100 resultados para Administração de projetos - Avaliação

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Due to the fact of oral health sector reestructuration within Brazilian public health politics, this work had the object of evaluating, under users point of view, the accessibility to oral health services in Santa Cruz (RN), focusing on the organizational aspect. To achieve this, questionnaires were given to users in their homes, considering the censitary sector. Nine sectors of the urban zone were evaluated, selected by chance, and one from the rural zone, selected by convenience. The sample was composed by 194 users, calculated considering the estimated prevalence of event represented by the indicator I ve never been to the dentist + I ve been to the dentist more than three years ago from the Projeto SB Brasil Report . To complement the results, interviews were made with others actors involved in the process of oral health care: professionals (dentists) and manager (Health Municipal Secretary). From the data obtained it was possible to identify that 12,9% of the population had never visited the dentist, and that the search for the service was not influenced by the users individual and socioeconomics characteristics, excepting the gender. It was verified that 36,1% of the users went to the dentist in less than one year, with the youngests (p<0,05) being among those who went to the dentist more frequently. 63,3% of the interviewed related that they found some kind of difficulty when they search for dentistry services, with the difficulties for schedule, the queues and the long wait among the most cited. It was identified that 43,2% of the users wait three weeks or more for the appointment. It is still pointed out that 71,4% of the interviewed find difficulties to get urgency appointment, the long wait to be attended by the dentist was the most found. 92,9% and 94,1% of the interviewed had never been headed to especialized appointments and complementary exams, respectively. Due to the data founded, it was possible to verify that the accessibility to oral health services in Santa Cruz (RN) is damaged by factors related to the organization of public polices developed, mainly in relation to the working process


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Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the accessibility to oral health services in Santa Cruz (RN), focusing on the organizational aspect which is characterized by variables like delay in getting consultation, waiting lines, difficulty scheduling appointments, lack of material, among others. Material and Methods: For such purpose, questionnaires were addressed to 194 users’ houses based on census tract. Results: It has been found that 12.9% of the population has never gone to the dentist’s office, and that the service demand has not been affected by users’ individual and socioeconomic characteristics, except for gender. Data have revealed that 36.1% of users went to the dentist’s in less than a year. In addition, the youngest users are among those who seek the dentist’s office more frequently (p<0.05). 63.3% of the interviewees have reported they find some kind of difficulty when seek for dental care, and 43.2% of users have waited three weeks or more for assistance. It is also noteworthy that 7.4% of the interviewees have been finding difficulties in getting access to urgency care, and that long wait for the consultation is the most frequently cited matter. Conclusion: It could be verified that accessibility to oral health services in the municipality of Santa Cruz (RN) has been hampered by factors related to public policies organization, especially with regards to the work process.


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Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the accessibility to oral health services in Santa Cruz (RN), focusing on the organizational aspect which is characterized by variables like delay in getting consultation, waiting lines, difficulty scheduling appointments, lack of material, among others. Material and Methods: For such purpose, questionnaires were addressed to 194 users’ houses based on census tract. Results: It has been found that 12.9% of the population has never gone to the dentist’s office, and that the service demand has not been affected by users’ individual and socioeconomic characteristics, except for gender. Data have revealed that 36.1% of users went to the dentist’s in less than a year. In addition, the youngest users are among those who seek the dentist’s office more frequently (p<0.05). 63.3% of the interviewees have reported they find some kind of difficulty when seek for dental care, and 43.2% of users have waited three weeks or more for assistance. It is also noteworthy that 7.4% of the interviewees have been finding difficulties in getting access to urgency care, and that long wait for the consultation is the most frequently cited matter. Conclusion: It could be verified that accessibility to oral health services in the municipality of Santa Cruz (RN) has been hampered by factors related to public policies organization, especially with regards to the work process.


