69 resultados para Atividade física extracurricular
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Temáticas emergentes e estratégicas da política de saúde em nível mundial têm suscitado reflexões para ações sócio educativas com idosos. Esta pesquisa questiona as aspirações desse segmento social face às experiências de qualidade proporcionadas pela atividade física. Objetivo: investigar as representações sociais da atividade física na terceira idade. Método: pesquisa de corte transversal com abordagem quanti-qualitativa. A amostra foi nãoprobabilística e por conveniência apoiada na Teoria das Representações Sociais e a Teoria do Núcleo Central. O estudo foi realizado com alunos de um projeto para a terceira idade com sede no Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET), no município de Natal/RN, Brasil. Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se de questionário semi-estruturado, composto de três partes: A Parte I, para a caracterização social da amostra e identificação da percepção da atividade física para a saúde; a Parte II, com evocação livre de palavras e a Parte III, com uma questão aberta. Análise dos dados: A exploração do material deu-se a partir dos seguintes softs: do SPSS para análise de freqüência simples (parte I); do EVOC (parte II) e do ALCESTE (parte III). Complementarmente, foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo a fim de inferir/corroborar sobre os núcleos de sentido da comunicação. Resultados: O núcleo central da representação foi composto por felicidade/saúde/dança e ginástica, revelando diferentes entendimentos e mostrando também que o conhecimento construído da atividade física assume um papel preponderante na vida de idosos, adquirindo gradativamente, a representação de vida com mais saúde e qualidade na velhice . A composição do núcleo central ao considerar elaborações mentais, emoções, práticas e explicações oriundas do cotidiano que se introduzem na constituição da representação social em foco, poderá influenciar as escolhas e estratégias de se desenvolver melhora nos padrões de saúde e na qualidade de vida dos idosos.
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os fatores associados à disfunção sexual em mulheres de meia idade. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo transversal, que compreendeu 370 mulheres, entre 40 a 65 anos, atendidas nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde de cada distrito sanitário (Norte, Sul, Leste e Oeste) da cidade de Natal, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Para avaliar a função sexual utilizou-se o Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). A sintomatologia climatérica foi avaliada por meio do Menopause Rating Scale (MRS). O Índice de Blatt-Kupperman (IMBK) foi utilizado para avaliação quantitativa global da ocorrência de sintomas/queixas. A atividade física foi avaliada pelo questionário International Physical Activity Questionnaire - IPAQ (versão curta). A avaliação da qualidade de vida geral se deu pelo WHOQOL-Bref. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o programa estatístico MINITAB version16. Além de análises descritivas das variáveis categorizadas, utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado de Person com o intuito de verificar possíveis associações entre as variáveis sociodemográficas, comportamentais, clínicas, níveis de atividade física, sintomatologia climatérica, qualidade de vida e a função sexual das mulheres estudadas. Desenvolveu-se a regressão logística para verificar a influência dessas variáveis sobre a disfunção sexual. Considerou-se o nível de significância de 5% para todos os testes. Os resultados mostraram que a média de idade das mulheres estudadas foi de 49,8 (±8,1) anos. Do total dessas mulheres, 67% apresentaram disfunção sexual. Observou-se que 54,5% delas se encontravam na pré-menopausa. Avaliando a influência das variáveis sobre a função sexual; faixa etária (56-65) (p<0,001), estado civil (divorciada/separada) (p < 0,001), escolaridade (baixa) (p=0,017), menopausa (p < 0,001), histerectomia (p = 0,016), nível de atividade física (sedentária) (p=0,002), sintomas do climatério (forte) (p<0,001) e qualidade de vida (baixa) (p<0,001), estiveram associados à disfunção sexual em mulheres de meia idade. Concluiu-se neste estudo que fatores sociodemográficos, clínicos, comportamentais, níveis de atividade física, sintomatologia climatérica e qualidade de vida influenciam significativamente a função sexual na mulher de meia idade
