82 resultados para Arquivistica Pós-Moderna
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
In the mid-1980s, the magazine Projeto published the Actual Brazilian Architecture catalogue presenting texts by Hugo Segawa and Ruth Verde Zein with a corpus of works and engaged architects of the 1960s and 1970s. To comprehend the Brazilian architectural production post-1964, in those years of the 1980s, became a significant mission to reactivate the Brazilian architectural debate weakened by the military dictatorship. In his doctoral thesis Spadoni (2003) deals with the different ways which characterizes the Brazilian architectural production of the 1970s. Marked by inventiveness, this production was in tune with the modern thinking and in the transition period between the 1970s and the 1980s it synchronized with the international debate about post-modern architecture. Considering Spadoni s doctoral thesis, this work deals with the modern experience observed in the one-family-houses built in the seventies in João Pessoa. Some modern experiences were not clear outside, to observe it, it was necessary to search for the type of experience into the spatial disposition and of the know-how constructive, because into the appearance some houses not make explicit the use of the modern language. Other observed experiences allude to the repertoire of the Brazilian period in the years 1940s-1960s, to the experience of the modern architecture in São Paulo of the 1960s, to the experiences in which the climate of the Northeastern region strongly influenced the architectural conception. We can also find in a reduced number of houses a particular experience: it refers to experiences that expose the constructive doing, which leave the material apparent and apply to the residential type the experience of the industrial pre-fabricated buildings
This paper adopts the assumption that religion continues to be a major highlight in the dimension of the contemporary world - characterized by pluralism, the ideas of tolerance and freedom. But for certain streams of Christianity, the postmodern culture seems to be characterized as a highly damaging to their doctrines and principles, since this religious matrix carries a truth claim that would support all its significance, its definition values and their dissemination effort ( evangelism ). This is not to say that Christianity is the only religion that claims to the truth, which would be a gross mistake. Now, religion has been reputed as a phenomenon doomed to disappear, according to the " ideology " of Modernity, given the idea that scientific development would lead us inevitably to the statement that religion was merely a social institution based in the superstition, in fantasy, the imaginary and therefore had nothing "real " unless its existence as an institution capable of aggregating society (give it cohesion), provide values and meaning to different ontological anxieties and doubts of humankind. In the contemporary scenario - seeded by modernity - as Christian ideas, doctrines and principles are in harmony or conflict with postmodernity? These are our starting questions and issues that we intend to stop and reflect. From the assumption that the religious phenomenon has great force in the present day, this research aims to perform central analysis of how religious education, a Protestant denomination specific, harmonizes or clashes with the ideology or ideas more general and emphatic that we can observe in the western world is presented to us from the diagnoses made by the contemporary authors who debate about postmodernism and postmodernity, notably David Harvey, Jean - François Lyotard, Bauman Zygmunt and Fredric Jameson
Since long ago that the religious manifestations are considered important items in various social media. In this sense, we are interested in understanding the strong denominational plurality, and the emergence of new movements / events and forms of Christianity in Brazil, which therefore is a reflection of what happens in the rest of the globalized world. Such interest is covered by the assumption that religiosity and social media are built on mutual and interconnected way, which allows us to understand that social cosmology presents itself as a fertile space privileged and to verify the interactions pertaining to the binomial: religion and society. The Protestantism is divided into three main streams: Historical, Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal. Each current of Protestantism emerged to adapt to social cosmology of historical ages, from the Reformation to the present day, forming institutions with certain ethical and moral stances. In this sense, it is necessary to research and understand how the historical Protestant, Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal were implanted in Brazil. From this we believe to be interesting problematize accurately the following: How have the processes of formation of strands / evangelical movements in Brazil? These movements are still holding their "classic robes" or hybreeding their borders? What are the modulations in the religious transit demonstrate that this probable hybridization? If there is, indeed, a hybridization between the Evangelical means, we can put it is provoked only by a logic of "market of symbolic goods of religion" in the world today? Nowadays, we are experiencing a period of change cosmological, from Modern to Postmodern (caosmológic). This last is therefore characterized by secularization, the fracture, the mutilation, the diversity of subjectivities. And thinking about is this "spirit of the times" we take as the main its theoretical references of this study, the Italian philosopher and thinker of postmodernity Gianni Vattimo featuring postmodernity with the cosmology of fragile / pensiero debole Thought and post-metaphysical, that is which enhances the appearance of more plural institutions and non-absolute. To do so, he makes use of the philosophies of German, Nietzsche and Heidegger. Finally, it must be said that this grounded theoretical framework, raise the hypothesis that the Protestantism tends to "injure anymore" by the influence of postmodern social episteme, providing thereby the emergence of a new hybrid framework has not yet nominated and can move between the three major currents of world Protestantism, with features in converged aspects of the same.