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On the aggravation of social problems and the shortage of resources, the improvement of evaluation methods and control of its application, requiring more efficiency, efficacy, effectiveness and participation in its management, has been growing. As a result, emerges the importance of studying and developing such methodologies. The overall goal of this dissertation is to know what are the difficults to incorporate the point of view of executers and beneficiaries in evaluation process. To do so, has been done a research characterized as qualitative, with a field strategy using the case study of two social projects called Petrobras Child Program, situated in the metropolitan region of Natal, and Content Analysis technique for analyze the data. The conclusions of this work can assist in improving the process of projects evaluation financed by Petrobras, contributing with its social role, besides the possibility of encouraging a greater participation of other society actors, such as beneficiaries, in the evaluation process


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On the aggravation of social problems and the shortage of resources, the improvement of evaluation methods and control of its application, requiring more efficiency, efficacy, effectiveness and participation in its management, has been growing. As a result, emerges the importance of studying and developing such methodologies. The overall goal of this dissertation is to know what are the difficults to incorporate the point of view of executers and beneficiaries in evaluation process. To do so, has been done a research characterized as qualitative, with a field strategy using the case study of two social projects called Petrobras Child Program, situated in the metropolitan region of Natal, and Content Analysis technique for analyze the data. The conclusions of this work can assist in improving the process of projects evaluation financed by Petrobras, contributing with its social role, besides the possibility of encouraging a greater participation of other society actors, such as beneficiaries, in the evaluation process


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This study aimed to measure the perception of maturity project management of state boards of Rio Grande do Norte by the perception of its managers. Argues that project management has been highlighted as a critical factor for the success of any organization, because the projects are directly related to the set of activities that result in organizational innovation as products, services and processes and the improvement of project management is directly aligned with the main pillars of the New Public Management. Methodologically, this is a quantitative research of a descriptive nature in which 161 forms were applied with coordinators and subcoordinators of state departments of Rio Grande do Norte, culminating in a sampling error of less than 6% to 95% confidence according to the procedures finite sampling. The process of tabulation and analysis was done using the package Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 18.0 and worked with techniques such as mean, standard deviation, frequency distributions, cluster analysis and factor analysis. The results indicate that the levels of maturity in project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte is below the national average and that behavioral skills are the main problem for improving management in these departments. It was possible to detect the existence of two groups of different perceptions about the management of projects, indicating, according to the managers, there are islands of excellence in project management in some sectors of the state departments. It was also observed that there are eight factors that affect maturity in project management: Planning and Control , Development of Management Skills , Project Management Environment , Acceptance of the Subject Project Management , Stimulus to Performance , Project Evaluation and Learning , Project Management Office and Visibility of Project Managers . It concludes that the project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte has no satisfactory levels of maturity in project management, affecting the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the state apparatus, which shows that some of the assumptions that guide the New Public Management are not getting the levels of excellence nailed by this management model


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The Triennial Evaluation of Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) is made according to several indicators, divided into several issues and items, and their weights. In these it is evident the importance of scientific periodicals. This study aims to evaluate the relative efficiency of post-graduate students in Business Administration, Accounting and tourism evaluated by CAPES in Brazil. The methodology used the data envelopment analysis - DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The data were obtained from the site and organized by the CAPES Qualis score. The analysis was performed by the DEA variable returns to scale, product-oriented (BCC-O), with data from the three-year periods 2004-2006 and 2007-2009. Among the main results are the average increase significantly the relative efficiency of the programs in the period 2007-2009 compared to 2004-2006 period, the highest average efficiency of programs linked to public institutions in relation to private, doctoral programs with the present average efficiency sharply higher than those only with masters, and senior programs in general were more efficient. There is also moderate and significant correlation between the efficiency scores and concepts CAPES. The Malmquist index analysis showed that more than 85% of programs had increased productivity. It is noteworthy that the main effect that influences the increase of the Malmquist index is the displacement of the border (Frontier-shift)


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The research aimed to evaluate the level of maturity of the project management office of the Public Ministry of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, on the model PMO Maturity Cube. It was based on a theoretical framework that includes project management, project management office and maturity of the project management office. The research was classified as to the purpose as exploratory and descriptive. According to the methods used was a case study, and how to approach is qualitative and quantitative. The research unit was the prosecutor of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, by two guys who represent all of the participants in the project management office of the institution. These subjects were chosen because they act with the office since the foundation of the same, having the knowledge necessary to deepen the research required, and experience with projects and work experience in the area. Data were collected through an adaptation of the evaluation form for the amplitude corporate developed and presented to the scientific environment for Pinto, Cota and Levin (2010). The results revealed that the level of maturity in the current strategic approach is 77%, and 97% desired; tactical approach in current is 66% and 97% desired, and the current operational approach is 78%, and 100% desired. He pointed out that several factors influence the level of maturity of the project management office of the Public Prosecutor and the recurrent related to information technology, regarding the storage and sharing of information. Concluded that the level of maturity of the project management office of the Public Ministry of the State of Rio Grande do Norte is advanced