A aderência à prática da atividade física se constitui na maior dificuldade encontrada pelos profissionais da área da saúde. É importante ter conhecimento de determinantes que podem influenciar na aderência. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram o de elaborar, desenvolver e validar uma escala para avaliar a Autoestima referenciada na aderência da prática da atividade física e verificar a associação da Motivação e Autoestima à prática de atividade física. A Escala de Autoestima proposta para validação é uma escala de auto-resposta com dezesseis itens, cinco dimensões e com respostas com três níveis de concordância. Os participantes no estudo de validação são 312 universitários de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 35 anos. Metade deles é praticante regular de atividade física. A Análise Fatorial dos itens mostra cinco dimensões: Introspecção, Imagem Física, Satisfação com a vida, Aceitação e Confiança. As propriedades psicométricas são aceitáveis, com Alfa de Cronbach igual a 0,75. O estudo de validação baseado nas correlações entre esta escala e a de Rosenberg, segundo o teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson, com sig. p < 0, 001 nas classificações e na correlação sugere que a escala pode ser utilizada em estudos de investigação e programas de promoção da saúde. As escalas de Autoestima e de Motivação (MPAM-R) foram aplicadas a um grupo de 110 universitários, 65% do sexo feminino e 35% do sexo masculino, com idade média compreendida entre 18 e 35 anos. Segmentados em dois grupos de praticantes regulares e não regulares de atividade física. Foram controladas as variáveis demográficas, ambientais e antropométricas. Verificou-se associação significativa entre as variáveis Autoestima e Motivação pelo teste Qui-Quadrado, e que denotam que a dimensão da Autoestima Imagem Física, quando cruzada com as dimensões da Motivação, mostra-se em alto grau discricionário e associação direta. Motivação Diversão (sig.p = 0,002), Competência (sig.p = 0.007) e Social (sig.p = 0.016). Ainda, no cruzamento do Escore Total da dimensão Autoestima e a dimensão Diversão da variável Motivação, apresenta associação diretas e significativas (sig.p = 0.020). A síntese dos resultados denota ações combinadas de estímulo na melhora da percepção positiva da Imagem Física do indivíduo, tendo como plano de fundo, ambiente divertido, desafiador (competência) e social (interação com os pares), traduz em aderência a prática da Atividade Física
O conceito de saúde, na concepção mais abrangente, é uma condição multidimensional de bem-estar físico, psicológico e social e não apenas a inexistência de enfermidades. Os benefícios da atividade física são tão relevantes quanto os benefícios psicológicos, porque ambos contribuem para a saúde. A literatura aponta um conjunto de ligações diretas e indiretas entre a atividade física e a qualidade de vida. Apesar destes benefícios, o processo de envelhecimento é caracterizado por grandes perdas biopsicossociais, que geram várias situações de adversidades que causam preocupação e podem colocar em risco a saúde do idoso. Deste modo, surge a resiliência como um conjunto de processos sociais e intrapsíquicos, que possibilitam o desenvolvimento saudável do idoso, mesmo diante de experiências negativas. Nesta direção, observou-se a necessidade de executar uma pesquisa de conhecimento multidisciplinar conciliando a Educação Física com a Psicologia, a Medicina, a Terapia Ocupacional e a Gerontologia, com o objetivo de investigar o efeito da atividade física sobre os níveis de resiliência em mulheres idosas, bem como conhecer a importância desta atividade para suas vidas. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo comparativo descritivo, de caráter transversal. Assim sendo, 230 mulheres idosas foram divididas em dois grupos: ativas (n=115; 65,8±5,8 anos de idade), constituído por idosas matriculadas em um programa de atividade física orientada para idosos com período de prática igual ou superior a dois anos, e sedentárias (n=115; 69,2±7,2 anos de idade). Em seguida, foram submetidas à avaliação do nível de resiliência psicológica e da aptidão física (resistência muscular de membros superiores e inferiores, flexibilidade e resistência aeróbia). As idosas ativas apresentaram valores significativamente (p=0,001) maiores do fator 3 da resiliência psicológica quando comparados àqueles do grupo de idosas sedentárias, o qual está relacionado à autoconfiança e à capacidade de adaptação a situações diversas. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (p>0,05) entre os grupos para os demais fatores (1 e 2). Quando comparados os testes de aptidão física com o nível de resiliência psicológica moderada (n=28) e alta (n=202) do fator 3, observou- se que idosas com nível de resiliência psicológica alta apresentaram maior flexibilidade (p=0,004). E para a avaliação da percepção da importância da atividade física para as idosas foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado. A partir da Análise de Conteúdo proposto por Bardin (2009) os resultados foram: saúde/prevenção (85%), interação (47%), autonomia (40%), alegria/felicidade (33%), resiliência (33%), lazer (15%). E para avaliar a resiliência utilizou-se a Escala de resiliência de Wagnild e Young (1993). Quanto aos níveis de resiliência os resultados demonstraram que todas idosas apresentaram alto nível. Considerando os achados do presente estudo, sugere-se o emprego da atividade física como método de intervenção para melhora da saúde mental e, por conseguinte, da resiliência psicológica na população em questão, uma vez que os resultados apontam que idosas fisicamente ativas apresentam escores de resiliência psicológica superiores àquelas estratificadas como sedentárias. O resultado desse estudo possibilitou também concluir que a importância da atividade física parece estar relacionada, na sua maioria, às características de saúde/prevenção, interação social, autonomia, resiliência, alegria/felicidade e lazer. Além disso, as mulheres do presente estudo apresentaram um alto nível de resiliência quando comparado à tabela normativa