Since long ago that the religious manifestations are considered important items in various social media. In this sense, we are interested in understanding the strong denominational plurality, and the emergence of new movements / events and forms of Christianity in Brazil, which therefore is a reflection of what happens in the rest of the globalized world. Such interest is covered by the assumption that religiosity and social media are built on mutual and interconnected way, which allows us to understand that social cosmology presents itself as a fertile space privileged and to verify the interactions pertaining to the binomial: religion and society. The Protestantism is divided into three main streams: Historical, Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal. Each current of Protestantism emerged to adapt to social cosmology of historical ages, from the Reformation to the present day, forming institutions with certain ethical and moral stances. In this sense, it is necessary to research and understand how the historical Protestant, Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal were implanted in Brazil. From this we believe to be interesting problematize accurately the following: How have the processes of formation of strands / evangelical movements in Brazil? These movements are still holding their "classic robes" or hybreeding their borders? What are the modulations in the religious transit demonstrate that this probable hybridization? If there is, indeed, a hybridization between the Evangelical means, we can put it is provoked only by a logic of "market of symbolic goods of religion" in the world today? Nowadays, we are experiencing a period of change cosmological, from Modern to Postmodern (caosmológic). This last is therefore characterized by secularization, the fracture, the mutilation, the diversity of subjectivities. And thinking about is this "spirit of the times" we take as the main its theoretical references of this study, the Italian philosopher and thinker of postmodernity Gianni Vattimo featuring postmodernity with the cosmology of fragile / pensiero debole Thought and post-metaphysical, that is which enhances the appearance of more plural institutions and non-absolute. To do so, he makes use of the philosophies of German, Nietzsche and Heidegger. Finally, it must be said that this grounded theoretical framework, raise the hypothesis that the Protestantism tends to "injure anymore" by the influence of postmodern social episteme, providing thereby the emergence of a new hybrid framework has not yet nominated and can move between the three major currents of world Protestantism, with features in converged aspects of the same.
In the mid-1980s, the magazine Projeto published the Actual Brazilian Architecture catalogue presenting texts by Hugo Segawa and Ruth Verde Zein with a corpus of works and engaged architects of the 1960s and 1970s. To comprehend the Brazilian architectural production post-1964, in those years of the 1980s, became a significant mission to reactivate the Brazilian architectural debate weakened by the military dictatorship. In his doctoral thesis Spadoni (2003) deals with the different ways which characterizes the Brazilian architectural production of the 1970s. Marked by inventiveness, this production was in tune with the modern thinking and in the transition period between the 1970s and the 1980s it synchronized with the international debate about post-modern architecture. Considering Spadoni s doctoral thesis, this work deals with the modern experience observed in the one-family-houses built in the seventies in João Pessoa. Some modern experiences were not clear outside, to observe it, it was necessary to search for the type of experience into the spatial disposition and of the know-how constructive, because into the appearance some houses not make explicit the use of the modern language. Other observed experiences allude to the repertoire of the Brazilian period in the years 1940s-1960s, to the experience of the modern architecture in São Paulo of the 1960s, to the experiences in which the climate of the Northeastern region strongly influenced the architectural conception. We can also find in a reduced number of houses a particular experience: it refers to experiences that expose the constructive doing, which leave the material apparent and apply to the residential type the experience of the industrial pre-fabricated buildings
