8 resultados para Advanced cardiac life support

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The attention with safety of the patients is important in the quality of the nursing and health care. In the pre-hospital care, such care is essential on site with the purpose of avoiding possible consequences to the individual, ensuring a fast and appropriate care, with improvement of the morbidity and reduction of the mortality. This medical attention is equally associated with the significant risks of adverse events and serious mistakes, which can be reduced with the awareness of the professionals, organization and quality management. It is a descriptive, transversal research, of quantitative approach, with the objective of identifying the risks for the safety of the patient during the mobile pre-hospital care under the view of the nurses, in a city of the Brazilian Northeast. The sample was formed by 23 nurses. The inclusion criteria: to have at least two years of experience and accept to participate on the research. The data collection was done in two steps, first photo collection, through the adapted method of photographic analysis, and the second with the application of questionnaire, divide in two parts: socio-professional data and digital photo punctuation instrument of the patient s safety. The majority of the nurses had an average working time in the mobile pre-hospital care of six years and six months, in the age group of 38 to 53 years old (69,56%) and with Lato sensu specialization (73,91%), being (29,41%) emergency and (29,41%) in intensive care. The (74%) have the Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and (100%) have the Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS); (91, 30%) know the thematic safety of the patient. On the pictures it was observed a bigger variability of the categories (risks) where 44% of variance emerged on the first picture of the research. The pictures 4 and 9 with the average below 5 were classified as very insecure, while pictures 7 and 3 with an average above 7, very secure. On the results of risks observed for the patient s safety in the mobile pre-hospital care five categories emerged: organization and packaging of the equipment and materials, routines and specificities in the mobile pre-hospital care, risks on the management of medications, for traumas and infections. Starting from the analysis of these risks, it was proposed ten steps for the safety in the mobile pre-hospital care: 1- Identify the patient; 2- Safety related to prevention of infection; 3- Safety in the management of medications; 4- Safety and standardization of the packaging of equipment and materials; 5- Attention to the specificities of the mobile pre-hospital care; 6- Incentive and value the participation of the patient and family; 7- Promote the communication with the central of regulation; 8- Prevention of traumas and falls; 9- Protect the skin from additional injuries; 10- Understand the benefit of all the equipment in the ambulance. The multiple risks and their emerged combinations on the research indicate a variety of actions to be developed and stimulated, like the use of steps for the patient s safety in the mobile pre-hospital care which contributes with the aid and management of risks, reduction of mistakes, disabilities and death


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The struggle against AIDS is a kind of action in favor of life and the organized Brazilian civil society incorporated it in a meaningful dimension. This struggle matured the creation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and advanced with the discoveries about the disease. Since the very early 90 s, the consolidation of the partnership involving the movement anti-aids with State came up with a dilemma for the entities of civil society: are they just executors of governmental policies or do they take up the role of effective demands concerning public policies? Since then, activism against aids started to stand for execution of projects and one considers that the institutional way of anti-aids work has problems because it constructs a basic strategy to take off the political aspect of the third sector. The NGOs/aids consolidate the reconfiguration of capital and get far from street activities. This is important to be studied because the relationship between society and aids, contemporarily, can prevent them from accomplishing their agenda referring to political mobilization and collective resistance. This research started to be carried after some visits, previously arranged, to an institutional life support group called Grupo de Apoio à Vida-GAV, in Campina Grande. A semi-structured interview was applied to 31 users and to 6 technicians of the entity mentioned. One aimed at investigating the activist anti-aids practice, identifying the conceptions of activism and knowing how social actors assess those practices. Preliminary results indicate that one of the conceptions on activism among the interviewees refers to the execution of projects through partnership of NGOs and supporting institutions, governmental or non-governmental. Although this new conception on activism consolidates a non-political aspect, there are other ways of executing projects and participating actively, according to some users, such as: meetings, lectures and other sorts of events promoted by the group, which are also legitimate actions representing anti-aids activism at the present context