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Knowledge and innovation were seen as major forces, both for survival, as the acquisition of competitive advantages in the Brazilian economy, as well as adding value to the product as a market differentiator. The Triple Helix model is directed toward the knowledge-based economy. Over the past six years, the Federal Government through the Financier of Studies and Projects ( FINEP ) invested in technological innovation projects, economic subsidies, about U.S. $ 1 billion supporting more than 800 projects with these resources. According to the MCTI , the Northeast, over the years 2000 to 2010 increased spending on Science and Technology (considering the activities of research and development more scientific and related activities) of the State Government in relation to its total revenue In 2000, 0.51% of total revenues were invested in Science & Technology, while in 2010 this figure increased to 1.31%. Among the nine Northeast states, Paraíba is highlighted. In 2000, 0.33% of its total revenues were directed to innovation, reaching 2.04% in 2010, the largest increase in the region while the RN invested 0.24% in 2000 and in 2010 reached the level of 1.42 %. According to IBGE, in the period 2000-2011, the micro and small enterprises surpassed the barrier of 6 million establishments. In 2000, there were 4.2 million establishments while in 2011 were 6.3 million active establishments. Therefore, throughout the period, there was a creation of approximately 2.1 million new establishments. Between 2000 and 2011, micro and small businesses have created 7.0 million formal jobs, 8.6 million jobs in 2000 to 15.6 million in 2011. This scenario shows the importance of this study in relation to the investment of governments in RD & I in micro and small enterprises. This study aims to analyze the interaction Universities - Business - Government in the development of innovation in micro and small companies in Rio Grande do Norte participants of the edicts of Inova FAPERN. We chose to adopt as a research method case study concerning the procedure of the research, exploratory, descriptive, and on documents with engineers and researchers of innovation projects approved by PAPPE Subsidy (Inova -RN I, II and III). Data collection was done through the report made by FAPERN entitled: " Evaluation of companies financed and supported by the Grant Program for Technological Innovation for Micro and Small Enterprises RN - INOVA -RN " (2010) and a questionnaire with 40 closed questions and 1 opened to 30 affirmative composed based on a 5-point Likert scale. The analysis of data was qualitative and quantitative. The study provided to identify the importance and barriers arising from the relation between Government Enterprise (micro and small) and University as essential to the economic development of the region. It was also identified that, in the innovation projects, 70% of the goods or services originating from research were to market these, 50% resulted in a patent for the company and 80% publications of scientific articles


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This paperwork attempts to measure the project management maturity in the State Department of Taxation in Rio Grande do Norte. Project management has shown to be a critical component to any organization success, as the projects are directly related to a set of activities resulting into organizational innovations such as products, services and processes; and its improvement is directly aligned with the strategic management. Methodologically, this paperwork uses both a quantitative and qualitative approach that will be applied to the coordinators, sub-coordinators, and directors of the Regional Offices of the State Department of Taxation. In the theoretical reference it is about the public management and analyzes the strategic management in contemporary public administration. Presents the maturity in project management is by discussing the main models: CMM, Capability Maturity Model; PMMM, Project Management Maturity Model; OPM3, Organization Project Maturity Model and the Prado-MMGP, Modelo de Maturidade em Gerenciamento de Projetos. From this analysis, considering attributes as an aid in taking strategic positioning, access to the model, possibility of benchmarking and continuous improvement, the Prado-MMGP model was the most appropriate for this research process. It has been proved that the State Department of Taxation shows a very low project management maturity level. Regarding the acceptance of the maturity dimensions by the State Department, it is still in an early developmental stage, as one of the dimensions showed a poor performance while the rest showed a regular one. In contrast with similar organizations, the maturity results have shown to be below the national average. The maturity assessment enables in the institution the implementation of a plan for institutional growth with the creation of sector strategic and project management