Esta dissertação analisa os recursos metaficcionais nos contos e romances de Rubem Fonseca, incluindo os que tratam de eventos e personagens históricos, fundindo, assim, ficção e História. Para tanto, nos apoiamos em teóricos que se debruçam sobre a metaficção, esta tendência que marca o Pós-Modernismo em literatura, a exemplo de Linda Hutcheon (1991), Patricia Waugh (2003) e Gustavo Bernardo (2010). Um dos escritores brasileiros mais respeitados dentro e fora de nossas fronteiras, Fonseca estreia nos anos 1960 trilhando um caminho próprio dentro da prosa de ficção brasileira, não só pelas narrativas violentas, faceta pela qual ele é mais conhecido, mas também pelo caráter autorreflexivo, autoconsciente e digressivo de seus textos. Acusado de ser repetitivo, nota-se que, se é verdade que seus personagens em geral são “tipos” (o artista culto, o detetive, o “garanhão”), ele costuma experimentar na forma, variando os focos narrativos de maneira a entretecer camadas narrativas e parodiar gêneros: O caso Morel, por exemplo, é um romance policial que implode o romance policial; o conto "H.M.S. Cormorant em Paranaguá", por seu turno, é uma homenagem à segunda geração romântica brasileira, representada por Álvares de Azevedo, em uma conformação pós-moderna de pastiche. A obra cinquentenária de Rubem Fonseca joga luz sobre questões que estão na “ordem do dia”, como o tripé artista-sociedade-mercado, e introduz um outro olhar sobre o passado histórico - incluindo a História da cultura, principalmente da literatura. As narrativas aqui analisadas testam os limites que separam – ou não – a ficção da dita realidade, e são por nós classificadas nas seguintes categorias: autobiografia romanceada, romance biográfico, romance histórico pós-moderno, pastiche, metaficção historiográfica e metaficção policial.
Qué se piensa aquí, esencialmente, está a mapear el itinerario de la melancolía creativa en el discurso de Dom Casmurro; es decir, aquél de el cual el valle narrativo de una sensación de la angustia a alçar él él las maneras de la representación en el discurso de Dom Casmurro. El árbol básico en el cual éste estimaba incurre en se basa en el acuerdo de eso que la actual melancolía en el texto del machadiano se puede analizar por las estratagemas de la lengua creativa en la intención de demostrar en él una especie del espacio virtual - el conducir de metáforas, de ironies y del exacerbamento de imágenes - por cuál se prepone el narrador construir su salvación . El propósito es analizar el uso de el proyecto del alegórico y el irónico previstos por el autor en la intención de descubrir pues tales procedimientos contribuyen para crear un texto ese desestabiliza el carácter malsano de la melancolía. Puede propagar lengua creativa de tal manera cuánto otras maneras de la representación de eso las marcas del arte utilizan. Más allá de este traz poético, la contribución de este trabajo también constituye: para componer una escena en la cual el teatralidade de la lengua de Dom Casmurro constituye drama y no tragedia. Después de la pista de los conceptos de los benjaminianas de la melancolía, alegoria, metalenguaje la ironía, vimos que éstos disalign de la voluntad que los estatutos se estabilizaron de las figuras del retórico para consistir mientras que las estrategias de los discursivas. Subyacente a este proceso es posible percibir el flash del rescate de la escritura melancholic, visto bajo luz del saturnine de una mirada que si desea alegórico, en la misma incandescencia de la risa del fáustico
While looking to the body and finding it engraved by cultural, imaginary and power-related texts through a discourse embodied in itself, this research proposes a new vertiginous approach to it by analyzing the following works: Poesia completa II, more specifically, Educação sentimental, and Novas cartas portuguesas. Such transgressive and performatic works are from Maria Teresa Horta (1937-), Portuguese writer, who proposes a new education by a renewed language: a sentimental education spawned from the erotic element. Starting from the deconstruction of the view over the spoiled body and exposed in Novas cartas portuguesas, from the poetic texts in Educação sentimental, as well as in remaining ones in Poesia completa II, Horta disassembles and reassembles the body, giving a new meaning to the symbols that surround us and our experiences. Other than proposing to all, men and women, such new meaning of the behavior and current practices models, Horta s education allows, through a performance action, the construction of a stage for female identity, free from the phallic influence. A new identity, able to handle all holy and profane characteristics of women, discarding the chromatic lens of sin. Horta s poetry emerges as a new proposal of literary labor
In this dissertation, we analyze, in a comparative perspective, the link between the short stories: Dama da Noite‟ and O Rapaz mais triste do mundo‟, of Caio Fernando Abreu. In order to reveal, analyze and establish relevant dialogues with Queer Theory, it‟s important, above all, make a misreading guided in the discursive contextuality of postmodern literature. In order to justify and clarify the many issues that arises in the emblematic relationships of characters that are present in the text and in the cultural context, historically and socially. It also highlights the utterance comparative value identified in the works, given the peculiarities of each one of them, not being possible to classify them as `figures of language` with which the comparison can be cited as an example. In this case, they serve to inspire the ways that may lead us to a better understanding of the parallels created between a world of the binary value and adjectives suggested by society and so well portrayed in the ideas and writings of Caio Fernando Abreu