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The sizing of nursing human resources is an essential management tool to meet the needs of the patients and the institution. Regarding to the Intensive Care Unit, where the most critical patients are treated and the most advanced life-support equipments are used, requiring a high number of skilled workers, the use of specific indicators to measure the workload of the team becomes necessary. The Nursing Activities Score is a validated instrument for measuring nursing workload in the Intensive Care Unit that has demonstrated effectiveness. It is a cross-sectional study with the primary objective of assessing the workload of nursing staff in an adult Intensive Care Unit through the application of the Nursing Activities Score. The study was conducted in a private hospital specialized in the treatment of patients with cancer, which is located in the city of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte – Brazil). The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the hospital (Protocol number 558.799; CAAE 24966013.7.0000.5293). For data collection, a form of sociodemographic characteristics of the patients was used; the Nursing Activities Score was used to identify the workload of nursing staff; and the instrument of Perroca, which classifies patients and provides data related to the their need for nursing care, was also used. The collected data were analyzed using a statistical package. The categorical variables were described by absolute and relative frequency, while the number by median and interquartile range. Considering the inferential approach, the Spearman test, the Wald chi-square, Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney test were used. The statistically significant variables were those with p values <0.05. The evaluation of the overall averages of NAS, considering the first 15 days of hospitalization, was performed by the analysis of Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE), with adjust for the variable length of hospitalization. The sample consisted of 40 patients, in the period of June to August 2014. The results showed a mean age of 62,1 years (±23,4) with a female predominance (57,5%). The most frequent type of treatment was clinical (60,0%), observing an average stay of 6,9 days (±6,5). Considering the origin, most patients (35%) came from the Surgical Center. There was a mortality rate of 27,5%. 277 measures of NAS score and Perroca were performed, and the averages of 69,8% (±24,1) and 22,7% (±4.2) were obtained, respectively. There was an association between clinical outcome and value of the Nursing Activities Score in 24 hours (p <0.001), and between the degree of dependency of patients and nursing workload (rp 0,653, p<0,001). The achieved workload of the nursing staff, in the analyzed period, was presented high, showing that hospitalized patients required a high demand for care. These findings create subsidies for sizing of staff and allocation of human resources in the sector, in order to achieve greater safety and patient satisfaction as a result of intensive care, as well as an environment conducive to quality of life for the professionals


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To acting in emergencies it is important that health professionals develop specific and differentiated skills, which shows us the importance of training in emergency planning. So undergraduate courses in medicine and nursing should encourage the development of these skills and evaluate them through various instruments targeted to the different fields. The aim of this study was to implement an optional and interprofessional curricular component, focusing on interprofessional education in pre-hospital emergency for medical and nursing courses Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This is an exploratory descriptive study, with 24 medical and nursing graduates of last year undergraduate of supervised training, who underwent theoretical and practical training in the care of pre-hospital emergency services. There were theoretical and practical lessons per week for one school semester, taught by doctors and nurses of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS), where the topics discussed were: basic and advanced life support, safe transport in clinical emergencies, trauma, gynecological, obstetric, pediatric and psychiatric diseases, and have been carried out practical activities in ambulances. The students were evaluated by pre-test, post-test and practical stations made through the Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE), in the skills laboratory of the Health Sciences Center. During the activities the students were encouraged to critical and reflective thinking, highlighting the importance of integration between the various health care professionals. It was observed that 88% of the students had a score increase over the pre-test. In the evaluation process carried out by medical students and nursing UFRN have similar expectations regarding the essential skills acquired during the training activity. The results of this study will form the basis for the organization of interprofessional education activity in pre-hospital emergency medical students and nursing, as well as helped to organize practices stations, identifying basic clinical skills, and implementing student assessment tools UFRN.


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Studies have shown that resident informally plays the role of teacher. It is estimated that up to 25% of the residents of the time is devoted to teaching, mainly contributing as a facilitator, however, almost the entire medical residency programs in Brazil did not offer teacher training during residency education. This paper aims to introduce educational content initiation to teaching as part of the training of resident physician inserted in residency program of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL). It is an exploratory, descriptive and prospective study in HUOL the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Three steps were developed: preparation and planning of a pedagogic course, associated with a motivating technical content (basic and advanced life support); second stage, testing of pedagogical model for medical students; and finally, replication to residents. The interventions were made two practice stations life support with performance evaluation in practical activity through OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination). The techniques presented teachings were one-minute preceptor and feedback. Data collection was conducted through a structured evaluation form during the life support stations and at the end of the course, and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the feedback and one minute preceptor were considered important for teaching and learning for more than 85% of participants. The feedback from evaluators practices stations added information about the performance and were held appreciatively way, according to 100% of the participants. Positive aspects highlighted by the participants were related to educational content, especially the participants of the first intervention. The time of the lectures of motivating technical content was the most repeated negative. Based on the good acceptance of pedagogical contents, this pioneer teacher training strategy was included in the formal residency program in Cardiology of our institution. It is considered therefore that the educational training model with motivating technical content was feasible and had a good evaluation and acceptance by most participants in both interventions. Thus, we believe that the educational content can be inserted in the formal curriculum of medical residency of other programs at HUOL through the training model developed in this study.