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Software Repository Mining (MSR) is a research area that analyses software repositories in order to derive relevant information for the research and practice of software engineering. The main goal of repository mining is to extract static information from repositories (e.g. code repository or change requisition system) into valuable information providing a way to support the decision making of software projects. On the other hand, another research area called Process Mining (PM) aims to find the characteristics of the underlying process of business organizations, supporting the process improvement and documentation. Recent works have been doing several analyses through MSR and PM techniques: (i) to investigate the evolution of software projects; (ii) to understand the real underlying process of a project; and (iii) create defect prediction models. However, few research works have been focusing on analyzing the contributions of software developers by means of MSR and PM techniques. In this context, this dissertation proposes the development of two empirical studies of assessment of the contribution of software developers to an open-source and a commercial project using those techniques. The contributions of developers are assessed through three different perspectives: (i) buggy commits; (ii) the size of commits; and (iii) the most important bugs. For the opensource project 12.827 commits and 8.410 bugs have been analyzed while 4.663 commits and 1.898 bugs have been analyzed for the commercial project. Our results indicate that, for the open source project, the developers classified as core developers have contributed with more buggy commits (although they have contributed with the majority of commits), more code to the project (commit size) and more important bugs solved while the results could not indicate differences with statistical significance between developer groups for the commercial project


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Foundations support constitute one of the types of legal entities of private law forged with the purpose of supporting research projects, education and extension and institutional, scientific and technological development of Brazil. Observed as links of the relationship between company, university, and government, foundations supporting emerge in the Brazilian scene from the principle to establish an economic platform of development based on three pillars: science, technology and innovation – ST&I. In applied terms, these ones operate as tools of debureaucratisation making the management between public entities more agile, especially in the academic management in accordance with the approach of Triple Helix. From the exposed, the present study has as purpose understanding how the relation of Triple Helix intervenes in the fund-raising process of Brazilian foundations support. To understand the relations submitted, it was used the interaction models University-Company-Government recommended by Sábato and Botana (1968), the approach of the Triple Helix proposed by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000), as well as the perspective of the national innovation systems discussed by Freeman (1987, 1995), Nelson (1990, 1993) and Lundvall (1992). The research object of this study consists of 26 state foundations that support research associated with the National Council of the State Foundations of Supporting Research - CONFAP, as well as the 102 foundations in support of IES associated with the National Council of Foundations of Support for Institutions of Higher Education and Scientific and Technological Research – CONFIES, totaling 128 entities. As a research strategy, this study is considered as an applied research with a quantitative approach. Primary research data were collected using the e-mail Survey procedure. Seventy-five observations were collected, which corresponds to 58.59% of the research universe. It is considering the use of the bootstrap method in order to validate the use of the sample in the analysis of results. For data analysis, it was used descriptive statistics and multivariate data analysis techniques: the cluster analysis; the canonical correlation and the binary logistic regression. From the obtained canonical roots, the results indicated that the dependency relationship between the variables of relations (with the actors of the Triple Helix) and the financial resources invested in innovation projects is low, assuming the null hypothesis of this study, that the relations of the Triple Helix do not have interfered positively or negatively in raising funds for investments in innovation projects. On the other hand, the results obtained with the cluster analysis indicate that entities which have greater quantitative and financial amounts of projects are mostly large foundations (over 100 employees), which support up to five IES, publish management reports and use in their capital structure, greater financing of the public department. Finally, it is pertinent to note that the power of the classification of the logistic model obtained in this study showed high predictive capacity (80.0%) providing to the academic community replication in environments of similar analysis.


