16 resultados para Artísticos

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This work analyzes the reutilization of real estate of patrimonial interest, come back toward habitation. One understands as real estate of patrimonial interest the old ones that present relevant architectural typologies that must be preserved; some buildings that represent characteristic architectural styles of a determined period; some valued real estates for the history of the city (historical, memory and image signification that has of certain places) and buildings with exceptional artistic elements. In short, real estate of patrimonial interest. The place or site to be studied will be the neighborhood of the Ribeira, because is an area that protects a bigger interest for the historic patrimony of the city. The habitation use was thought as a booster element of revitalization processes of degradable historic site, contributing to the preservation of artistic, architectural and historic patrimony, and thus to stimulate the accomplishment of the re-qualification of the neighborhood of the Ribeira. It is intended with the present study to examine alternatives to make possible habitation re (uses) in the historical quarter of the Ribeira in old constructions of patrimonial value


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This work is a discussion of the artistic process of an artist-researcher made from field research with benzedeiras and benzedores the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This is an investigation on the cultural universe of the popular benzeção as poetic element to the artistic dance. To discuss the different stages of the research and the relationships between the artist-researcher, the benzedeiras/benzedores and the creation/composition scenic, the work takes as reference the triangular relationship created by anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, in his discussion on the effectiveness of symbols of healing, adapted to the context of benzeção . For dialogue between tradition, popular knowledge, scientific and artistic knowledge this work approaches as analytical reference the epistemological model of the type rhizome proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, understanding it as a model that seeks to form a network of relations in different paths of research, to establish connections between elements without target them or subordinating them. In the universe of benzeção , benzedeiras and benzedores carry a symbolic power that issued in whispered prayers, in peculiar gestures that form crosses in space, heal those who seek your prayers and blessing. In this research, the mixture of popular knowledge, artistic and academic knowledge, born an artistic work in the context of Performing Arts, more specifically dance, and between branches, saints, candles and conversations the work allowed other looks poetic for our popular culture, (re)asserting their cultural and human values through the art


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Based on the presupposition that the arts in the West always counted on resources, supports, and devices pertaining to its time context, an reflection is intended regarding the scenic compositions mediated by digital technologies do. Such technologies are inserted in the daily routine, also composing artistic experiments, thus playing a dialogical role with the art/technology intersection. Therefore, the proposal is to investigate what relationships are established in the contemporary theatrical scene from the contagion by digital technologies, aiming at establishing this parallel through a dialogue with the authors discussing the subject, and also based on the group practices having technological resources as a determinant factor in their plays. Furthermore, a reflection should be made on the scene that incorporates or is carried out in intermediatic events, analyzing how digital technologies (re)configure compositional processes of the plays by GAG Phila7, in the city of São Paulo/SP. For such, the dissertation is organized in three sections comprising four moments, to wit: brief overview of the field, contextualization, poetic analysis and synthesis. Qualitative methods are used as the methodological proposal: semi-structure interview, note and document taking (program, website, playing book, disclosure material for advertising text, photographs, and videos). Within the universe of qualitative research, it works with the epistemological perspective of the Gadamer philosophical hermeneutics. The possibilities allowed by the double virtual (Internet/web) generated a type of theater with another material basis and new forms of organization and structure, being possible to perceive that such technological advances and the arts are mutually contaminated, generating a dislocation in the logics of theatrical composition, movement beginning with the artistic vanguards, gradually intensified, thus offering new possibilities of constructions and hybridization of the of the most different possible types. Experiment ―Profanações_superfície de eventos de construção coletiva‖, idealized by Phila7 is inserted in this perspective. Object of the discussion of such research, the experiment works with possible poetics arising from the intersection with the digital technologies, aiming at identifying and problematizing the challenges from the technological evolution and expansion in a scenic context


