7 resultados para Azoto amoniacal

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Supported catalysts of CuCl2 on sílica were used in the methane oxychlorination reaction. The materials were synthesized by the ion exchange technique in a basic solution, using a copper-ammonia complex with 3 and 6 % of nominal copper loading. The materials where characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF), Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR), Scanning Electron Microscopy with X-ray microanalysis (SEM/EDS), BET specific area and pore distribution. The characterization confirms the presence of copper on the support surface, concluding that the ion exchange technique was adequate in the catalyst synthesis. For the reaction test, an oxychlorination bench scale unit was employed. The tests were carried at 673 and 773 K. The results showed the influence of temperature and catalyst copper content on the oxychlorination of methane reaction


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In Natal still dominates the use of individual disposal systems for domestic sewage, once only 29% of the city has a sewarage system. Wastes that are accumulated in these individual treatment systems should be exhausted periodically, service provided by collector entrepreneurs. Some of these companies causing major damage to the environment. In Natal, only two companies have their own septage (RESTI) treatment system, which were designed with parameters from domestic sewage generating strain and inefficient systems. Therefore, the characterization becomes essential as a source of parameters for their design. Thus, this work presents the physical-chemical and microbiological characterization of waste pumped from individual sewage treatment systems. Samples collections were made weekly from 5 different trucks at the reception point on the treatment plant on the point of the preliminary treatment. From each truck it was taken 5 samples during the discharge in order to make a composite sample. Afterwards, samples were carried out to laboratory and analyses for determination of temperature, pH, conductivity, BOD, COD, nitrogen (ammonia e organic), alkalinity, oils, phosphorus, solids, faecal coliforms and helminth egg. The results were treated as a single database, and ranked according to its generating source (multi and single house, lodging, health, services and / or food), area of origin (metropolitan, south and north) and type of system (cesspits, septic tank and / or sink). Through these data it was possible to verify that the type of system adopted by most in Natal and the metropolitan region is cesspit, besides to confirm the difference between the septage of areas with a population have different social and economical characteristics. It was found that the septage have higher concentrations than domestic sewage, except for thermotolerant coliforms that showed concentrations of 1,38E+07. Among the parameters studied, is the median values identified for COD (3,549 mg / L), BOD (973mg / L) and total solids (3.557mg / L). The volatile fraction constitutes about 70% of the total solids of the septage. For helminths has been a median of 7 eggs/L. In general, the characteristics of the waste followed the variability found in the literature reviewed for all variables, showing high amplitudes


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Although the good performance in organic matter and suspended solids removal, the anaerobic reactors are unable to remove ammonia nitrogen from sewage, which makes indispensable to include a step of post-treatment for removal of ammonia or nitrate as necessary. This paper presents the performance of a new variant technology, where the nitrification unit, preceded by anaerobic units, is a submerged aerated biological filter, without continuous sludge discharge in their daily operation. The oxygenation system is very simple and inexpensive, consisting of perforated hoses and compressors. The anaerobic reactors are a septic tank with two chambers followed (8.82 m³) and two parallel anaerobic filters (36 m³ each) filled with ceramic bricks and conics plastic parts. Both followed aerated filters were filled with cut corrugated conduit. The study evaluated the behavior of the system with constant domestic sewage flow (10 m³/d) and different aeration conditions, are these: stage 01, when applied air flow of 0.01 m³ air/min in both aerated filter; stage 02, remained in the initial air flow rate in the second aerated filter and increased at the first to 0.05 m³ air/min; at last, at last, in stage 03, the air flow rate of first aerated filter was 0.10 m³ air/min and on the second remained at 0.01 m³ air/min. The filter FA1 received load of 0.41 kg COD/m³.d, 0.37 kg COD/m³.d and 0.26 kg COD/m³.d on phases 01, 02 and 03, respectively. The FA2 received loads of 0.25 kg COD/m³.d, 0.18 kg COD/m³.d and 0.14 kg COD/m³.d on phases 01, 02 and 03, respectively. During stage 01, were found the following results: 98% removals of BODtotal and 92% of CODtotal, with effluent presenting 9 mg/L of BODtotal final average and 53 mg/L of CODtotal average; suspended solids removals of 93%, with a mean concentration of 10 mg/L in the final effluent; 47% reduction of ammonia of FA2 to FAN 's, presenting average of 28 mg NNH3/ L of ammonia in the effluent with; the dissolved oxygen levels always remained around 2.0 mg/L. During stage 02, were found removals of 97% and 95% to BODtotal and suspended solids, respectively, with average final concentrations of 8 and 7 mg/L, respectively; was removed 60% of ammonia, whose final concentration was 16.3 mg NNH3/ L, and nitrate was increased to a final average concentration of 16.55 mg N-NO3/L. Finally, the stage 03 provided 6 mg/L of DBOtotal (98% removal) and 23 mg/L of CODtotal (95% removal) of final effluent concentrations average. At this stage was identified the higher ammonia oxidation (86%), with final effluent showing average concentration of 6.1 mg N-NH3/L, reaching a minimum of 1.70 mg N-NH3/L. In some moments, during stage 03, there was a moderate denitrification process in the last aerated filter. The average turbidity in the effluent showed around 1.5 NTU, proving the good biomass physical stability. Therefore, the results demonstrate the submerged biological filters potential, filled with high void ratio material (98%), and aerated with hoses and compressor adoption, in the carbonaceous and nitrogenous matter oxidation, also generating an effluent with low concentration of solids