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This dissertation addresses issues considered essential for sustainable development of urban waterfronts and beaches. Many of these spaces, even though they are of public authorities, economic market and general population interests - due to its landscape, its importance for recreation purposes and as a basis of " Sun and beach Tourism " (Turismo de Sol e Praia), among other factors - have shown aesthetic, health and cultural degradation, entailing environmental, economic and social losses and conflicts. Based on this perception, the research aims to understand the main reasons for these negative results for beach spaces. To this end, it was chosen the case study of a typical urban beach, Ponta Negra Beach, located in Natal, RN. Ponta Negra is associated with the "postcard" of the city and it has been deserving of municipal urban planning legislation that legally recognizes the importance of its landscape. Also it has received constant investments by the Government through urban projects, arguing to leave the site attractive to its users. Nevertheless, in the last fifteen years, the beach has lived with the expansion of its problems, such as those related to bathing water, to coastal erosion, and to the mangling of its natural surroundings. Social conflicts have also been frequent in this time frame: conflicts between residents of the waterfront and traders who work on the beach, between the traders themselves, between the managers of space and fishermen, between managers and formal and informal traders. Many of these social and environmental conflicts have taken such grand proportions that became legal matters. Assuming that the problems identified are related to the issue of rationality - understood as a system of values, norms and actions that relate means and ends - and upholding the need for focused research on "environmental rationality" to understand and interpret the dynamics of social and environmental problems encountered on site, the research that guides the study relies on the Mexican economist Enrique Leff's theory on "environmental rationality" which, briefly, can be defined as a system of values, norms, actions and means and ends relations based on the principles of environmental management and sustainable development. Among other aspects, rationality encompasses cross-sectional planning of public administration, the participation of society in the management of environmental resources, interdisciplinary reorganization of knowledge, the clash of opposing interests and the conciliation of common goals of different social actors. The study evaluates the relationship between "environmental rationality", as proposed by Enrique Leff, with the management, urban interventions and uses observed in Ponta Negra Beach. For that, some benchmarks were established and considered in the research as related to sustainable development of the "beachy" atmosphere. Analytical instruments chosen were the urban transformations and the environmental and social problems that have been the target of lawsuits. Also part of the study, the problems that were the subject of civil investigations, which are investigation procedures carried out by the Prosecutor's Office.


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This dissertation addresses issues considered essential for sustainable development of urban waterfronts and beaches. Many of these spaces, even though they are of public authorities, economic market and general population interests - due to its landscape, its importance for recreation purposes and as a basis of " Sun and beach Tourism " (Turismo de Sol e Praia), among other factors - have shown aesthetic, health and cultural degradation, entailing environmental, economic and social losses and conflicts. Based on this perception, the research aims to understand the main reasons for these negative results for beach spaces. To this end, it was chosen the case study of a typical urban beach, Ponta Negra Beach, located in Natal, RN. Ponta Negra is associated with the "postcard" of the city and it has been deserving of municipal urban planning legislation that legally recognizes the importance of its landscape. Also it has received constant investments by the Government through urban projects, arguing to leave the site attractive to its users. Nevertheless, in the last fifteen years, the beach has lived with the expansion of its problems, such as those related to bathing water, to coastal erosion, and to the mangling of its natural surroundings. Social conflicts have also been frequent in this time frame: conflicts between residents of the waterfront and traders who work on the beach, between the traders themselves, between the managers of space and fishermen, between managers and formal and informal traders. Many of these social and environmental conflicts have taken such grand proportions that became legal matters. Assuming that the problems identified are related to the issue of rationality - understood as a system of values, norms and actions that relate means and ends - and upholding the need for focused research on "environmental rationality" to understand and interpret the dynamics of social and environmental problems encountered on site, the research that guides the study relies on the Mexican economist Enrique Leff's theory on "environmental rationality" which, briefly, can be defined as a system of values, norms, actions and means and ends relations based on the principles of environmental management and sustainable development. Among other aspects, rationality encompasses cross-sectional planning of public administration, the participation of society in the management of environmental resources, interdisciplinary reorganization of knowledge, the clash of opposing interests and the conciliation of common goals of different social actors. The study evaluates the relationship between "environmental rationality", as proposed by Enrique Leff, with the management, urban interventions and uses observed in Ponta Negra Beach. For that, some benchmarks were established and considered in the research as related to sustainable development of the "beachy" atmosphere. Analytical instruments chosen were the urban transformations and the environmental and social problems that have been the target of lawsuits. Also part of the study, the problems that were the subject of civil investigations, which are investigation procedures carried out by the Prosecutor's Office.