9 resultados para Aneurisma da Artéria Carótida Interna
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos de um programa de exercício físico aeróbico sobre o índice de resistência da artéria carótida interna direita (IRCID) e os níveis de autonomia funcional de mulheres idosas. A amostra foi constituída por 25 idosas sedentárias, com idade entre 60 e 75 anos, divididas em dois grupos: grupo experimental com 14 idosas submetidas ao treinamento aeróbico e grupo controle (n=11). A avaliação da resistência da artéria carótida foi realizada pelo método de ultrasom Doppler e a autonomia funcional pelos testes: caminhar 10m (C10m), levantar da posição sentada (LPS), levantar-se da cadeira e locomover-se pela casa (LCLC), levantar-se da posição decúbito ventral (LPDV) e vestir e tirar a camisa (VTC). O treinamento aeróbico foi realizado na forma de caminhada, 30 minutos por dia, 3 vezes por semana, durante 3 meses. Para o controle da intensidade da caminhada foi utilizado o índice de esforço percebido, com valores padronizados pela escala de Borg onde a intensidade deveria corresponder a uma faixa entre os valores 13 a 15 pontos, correspondente a uma situação orgânica derivada de um exercício compreendido como ligeiramente cansativo e a frequência cardíaca de treino (FCT) entre 50% a 80% da frequência cardíaca de reserva. Para analise estatística foi utilizado a ANOVA de medidas repetidas. O grupo experimental quando comparados com o grupo controle obteve uma diminuição estatisticamente significativa na resistência da artéria carótida interna direita (p=0,021), e um aumento significativo nos testes: C10m (p=0,000), LPS (p=0,035) e no LCLC (p=0,016). Estes resultados sugerem que a prática de exercícios físicos aeróbicos foi eficaz em diminuir o IRCID e melhorar os níveis de autonomia funcional em mulheres idosa
High carotid artery resistance indices in the elderly arise mainly as a result of harmful daily lifestyle behavior and poor eating habits. The aim of this multidisciplinary study was to assess and correlate carotid artery resistance and functional autonomy in elderly women. A descriptive, exploratory cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample comprising 27 women, enrolled in pastoral programs in the city of Teresina, Brazil. Carotid artery resistance was assessed by a high-resolution Doppler ultrasound device and functional autonomy was evaluated through five protocol tests of the Latin American Development Group for the Elderly (GDLAM), simulating activities of daily life. The data were analyzed by the Shapiro-Wilk test and the correlation by Spearman s test, considering a p-value of <0.05. The sample consisted of women with mean age and standard deviation of (68.67 ± 4.52) years, respectively and carotid resistance index of (0.71 ± 0.07). The general index value of functional autonomy classified the elderly of the study group as weak in the performance of activities of daily living (30.46 ± 6.31). The general index of functional autonomy showed a high level of sedentary behavior in the group studied (p < 0.01). The sample was classified as weak in the performance of activities of daily life. The correlation coefficient between the carotid resistance index and the general GDLAM index was r = 0.998 and p = 0.000, showing a significant correlation. The elderly women assessed had a high carotid artery resistance index and low functional autonomy; a positive correlation was found between the dependent variables studied. To perform this study we formed a team composed of a nurse, who helped in organizing the sample and performing the examinations; a radiologist, who conducted the Doppler examinations; an angiologist, who collaborated in interpreting examination data; in addition to two physical education professors and two physical therapists, who applied the functional autonomy tests and conducted the 34 research along elderly health lines, contributing thus to the multidisciplinary character, fundamental for carrying out the study
The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of an aerobic exercise program on the internal right carotid resistive index (IRCRI) and the functional autonomy levels of elderly women. The sample was composed of 25 elderly sedentary women, aged between 60 and 75 years, allocated into two groups: an experimental group consisting of 14 women submitted to aerobic treatment and a control group (n=11). Carotid artery resistance assessment was conducted using Doppler ultrasound and functional autonomy by the following tests: 10m walk (10mW), rising from a sitting position (RSP), rising from a chair and moving about the house (RCMH), rising from the ventral decubitus position (RVDP) and putting on and removing a t-shirt (PRTS). Aerobic training consisted of walking 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, for 3 months. To control the intensity of the walk, the index of perceived exertion was used, with standardized Borg scale values corresponding to 13-15 points, characterized as slightly tiring exercise with training heart rate (TRH) between 50% and 80% of heart rate reserve (HRR). Repeated measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. Compared to the control, the experimental group obtained a statistically significant decrease in right internal carotid resistance (p = 0.021) and a significant increase in the following tests: 10mW (p=0.000), RSP (p=0.035) and RCMH (p=0.016). These results suggest that engaging in aerobic exercises was effective in decreasing IRCRI and improving functional autonomy inelderly women