This study aims to analyze the process of resignification of Chile Street, in Natal, from the development of a music scene in the late 1990s. Chile Street, as part of the Historic Centre of Natal, had its images constructed from the discursive practices and everyday life of its regular visitors, leading to a series of symbolic and imaging transformations throughout the twentieth century. Initially transformed into glamorous space as a result of urban actions of the new republic of Albuquerque Maranhão, in the early twentieth century, Ribeira and Chile Street, specifically, came to be seen as bohemian area, during the war time"; followed by a marginal phase, it was eventually transformed into the main rocker area of Natal, with the development of a musical scene in the second half of the 1990s. This music scene, its practices, economic interests, cultural events and identity ties created among their practitioners made Chile Street, "in the time of Blackout night club", an "alternative" space. As the historic centers, inserted in the logic of postmodern city marketing, both spaces are dynamic in their practices, as in their images, Chile Street also suffered changes in its meanings and symbols, around the year 2000 when the alternative-underground space became a pop space, where people from various parts of the city began attending its events and places, transforming it into a point of very heterogeneous sociability
The Brazilian juridical ordain has suffered several transformations on Family Law as of the 1988 Federal Constitution, which incorporated the changes in socio-cultural values and behaviors that appeared in the post-modern Brazilian society, with the repersonalization of the family, beginning with the principles of human dignity, affectivity and familiar solidarity; occurring an enlargement of the concept of family, increasing the relevance of socioaffectivity and eudaimonia. The general purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the constitutional interpretations of paradigmatic cases of the Brazilian Superior Courts checking the conditions and behaviors required to achieve the principles of affectivity and familiar solidarity. To do so, uses an exploratory and descriptive research trough books, scientific papers, jurisprudence, monographs and consult to specialized magazines to identify the reasons and specific purposes of the principles of affectivity and family solidarity within the constitutional norms, systematizing the primary meaning of these principles, then to observe the trial of patriotic courts, the criteria and standards of behavior used in their application. The analysis of recent decisions of the Supreme Federal Court and the Superior Court of Justice on the topic of the familiar relations, utilizing the new interpretative approach to the law that considers man as an ontological being of language, demonstrate that the affectivity and familiar solidarity are constitutional principles concretized in decisions, that don’t affect the principle of protection of the juridical security, that is, don’t cause uncertainty despite the incipient specification of criteria to its use
Esta dissertação analisa os recursos metaficcionais nos contos e romances de Rubem Fonseca, incluindo os que tratam de eventos e personagens históricos, fundindo, assim, ficção e História. Para tanto, nos apoiamos em teóricos que se debruçam sobre a metaficção, esta tendência que marca o Pós-Modernismo em literatura, a exemplo de Linda Hutcheon (1991), Patricia Waugh (2003) e Gustavo Bernardo (2010). Um dos escritores brasileiros mais respeitados dentro e fora de nossas fronteiras, Fonseca estreia nos anos 1960 trilhando um caminho próprio dentro da prosa de ficção brasileira, não só pelas narrativas violentas, faceta pela qual ele é mais conhecido, mas também pelo caráter autorreflexivo, autoconsciente e digressivo de seus textos. Acusado de ser repetitivo, nota-se que, se é verdade que seus personagens em geral são “tipos” (o artista culto, o detetive, o “garanhão”), ele costuma experimentar na forma, variando os focos narrativos de maneira a entretecer camadas narrativas e parodiar gêneros: O caso Morel, por exemplo, é um romance policial que implode o romance policial; o conto "H.M.S. Cormorant em Paranaguá", por seu turno, é uma homenagem à segunda geração romântica brasileira, representada por Álvares de Azevedo, em uma conformação pós-moderna de pastiche. A obra cinquentenária de Rubem Fonseca joga luz sobre questões que estão na “ordem do dia”, como o tripé artista-sociedade-mercado, e introduz um outro olhar sobre o passado histórico - incluindo a História da cultura, principalmente da literatura. As narrativas aqui analisadas testam os limites que separam – ou não – a ficção da dita realidade, e são por nós classificadas nas seguintes categorias: autobiografia romanceada, romance biográfico, romance histórico pós-moderno, pastiche, metaficção historiográfica e metaficção policial.