The epilepsy is one of the neurological disorders more common in the pediatric period, and which interferes significantly in the psycho and social life of children and teenagers. The objective of this study was analyzing the practice of sedentary practices, physicals, traditional infant fun and games of children and teenagers with and without epilepsy. The study was prospective, transversal descriptive, done with 60 children and teenagers with epilepsy (Epileptic Group - EG) patients from Pediatric Neurology Clinic of the Centre Integrated Health Lineu Araújo and 60 children and teenagers without epilepsy (Control Group - CG) students from municipal public school, both of the two groups paired with the same age (age group 7 to 14 years) of both the genders (female = 25/41,6% and male = 35/58,3%) of the Teresina city Piauí. It was done two pattern questionnaires, one applied to children and teenagers of the EG and CG to identify the sedentary activities, physical and traditional infant games and other to the parents/responsible of the EG about the clinical and demographic information. The results permitted the elaboration of two manuscripts: a) the first one titled The Practice of Sedentary and Physical Activities of Children and Teenagers with Epilepsy which showed significant difference in the sedentary activities of playing with car toy (p=0,021) to the EG and reading to the CG (p=0,001); in the physical activities the school physical education (p=0,001) and riding a bike (p=0,014) to the CG; b) the second one The Practice of Infant Games and Fun the children and teenagers with and without Epilepsy in this one the playing with marble presented significant difference (p=0,016) to the CG, despite the girls of the two groups don t do this activity. Observing the distribution of frequencies, it was verified that in the play catch-up and hide-and-seek and burn the EG plays more than the CG both in female and male gender. The girls of the EG play less skip, 60 while the boys of the two groups don t play. Elastic jump the girls of the two groups play in a same frequency and the boys don t participate of this fun. The seizures were found to occur during: soccer (23,3%); hide-and-seek (6,6%) and running (3,3%). In the sedentary activities, seizures were reported to occur: resting and watching TV (18,3%), sleeping (36,0%); sitting (13,3%) and lying down (11,7%). Our results showed that the epileptic group and the controls group engage in the same activities, although the epileptic group participates less than the controls. Although the EG had presented a bigger percentage of generalized attacks, they don t occur during the practice of formal physical activities. The research was developed by a multidisciplinary team, and this contributed a lot to the realization of this study
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Post-menopause is characterized as the period beginning one year after the permanent cessation of menstrual cycles, which is typically related to medical disorders that, in association with Metabolic Syndrome (MS), represent a set of cardiovascular risk factors. Objective: To assess dietary intake and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women, according to the level of physical activity. Methods: The sample consisted of 82 women, evaluated in the Northern Zone of the city of Natal / RN who were participants in the Natal Active Program. People completed a Food Frequency Consumption Questionnaire (FFCQ) and were interviewed about physical activity. Anthropometric measurements and biochemical tests were used to diagnose MS (Metabolic Syndrome). Result: The active women consumed more protective foods (flaxseed, nuts, whole wheat bread, brown rice and olive oil) than inactive women. Risky foods (sugar, crackers, white bread, white rice, margarine and beef) were consumed more by the group of inactive women. The prevalence of MS was higher in inactive women (53.30%) than in physically active women (46.70%). Conclusion: Active post-menopausal women had a higher daily intake of protective foods in relation to cardiovascular disease, while the inactive post-menopausal women had higher intake of risky foods for such diseases