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The study is a survey conducted for the Master of Social Sciences carried out in partnership between the Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT/SE and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Being a religious event, we seek to show that the religious parties generally have particular meanings for each nation or region. Amaral (1998) informs that the Brazilian parties regardless of where they occur are popular demonstrations that, as the context in which they present themselves, can dilute to crystallize, to celebrate, to ritualize or sacralize the particular social experience of the groups that do. They happen as a way to thank victories or important religious passages as Christmas, the June saints celebration, patron saints and patron saints considered. Thus, The Bom Jesus dos Navegantes party in Propriá-SE: story of faith, a space of social relations and cultural ties, is presented as our field of study because it is one of those celebrations that while celebrated in Sergipe, always on Sundays in January, by some municipalities situated along the river San Francisco, has the characteristic of overlap any others placed in town, including the one of the city's patron saint, Saint Anthony, held on June 13. Concerning the materials and methods, we opted for qualitative research and participant direct observation, using the techniques of personal notes, interviews, newspapers, websites, photos, videos and testimonials from participants and organizers, as well as references offered by experts of the area. With this research answers were sought to questions about what could keep alive the celebration of Bom Jesus dos Navegantes each year in order that this is a patron saint, not saint; the way as the investment of local government with more resources in this period, during the organization of arts festivals, has created a thread of tension with the Catholic Church promoting the religious rituals was reviewed. It was also analyzed how the sacred and profane spaces present themselves inseparable from the celebration and, finally, it was revealed that the party retains its value by preserving its tradition and making room for modernity, not weakening but suffering metamorphoses of time and space and can be seen in the social and cultural bonds wrapped by the time of religious faith


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The thesis presents the body poetry and its inscribing in the myth and Butô dance. The argumentation highlights the sensitive dimension present in these itineraries, as a possibility to operate the emergency of knowing inscribed in the body, bringing a kind of rationality that links the fragments, that allows the knowing to break through the barriers of disciplinary isolation, that abandons the certainties and goes through the ways of creation and that gives the body new space and time, featuring epistemological elements, ethical and esthetical, that can permit a sensitive education. All along the way, we comprehend by sensitive education, a education that considers the relinking of logical, analogical, symbolic and artistic knowledge and therefore reconsiders the own act of knowing as a continuous and inconcluded process. That sensitive education is also understood as retaking the body experience, its sensitive nature, as well as being meaningful to reading the world. It includes the body memory, its history and creativity, opening it to innovation, change, sense amplification and dialogue with other bodies and world, because it is within them. It is about an investigation of phenomenologic nature, that dialogues philosophy and art, pointing breakdowns of this reflection foe the body and education studies. We find it necessary to notice the body language, that allows one to think through movements, articulate a thought that is risen from articulations, guts and all the body. This incarnated reason starts the expressive body action, that makes us move to mean, communicate, inaugurate senses. Among these senses, we present a possibility of approach of the elements of Butô dance teaching and physical education, as ways of sensitive education showings of body poetry


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As características adquiridas pela GR desde a sua origem fomentaram a criação de infinitas possibilidades de movimento. O sentido estético que busca o belo ginástico, o vínculo inabalável com a música, o entrelaçamento com a dança, a busca por formas inusitadas e especialmente tramadas, configuram esse esporte aberto a diferentes interpretações. Esse estudo tem como objetivo refletir sobre o corpo na GR a partir do seu entrelaçamento com a técnica, a arte e a cultura, além de ampliar a discussão sobre os esportes considerados artísticos no universo da Educação Física. Para tanto, utilizamos a Pesquisa Qualitativa com suporte na Fenomenologia segundo Merleau-Ponty e através da redução fenomenológica e da hermenêutica como modalidade da fenomenologia, utilizada para descrever, compreender e interpretar vídeos de conjuntos de GR simples e misto, selecionados intencionalmente. A escolha dos conjuntos deu se em virtude da relação possível com os conceitos abordados nesse estudo, além da sua representatividade no universo ginástico, principalmente na prova em questão. Limitamos as escolhas coreográficas ao ciclo olímpico 2009 a 2012, por corresponder ao período onde os critérios para a elaboração e avaliação das composições estavam sedimentados. Para favorecer o entendimento do tema elencado dividimos o texto em três capítulos que tratam prioritariamente de cada um dos conceitos básicos que são entrelaçados ao corpo na GR: a técnica, a arte e a cultura. Nas considerações finais, respondemos as questões de estudo e reatamos a configuração essencial à GR como modalidade diferenciada no mundo esportivo


