21 resultados para Academic Research Groups

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Malaria is a disease of global distribution, recognized by governments around the world as a serious public health problem, affecting more than 109 countries and territories and endangering more than 3.3 billion people. The economic costs of this disease are also relevant: the African continent itself has malaria-related costs of about $ 12 billion annually. Nowadays, in addition to chloroquine, Plasmodium falciparum is resistant to many drugs used in the treatment of malaria, such as amodiaquine, mefloquine, quinine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine; resistance of Plasmodium vivax to treatments, although less studied, is also reported. Nature, in general, is responsible for the production of most known organic substances, and the plant kingdom is responsible for the most of the chemical diversity known and reported in the literature. Most medicinal plants commercialized in Brazil, however, are of exotic origin, which makes the search for endemic medicinal plants, besides a patent necessity, a fascinating subject of academic research and development. This study aimed to: (i) verify the antimalarial activity of ethanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts of Boerhavia paniculata Rich. And acetonic extract of Clethra scabra Pers. in Swiss albino mice infected by Plasmodium berghei NK65, (ii) observe possible combined effects between the course of infection by P. berghei NK65 and administration of these extracts in Swiss albino mice, and (iii) conduct a preliminary study of the acute toxicity of these extracts in Swiss albino mice. All extracts notable pharmacological activities - with parasite infections inhibitions ranging from 22% to 54%.These characteristics suggest that the activities are relevant, although comparatively lower than the activity displayed by the positive control group (always above 90%). The general framework of survival analysis demonstrates an overall reduction in survival times for all groups. Necroscopy has not pointed no change in color, shape, size and/or consistency in the evaluated organs - the only exception was the livers of rats submitted to treatment to hydroalcoholic extracts: these organs have been presented in a slightly congestive aspect with mass increasing roughly 28% higher than the other two groups and a p-value of 0.0365. The 250 mg/Kg ethanolic group has been pointed out by the Dunn s post test, as the only class with simultaneous inequalities (p<0.05) between positive and negative control groups. The extracts, notably ethanol extract, have, in fact, a vestigial antimalarial activity, although well below from the ones perceived to chloroquine-treated groups; nevertheless, the survival times of the animals fed with the extracts do not rise by presence of such therapy. Both the toxicopharmacological studies of the synergism between the clinical course of malaria and administration of extracts and the isolated evaluation of toxicity allow us to affirm the absence of toxicity of the extracts at the level of CNS and ANS, as well as their non-influence on food and water consumption patterns, until dosages of 500 mg/Kg. Necroscopic analysis leads us to deduct a possible hepatotoxic effect of hydroalcoholic extract at dosages of 500 mg/Kg, and an innocuous tissue activity of the ethanol extract, in the same dosage. We propose a continuation of the studies of these extracts, with protocol modifications capable of addressing more clearly and objectively their pharmacological and toxicological aspects


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The goal of this paper was to search the state of the art from the Digital Libraries in Architecture and Urbanism in the Higher Education Institutions (IES) through conceptualizations and showing the importance of Digital Libraries in the disclosure and easing of information transferring. Questions about digital information architecture, usability, digital preservation and accessibility were approached. The research was made in the websites of Brazilian Universities, firstly to identify the institutions which offered the Architecture and Urbanism course, focusing on postgraduate education. After identifying the offering, the research was done by analyzing the contents, storage and dissemination and access to information, these libraries. It was found that the digital libraries are increasingly and taking part of organizations and educational institutions focusing on the knowledge dissemination releasing digitally information that may be needed for institution or the individual. A monitoring was done over of the physical and computational restructuring of the Board of Studies and Research in Architecture and Urbanism (Câmara de Estudos e Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, CEPAU), from the Architecture and Urbanism Course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), showing the need of installing a Digital Library to integrate the databases of PPGAU s research groups, which today remain independent, with no interface among themselves. The research chosen area was Architecture and Urbanism, because there is a gap and little documentation about digital libraries in this area


