6 resultados para Administração e organização escolar - Mato Grosso
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The present study examined the relations of power in the management of the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy, including the deliberate decisions on the School Council and School Fund, which guided the organization of the school. We sought to understand the management models that influenced the school organization, promoting contradictions in the decision making process. The school management is intensely marked by management models from the business logics as in the case of managerialism of bureaucracy. The formulation of educational policies based on managerialism has proposed a school-centered management with intense accountability of the school community in planning and monitoring the public services. The influences of these models subsidize hierarchical power relations that undermine the actions of decision-making of the collegiate bodies for the democratization of school management. To develop a research on the power, the investigation was based on studies of Bourdieu and Foucault. These authors understand the power in a relational system in a double sense, both in terms of discipline and the possibility of resistance. A theoreticalmethodological matrix was developed focusing on literature review, document analysis, structured interviews with twelve representatives of the segments belonging to the School Council and School Fund, as well as observations in meetings with the production of field notes. It was found that power relations experienced in the organization and activities of the school boards are marked by changes in public management over the years, promoting the contradictions between the concepts of corporate management originated in the business logics and the perspective of democratic management subsidized by official legislative documents at the national and state levels. The observations in meetings and analysis of the records showed that representatives related to management (president and manager of the school) have a privileged position with regard to exposure of their propositions, and are more likely to take a position in the political game of the collegiate bodies of work. It was also seen that the irregularity of meetings, particularly of the School Fund meetings, limits the experience of operation of the representatives in discussions concerning the planning and monitoring the actions of school management. Reports from representatives of the School Council showed that certain segments related to the management recognize their power of decision, however others have little interfere in the decision-making process in order to expound the desires of those who are represented by them. In the School Fund, the analysis of the records and interviews showed restricted moments of the meeting of representatives, and these only being aimed at choice or approval of the implementation plan prepared by the school management. The results showed no indications of moments of reflection to study the best chance for applicability of resources. This collegiate body (School Fund) has a questionable action when planning and monitoring the applicability of the financial resources of the School. To sum up, it was found that the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy still lives hierarchical power relations that undermine the institutionalization of democratic management in the various representative segments may take place in the game of political decision-making processes necessary for the organization of the school
La recherche propose un nouveau regard sur l Institution Scolaire École Doméstica de Natal, en essayant de tenir compte de la multiplicité des auteurs et des pratiques développées à l école qui définissaient le mieux et expliquaient les phénomènes de cette réalité éducative et des rapports avec le temps et le lieu où elle s insérait. Pour ce faire, les concepts de mémoire et culture scolaire ont été fondamentaux pour la compréhension de ces pratiques, parce qu ils ont contribué à notre lecture historique-culturelle de l ensemble d aspects institutionnalisés à l école, comme son curriculum, ses finalités, ses façons d enseigner et d apprendre, ses règles de conduite, ses normes, enfin, ce qui caractérisait son organisation et ses pratiques quotidiennes. C était l École Doméstica de Natal l institution pionnière dans le modèle d éducation féminine au Brésil, nous le reconnaissons en priorité et nous visons à le circonscrire à son indélébile contribution à l Histoire de l Éducation de Rio Grande do Norte. Conçue par un modèle d organisation scolaire européen pour l éducation féminine, l École Doméstica de Natal a été inaugurée en 1914, en ayant comme créateur l intelectuel de Rio Grande do Norte Henrique Castriciano de Souza. Sa singularité, s opposant aux écoles féminines existantes au Rio Grande do Norte et au Brésil en ce temps-là, était dû au modèle scolaire adopté, qui appuyait sur la formation d une femme préparée à répondre aux aspirations modernes surgissant avec l avènement de la République. Ce contexte exigeait de l école la formation d un modèle de femme dans les aspects moral, physique, culturel et intelectuel modelés sur les idéaux de l ordre et du progrès. Ce serait une nouvelle méthode d éducation scolaire qui pourrait favoriser la modernisation des anciennes méthodes d enseignement, provoquant le surgissement de modèles qui impliqueraient une nouvelle organisation pédagogique aux écoles de l`État et conduiraient la ville à de nouveaux et hauts paliers de culture et civilité. Avec cela, l école contribuerait à ce que la femme joue un rôle dans la société d une manière plus active, sociale et mieux adaptée. Les mots ordre, nouveau, civilité, moderne et progrès se répandaient et s entrecroisaient avec des valeurs archaïques toujours permanentes et enracinées dans la vision de vie et l idée de monde d alors. Ainsi, on voyait que l École Doméstica était une institution modèle, spécifique dans sa fonction, qui apporterait à la ville et, particulièrement au Rio Grande do Norte, des idées de civilité, ordre et progrès
Tangara da Serra is located on southwestern Mato Grosso and is found to be on the route of pollutants dispersion originated in the Legal Amazon s deforestation area. This region has also a wide area of sugarcane culture, setting this site quite exposed to atmospheric pollutants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genotoxicity of three different concentrations of organic particulate matter which was collected from August through December / 2008 in Tangara da Serra, using micronucleus test in Tradescantia pallida (Trad-MCN). The levels of particulate matter less than 10μm (MP10) and black carbon (BC) collected on the Teflon and polycarbonate filters were determined as well. Also, the alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were identified and quantified on the samples from the burning period by gas chromatography detector with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The results from the analyzing of alkanes indicate an antropic influence. Among the PAHs, the retene was the one found on the higher quantity and it is an indicator of biomass burning. The compounds indene(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and benzo(k)fluoranthene were identified on the samples and are considered to be potentially mutagenic and carcinogenic. By using Trad-MCN, it was observed a significant increase on the micronucleus frequency during the burning period, and this fact can be related to the mutagenic PAHs which were found on such extracts. When the period of less burnings is analyzed and compared to the negative control group, it was noted that there was no significant difference on the micronuclei rate. On the other hand, when the higher burning period is analyzed, statistically significant differences were evident. This study showed that the Trad-MCN was sensible and efficient on evaluating the genotoxicity potencial of organic matter from biomass burning, and also, emphasizes the importance of performing a chemical composition analysis in order to achieve a complete diagnosis on environmental risk control