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The contemporary conjuncture based on the capitalistic knowledge converges to the corporal consciousness that makes us see, feel, taste and hear, be in/to pieces. Disembodied reason legitimate and legislate ways of being and living socially and its development is the dehumanization of human relations causing pain and suffering. The objective of this work is to discuss the body as pedagogical matrix through imagistic/artistic elements: music, painting and literature. Metaphors lead to self knowledge of human subjectivity and approach us to the kaleidoscope of sensitive knowledge and enables learning to learn with the infinite combinations of images, knowledge, feelings and worldviews. The song Memória da Pele comes in the voice of Maria Betânia speak of the memories that are not mine, but are tattooed in me in the memory of skin, singing the memories of a love lived by who tries to forget rationally, but the body insists on remembering. It is password to think about what we are. The short story by Clarice Lispector, entitled Miss Algarve, narrates the life story of an unmarried and virgin woman, and her encounter with an alien called Ixtlan. Until then, she who lived as if every day were a Monday, found herself seduced by the pleasure of having a body in contact with another body, which also allowed her to give visibility to the bodies of others. She had repudiation by the immorality that her body and the other s perspired. The discovery of the body brings important lessons for nursing, involving our body and the others'. The painting the flying bed or Henry Ford Hospital, by Frida Kahlo, is our final metaphor. The traumatic experience of abortion is shown in this painting trough the picture of the artist naked in a hospital bed. This painting invites us to reflect on our work process. We need to think in multiple dimensions of the being and accept the invitation of art, so that the lightness confronts us with the weight imposed by the hegemonic ideology. I believe it is not a single view, but the many views that should justify the knowledge and practices of nursing; what matters is that they are woven into the dialogue, democracy, provided that protagonism of those individuals involved in this process, in the wandering and uncertainty, in the rewiring, solidarity, plurality. To this end, the body must be the great pedagogue that is able to be viewed not as a tapestry seen by the right view, as the logical knowledge sees, but seen by the opposite side in its singular, irregular, discontinuous weavings


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This study is connected to the research line Poéticas da Modernidade e Pós -Modernidade, of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Linguagem, in the subarea: Comparative Literature - CCHLA/UFRN. Its main goal is to see fragmentation of writing as an aesthetic resource highlighted in the work of Tutaméia by Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), and in Livro sobre nada by Manoel de Barros (1916). We undertake as a starting point the view that these works are allegorical expressions. We have as a basis the German philosopher Walter Benjamin (1984) conception about baroque allegory, that uses amorphous fragment and constitutes a dialectical expression, in which each person, each thing, each relation, may mean any other one (1984, p. 196). We see the stylistic features as used by Guimarães Rosa and by Manoel de Barros in the construction of poetics capable of breaking the boundaries between artistic genres, literary and discursive, adding oral, musical and plastic elements to writing. We also analyze the development of fragmentary poetics, in which the voice of the narrator/lyrical I, the characters, space, plot and time exhibit the fragment as a factor that contributes to the great ambiguity of the two works and to create a new language, performative and vibrant, rich in alluring images, allegories