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The detention and infiltration ponds of urban drainage system has function to protect the population from undesirable effects of floods. In general these ponds are not completly used and it potential is wasted. As it are disseminated at different places at cities it can reduce costs with water transport and permit water preservation of best quality. Some it utilities includes use in green areas irrigation, industrial among than cooling towers and boiler, soil compaction, cleaning urban road, pisciculture and fire fighting system. The quality these water is influenced by anauthorized sewage in the drainage system. This study was performed in six detention and infiltration ponds at drainage system of Natal, which aim was to verify the non-portable use these ponds on urban environment. As indirect aim would to incentive the water utilization these ponds as a water source to another uses in urban environment. These ponds represents the characteristics of detention and infiltration of Natal city and consequently of Brazil. As the water quality, the ponds presents following characteristics: three has apparently good quality, other showed intermediate condition and two had water polluted. Were performed twenty sample in each ponds and the following parameters assessed: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, electrical conductivity, coliform thermotolerant, ammonia, organic nitrogen, TKN, nitrate, total phosphorus and alkalinity, bicarbonate, chloride, total hardness, calcium and magnesium hardness, total solids, TSS, TDS, COD and SAR°. To utilization on pisciculture we recommend use in ponds which presents the best quality. Only one pond presented higher pollutants and it not being appropriated for use in cooling tower. The content of solids suspension restricted the water use in all ponds in boilers. As water use in soil compaction, cleaning urban road and fire fighting system the water from these ponds are not appropriated. However, the recommended limits from literature are to domestic sewage, due to this, the parameters are restrictive to diminish the sanitary risk that could be offered with it utilization. The infiltration velocity of water these assessed ponds restrict a moderato use, however the effects are potentiated only in soil less sandy, which not occur in Natal. It is recommend the unrestricted irrigation utilization in ponds with best quality of water, and a restricted irrigation to ponds with worst quality of water. As load of pollutants, it is recommended a complementary treatment in those ponds whit higher load to diminish sanitary risks. In only one pond was found one helminth eggs and due to the convention formula of results, it was found for all ponds less than 1 helminth/liter eggs.


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The improper disposal of nitrogen in receiving water courses causes problems such as toxicity to living beings through the consumption of oxygen to meet the nitrogen demand, eutrophication and nitrate contamination of aquifers. For this reason it is often necessary to be carried out complementary treatment of wastewater to eliminate or reduce the concentration of this compound in the wastewater. The objective of this study is to evaluate the biological removal of nitrogen compounds using submerged aerated and anoxic filters as post-treatment of an anaerobic system, with low cost and innovative technology, which in previous studies has shown high removal efficiency of organic matter and great potential biological nitrogen compounds removal. The simple design with perforated hoses for air distribution and filling with plastic parts proved to be very efficient in relation to organic matter removal and nitrification. The system presented, in the best stage, efficiency in converting ammonia to nitrate by 71%, and produced a final effluent concentration below 10 mg / L of NH3-N. In addition, carbon concentration was removed by 77%, producing final effluent with 24 mg/L COD. However, denitrification in anoxic filter was not effective even with the addition of an external carbon source. There was a reduction of up to 56% of nitrogen caused by the process of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND). The high voids space presented by this type of support material coupled with direct aeration of the sludge, allows the respiration of biomass retained between the endogenous phase, increased cell retention time and sludge retention capacity, producing a final effluent with turbidity less than 5 UT and total suspended solids around 5.0 mg/L


