional systems with High and Low accommodation system tracks. These system tracks represent two tectono-sequences, separated by regional unconformities. The Tectono-sequence I, which includes lithotypes from the Brejo Santo Formation and is related to the pre-rift stage, is bounded at the base by the Paleozoic unconformity. This unit represents only a High Accommodation System Track, composed by a succession of pelitic levels interbedded with sandstones and limestones, from a large fluvial floodplain origin, developed under arid climatic conditions. The Tectono-sequence II, separated from the underlying unit by an erosional unconformity, is related to the rift stage, and is composed by the Missão Velha and Abaiara Formation lithotypes. Changes in depositional style that reflect variations in the A / S ratio, and the presence of hydroplastic deformation bands, make it possible to divide this tectonosequence into two internal sequences. Sequence IIA, which includes the lower portion of the Missão Velha Formation and sequence IIB, is composed by the upper section of the Missão Velha and Abaiara Formations The Sequence IIA below, composed only by the Low Accommodation System Track, includes crossbedding sandstones interbedded with massive mudstones, which are interpreted as deposits of sandy gravel beds wandering rivers. Sequence IIB, above, is more complex, showing a basal Low Accommodation System Track and a High Accommodation System Track at the top, separated by an expansion surface. The lower System Track, related to the upper portion of the Missão Velha Formation, is composed by a series of amalgamated channels, separated by erosion surfaces, interpreted as deposits of a belt of braided channels. The High Accommodation System Track, correlated with the Abaiara Unit, is marked by a significant increase in the A / S, resulting in the progradation of a system of braided river deltas with aeolic influence. Regarding tectonic evolution, the stratigraphic study indicates that the Tectonosequence Rift in the Araripe basin was developed in two phases: first characterized by a beginning of rifting, related to Sequence IIA, followed by a phase of syndepositional deformation, represented by sequence IIB. The first phase was not influenced by the development of large faults, but was influenced by a sharp and continuous decrease of accommodation space that permitted a change in depositional patterns, establishing a new depositional architecture. In turn, the stage of syndepositional deformation allowed for the generation of enough accommodation space for the preservation of fluvial-lacustrine deposits and conditioned the progradation of a braided river-dominated delta system.


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The Araripe Basin is located over Precambrian terrains of the Borborema Province, being part of Northeast Brazil inner basins. Its origin is related to the fragmentation of the Gondwana supercontinent and consequently opening of South Atlantic during early Cretaceous. The basin has a sedimentary infill encompassing four distinct evolution stages, comprising Paleozoic syneclisis, pre-rift, rift and post-rift. The target of this study comprises the post-rift section of the basin focusing deformational styles which affect evaporates from Ipubi Member of the Santana Formation, which is composed by gypsum and anidrite layers interbedded with shales. These units occur widespread across the basin. In the central part of the basin, near Nova Olinda-Santana do Cariri, evaporites are affected by an essentialy brittle deformation tipified by fibrous gypsum filled fractures, cutting massive layers of gypsum and anidrite. Veins with variable orientations and dips are observed in the region distributed over three main populations: i) a dominant NWSE with shallow to moderate NE dipping population, consisting of gypsum filled veins in which fibers are normal to vein walls; i) NE-SW veins with moderate SE dips containing subhorizontal growth fibers; and iii) N-S veins with shallow E-W dips with fibers oblique to vein walls. In the west portion of the basin, near Trindade-Ipubi-Araripina towns, evaporate layers are dominantly constituted by gypsum/anidrite finely stratified, showing a minor density of veins. These layers are affected by a unique style of deformation, more ductile, typified by gentle to open horizontal normal folding with several tens of meters length and with double plunging NW-SE or NE-SW hinges, configuring domic features. In detail, gypsum/anidrite laminae are affected by metre to decimeter scale close to tight folding, usually kinked, with broken hinges, locally turning into box folds. Veins show NE-SW main directions with shallow NE dips, growth fibers are parallel to vein walls, constituting slickenfibers. This region is marked by faults that affect Araripina Formation with NW-SE, NE-SW and E-W directions. The main structural styles and general orientations of structures which affected the post-rift section of Araripe Basin yielded important kinematic information analysis which led us to infer a E-W to NE-SW extension direction to the northeastern part of the Basin, whereas in the southeastern part, extension occurred in N-S direction. Thus, it was possible to determine a regional kinematic setting, through this analysis, characterizing a NE-SW to ENE-WSW system for the post-rift section, which is compatible with the tension settings for the Sout American Plate since Albian. Local variations at the fluid pressure linked (or not) to sedimentary overload variation define local tension settings. This way, at the northeastern portion of the basin, the post-rift deformation was governed by a setting which σ 1 is sub-horizontal trending NE-SW and, σ 3 is sub-vertical, emphasizing a reverse fault situation. At the southwestern portion however there was characterized a strike slip fault setting, featuring σ 1 trending ENEWSW and σ3 trending NNW-SSE