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In the context of poetic productions of modernity and postmodernity (Hutcheon, 1999), this paper, from the concept of nomadism (Deleuze, 2012), together with the philosopher Derrida's notion of writing (2009), has the objective to study Harmada the novel (1993), written by artist Joao Gilberto Noll, the aspect of Nolliana nomadic scripture and boredom towards deconstruction of the Romanesque style. The narrative focus on introducing a transit fiction, promoted by nomadisms scripture of the wandering narrator who, in the work constitution, will the conduct of language, a plot that invades the body of the characters full of boredom and foreigners themselves, moving in fragmented and fluid spatiality of narrating. In this perspective, the research is limited with theoretical and methodological foundation in poststructuralist discussions in relation to considerations of literary aesthetics and concerning the thinkers-teóricos- critics: Derrida (2009), Deleuze (1995), Foucault (1996, 2001), Barthes (1977), Svendsen (2006). Against the background of critical understanding, the nomadic writing Harmada interlace in three stages: first, in the author's language; Second, the characters, the narrator-protagonist leading, unnamed, living overwhelming crises and painful existential ambiguity, placed through the artist's metaphor failed under the sign of "missing" while searching for other possible artistic ways of being in the world; and, finally, the nomadic reading instance as presentification effect (GUMBRECHT, 2010) for a reader experimentation. Finally, our work addresses the relationship between the nomadic scripture and the experience of boredom as a strategic power in the literature do Noll gear.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo geral investigar os processos motivacionais dos participantes de um grupo de Teatro Musical sob a perspectiva da Teoria da Autodeterminação - TAD (RYAN; DECI, 2004; REEVE, 2006). Os pesquisadores Edward Deci e Richard Ryan (1985, 2000, 2008a, 2008b) afirmam que todos os indivíduos possuem uma propensão inclinada à autorregulação. Por esse motivo, a TAD analisa as razões pelas quais os indivíduos podem se envolver ou evitar participar de determinadas atividades, e adota um conceito de internalização que é representada por um continuum de autodeterminação, evidenciando os diferentes tipos de motivação previstos na miniteoria da integração organísmica. Os tipos de motivação podem ser identificados de acordo com o nível de autodeterminação dos indivíduos, através da satisfação de três necessidades psicológicas básicas: a necessidade de autonomia, a necessidade de competência e a necessidade de pertencimento. Esta pesquisa tem uma abordagem qualitativa e escolheu-se o estudo de entrevistas como estratégia de investigação, utilizando a entrevista semiestruturada como principal técnica de coleta de dados. A pesquisa foi realizada com 12 participantes de um grupo de Teatro Musical de uma universidade do Estado Rio Grande do Norte, referida na pesquisa com o pseudônimo de Companhia Musicale. Os resultados apontam que a principal motivação dos alunos não era a intrínseca. Portanto, a motivação foi considerada complexa e multifacetada, pois os participantes passaram por internalização do comportamento dependendo das condições situacionais. As complexidades nas interações puderam promover a satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas dos integrantes que apresentaram maior internalização dos comportamentos autodeterminados. Assim, os integrantes com maior desempenho nas tarefas foram os que internalizaram a importância e o valor das atividades. O estudo busca contribuir para futuras pesquisas e colaborar no sentido de perceber a importância de investigar e promover a motivação de alunos, professores, diretores, regentes, coordenadores e participantes de grupos artísticos em geral, trazendo esclarecimentos que ressaltam as contribuições e a importância que a motivação tem sobre o ensino, a aprendizagem musical e o envolvimento de participantes de grupos artísticos em diferentes atividades.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo geral investigar os processos motivacionais dos participantes de um grupo de Teatro Musical sob a perspectiva da Teoria da Autodeterminação - TAD (RYAN; DECI, 2004; REEVE, 2006). Os pesquisadores Edward Deci e Richard Ryan (1985, 2000, 2008a, 2008b) afirmam que todos os indivíduos possuem uma propensão inclinada à autorregulação. Por esse motivo, a TAD analisa as razões pelas quais os indivíduos podem se envolver ou evitar participar de determinadas atividades, e adota um conceito de internalização que é representada por um continuum de autodeterminação, evidenciando os diferentes tipos de motivação previstos na miniteoria da integração organísmica. Os tipos de motivação podem ser identificados de acordo com o nível de autodeterminação dos indivíduos, através da satisfação de três necessidades psicológicas básicas: a necessidade de autonomia, a necessidade de competência e a necessidade de pertencimento. Esta pesquisa tem uma abordagem qualitativa e escolheu-se o estudo de entrevistas como estratégia de investigação, utilizando a entrevista semiestruturada como principal técnica de coleta de dados. A pesquisa foi realizada com 12 participantes de um grupo de Teatro Musical de uma universidade do Estado Rio Grande do Norte, referida na pesquisa com o pseudônimo de Companhia Musicale. Os resultados apontam que a principal motivação dos alunos não era a intrínseca. Portanto, a motivação foi considerada complexa e multifacetada, pois os participantes passaram por internalização do comportamento dependendo das condições situacionais. As complexidades nas interações puderam promover a satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas dos integrantes que apresentaram maior internalização dos comportamentos autodeterminados. Assim, os integrantes com maior desempenho nas tarefas foram os que internalizaram a importância e o valor das atividades. O estudo busca contribuir para futuras pesquisas e colaborar no sentido de perceber a importância de investigar e promover a motivação de alunos, professores, diretores, regentes, coordenadores e participantes de grupos artísticos em geral, trazendo esclarecimentos que ressaltam as contribuições e a importância que a motivação tem sobre o ensino, a aprendizagem musical e o envolvimento de participantes de grupos artísticos em diferentes atividades.


