99 resultados para Atitudes e prática em saúde

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The inclusion of the dentist in the Family Health Program (FHP) teams designates a reorganization of the mouth health care in your country and establishes a new scenario in Brazilian odontology, through of a new way to organize the basic health care, creating conditions to consolidate in mouth health practice actions, in the level of the basic attention, the validation of Unique Health System (UHS) constitutional principles. The purpose of this research is to verify if the actuation of mouth health teams (MHT) dentists, in Natal city north sanitary district, is tuned with FHP goals.The target research population was composed by all dentists working in Basic Health Units (BHU) of Natal north sanitary district. Fifth-eight questionnaires were applied and using open and closed questions we look for identify the functional characteristics of each BHU, the dentists professional attributions on each BHU, as well as the clinical procedures that they execute. This research also searched to identify the factors that facilitate and/or difficult the inclusion process and the dentists activities performance on these BHUs, as well as the necessary actions to north sanitary district MHTs to fulfill the objectives proposed by FHP. The results point that the inclusion of mouth health actions in north sanitary district FHPs brought the incorporation of new values to the used practices. Whoever, its necessary a more frequent evaluation of the carried actions, in a way they can be adapted to the real community necessities, and, is fundamental the data accompaniment, for that these serve of base for planning and redirecting activities, in a way that we do not have only a reproduction of traditional practices, fragmented and isolated, but a truly substitution of the traditional practices and a new way of promoting health


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This work aims at investigating the surgeons-dentists acceptability in the field of public health in the city of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, about the possibility of medicinal plants insertion in basic attencion of health. Moreover, it searchs to know if during their professinal formation it had some theoretician-pratical basement on this subject, as well as investigating their confidence on the medicinal plants. The basic motivation for developing this study is the possibility of contributing to the insertion of a tradicional health pratical at public assistance scope, endorsed by popular use, but now scientifically proven. For in a such way, the medicinal plants use is emphasized as a way to be followed to increase basic pharmaceutical assistance, improving the acess to the medicine and diminish expenses. Following this logic, family health program constitutes the way through which this pratical will be available to the users of health services. The research was done over thirty surgeonsdentists, all ofthem pertaining to public service ofNatal, state ofRio Grande do Norte. It was used, as research instrument, semi-estructured interview associated with methodological analysis user s speeches. On this form, this work is inserted in a trend observed nowadays not only in Brazil, where the use of the medicinal plants has been stimulated and defended to be inserted at programs ofprimary attenction of health


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The contents introduction concerning the individual health cares reveals important since the school education. In this direction, the present study objectified to know an effect of Oral Health education intervention in the oral hygiene and in the schools children information level, of 4º e 5º basic education years. The study was composed by two groups, chosen of random form: control group (n = 115) and experimental group (n = 132), with 247 public net school children in total sample. The experimental group participated of some educative activities in Oral Health, with biweekly frequency, during the 4 months period, given for a surgeon-dentistry. Both the groups were submitted to a clinical examination for a previous verification of the Plaque Index (PI) and of Loe Silness Gingival Index (GI). A questionnaire with closed questions on Oral Health was applied before and after to verify the school children rightness index. After the intervention, the final data, represented for the PI, GI and Rightness Index verification, has been collected for statistical analyses through the chi-square test to a 95 % of reliable level, using the SPSS 10,0 software. The PI and GI were categorized in high and low on the initials index basis medium; already the Rightness Index was categorized in inadequate (< 50%) and adequate (≥ 50%). It was verified that the PI (p = 0,014; IC 0.24-0.86) and the GI (p = 0,013; IC 0,28-0,84) presented differences statistically significant, after the education activities, when compared to with the control, favoring the experimental group. It was verified too the experimental group got greater rightness index, presenting difference highly significant (p<0,0001; IC 3,73-26,81). It was still observed that there was no association between the oral hygiene indicators and the school children information level. Ahead the results, it can been concluded that education activities related in the school routine were capable to give positives effects in the oral hygiene control and in the information level about Oral Health, however, not necessarily, the individual with bigger information is that one who has practiced an oral hygiene more adjusted. One become necessary, however, that the education in Oral Health occurs of permanent and integrated form with others school actors, for the positive effect does not lose the student s life longterm