Morbidly obese patients present an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and perceived exertion besides lower walking ability compared to normal weight people. However, little is known about how these variables are presented after bariatric surgery. Moreover, despite the distance walked during the six-minute walk (6MWT) improve after surgery is not well established if the level of physical activity influences this improvement. Objective: To evaluate cardiovascular performance, perceived effort, ability of walking and physical activity level of patients with morbid obesity before and after bariatric surgery. Methods: The cardiovascular performance, perception of effort, the ability to walk and level of physical activity were assessed in 22 patients before (BMI = 50.4 kg/m2) and after (BMI = 34.8 kg/m2) bariatric surgery through the 6MWT. The heart rate, blood pressure and perceived exertion were assessed at rest, at the end of the 6MWT and in the second minute post-test (HR recovery). The ability to walk was measured by total distance walked at the end of the test while the level of physical activity was estimated by applying the Baecke questionnaire, analyzing domains occupation, leisure and locomotion and leisure and physical activity. Results: The HR at rest and recovery decreased significantly (91.2 ± 15.8 bpm vs. 71.9 ± 9.8 bpm, 99.5 ± 15.3 bpm vs 82.5 ± 11.1 bpm, respectively), as well as all the arterial pressure and perceived exertion after surgery. The distance achieved by the patients increased by 58.4 m (p = 0.001) postoperatively. Time postoperatively had correlation with the percentage of excess weight lost (r = 0.48, p = 0.02), BMI (r =- 0.68, p = 0.001) and the Baecke (r = 0.52, p = 0.01) which did not happen with the distance walked (r = 0.37, p = 0.09). Despite weight loss, patients showed no difference in the level of physical activity in any of the areas before and after surgery. Conclusion: The cardiovascular performance, the perception of effort and ability to walk seem to improve after bariatric surgery. However, despite improvement in the ability to walk by the distance achieved in the 6MWT after weight loss, this is not reflected in an increase in physical activity level of obese patients after surgery
Physical activity is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle, responsible for many health benefits. Despite being considered important for both disease prevention and health promotion there is high prevalence of sedentary behavior in the elderly population. Questionnaires are practical and feasible instruments for assessing levels of physical activity. However, they may have limitations in older age ranges. Accelerometers, movement sensors that make physical activity data more objective, emerge as reliable measuring devices. Aim: Determine the validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) adapted for elderly with accelerometry in elderly women. Methods: 57 elderly women, with mean age of 66.05 ± 5.98 years who took part in hypertension control and physical activity incentive programs were assessed in relation to objective and subjective measures of physical activity. The accelerometer was used for 07 consecutive days, 24 hours per day before the IPAQ was applied. Data were analyzed using measures of central tendency and dispersion to characterize the sample according to variables collected. To check the validity of the data we used the Spearman correlation test, considering a significance level of p <0.05. Results: With respect to the categories of physical activity obtained by IPAQ, 46.4% developed moderate physical activity, followed by a high (30.3%) and low level (23.2%). There was a negative correlation only between self-reported time spent sitting and time spent on light activities as measured by accelerometry (r = - 0.408; p = 0.003) and mean activity level (counts/min) with physical activity levels evaluated by IPAQ (r = 0.297; p = 0.036). Conclusion: The IPAQ used in elderly women shows moderate to low validity levels according to accelerometry measures. Assessment of sedentary activities exhibited acceptable levels compared to accelerometry; however, moderate (r = 0.096; p > 0.05) to vigorous (r = 0.098; p > 0.05) activities were not correlated, demonstrating the inability of IPAQ to evaluate this type of activity in elderly women
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) affected approximately 171 million people in the world in the year 2000 as described by the World Health Organization (WHO). Because DM is a multisystem disease it can cause several complications especially those related to the cardiovascular system. The Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) of the lower limbs and the Diabetic Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy (DDSP) can affect the DM patient causing consequences as the diabetic foot and eventually amputations. The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of PAD and sensorial impairment in 73 type 2 DM (DM2) patients and also assess the impact of PAD on quality of life, level of physical activity and body composition. For clinical assessment it was used: the ankle-brachial index (ABI); quantitative sensorial test for tactile sensibility (ST), pain (SD), vibration (SV); Achilles tendon reflex (RA); quality