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This research is a study that deals with the language of the players bodies of Ciranda (a typical dance in circle in Brazil) – more specifically the one of Lia from Itamaracá. Our interest is to observe how this body dances, communicates, writes on time and space, establishing relations that complement and help to remain in construction. Thus, in a circular way and in an energy that is transmitted with the contact of the touch of the hands, in the power of song, in a circle that can be seen from many places, but by different angles, holding on that the particularities of its subjects players/dancers/observers, and that we propose ourselves to think: who are those players bodies and how do they build the circles of Ciranda? Therefore, during the pathway of the research, we were conducted by the phenomenological method and, from this, used the concepts of lived and sensible world. Our interest in this manifestation is, also, the body that dances and insert itself in the artistic expression, meaning and opening itself to the knowledge by the experience. Therefore, we assume a conception of the body that refers itself in the merleaupontyana fenomenologic approach, in this way, in its criativity in relation to the body as a fragmented being, as it is pointed by the Cartesiana theory. In this perspective, we understand the body in its relations with the culturals, sociais, economics and artistics issues that integrates it, in others words, in the relations that helped us to better understand the body as it is. This way, this research has as main objective to present the refletions about the players body, mainly, of Lia from Itamaracá and with this body to dance, to communicate, to write itself on time and space, estabilishing relations that complement and help to stay in construction. Such a statement leads us in this work, to inquire, for example: what mobilizes those subjects on this dance? We understand that elements as the place that is always in modification, the costumes, the musicality and the change in the movimentation of the players body in each new circle, those elements are factors that activate a permanente reconfiguration that are happening in the Ciranda dance nowadays. Finally, we assert that this investigation comes in reason to the big dimension that the Ciranda has achivied in Brazil, especially in the Northeast, as the existence of few references and registers of the reseach manifestation in the academic areas. It is possible to verify, in this research, that, in reason to this spreading, the nuances of the players bodies is even more diversified and that the missing of experiences on Itamaracá island - PE, its origin has putting away the original and community, becames, more and more, a dance of others stages and squares.