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The antimanicomial psychiatric reform is a process that seeks to deconstruct the exclusionary logic caused by hospitalizations, providing strategies for social reintegration of individuals. In this sense, the primary care through the Family Health Strategy - FHS comes progressively becoming strategic space in mental health interventions, configured as a field of practice and production of new modes of care. In this perspective, there has been a process of implementing this proposal in the Areia Branca City/RN, through the articulation of Psychosocial Care Network and the Family Health Strategy / ESF. However, this process has not been able to bring changes in practices. From the view that the relationship between mental health and primary care is a challenge currently being faced, that improving the care provided and the expansion of the access to services with guaranteed continuity of care depend on the effectiveness of this joint, established themselves as research objective: To investigate how is the relationship between the FHS team and CAPS team in care mental health in the town of Areia Branca - RN from the speeches of professionals. And if you had specific purposes: 1) Know the demand in existing mental health in the town of White Sand - RN served by FHS; 2) Identify limits and difficulties in the relationship between the ESF teams and CAPS; 3) Identify potential for linkages between ESF teams and CAPS for the establishment of local RAPS. This was a descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative methodological design, whose subjects were professionals from the Family Health Strategy, professionals Psychosocial Care Center and responsible for the conduct / management of mental health in the municipality. The research tools used informal observations, semistructured interviews and focus groups were used. The data obtained were analyzed for the content analysis of Bardin, allowing discuss the relevance of the theoretical framework with data obtained through observation and interpretation of the relationship between the Family Health Strategy and the network of Psychosocial Care in Areia Branca-RN. On the one hand, there was strong demand for mental health arising from users and their families and / or caregivers. On the other, it was verified that although there is some progress with regard to perceptions of mental health, there are still practical, historical and contextually rooted, which act as barriers to effective response to this demand in view of deinstitutionalization. In this sense, it is considered important to emphasize that the teams of the Family Health Strategy should be trained to ensure the health practice with integrity and incorporating the mental health network in the municipality. This training must occur through continuing health education.


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The inclusion of the dentist in the Family Health Program (FHP) teams designates a reorganization of the mouth health care in your country and establishes a new scenario in Brazilian odontology, through of a new way to organize the basic health care, creating conditions to consolidate in mouth health practice actions, in the level of the basic attention, the validation of Unique Health System (UHS) constitutional principles. The purpose of this research is to verify if the actuation of mouth health teams (MHT) dentists, in Natal city north sanitary district, is tuned with FHP goals.The target research population was composed by all dentists working in Basic Health Units (BHU) of Natal north sanitary district. Fifth-eight questionnaires were applied and using open and closed questions we look for identify the functional characteristics of each BHU, the dentists professional attributions on each BHU, as well as the clinical procedures that they execute. This research also searched to identify the factors that facilitate and/or difficult the inclusion process and the dentists activities performance on these BHUs, as well as the necessary actions to north sanitary district MHTs to fulfill the objectives proposed by FHP. The results point that the inclusion of mouth health actions in north sanitary district FHPs brought the incorporation of new values to the used practices. Whoever, its necessary a more frequent evaluation of the carried actions, in a way they can be adapted to the real community necessities, and, is fundamental the data accompaniment, for that these serve of base for planning and redirecting activities, in a way that we do not have only a reproduction of traditional practices, fragmented and isolated, but a truly substitution of the traditional practices and a new way of promoting health


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The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the major sexually transmitted disease all over the world. There are many factors associated to infection and the virus persistency in the organism. This study aims to evaluate the women's knowledge, attitudes and practice about the Papanicolaou test (Pap), as well as analyze the HPV and Chlamydia trachomatis infections prevalences in sexually active women from the city of São José do Mipibu/RN/Brazil. This research was divided in two steps (step I and step II), using different methodologies and samples each. The samples collected in each step, even socio-demographic or from uterus cervix, are from different patients e were analyzed separated. In step I was evaluated 267 rural and urban zone women s knowledge, attitudes and practices about the Pap by home interview. In the step II were included 605 women with age ranged from 15 to 71 years old, with mean of 33,5 years old and from each one were collected two cervical samples, one for Pap and other for molecular biology, beside the epidemiological interview to investigate the correlation between prevalence of HPV infection and risk factors. To molecular analyses, the samples were processed using a mammal rapid DNA extraction technique protocol. For C. trachomatis DNA detection were used the CP24/27 primers, and GP5+/GP6+ to HPV. PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis on 8% polyacrylamide gels, followed by silver staining. The results of the step I showed that, in spite of only 46,1% of the interviewed women they have demonstrated to possess appropriate knowledge on the Pap test, the attitude and practice proportions were significantly larger, 63,3% and 64,4% respectively. The largest education degree presented association with adaptation of the knowledge, attitudes and practice, while neglect, lack of solicitation of the exam for the doctor and shame, came as main barriers for the accomplishment of the exam. In the stage II the HPV general prevalence was 28,9%, being 26,7% in the women with normal cytology or benign alterations, 26,7% in the ones that had atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) and 80% in those with Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). the HPV infection prevalence was larger in the patients with up to 30 years of age and in the unmarried women, and those that had more than one sexual partner presented larger infection risk. The results show that the sexual relationship with multiple partners increased the infection risk for HPV and consequently the possibility of the occurrence of lesions uterine cervix