of life questionnaire (SF-36); modified Baecke physical activity questionnaire and bioelectric impedance. Prevalence of PAD in the studied population was 13.7%. ABI was inversely correlated to age (p=0,03; rhô= -0,26), diabetes duration (p=0,02; rhô= -0,28) and blood pressure (p= 0,0007; rhô= -0,33). There were lower scores for physical health summary on the SF-36 in DM2 patients; however, the presence of PAD predominantly mild did not significantly impact quality of life, body composition or physical activity level assessed by questionnaire. Fourteen patients (19.2%) present bilateral and symmetrical alterations in two or more sensorial tests compatible to DPN diagnosis. Abnormalities in ST, SD and SV were present in 27.3%, 24.6% and 8.2%; respectively. There was association of results from ST abnormalities with RA and mainly with SD, suggesting the importance of 10g monofilament use in DM2 routine assessment. In conclusion, the prevalence of PAD in subclinical DM2 was slightly higher compared to the general population and in agreement to previously published data in DM patients. The PAD severity was predominantly mild and still without repercussion on quality of life and body composition. Our study demonstrated a significant prevalence of both PAD and DPN in DM2 without previous diagnosis of these complications and indicates the necessity of early preventive and therapeutic interventions for this population
The cerebral vascular accident is a neurological dysfunction of vascular origin that leds to development of motor sensibility, cognitive, perceptive and language deficits. Despite the fact that the main sleep disorders in stroke patients are well known, it is still necessary to analyze which mechanisms of regulation of sleep and wakefulness are affected. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in the circadian and homeostatic control of sleep-wakefulness in stroke patients and the correlations with quality of life and level of physical activity. The study analyzed 22 stroke patients (55± 12 years old) and 24 healthy subjects (57 ±11 years old). The instruments used in this study were questionnaires on sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, quality of life, physical activity level and the actigraphy. The data were analyzed using the Student `t test, Mann-Whitney test, ANOVA and Spearman's correlation tests. The results showed stability in the sleep-wake circadian expression with changes in the amplitude of the rhythm. However, significant changes were found related to the homeostatic component characterized by increased sleep duration, increased latency, fragmented sleep and lower sleep efficiency. Additional data showed decreased quality of sleep and increased daytime sleepiness, as well as decreased quality of life and level of physical activity. The results indicate that the interaction of circadian and homeostatic control of sleep-wake is compromised and the main reason might be because of the homeostatic component and the lower activity level resulting from the brain damage. Thus, further studies may be developed to evaluate whether behavioral interventions such as increased daytime activity and restriction of sleep during the day can influence the homeostatic process and its relation to circadian component, resulting in improved quality of nocturnal sleep in stroke patients
The post-menopause stage is characterized by hormonal and organic alterations of ovarian failure. One of the most important of these is muscles alterations of the pelvic floor (MPF). According to current literature, in young women gynecological and obstetric factors, as well as lifestyles and habits influence that loss of function. However, there is still uncertainty about the influence of those variables in the MPF functions in post-menopause women. Thus, this study aimed at seeing if there is an influence from number of births, the type of birth and the level of physical activity on the MPF of post-menopause women. Another objective of this study was to compare MPF force in women who had had vaginal births with those who had been subjected to cesarean sections, those with different levels of physical activity and those with artificial and natural menopause in the initial and latter stages. Furthermore, the test of muscular force was compared to perineometry. Using observational, analytical and transversal observations, 100 women in the post-menopausal stage of life, between the ages of 45 and 65, were examined. They were divided according to the menopausal stage into three groups: women who had undergone hysterectomies, those in the initial stages of postmenopause and those in the late stage of postmenpause. The patients were questioned about social, demographic, gynecological and obstetric factors. All the volunteers were submitted to a physical examination where their height and weight were measured to arrive at the corporal mass index and their waist measurements were taken. The evaluation of the pelvic floor was conducted with muscular force tests and