Brazilian architecture was recognized because of the consecration of the icons of the Carioca and Paulista schools which are represented nationally and internationally by names like Niemeyer, Lucio Costa and Vilanova Artigas, among others. Because of this, classic studies dedicated to the Brazilian case look to present the Southeastern region with the title of father of modern Brazil, at the cost of subjugating various other modern movements and peripheral sayings, whether their values are known or forgotten. On the other hand, there has been an effort, in the sense of registering and analyzing these regional productions of modern Brazilian architecture, an assignment that DOCOMOMO Brasil participates firmly through initiatives like the creation of a Library to aid in the documentation and registration of modernity in Brazil. Inside this context of insertions of the National-Modern scheme, this work has as its objective to present modern potiguar (northern Brazil) architecture through its contemporary residential examples, investigating specifically its constructive, formal aspects, that together that together demonstrate one more architectural emphasis of modern Brazilian architecture: the potiguar. This way, by contributing to the work of the register and the documentation of the Modern Movement and attributing to the modern architecture of Natal it s real worth, we can say: Yes, we have modern architecture
The aim of this work is to analyze the phenomenon of the partner-space segregation in the city of Fortaleza, having as reference the sprouting of recent forms of housing that privilege areas with desert-like aspects, and the removal from the popular accumulations, which is becoming the shelter of the populations economically favored of the capital. Our field study was developed in the land division Alpha Village, a located urban enterprise in the east of the city. Different from the research that deals with the question of segregation as a sui generis product of the partner-economic inequality, we opt to an analysis directed more towards the dimension of the subjectivity, searching the roots of the phenomenon in the proper constitution of the human being. From interviews with the inhabitants of the related land division, we decided to analyze the social imaginary significances (Castoriadis) that composed their speech, and that they defined in this way, its representations concerning themselves, as strangers that cross the streets of the cited space, becoming thus suspected in potential. Inside our perspective, the segregation gains a ambiguous connotation, therefore at the same time that it authorizes the symbolic destruction of the other, it is also a tool that aids to support the "pain of the unreliability"
The development of this work arises from the research of sociological and philosophical characters contemplating also other approaches which aims to answer the followingquestions: what is the responsibility of science teaching for the image one has about science? ; which scientific education should be designed for nowadays? . After considering the assumptions brought along by rationalism and the criticisms to the illuminist model proposed by sociology and philosophy of science, as well by the biology of the knowing process, going through discussions concerning post-modernity issues, one is given to understand that the image of science has become the central point of discussion in the last hundred years, including what concerns the area of science teaching, and that practically none of those discussions really reached natural science classes indeed. We adopt the term postontological to characterize the recent proposals on philosophy and sociology, because we evaluate that this term allows a better identification of the scientific realism crisis, which supports the existence of an ontological domain which science, and only science, is able to understand. One notices that the general public is not aware of those discussions, mainly if they are science teachers and students. So we believe that discussing the logic in which science is structured, the new understandings concerning the scientific undertaking, especially those of an externalist character, and the relationship between science and society, all of this contributes to build up a science teaching which contemplates a reflective contribution, besides allowing the inclusion of the study of other epistemologies in the educational practice. We argue that a revisionist posture seems to be the most appropriate for the contemporary scientific education, contemplating, besides the teaching of the usual science contents, discussions on the issues involving that knowledge, as well as respecting epistemologies alternative to the modern Western scientific one, in order one can work on the perception of local knowledge generated from other epistemological bases. We describe here practical activities we did involving teachers (short-term courses) and high-school students in an inland school in the Rio Grande do Norte state, in Brazil, as a way to demonstrate the possibility of interventions which can take those conceptions, discussions and changes to the classroom