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Studies have shown that resident informally plays the role of teacher. It is estimated that up to 25% of the residents of the time is devoted to teaching, mainly contributing as a facilitator, however, almost the entire medical residency programs in Brazil did not offer teacher training during residency education. This paper aims to introduce educational content initiation to teaching as part of the training of resident physician inserted in residency program of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL). It is an exploratory, descriptive and prospective study in HUOL the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Three steps were developed: preparation and planning of a pedagogic course, associated with a motivating technical content (basic and advanced life support); second stage, testing of pedagogical model for medical students; and finally, replication to residents. The interventions were made two practice stations life support with performance evaluation in practical activity through OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination). The techniques presented teachings were one-minute preceptor and feedback. Data collection was conducted through a structured evaluation form during the life support stations and at the end of the course, and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the feedback and one minute preceptor were considered important for teaching and learning for more than 85% of participants. The feedback from evaluators practices stations added information about the performance and were held appreciatively way, according to 100% of the participants. Positive aspects highlighted by the participants were related to educational content, especially the participants of the first intervention. The time of the lectures of motivating technical content was the most repeated negative. Based on the good acceptance of pedagogical contents, this pioneer teacher training strategy was included in the formal residency program in Cardiology of our institution. It is considered therefore that the educational training model with motivating technical content was feasible and had a good evaluation and acceptance by most participants in both interventions. Thus, we believe that the educational content can be inserted in the formal curriculum of medical residency of other programs at HUOL through the training model developed in this study.


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O The aim of this study was to characterize the occurrence of trauma in the elderly population served by the mobile pre-hospital service, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. This is a descriptive, transversal and quantitative approach and whose population consisted of 2,080 trauma victims. The sample, of systematic random type, consisted of 400 elderly people, aged from 60 years old, assisted by the Office of Mobile Emergency in Natal / RN, between January 2011 and December 2012. Data collection began after consent and assent of the institution of a Research Ethics Committee under No. 309 505. It was proceeded to documentary retrospective analysis of records of this service through a form of self-development, validated by expert judges considered reliable (α> 0.75) and valid (CVI = 0.97) in their clarity and relevance. Data were tabulated by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 20.0. The results show that older victims have an average age of 74.19 years old, with a prevalence of female involvement by chronic diseases, especially hypertension, average usage of 2.2 routine medications with vital signs within normal limits. The trauma prevailed during the daytime, in the residence of the victims, north of the city and on weekends. Among the mechanisms of trauma were falls, traffic accidents and physical aggression, whose most common type was brain-cerebral trauma and the main consequences were suture wounds and closed fractures. Basic Support Units were as more driven to pre-hospital care (87.8%) and the main destination place consisted of a referral hospital for emergency of the state (57.5%). Among the most commonly performed procedures by nursing staff immobilization with rigid board and neck collar and the peripheral venipuncture, and the main component used for volume replacement to saline were highlighted. There was a significant relationship between the deaths and the mechanism of injury, mechanism of injury and procedures, except medication administration procedures carried out, except immobilization and unit for service. It is highlighted the prevalence of trauma in the elderly, poor follow-up Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support protocol and the paucity of records and nursing procedures performed. There is need for a protocol of care specific to elderly trauma victims and education strategies for the prevention of such events


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It is undeniable that all the extraordinary technological advances in contemporary society have increased the severe patients expectation and quality of life, especially cancer patients. On the other hand, it is easily verifiable by many researches that it was not possible to advance in the same proportion in caring for the human experience of death. Much is said about the anguish of a man facing death, of cancer patients in terminal stage, about their families, and very little about the feelings, anxieties and ways of coping with the medical professional who deals with this situation, specifically the clinical oncologist. Little is known about the experience of the doctor who has learned to take death as an enemy to be defeated, and increasingly is compelled to live at length with his advertisement. However, we started to watch in recent years a growing interest of researchers in this issue. This study seeks to add to this interest in order to understand the experience of clinical oncologists that accompany dying patients, the meanings they attach to death, ways of coping and the implications for providing care. This is a qualitative study in which was used as a tool for data collection an in-depth interview with the projective using script and scenes. Gadameriana Hermeneutics was used for analysis and interpretation of narratives. The subjects were 10 clinical oncologists who work at two institutions from cancer treatments in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, chosen from a variation in the time working in the specialty (minimum of one year, even old ones). However, you can bring some initial results for the dialogue. It was found that the death is still a topic that causes many difficulties in the daily lives of these professionals, the choice for oncology involves dealing with death without preparation in medical education; being close to the patient in the final moment, supporting the family, coping with own pain of loss and the inability to heal. These are central elements of the narratives. We also have investment in medical training and continuing education in setting up a demand that permeates the discourse of participants. Being able to listen to the subjective world of clinical oncologists will support the work not only for them as other professionals who deal with patients with advanced cancer, providing evidence to understand to what extent the meanings attributed to its know-how before patients on the verge of death interfere with the production of care and allow identify coping strategies in everyday life of these professionals that hinder or facilitate coping with death, promote or preclude the care with others and with themselves. It is hoped that research can contribute to the field of knowledge about the know-how in clinical oncology and their terminal-care-death oncologist-patient relationships, bringing runways capable of promoting a better quality of care in the production of all involved in this process: professionals, patients and families