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At first moment we present a reflection about the history of theater and later a contextualization of didactic movements oriented to scenic arts. Through at the constant dialogue with authors of areas involving education, theatre, corporeality and music was possible analyzing, develop and criticize a education work under my responsibility involving fourteen classes. At the second moment will occur a critical self about the quality of theater classes his contents and methodologies. The technique will be at side of the emotion and together develop skills aimed at tracing paths for theater developed at a classroom of a especific private school in Natal-RN. At the third moment one class is chosen for analyze of the academic research and many experiments happen after this decision, initiated and sensitized through of the music with a significant look at the corporeality and prioritizing the theater as content in ninth grade - elementary school two. At the conclusion is possible see that learning is mutual and the theater can become life routine as well as the arts in general and when all arts will be regularized into the national educational system for public and private schools we will have more susceptible humans and more intellectual capacity


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Heparin is a pharmaceutical animal widely used in medicine due to its potent anticoagulant effect. Furthermore, it has the ability to inhibit the proliferation, invasion and adhesion of cancer cells to vascular endothelium. However, its clinical applicability can be compromised by side effects such as bleeding. Thus, the search for natural compounds with low bleeding risk and possible therapeutic applicability has been targeted by several research groups. From this perspective, this study aims to evaluate the hemorrhagic and anticoagulant activities and citotoxic effect for different tumor cell lines (HeLa, B16-F10, HepG2, HS-5,) and fibroblast cells (3T3) of the Heparin-like from the crab Chaceon fenneri (HEP-like). The HEP-like was purified after proteolysis, ion-exchange chromatography, fractionation with acetone and characterized by electrophoresis (agarose gel) and enzymatic degradation. Hep-like showed eletroforetic behavior similar to mammalian heparin, and high trisulfated /Nacetylated disaccharides ratio. In addition, HEP-like presented low in vitro anticoagulant activity using aPTT and a minor hemorrhagic effect when compared to mammalian heparin. Furthermore, the HEP-like showed significant cytotoxic effect (p<0.001) on HeLa, HepG2 and B16-F10 tumor cells with IC50 values of 1000 ug/mL, after incubation for 72 hours. To assess the influence of heparin-like on the cell cycle in HeLa cells, analysis was performed by flow cytometry. The results of this analysis showed that HEP-like influence on the cell cycle increasing S phase and decreasing phase G2. Thus, these properties of HEP-like make these compounds potential therapeutic agents


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The starting point of the present work consisted of investigating the development of biotechnology in the Northeast region of Brazil from the perspective of a Regional Innovation System (RIS). The theoretical framework adopted relied on the approaches and concepts presented by the Neo-Schumpeterian perspective. This framework was chosen because, by means of the Innovation System concept, this literature allows us to analyze the relationships and configurations of actors, as well as the role of the state and of social, science and technology, and economic policies in the studied region. The analysis considered four selected dimensions: physical infrastructure, human capital, scientific production, and funding. These variables were chosen because they allow us to verify the possibilities and limitations of developing a biotechnology RIS in the Northeast of Brazil, and these elements would help in answering the question behind this dissertation. The location of the physical infrastructure was determined by means of bibliographic and documental research and interviews with heads of institutions that do biotechnology research. Regarding human capital, the analysis focused on resource training in biotechnology, highlighting graduate courses and research groups in the area. To measure knowledge production, we delimited scientific collaboration among researchers in the field of biotechnology as the focus of this category. For the funding dimension, information was gathered from reports available at the websites of national and state funding agencies. The data was analyzed through method triangulation, involving quantitative and qualitative research stages. To back the analyses, we revisited the integration policies in the area of Science, Technology and Innovation. Our analysis has shown that these policies play a crucial role in the development of biotechnology in the region being studied. The data revealed that the physical infrastructure is concentrated in only three states (Bahia, Ceará, and Pernambuco). In this regard, the Northeast Biotechnology Network (Renorbio) stands out as a strategic actor, enabling states with poor infrastructure to develop research through partnerships with institutions located in another state. We have also verified that the practices involving human resource training and knowledge production are factors that enable the emergence of a regional system for biotechnology in the studied region. As limitations, we have verified the low immersion level of regional actors, the heterogeneity of socioeconomic indicators, the lack of financial resources, and a low innovation culture in the business sector. Overall, we have concluded that the development of a Regional Innovation System in Biotechnology, based on the current regional dynamics, depends on an effective change in the behavior of the social agents involved, both in the national and regional dimensions as well as in the public and private spheres