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Augusto Boal (Brasil) y Heiner Müller (Alemania) son dramaturgos del siglo XX que vivieron en países y contextos evidentemente distintos. Sin embargo, con la crisis del teatro burgués y de las condiciones de legitimidad del régimen de producción de este teatro, ambos presentan puntos de contacto en sus líneas y vectores teatrales que, frente a la universalidad cuestionable de la dramatización, llevan a la concepción de un teatro múltiple y perturbador del orden de lo sensible. Los procesos de escenificación contemporánea exige un adelantamiento del sentido político, desviando del juego de representaciones sociales, para dar lugar al trabajo deconstructor de imágenes como cisión entre la palabra y lo representado, entre lo legible y lo visible. Frente al expuesto, las escritas escénicas y, por eso, literarias de estos autores, sitios de singularización – no con ausencia de paradojas – capaces de movilizar manifestaciones e impases cuanto a las imágenes que ordenan o desordenan los textos dramáticos, traen para la contemporaneidad tensiones que llevan al teatro mismo, tanto a interpelarse como, en su fuerza plural, a encontrar pasajes para el nuevo. Llevar a la superficie aspectos políticos en las imágenes de los textos dramáticos, considerándolos en su inscripción literaria: “La misión: recuerdos de una revolución”, de Heiner Müller, y de “El hombre que era una fábrica”, de Augusto Boal, se hace un desafío, una vez que las imágenes pretendidas son aquellas con formas o materialidades todavía no visibles en la escena, podríamos decir, en estado virtual. Como imágenes pensantes, ellas suceden en el plan de inmanencia del lenguaje (Deleuze y Guattari). Siendo lo “político” una perturbación en lo sensible, contrario a la política (Rancière), la dramaturgia se abala en multiplicidades, desplazando y desnaturalizando las funciones de autor/dramaturgo y lector/actor, teatro/literatura. Dramaturgia simultánea, imagen, fragmento y colaje se muestran como procedimientos artísticos y literarios creativos que se encuentran apropiados sea en la teoría del teatro del oprimido (Boal), sea en el teatro pos-dramático (Hans-ThiesLehmann), a pesar de que, al confrontarlas, sobresalían en desentendimientos: la primera coincide con la lógica de la identidad y la segunda, esta se desarticula, movida por la diáfora, contestación, o desacuerdo. Tales relaciones – no apriorísticas – se suceden en cuanto acontecimiento de la lectura o de la literatura como acontecimiento en que lo político en las imágenes se da, antes, en las lagunas y obscuridades, aludiendo a lo que está más allá de lo sentido, de la escena del gesto y de la palabra. El lector no se para para atribuir sentido, se interroga frente a las metamorfosis y formas oblicuas de acontecimientos insospechables que componen lo político estableciendo la gestión colectiva de la enunciación. En este caso, el texto de Boal y el texto de Müller se inscriben en la producción de una literatura menor, o de un teatro menor, o que los califica como agentes de devenires revolucionarios, agitando, a través de la política en las imágenes, e irrumpiendo contra el problema del poder en las artes.


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This work analyzes the reutilization of real estate of patrimonial interest, come back toward habitation. One understands as real estate of patrimonial interest the old ones that present relevant architectural typologies that must be preserved; some buildings that represent characteristic architectural styles of a determined period; some valued real estates for the history of the city (historical, memory and image signification that has of certain places) and buildings with exceptional artistic elements. In short, real estate of patrimonial interest. The place or site to be studied will be the neighborhood of the Ribeira, because is an area that protects a bigger interest for the historic patrimony of the city. The habitation use was thought as a booster element of revitalization processes of degradable historic site, contributing to the preservation of artistic, architectural and historic patrimony, and thus to stimulate the accomplishment of the re-qualification of the neighborhood of the Ribeira. It is intended with the present study to examine alternatives to make possible habitation re (uses) in the historical quarter of the Ribeira in old constructions of patrimonial value


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This work is a discussion of the artistic process of an artist-researcher made from field research with benzedeiras and benzedores the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This is an investigation on the cultural universe of the popular benzeção as poetic element to the artistic dance. To discuss the different stages of the research and the relationships between the artist-researcher, the benzedeiras/benzedores and the creation/composition scenic, the work takes as reference the triangular relationship created by anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, in his discussion on the effectiveness of symbols of healing, adapted to the context of benzeção . For dialogue between tradition, popular knowledge, scientific and artistic knowledge this work approaches as analytical reference the epistemological model of the type rhizome proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, understanding it as a model that seeks to form a network of relations in different paths of research, to establish connections between elements without target them or subordinating them. In the universe of benzeção , benzedeiras and benzedores carry a symbolic power that issued in whispered prayers, in peculiar gestures that form crosses in space, heal those who seek your prayers and blessing. In this research, the mixture of popular knowledge, artistic and academic knowledge, born an artistic work in the context of Performing Arts, more specifically dance, and between branches, saints, candles and conversations the work allowed other looks poetic for our popular culture, (re)asserting their cultural and human values through the art