Analisar, em pacientes submetidos a simpaticotomia videotoracoscópica para tratamento da Hiperidrose Primária (HP), as conseqüências hemodinâmicas da desnervação vascular das artérias carótidas e vertebrais após a trans-secção cirúrgica da cadeia simpática torácica (simpaticotomia), através da mensuração de parâmetros ultra-sonográficos. Método: Vinte e quatro pacientes portadores de HP submetidos a quarenta e oito simpaticotomias torácicas endoscópicas foram avaliados através da mensuração da velocidade de pico sistólico (VPS), velocidade de pico diastólico (VPD), índice de pulsatibilidade (IP) e índice de resistência (IR) nas artérias carótidas comuns, internas e externas, além da artéria vertebral bilateralmente usando o eco-doppler duplex scan. As avaliações foram realizadas antes da intervenção cirúrgica e trinta dias após o procedimento. O teste de Wilcoxon foi usado na análise das diferenças entre as variáveis antes e depois da simpaticotomia. Resultados: A simpaticotomia no nível de T3 foi a trans-secção mais realizada (95,83%), seja isoladamente (25%) ou associada a T4 (62,50%) ou a T2 (8,33%). Houve aumento significativo no IR e no IP da artéria carótida comum bilateralmente (p<0,05). A VPD da artéria carótida interna diminuiu em ambos os lados (p<0,05). A VPS e a VPD da artéria vertebral direita também aumentaram (p<0,05). Achados assimétricos foram observados, de modo que artérias do lado direito foram as mais freqüentemente afetadas. Conclusões: Alterações hemodinâmicas foram observadas nas artérias vertebral e carótida após simpaticotomia para tratamento de HP. VPS foi o parâmetro mais freqüentemente alterado, principalmente nas artérias do lado direito, representando alterações assimétricas significantes nas artérias carótida e vertebral. Entretanto, são necessárias pesquisas subseqüentes para verificar se essas alterações são definitivas ou temporárias, uma vez que as inferências clínicas somente terão validação se as alterações forem permanentes
Analisar, em pacientes submetidos a simpaticotomia videotoracoscópica para tratamento da Hiperidrose Primária (HP), as conseqüências hemodinâmicas da desnervação vascular das artérias carótidas e vertebrais após a trans-secção cirúrgica da cadeia simpática torácica (simpaticotomia), através da mensuração de parâmetros ultra-sonográficos. Método: Vinte e quatro pacientes portadores de HP submetidos a quarenta e oito simpaticotomias torácicas endoscópicas foram avaliados através da mensuração da velocidade de pico sistólico (VPS), velocidade de pico diastólico (VPD), índice de pulsatibilidade (IP) e índice de resistência (IR) nas artérias carótidas comuns, internas e externas, além da artéria vertebral bilateralmente usando o eco-doppler duplex scan. As avaliações foram realizadas antes da intervenção cirúrgica e trinta dias após o procedimento. O teste de Wilcoxon foi usado na análise das diferenças entre as variáveis antes e depois da simpaticotomia. Resultados: A simpaticotomia no nível de T3 foi a trans-secção mais realizada (95,83%), seja isoladamente (25%) ou associada a T4 (62,50%) ou a T2 (8,33%). Houve aumento significativo no IR e no IP da artéria carótida comum bilateralmente (p<0,05). A VPD da artéria carótida interna diminuiu em ambos os lados (p<0,05). A VPS e a VPD da artéria vertebral direita também aumentaram (p<0,05). Achados assimétricos foram observados, de modo que artérias do lado direito foram as mais freqüentemente afetadas. Conclusões: Alterações hemodinâmicas foram observadas nas artérias vertebral e carótida após simpaticotomia para tratamento de HP. VPS foi o parâmetro mais freqüentemente alterado, principalmente nas artérias do lado direito, representando alterações assimétricas significantes nas artérias carótida e vertebral. Entretanto, são necessárias pesquisas subseqüentes para verificar se essas alterações são definitivas ou temporárias, uma vez que as inferências clínicas somente terão validação se as alterações forem permanentes
Trata-se de um caso clínico que teve como objetivo traçar diagnósticos, intervenções e resultados de enfermagem em um paciente com Síndrome de Marfan internado na unidade de terapia intensiva no pós-operatório de correção de aneurisma de aorta. Foi desenvolvido em um Hospital Universitário, localizado no município de Natal-Brasil, em abril de 2011. Entre os principais diagnósticos de enfermagem identificados, destaca-se: Débito Cardíaco Diminuído; Risco de Infecção; Dor Aguda; Risco de Glicemia Instável; Integridade da Pele Prejudicada e Ansiedade. Percebeu-se que a aplicação do processo de enfermagem neste paciente contribuiu para delimitar o campo de atuação específico da enfermagem, bem como identificar os cuidados prioritários, contribuindo para uma melhoria na qualidade da assistência