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Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis of worldwide distribution caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, triggering dangerous complications in immunocompromised patients and pregnant women, as well as having great economic impact for the livestock. So far the control of toxoplasmosis is made primarily by chemotherapy. However, most drugs used routinely have some limitations. In order to control this disease, several research groups, including ours, has been working to develop a medical-veterinary vaccine based on parasite antigens, vectors and protocols of immunization. In this study were implemented and standardized methodologies for amplification and cloning of recombinant immunogens in the system for the development of a prototype vaccine, based on the surface antigens of T. gondii and recombinant adenovirus encoding these antigens. Genes encoding BAG1, GRA2 and SAG1 proteins were amplified. We established a strategy for cloning SAG1, SAG2, SAG3 and TgAMA1- genes in recombinant system. The genes encoding SAG1 and SAG2 were cloned and their sequences showed high similarity with sequences from GenBank. The virtual translation of these proteins showed polymorphisms in the amino acid sequence, which can be correlated with levels of antigenicity. Simultaneously, the adenovirus encoding the SAGs (HAdSAGs) were expanded, purificated and characterizated. Immunization of C57bl/6 mice, using viral supernatant was not enought to elicit immune responses at high levels, being required HAdSAGs titration for future immunizations. Therefore, this study allowed the cloning of the two genes important for the development of a prototype vaccine. Besides, implementations methodologies that permit advancements in the development of a vaccine against toxoplasmosis using adenovirus to express proteins of the parasite


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The deployment of master professionals in Mathematics and Science Teaching by CAPES provided an interesting perspective, involving institutional incentive to upgrade teacher training in this modality. In this sense, the objective was to map the profile of the candidates in the Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics UFRN (PPGECNM), develop a database with specific descriptors for dissertations and research the group creation biology research and dissertations produced by graduate students in the Master course. This thesis has three threads, where the first is entitled: "The teaching of science as part of research: emergency, improvement and current reflections", giving a brief description of the creation of graduate studies and the emergence of Brazil in Science education. The second topic: "Professional Masters in Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics-UFRN: candidate profile the biological ', shows the general characteristics of PPGECNM-UFRN and who are the candidates seeking the biological area of the Graduate Program. The third topic. "The construction and consolidation of the research group in biology education in PPGECNM-UFRN", a survey was made of data on the creation of the research group in biology education from the analysis of academic productions of teachers and masters graduates this Masters course, for those involved, some additional interviews about the experience in training in biology education. Data used in these investigations related to these students correspond to the technical product to be used in other studies profile teachers /dissertations from the PPGECNM / UFRN. Research shows that: the existence of a larger number of postgraduate courses in the field of Science Education provides greater productivity in academic research on the subject, the emergence of a research group on education in biology, tied to a post degree in education, is an attraction to strengthen lines of research in science education by teachers researchers in other disciplines, the candidates seeking permanent area for research in biology education signals the importance of this investment because if shows the need to search for the continuing education of practicing teachers, demands with interests in investigations from real problems from school