perineometry. These results were analyzed with statistical description and ANOVA statistical tests, multiple regression and Kolmogorov-Smirnov evaluations. The results showed homogeneity with regard to social demographic and anthropometric characteristics among the women in the final test sample (n=85). It was also seen that most of the women in all three groups were married (p=0.51) and catholic (p=0.13). The average per capital income varied between $R585.47 (+/-466.67) and $R1,271.83 (+/-1,748.95), with no significant difference between the groups (p=0.05). The G>6 group presented an average age between 58.95 (+/-3.96) which was significantly greater that the G<6 group´s average age (53.21+/- 3.88) (p=0.000). There was no difference between the groups´ anthropometric characteristics of weight (p=0.32), height (p=0.72) and corporal mass index (p=0.34), nor in the waist measurements (p=0.33). Furthermore, no significant difference was noted in the MPF function of women who had had normal births, cesarean sections or a combination of the two (TFM p=0.897; perineum measurement p=0.502). Likewise, no differences were seen in the MPF function of women who had one, two to three or four or more births (TFM p=0.28, perineum measurement p=0.13). Finally, no difference was perceived among those with different levels of physical activity (TFM p=0.663; perineum measurement p=0.741). Therefore, we found that the type of delivery, number of births and physical activity had no influence on the muscular function of the pelvic floor among the women studied. It is believed that decline in muscular function in post-menopause women is fundamentally related to the process of aging.
Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by adipose tissue formation excess leading to an increase in body fat mass, of multifactorial origin, produced mainly by poor eating habits combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Data consider obesity as a serious disease that affects the world's population, ranking fifth in death rates. Faced with this situation, individuals seek, increasingly, means to lose weight with less physical effort and food. In 2009 and 2010 the drug liraglutide was lauched in order to reduce weight in individuals with diabetes mellitus type 2, thus avoiding the emergence of other diseases. The aggravating factor is that obese nondiabetic individuals are making use of this substance, even if its use is not authorized by ANVISA (Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency). Thus the objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of liraglutide for muscle or fat tissues and biochemical parameters in Swiss mice submitted to cafeteria diet and physical activity. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use - CEUA (nº003 Protocol / 2014). For this study 74 animals (Swiss mice) were used, divided as follows: in the initial phase of this study, we carried out a pilot study (n = 10) divided into a control group (PCON) (n = 5) and cafeteria group (PCAF) (n = 5), in order to evaluate a cafeteria diet which was both attractive to the animals and that could provide an increase in adipose tissue. After the induction of the diet, animals were euthanized and as a result, the animals in the PCAF group showed an intra-abdominal adiposity 0.74 ± 0.05 g, taken as the parameter for increasing fat in animals. Subsequently the study base was conducted for this research where animals were used (n = 64) divided into 2 groups: the Cafeteria Study Base Group (EBCAF) divided as follows: cafeteria + exercise + liraglutide (CEL) (n = 8), cafeteria + exercise + saline (CES) (n = 8), cafeteria + liraglutide (CL) (n = 8) and cafeteria + saline (CS) (n = 8). The Chow Study Base group (EBR) was divided into: exercise + liraglutide (EL) (n = 8), exercise + saline + (ES) (n = 8), liraglutide (L) (n = 8) and saline solution (SS) (n = 8). All animals went through the submission process to the cafeteria diet, followed by exercise protocol through swimming and treatment with the test substance intraperitoneally (200 mg / mL / kg). After the treatments, the animals were euthanized and had the following parameters evaluated: the muscle tissue mass, adipose tissue mass and biochemical parameters. It was observed that the processing done with the exercise-associated liraglutide reduced adipose tissue mass significantly (0.32 ± 0.05 g) compared to the saline group (0.53 ± 0.07 g). There were no changes in the muscle tissue of the group which was treated and exercised (1.39 ± 0.03 g) compared to the saline group (1.33 ± 0.03 g). Regarding biochemical parameters it was evident that there were changes in these parameters. Interesting to note that, although blood glucose values have been changed, the animals did not become diabetic. Thus, it appears that physical activity together with liraglutide is eficcient to the loss of intraabdominal adipose tissue and the maintenance of lean body mass thereby generating a satisfactory result in the pursuit of quality of life and disease prevention.
Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by adipose tissue formation excess leading to an increase in body fat mass, of multifactorial origin, produced mainly by poor eating habits combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Data consider obesity as a serious disease that affects the world's population, ranking fifth in death rates. Faced with this situation, individuals seek, increasingly, means to lose weight with less physical effort and food. In 2009 and 2010 the drug liraglutide was lauched in order to reduce weight in individuals with diabetes mellitus type 2, thus avoiding the emergence of other diseases. The aggravating factor is that obese nondiabetic individuals are making use of this substance, even if its use is not authorized by ANVISA (Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency). Thus the objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of liraglutide for muscle or fat tissues and biochemical parameters in Swiss mice submitted to cafeteria diet and physical activity. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use - CEUA (nº003 Protocol / 2014). For this study 74 animals (Swiss mice) were used, divided as follows: in the initial phase of this study, we carried out a pilot study (n = 10) divided into a control group (PCON) (n = 5) and cafeteria group (PCAF) (n = 5), in order to evaluate a cafeteria diet which was both attractive to the animals and that could provide an increase in adipose tissue. After the induction of the diet, animals were euthanized and as a result, the animals in the PCAF group showed an intra-abdominal adiposity 0.74 ± 0.05 g, taken as the parameter for increasing fat in animals. Subsequently the study base was conducted for this research where animals were used (n = 64) divided into 2 groups: the Cafeteria Study Base Group (EBCAF) divided as follows: cafeteria + exercise + liraglutide (CEL) (n = 8), cafeteria + exercise + saline (CES) (n = 8), cafeteria + liraglutide (CL) (n = 8) and cafeteria + saline (CS) (n = 8). The Chow Study Base group (EBR) was divided into: exercise + liraglutide (EL) (n = 8), exercise + saline + (ES) (n = 8), liraglutide (L) (n = 8) and saline solution (SS) (n = 8). All animals went through the submission process to the cafeteria diet, followed by exercise protocol through swimming and treatment with the test substance intraperitoneally (200 mg / mL / kg). After the treatments, the animals were euthanized and had the following parameters evaluated: the muscle tissue mass, adipose tissue mass and biochemical parameters. It was observed that the processing done with the exercise-associated liraglutide reduced adipose tissue mass significantly (0.32 ± 0.05 g) compared to the saline group (0.53 ± 0.07 g). There were no changes in the muscle tissue of the group which was treated and exercised (1.39 ± 0.03 g) compared to the saline group (1.33 ± 0.03 g). Regarding biochemical parameters it was evident that there were changes in these parameters. Interesting to note that, although blood glucose values have been changed, the animals did not become diabetic. Thus, it appears that physical activity together with liraglutide is eficcient to the loss of intraabdominal adipose tissue and the maintenance of lean body mass thereby generating a satisfactory result in the pursuit of quality of life and disease prevention.