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A iniciação sexual é um marco significativo na vida do indivíduo, ocorrendo geralmente na adolescência. Importantes transformações biopsicossociais ocorrem nesta fase, denotando vulnerabilidades à vida do adolescente, dentre elas, as decorrentes da iniciação sexual, sendo o risco de infecção pelo HIV/aids a mais grave. A infecção pelo HIV/aids constitui atualmente um importante problema de Saúde Pública, estando os jovens no centro da epidemia mundial. No Brasil, dados do último boletim epidemiológico, lançado em 2013, apontam para a tendência de aumento de sua prevalência na população jovem. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a associação entre iniciação sexual e o perfil sociodemográfico, o indicador de conhecimento das formas de transmissão do HIV/aids e fatores biopsicossociais autoestima e habilidades sociais, em adolescentes de 16 a 19 anos, de ambos os sexos, estudantes do nível médio técnico integrado, do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte, Campus Natal. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, cuja amostra foi constituída aleatoriamente por 200 alunos que responderam de forma anônima a quatro instrumentos: perfil sociodemográfico, questionário da Pesquisa de Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Práticas na População Brasileira (PCAP), Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes de Del-Prette (IHSA). A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada através do teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e do exato de Fisher (α <5%). A média de idade para a primeira relação sexual foi de 15,96 anos, com o início mais cedo para o sexo masculino. Verificou-se associações estatisticamente significativas entre iniciação sexual e as seguintes variáveis: idade, sexo, situação conjugal, religião, renda familiar, autoestima e o repertório de habilidades sociais. Observou-se ainda que apenas 11% dos adolescentes possuíam conhecimento correto acerca das formas de transmissão do HIV/aids. Conclui-se que os esforços para a prevenção das DST/aids precisam ser direcionados a campanhas e programas mais eficazes, que considerem não somente o caráter informativo, mas também os fatores psicossociais já que estes mostraram-se associados ao início da vida sexual


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The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the major sexually transmitted disease all over the world. There are many factors associated to infection and the virus persistency in the organism. This study aims to evaluate the women's knowledge, attitudes and practice about the Papanicolaou test (Pap), as well as analyze the HPV and Chlamydia trachomatis infections prevalences in sexually active women from the city of São José do Mipibu/RN/Brazil. This research was divided in two steps (step I and step II), using different methodologies and samples each. The samples collected in each step, even socio-demographic or from uterus cervix, are from different patients e were analyzed separated. In step I was evaluated 267 rural and urban zone women s knowledge, attitudes and practices about the Pap by home interview. In the step II were included 605 women with age ranged from 15 to 71 years old, with mean of 33,5 years old and from each one were collected two cervical samples, one for Pap and other for molecular biology, beside the epidemiological interview to investigate the correlation between prevalence of HPV infection and risk factors. To molecular analyses, the samples were processed using a mammal rapid DNA extraction technique protocol. For C. trachomatis DNA detection were used the CP24/27 primers, and GP5+/GP6+ to HPV. PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis on 8% polyacrylamide gels, followed by silver staining. The results of the step I showed that, in spite of only 46,1% of the interviewed women they have demonstrated to possess appropriate knowledge on the Pap test, the attitude and practice proportions were significantly larger, 63,3% and 64,4% respectively. The largest education degree presented association with adaptation of the knowledge, attitudes and practice, while neglect, lack of solicitation of the exam for the doctor and shame, came as main barriers for the accomplishment of the exam. In the stage II the HPV general prevalence was 28,9%, being 26,7% in the women with normal cytology or benign alterations, 26,7% in the ones that had atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) and 80% in those with Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). the HPV infection prevalence was larger in the patients with up to 30 years of age and in the unmarried women, and those that had more than one sexual partner presented larger infection risk. The results show that the sexual relationship with multiple partners increased the infection risk for HPV and consequently the possibility of the occurrence of lesions uterine cervix