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This paper presents results concerning studies conducted during the master's research in the area of Applied Linguistics of the Graduate Program in Language Studies - PPgEL, linked to the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. We approached this study the question of authorship, which has gained ground increasingly important in academic research, because the act of authoring, in view of the amount of circulating discourses socially, becomes increasingly questionable. We understand authorship as related to a positioning of the subject than to take responsibility, in the Bakhtinian sense, by its text, it makes their views, ideologies, beliefs and values, from ownership and restructuring of the speech of others. This research is methodologically inserted in a qualitative, interpretive in nature and has a corpus analysis of the ten productions written memoir genre of readings produced by students in 9th grade in elementary school. Research aimed to analyze the students' written productions held in the school environment, to identify these texts marks or evidence of authorship and investigate how the restructuring of ownership and voices of others in the process of authoring. We adopt a concept of language from bakhitinianas concepts and understand the text in a vision Geraldiana. The analyzes in this study showed that in most texts there is the strong presence of voices of others, either implicitly and/or explicit. That is, students, to build their sayings, if embraced the voices of others in various formats, in particular styles, namely, by what Bakhtin names as linear style and pictorial style. Some proved his statement highlighting their positions through direct quotes from authors of books, family, teachers, showing us that their voices are filled with voices of others with whom they approve, deny, analyze, think and reflect. We therefore conclude that students were constituted as subjects of their texts, authors, since they leave marked the voices of others so presentified and restructured voices of others who do not actually sounded like voices of others, but as present voices from a discursive restructuring producer


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This master s thesis aims at investigating the way in which diasporic subjects in the novel How the García Girls Lost their Accents (1992) cope with the clash of two cultures the Caribbean one, from the Dominican Republic, and the North-American one, from the U.S., as well as the implications of such negotiations in the lives of immigrants, once it apparently depicts the plight of those who are torn between mother-lands and mother-tongues (IYER, 1993, 46). At the same time, the implications of such negotiations in the lives of immigrants are relevant issues in the writing of Julia Alvarez. For this, there is the analysis of the uses of family memories as one of the main strategies immigrant writers possess to recall their identities. Moreover, this thesis will also consider the language issue for the construction of the immigrant identity insofar as bilingualism is a key factor in the negotiation the García girls must effect between their Caribbean and their American halves in order to understand where they stand in the contemporary world. In order to build a theoretical framework that supports this master s thesis, we list the works of Homi K. Bhabha (1990, 1996, 2003, 2005), Stuart Hall (2001, 2003), Julia Kristeva (1994), Salman Rushdie (1990, 1994), Sonia Torres (2001, 2003) among other contributions that were crucial to the completion of this academic research


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Intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents is a highly complex and serious issue in terms of the damage caused to this population. However, despite the relevance of this discussion, the matter only began to be addressed in the second half of the twentieth century, with its inclusion in academic research from the perspective of damage caused to the victims. Debate on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents has intensified in recent decades, particularly with the enactment of the Statute on Children and Adolescents (Federal Law 8069/90), which recognizes children and adolescents as rights holders. Open discussion on the issue meant several fields of knowledge began to study the topic. Particularly prominent among these areas is the field of Psychology, promoting theoretical discussions and practical interventions focusing on this type of violence. Given the theoretical and methodological diversity of psychological science and the many possibilities for the production of knowledge, this study aims to map and debate research conducted in the field that discusses intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents in Brazil. To that end, articles published in Psychology journals were analyzed. In order to achieve this objective, a search was conducted of Scielo Brasil using descriptors on the subject, chosen from a list reported by Faleiros (2000). The time frame studied was between 1990 and 2013, therefore included the date of the enactment of the Statute of Children and Adolescents. Qualitative analysis was selected as a data analysis technique around two main themes. The first involved analyzing the concept of intrafamily sexual violence based on its components. The second analytical theme addressed the theoretical and methodological strategies used by the authors. The aim was to identify and discuss the approaches chosen to achieve the proposed objectives as well as the justifications provided by the authors for their research. Analyses of these themes were based on theoretical discussions on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents. Difficulties were identified in conceptualizing intrafamily sexual violence so as to include all its elements and differentiate it from sexual exploitation. The studies assessed showed substantial diversity in both the theoretical and methodological approaches used, contributing to understanding the phenomenon. It is expected that this study will contribute to reflection on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents, promoting new studies and/or practical interventions