Globalization, which increased the market to a position of competition and change never before experienced, also imposed a series of changes that have transformed the social systems, organizations increasingly complex. In this scenario, communication has received attention from modern managers. Research indicates that some sectors of activity, more than others, rely on communication as a tool for achieving their goals. The tourism sector, located in the service segment is configured as one of these activities, which the hotel is part of the composite product. With the intention to acknowledge these aspects in this study sought to analyze the characteristics of internal communication in a hotel project in the managerial perspective. To try to answer this purpose we constructed a framework based on authors that discuss organizational communication, internal communication and hotel businesses. For the purpose of research was chosen a unit of study to assess the views of managers regarding the issue. In the unit studied was sought to apprehend these meanings through interviews with a group of managers in the organization and analysis of documents. Data were analyzed through content analysis of Bardin (1977), with the technique of categorical analysis, as it sought to capture aspects that allow the description of the contents of the messages. The results pointed to an organizational reality based heavily on orality, who lives constantly with noise and using communication to regulate behavior. With little or no reflection on managerial communication inferred that subordinates should not absorb the message completely, a phenomenon that can not be responsible for the complete fulfillment thereof. Moreover, it was realized that the organization studied did not plan your communication, since, yet the views as a strategic tool to achieve your goals
The present study compose an analysis on the process of internal communication at a public organization, built on the survey data originary of administrative conduct, observation on the cultural model of the organization and how the interdepartmental and interpersonal relations shows up. The research, exploratory descriptive kind, had theoretical basis on two knowledge areas Administrative Science and Social Communication and was developed at Instituto do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Meio Ambiente IDEMA, in Rio Grande do Norte. During data collection, were conducted spontaneous and semi structured interviews with directors and coordinators, besides the application of directed questionnaire to functionaries in two unites of the institution. Through the analysis and interpretation of the data, we came to the conclusion that the process of internal communication at a public organization fall in with same challenges of private organizations, but with peculiarities that attracts the scientific look specially, in concern of the attitude assumed by the administrators in the conduction of communication functions inside the organization, the profile of social actor and the communication channels used. Although the organizational communication represents more and more a strategic function, as an administration tool, the point that research gets to shows that in public organizations the communication refrains from administrative purpose and with the major objective of giving publicity to the institutional acts and actions
We developed an assay methodology that considered the temperature variation and the scanning electron microscopy as a method to quantify and characterize respectively the consumption evolution in three 46 LA machines, with internal combustion and two-stroke engines, 7.64 cm3 cylinder capacity, 23.0 millimeters diameter and 18.4 millimeters course, RPM service from 2.000 to 16.000 rpm, 1.2 HP power, and 272 grams weight. The investigated engines components were: (1) head of the engine (Al-Si alloy), (2) piston (Al-Si alloy) and (3) piston pin (AISI 52100 steel). The assays were carried out on a desktop; engines 1 and 2 were assayed with no load, whereas in two assays of engine 3 we added a fan with wind speed that varied from 8.10 m/s to 11.92 m/s, in order to identify and compare the engine dynamic behavior as related to the engines assayed with no load. The temperatures of the engine s surface and surroundings were measured by two type K thermopairs connected to the assay device and registered in a microcomputer with data recording and parameters control and monitoring software, throughout the assays. The consumed surface of the components was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microanalysis-EDS. The study was complemented with shape deformation and mass measurement assays. The temperature variation was associated with the oxides morphology and the consumption mechanisms were discussed based on the relation between the thermal mechanical effects and the responses of the materials characterization