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The aim of this study was to learn about the social representations of the care provided by the Family Health Program (FHP) in the city of Natal, Brazil and determine how these representations guide the daily actions of doctors, dentists, nurses, nurse s assistants and oral health assistants during the work process. In this sense, we used the theoreticalmethodological approach to the Theory of Social Representations. For data collection, we used the following instruments: a two-part questionnaire, where the first part recorded sociodemographic data and the second part was adapted to the free word association technique (FWAT), which was applied to 90 professionals belonging to 18 FHP units. Interviews were also used as collection instruments. These were based on inductive stimuli and on direct observations of 30 of these professionals. After a superficial reading of the material, we constructed a corpus from which ten categories emerged. To analyze FWAT we used lexicographic analysis, combining frequency and the mean order of responses. The interviews and sociodemographic variables were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive statistical analysis, respectively. The study showed that the central nucleus of the social representation in question is composed of the elements attention, receptivity and love, revealing that the subjects have different understandings of the FHP care process and that the knowledge accumulated in this respect is supported by an approximate vision of the meaning of care. However, traditional elements with trivializing connotations about care predominate, which compromises the development of strategies to overcome traditional practices. In the set of analyses, we were able to capture the invariance of a contradiction: on one hand, professionals know and affirm the importance of providing care for FHP patients; on the other, the experience of daily practice translates into the negation of this concept. In this contradictory context, professionals build gradual and successive syntheses that allow them to act and affirm themselves by associating information from their academic formation, structured knowledge acquired in other experiences, values and symbols of their daily routine. Thus, they shape and reshape themselves, according to what is concretely and specifically required, at the same time both plural and multiple. The composition of the central nucleus indicates that any measure that intends to modify attitudes that is, the daily actions of FHP professionals with respect to care must take into account and give priority to the debate about the redefining of the semantic fields of the central nucleus (love/attention/receptivity and humanization), especially those of love and attention


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Um envelhecer saudável compreende fundamentalmente, o atendimento de necessidades que vão além da manutenção de um bom estado de saúde física. Faz-se necessário valorizar o idoso como pessoa socialmente útil, favorecendo, direta e indiretamente, o idoso, a família e comunidade para o alcance de um estilo de vida desejável. Pautando-se nessas reflexões, a partir da importância de um estudo em que se procure avaliar até que ponto, segmentos da sociedade e o próprio idoso, conhecem os direitos deste, e com isto, procurar pontuar conceitos de cidadania, vinculando os idosos a essas práticas, tendo como ponto de partida neste estudo, a saúde, como prática muito questionada no cotidiano. Este estudo, portanto, tem como objetivo verificar o conhecimento de estudantes universitários sobre os direitos do idoso no que se refere à saúde, contemplados no Estatuto do Idoso e explorar os direitos do idoso no âmbito da saúde na concepção de estudantes universitários. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório descritivo, numa abordagem qualitativa, centrando-se na análise dos aspectos legais (jurídicos) sobre o conhecimento dos direitos do idoso no âmbito da saúde pelos estudantes e sua implicação na prática da cidadania. O estudo foi realizado na cidade de João Pessoa - Pb, estudantes universitários de diferentes cursos do Campus I da Universidade Federal da Paraiba. O instrumento utilizado para coleta de dados foi uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Os coletados foram qualitativamente, explorando-se as falas dos sujeitos, utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo temática categorial. Os resultados encontram-se apresentados em quadros e temas. A partir de diferentes artigos realizados no decorrer do curso. Diante da expressividade dos resultados encontrados nesta pesquisa, é possível afirmar que os estudantes universitários ainda conhecem pouco o direito dos idosos, em particular, no campo da saúde, mesmo os estudantes da referida área. No contexto interdisciplinar este estudo sugere ações dirigidas à população do estudo propiciando pesquisas com maior impacto na mídia dirigida tanto aos idosos como a sociedade em geral