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Waste stabilization ponds are the main technology in use for domestic sewage treatment in Rio Grande do Norte State (RN), northeast Brazil. The are around 80 systems, constructed mainly by municipal city halls, being series comprised by a primary facultative pond followed by two maturation ponds the most used configuration. Due to problems related with the production and destination of sludge and generation of bad odors, the designers have avoided the use of anaerobic lagoons. The majority of systems are rarely monitored to verify their efficiencies and to get new project parameters for future designing. This work has as purpose to make a diagnosis of efficiency of three series of waste stabilization pond series (WSPS) of Jardim Lola 1, Jardim Lola 2 and Beira Rio, located in the North Zone of the city of the Natal/RN, treating domestic raw sewage, on the removal of organic matter and thermotolerant coliform, comparing the operational conditions of the systems this inside of the bands foreseen in the project, through parameters BOD5, QOD, thermotolerant coliforms, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, ammoniac nitrogen, total and suspended solids. The work was carried through in the WSPS, all constituted by a primary facultative pond followed by two maturation ponds. Socioeconomic characteristics of population are predominantly low and all the plants are very near of the contributing basins. The series were monitored from of May the November of 2002, totalizing 20 collections of grab samples of raw sewage and ponds effluents between 8:00 and 9:50 h. The main aspect to be detached by the results was the great concentration of organic matter (BOD and COD) and microorganisms the raw sewage which were around two times more concentrated than those values foreseen one in project. Considering all series the highest removals of organic matter were observed in system Beira Rio (84 and 78% of BOD and COD, respectively), which presented high hydraulic detention time (TDH = 89 days). On the other hand, Jardim Lola 1 and Jardim Lola 2 presented a much lower values of HDT (36 days and 18 days respectively) and their removals of BOD and COD were the same (76% and 60%, respectively). The Beira Rio WSPS, was the most efficient verified in relation to solids and ammonia, proving the great influence of the operational variables such as HDT and applied surface organic loadings on the performance of pond series. Although the treatment plants have reached efficiencies of thermotolerant coliforms around 99,999%, the concentrations in the final effluent can be considered very high for launching in aquatic bodies, particularly those produced by Jardim Lola 1 and Jardim Lola 2 series


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Stabilization ponds are biological treatment systems in that stabilization of organic matter is performed by the bacterial oxidation and / or reduction of photosynthetic algae. This study aimed to monitor and evaluate the efficiency of stabilization ponds in the Rio Grande do Norte State. Collections were made of the treated effluent, made directly in the output boxes of facultative lagoons and maturation (M1 and M2) and raw sewage (EB) that arrived at the stations. The variables analyzed were: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, chlorophyll "a", apparent color, total phosphorus, organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, Kjeldahl nitrogen, turbidity, cyanobacteria density and concentrations of microcystin. Variance analysis (ANOVA one way) observing the premises using the Tukey test, so as to check differences between treatments. The evaluate the stations found to COD removals in the bands of 48,8% (Pipa) to 75,8% (Caiçara Rio do Vento) and 57,5% (Pipa) to 83,0% (Santo Antônio), respectively. The mean concentrations of cyanobacteria varied from LFs density of 62,545 cels.mL-1 (Pedro Velho Roça) cels.mL-1 to 2,669,048 (Ponta Negra), while the final effluent showed range between 9,072 Cels.mL- 1 (Pedro Velho Roça) to 1,899,981 cels.mL-1 (Macau – Ilha de Santana) and the average concentrations of microcystin the final effluent ranged from 0.02 μg.L-1 (Ponta Negra) to 0.15 μg.L-1 (Macau – Ilha de Santana) at the studied the stations.