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In this study, the methodological procedures involved in digital imaging of collapsed paleocaves in tufa using GPR are presented. These carbonate deposits occur in the Quixeré region, Ceará State (NE Brazil), on the western border of the Potiguar Basin. Collapsed paleocaves are exposed along a state road, which were selected to this study. We chose a portion of the called Quixeré outcrop for making a photomosaic and caring out a GPR test section to compare and parameterize the karst geometries on the geophysical line. The results were satisfactory and led to the adoption of criteria for the interpretation of others GPR sections acquired in the region of the Quixeré outcrop. Two grids of GPR lines were acquired; the first one was wider and more spaced and guided the location of the second grid, denser and located in the southern part of the outcrop. The radargrams of the second grid reveal satisfactorily the collapsed paleocaves geometries. For each grid has been developed a digital solid model of the Quixeré outcrop. The first model allows the recognition of the general distribution and location of collapsed paleocaves in tufa deposits, while the second more detailed digital model provides not only the 3D individualization of the major paleocaves, but also the estimation of their respective volumes. The digital solid models are presented here as a new frontier in the study of analog outcrops to reservoirs (for groundwater and hydrocarbon), in which the volumetric parameterization and characterization of geological bodies become essential for composing the databases, which together with petrophysical properties information, are used in more realistic computer simulations for sedimentary reservoirs.


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This study aims to analyze the contribution that the future implementation of community-based tourism can provide to Mebengokre-Kayapo, people of the village Tekrejarôti, they re-inhabiting the indigenous land Las Casas, located in southern of Pará, taking into consideration that tourism is as vector of ethnodevelopment, and it can also contribute to the conservation of Sociobiodiversity and local culture through experiences that will enable the realization of acquaintanceship, where there will be sharing of the daily activities of the customs of the local people, and cultural changes, which is the aim between visitors and the community, where these ones can promote the knowledge of non-indigenous people, and to consolidate the ethnic and cultural identity thereof too. Thus, this study guided by the participatory action research, it was used data obtained in 2012, that were results from the application of interviews with the community to make the diagnosis of tourism potential. It is an exploratory and descriptive research about the topic. The field research combined with participant observation, workshops and interviews contributed to it was possible to conduct a depth analysis about the environment studied. This research has the intention to obtain concrete results in the implementation and/or promotion of a cultural practice and environmentally sustainable ruled in organizational processes that permeates the guidelines of community-based tourism, however this depends on the conditions of human and forest resources, and infrastructure conditions in the community, providing in the short and medium terms, social activities and culturally positive for the culture of this people, and providing to long term, environmental and economic landmarks. As result, it was possible to identify that the community with its cultural events, parties and ceremonies being allied to their way of life and taken from their criteria, it is able to work with the tourism within their land and it can makes the tourism, a cultural affirmation opportunity and income generation. But, it concludes that for tourism to become ,in fact, there are required to be carried out some measures, that meets the new Regulatory Instruction IN 3/2015, this IN states that for the community to work with tourism in their land, it is necessary to be prepared a visitation plan that fits the established requirements. This research is constituted as an important tool in building this visitation plan, given that it was done from the community demand and it was conducted in a participatory manner, valuing the horizontal dialogue and the autonomy of this people.


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This study aims to analyze the contribution that the future implementation of community-based tourism can provide to Mebengokre-Kayapo, people of the village Tekrejarôti, they re-inhabiting the indigenous land Las Casas, located in southern of Pará, taking into consideration that tourism is as vector of ethnodevelopment, and it can also contribute to the conservation of Sociobiodiversity and local culture through experiences that will enable the realization of acquaintanceship, where there will be sharing of the daily activities of the customs of the local people, and cultural changes, which is the aim between visitors and the community, where these ones can promote the knowledge of non-indigenous people, and to consolidate the ethnic and cultural identity thereof too. Thus, this study guided by the participatory action research, it was used data obtained in 2012, that were results from the application of interviews with the community to make the diagnosis of tourism potential. It is an exploratory and descriptive research about the topic. The field research combined with participant observation, workshops and interviews contributed to it was possible to conduct a depth analysis about the environment studied. This research has the intention to obtain concrete results in the implementation and/or promotion of a cultural practice and environmentally sustainable ruled in organizational processes that permeates the guidelines of community-based tourism, however this depends on the conditions of human and forest resources, and infrastructure conditions in the community, providing in the short and medium terms, social activities and culturally positive for the culture of this people, and providing to long term, environmental and economic landmarks. As result, it was possible to identify that the community with its cultural events, parties and ceremonies being allied to their way of life and taken from their criteria, it is able to work with the tourism within their land and it can makes the tourism, a cultural affirmation opportunity and income generation. But, it concludes that for tourism to become ,in fact, there are required to be carried out some measures, that meets the new Regulatory Instruction IN 3/2015, this IN states that for the community to work with tourism in their land, it is necessary to be prepared a visitation plan that fits the established requirements. This research is constituted as an important tool in building this visitation plan, given that it was done from the community demand and it was conducted in a participatory manner, valuing the horizontal dialogue and the autonomy of this people.