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Objective: This study aimed to investigate the contribution of sports activities for children participating in social programs. Method: It s dealt with in a survey of a descriptive nature. The sample was composed of 51 participants from the Project Nova Descoberta, ranging in ages from 8 to 17, males (n=29) and females (n=22). A semi-directed interview was applied with 10 items over a period of 2 consecutive years (2007-2008) with children and adolescents, besides obtaining documental data in the schools that have an agreement with the Project. Results: The performance of the participants in the groups that joined and did not join in terms of schoolwork production in the year 2007 did not present statistical differences (p<0,05). A significant difference (p<0,05) was observed in the discipline of Portuguese when compared between the groups, with a higher average for the students who joined in 2008. Discussion: In the face of the context found in social sports projects, emerges a series of indicators that contribute for a reliable evaluation. The manifestation of other characteristics in the environment could be interfering in the participation and involvement in physical activity and consequently in the health and quality of life situation of the children and adolescents. Conclusion: It was confirmed that the school work performance indicators can be taken together with other indicators, such as a development of various abilities, participation in other activities, motivation for the activities, behavior and attitudes at home and at school, for evaluation of social projects


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This research, whose theme is related to climacteric, aims to know the social representation of menopause developed by the nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa PB, as well as identifying its structure and verifying the way it interferes with the assistance and educational practices to the climacterial user. In the theoretical level, it is based on a model that articulates the social representations theory, the central nucleus complementary theory and the central concepts of Pierre Bourdieu s praxiology: habitus, cultural capital, social field and symbolic power. A hundred and forty-seven female nurses who work for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa (PB) took part in this research, and the data collection period was from February 2008 to March 2009. As to the methods and techniques, we used the method to determine the central nucleus based on the free association of words, a questionnaire to identify certain regularities that constitute the nurses habitus, and the semi-structured interview to explore opinions and attitudes when facing assistance situations and educational practices and to collect other relevant information. The data analysis was developed, when referring to the free associations, with the help of the EVOC software, which is a group of articulated programs which carry out the statistical analysis of the evocations and the identification of the possible elements of both the central nucleus and the peripheral system of the social representation. As to the questionnaire, we used the descriptive statistical analysis and the analysis of correlation between the variables. The interviews were submitted to a categorical analysis of the content. The EVOC result indicated that the cognition hormone was the only element of the central nucleus of the social representation of menopause. Due to its symbolic value and structuring power, this central nucleus ensures the strict and, at the same time, flexible character of the representational content. The analysis of the social advancement, of some fundamental features of the group habitus, as well as the analysis of its insertion in the health field and of the attitudinal opinions and dispositions concerning the assistance given to the climacterial user, and the analysis of the pedagogical dimension of this assistance, all these analyses lead to the conclusion that the nurses who took part in this research share a social representation of the menopause resulting from the association of different technical and scientific knowledge. These derive from the biomedical pattern as well as from hegemonic values which disqualify old age and overvalue youth, from pedagogical conceptions arising from patterns that are presently regarded as authoritative and old-fashioned and from cultural references (responsible for the semantic variations concerning the central nucleus) which are specific to the subgroups the nurses belong to. This research enables the creation of opportunities for discussion between active nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família, and the nurses who are teachers at institutions of higher education, aiming at linking theory to practice, so that they can find ways of thinking about the climacteric and working, in a more comprehensive way, with users who are experiencing this stage of life


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Attention to the health of adolescents, based on paradigm flexneriano, needs to be overcome. Since the International Conference of Ottawa (1986), the literature is developing a discussion of the promotion of health, based on the paradigm of social production in health, suggests a design to overcome the health care traditional practices. Program Health of the Family PSF has this purpose to transmute the model of existing assistance, where the nurse is an essential element to the work done in the program. Around this context, it is our purpose to analyze the practice of nurse of the PSF for the promotion of health of adolescents, produced by a search of descriptive quantitative approach with the inclusion of qualitative data. Interviews were conducted with 9 nurses 3 units of health of the family USF, Mossoró-RN and applied questionnaires with 74 teenagers aged between 15 and 19 years old, with some nearby public schools where USF operate these nurses. The quantitative descriptions were transformed on tables, pictures and graphics using the program Excel (Microsoft) and the qualitative were worked through the technique of analyzing the content of Bardin (2004). The review was realized using the reference to promote health brought by the study. The results show that the most common problems that happen with teenagers are the drugs (33,8%), pregnancy (27,0%) and political problems-socio-economic-cultural issues (24,3%). Adolescents are spontaneous demand and rarely seek the USF. The actions presented by the nurses as, lectures and groups, are nothing comparing to the macro-problems presented by adolescents, and verticalized irregular. The nurses know the promotion of health generally, not explaining how operate it from its daily practice. Concluded that the practice of nurse of the PSF has not yet reach the promotion of health of the adolescent, being necessary to scheduling modules on the subject to continuous training of teams, professionals from USF, as well as teachers and other staff of schools, giving space to the participation of academic. The discussions should be socialized with the community to discuss possibilities of confrontation of the problems, which also require socio-structural changes. This research can contribute as work-diagnosis, which experienced the reality of care in nursing PSF to a specific group