The scope of this study directs an investigation in search of how the blind person learns knowledge at school mediated by the image in context of an inclusive education and how it can be (or is) triggered by the adaptation of images to the tactile seizure of the blind person and his correlative process of reading. To achieve this intent we choose a qualitative approach of research and opted for the modality of case study, based on the empirical field of a public school in the city of Cruzeta, RN and as a the main subject a congenitally blind female student enrolled in high school there, focusing, often, on the discipline of geography in its words mapping. Our procedures for construction of data are directly involved to the documentary analysis of open reflective interview and observation. The base guiding theory of our assessments is located in the current understanding about the human psychological development of its educational process inside an inclusive perspective, of contemporary conceptions about the visual disability as well of image as a cultural product. Accordingly, the human person is a concrete subject, whose development is deeply marked by the culture, historically built by human society. This subject regardless of his specific features, grasping the world in an interactive and immediate way, internalising and producing culture. In this thinking, we believe that the blind person perceives in multiple senses the stimuli of his environment and acts in the world toward his integration into the social environment. The image as a product of culture, historically and socially determined, appears as a sign conventionally used as an icon that in itself concentrates knowledge of which the student who does not realize visually himself and his surroundings cannot be excluded. In this direction, the inclusive educational process must build conditions of access to knowledge for all students without distinction, including access to the interpretation of the images originally intended for the seizure strictly visual to other perceptive models. Based in this theory and adopting principles of content analysis, we circulated inside the interpretation of the data constructed from the analysis of documents, from the subject speeches, from records of the observation made in the classroom and other notes of the field daily. In the search for pictures on the school contents, adapted to the tactile seizure of blind student, was seen little and not systematic in practice and teaching at the school. It showed us the itinerary of the student life marked by a succession of supports, most of the time inappropriate and pioneers in cooling the construction of her autonomy. It also showed us the tensions and contradictions of a school environment, supposedly inclusive, that stumbles in search of its intent, in the attitudinal and cumulative barriers brought, because of its aggravating maintenance. These findings arose of crossing data around of a categorization that gives importance to 1) Concepts regarding the school inclusion, 2) Elements of the school organization, educational proposal and teaching practice, 3) Meaning of the visual image as the object of knowledge, 4) Perception in multiple senses and 5) Development and learning of the blind person before impositions of the social environment. In light of these findings we infer that it must be guaranteed to the disabled person removal of the attitudinal barriers that are against his full development and the construction of his autonomy. In that sense, should be given opportunity to the student with visual disability, similarly to all students, not only access to school, but also the dynamics of a school life efficient, that means the seizure of knowledge in all its modalities, including the imagery. To that end, there is a need of the continued training of teachers, construction of a support network in response to all needs of students, and the opportunity to development of reading skills beyond a perspective eminently focused in the sight
Hybrids among transgenic plants and related species are expected to occur if they are sympatric and when there are not crossing barriers; as is the case, in Brazil, of cry1Ac transgenic cotton and Gossypium barbadense. This species has been maintained as dooryard plants, and should be preserved as a genetic resource. Hybrids were evaluated about traits related to fitness, leading to infer about its chances of survivor and selection. A barbadense genotype collected at the state of Mato Grosso was outcrossed to the variety DP 404, containing the gene cry1Ac, and to the isoline DP 404. All the F1 individuals and 122 among 170 F2 individuals expressed the toxin, and presented levels of resistance to pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) and cotton leafworm (Alabama argillacea) equivalent to the transgenic parent and superior to the isoline, barbadense or non transgenic hybrids. The percentage of germination and number of days to germinate did not differ among genotypes. Anthesis of the first flower and opening of the first cotton boll occurred earlier for herbaceous cotton and F1 hybrids than F2 population in average; all the populations presented a number of days to flower and opening of the first boll smaller then barbadense. The highest plants were barbadenses, and herbaceus the smallest, with F1 and F2 populations presenting intermediary heights. The number of seeds per plants were superior for F1 hybrids an herbaceous cotton, F2 populations were in average intermediary; the barbadense genotype produced the smallest number of seeds per plant. Pink bollworm, mainly, and also cotton leafworm, are important barbadense pests, so the transgene positive effect could favor the selection of hybrids, and hence G. hirsutum genome, against the maintenance of pure G. barbadense genome. The selection may be influenced by the plant uses: the smaller size of hybrids when compared to the barbadense may lead them to be differentiated from these parents to which medicinal properties are attributed; on the other hand, the greater boll production may favor hybrids maintenance with the purpose of producing lamp wicks, or use as an ornamental or swab
Pastorais, Bailes Pastoris, Festa da Lapinha, Terno de Reis, Pastor, Pastoril Religioso ou Profano... Pastoris do Norte e Nordeste brasileiro. M ário de Andrade designou-o de Pastoril, folguedo de origem ibérica, tendo sua raiz primeira nos villancico. Considerando que o Pastoril é um folguedo popular, porque nele seus participantes engajam sua vida pessoal, sua cultura e suas influências, revelando modos de ser e compreender, que são interiorizados pelos brincantes a partir da vivência de seu contexto social múltiplo e de diferentes sentidos, é que situamos esse folguedo no mundo vivido fenomenológico. A investigação é de natureza fenomenológica, elucidando os elementos citados como cenário do vivido e do sensível. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo refletir sobre a compreensão de corpo encontrado nos pastoris norteriograndenses