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The desire to research on this subject arisen from the experience as nursing in the indigenous health, where I observed that many professionals from all regions of Brazil chose to work within this zone. It was notorious the nurse s difficult to settle in only one place for a long length of time. Probably due to health care in indigenous zones happens from a cultural confront. This confront materialize because both sides are imbued with their own culture: in one hand the nurse professional with its scientific knownledgment on the other the indigenous with their rituals and peculiars habits. In this context nurses should delineate and negotiate the reality through symbolic representations of life, and then make questions on the new reality. In this way, this study set out with the aim of apprehends the nurse s social representations of transcultural care in indigenous health. This knownledgment is important to avoid possible conflicts, shocks, difficulties and health care incongruence within this context. The data collect was carried out on a range of non structured interview guided by a pre-elaborated questionnaire with four questions and a hand drawing related to nurse s health care in the indigenous health. This research had a sample of 17 nurses from the Indigenous Sanitary District of Manaus in the Amazon State. To interpret data we used the Discourse of the Collective Subject, which findings were presented in three chapters: characterization of participants, discussion on themes prevalent in discourse; social representation of nursing care through infographics. The analysis revealed that the care in the indigenous health is challenging because the native people imbued in its world are perceived and processed according to the nurse s cultural lens, leading to materialize of some strangeness and adaptation difficulties, especially in the first contacts. The Social Representation on nursing practice, in many cases, is projected and contrived on the basis of scattered believes and on perception derived from common sense. The findings shows that representions are essential to mitigating the initial strangeness and help nurses to better situate themselves in the new universe. The nurse s practice in the indigenous health care should merge into each other. From the Social Representations is possible to perceive that assimilation, also comprehension on indigenous health system and its traditional knowledge are important to developing strategies to improve access and quality of care for indigenous peoples. After analysis the nurse s discourses and drawings, it is possible to represent the nurse s practice in the indigenous health as anthropophagism, since nurses should literally consuming its patients culture, digesting it and seize it as means to provide culturally congruent care. We highlight the urgent need for preparation and training of professionals to work more effectively with indigenous peoples


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The objective of this work - which is characterized analyze the search for symptomatic tuberculosis in practice and perspective of the Community Health Agent (ACS) in the districts of Natal. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. The study population was 646 professionals, and conducted a probabilistic random sampling, stratified by districts. The data were collected from one instrument to collect data based on Primary Care Assesment Toll (PCAT) and analyzed by descriptive statistics. The sample consisted of ACS was 87% female. Among the study participants 58% completed high school and 120 months of exercise training (95% CI 111.9 to 129.5) on average. 90% were USF. The average follow-up of cases found were 2 cases of TB since the beginning of the career of the ACS and the last three years the average is presented in a case accompanied. The ACS received satisfactory ratings on the bond of trust with the user, so as access to homes in the community. The ACS reported for denying the fear of being positive result was the biggest reason for not performing the sputum. All units have a professional that responds to the Tuberculosis Control Program. Regarding the structural capacity of primary care settings for the diagnosis of TB, we observed satisfactory levels in different districts of pots for sputum collection, however, a point that deserves attention from managers is lack of materials for packaging sputum. Fear of positive result was one of the reasons for the refusal of sputum collection, followed by alcoholism. With regard to TB suspects, all responded that ACS always suspect when the user has TB coughs, but in all districts were noticed at low delivery of requests for applications for smear. BSR in TB control, is characterized in practice as a complex action goes beyond technical expertise and contact with the family that breaks with the Cartesian. The BSR is part of the ACS can perform them from the daily visits. We conclude that the ACS is difficult to achieve. This practice should not be the privilege of this actor, but the entire team of primary care. We must rethink the practices of TB care, seeing the health surveillance while aegis of the working process of primary care teams for early diagnosis and thereby reduce TB in communities