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The aim of this controlled trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of counseling in pain, function and well-fare outcomes on the management of patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Therefore, 51 consecutive patients were allocated to one of the research groups. In Group I, was instituted counseling therapy for Group II was conducted treatment as usual with occlusal splint. Patients were followed for returns at 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after baseline. At baseline, all patients were examined and assessed RDC/TMD form, which was administered by a single trained and calibrated examiner, in addition, the patients were referred for specific treatment according to the group to which belonged. The clinical and functional impairment was assessed at each visit through the Temporomandibular Index (TMI). In each session, the patients were also surveyed about pain intensity using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). To analyze the impact of pain on quality of life, OHIP-14 questionnaire was used. The results showed 26 patients in Group I with a mean age of 35.15 ± 10.79 years. 25 patients were allocated to Group II. The mean age was 27.36 ± 10.34 years. The counseling was effective in reducing the intensity of pain (VAS), with significant improvement observed at 7 day follow-up (p <0.001). The functional impairment (TMI) showed significant results at 15 days follow-up (p = 0.002). Counseling was also responsible for significant improvement in the impact of TMD on quality of life (OHIP-14) at all times of the analysis (p <0.001). When comparing research groups, no significant difference was observed for any of the analyzed indices (p> 0.05) nor in the short term (7 days) neither in long term (60 days). It was concluded therefore that, for the studied sample, counseling consisted in an effective treatment option for the control of signs and symptoms of TMD, with results in the short and long term similar to the usual treatment group.


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This study analyzed the perception of ethics on the part of students of Post-graduation in Tourism, to develop their academic research. It is characterized as exploratory-descriptive, being considered quantitative with some elements analyzed qualitatively. Data were collected through an electronic questionnaire, originated in google docs and sent via e-mail to 54 students in three graduate programs in Tourism: The Tourism Master of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), the Master in Tourism and Hospitality of the University of Vale do Itajai (UNIVALI) and Master of Tourism at the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), resulting in 22 responses. The study presents a profile of the dissertation research of post-graduate students, their perception about research ethics, as well as the difficulties encountered in the research process. Notes that research of dissertation are geared mostly for the historical and cultural aspects of tourism and the choice of topics for the essays came in first place, due to the influence of the guiding lines of research and, secondly, due to social relevance. The methods used in post-graduate research are descriptive, the literature and exploratory. It also notes that most students graduate in tourism (81%) attaches great importance to ethics in carrying out their dissertation research, students claim that ethics brings credibility and seriousness to research. Furthermore, it was realized that they have no knowledge about the practice of misconduct by researchers in the field of Tourism. Demonstrate that the major ethical challenge encountered by students is in relationship with the research subject, what happens during data collection. It also notes that none of the respondents sent any project to be evaluated by an Ethics Committee (CEP), moreover, most do not know the resolution 196/96, which has the main guidelines on research ethics at national level. Concludes that the students post-graduate in tourism have little knowledge about the standards and guidelines on research ethics. They demonstrate ignore the benefits of research ethics in regarding the protection and preservation of the participant, as well as the benefits it generates for society


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In this paper we present the methodological procedures involved in the digital imaging in mesoscale of a block of travertines rock of quaternary age, originating from the city of Acquasanta, located in the Apennines, Italy. This rocky block, called T-Block, was stored in the courtyard of the Laboratório Experimental Petróleo "Kelsen Valente" (LabPetro), of Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), so that from it were performed Scientific studies, mainly for research groups universities and research centers working in brazilian areas of reservoir characterization and 3D digital imaging. The purpose of this work is the development of a Model Solid Digital, from the use of non-invasive techniques of digital 3D imaging of internal and external surfaces of the T-Block. For the imaging of the external surfaces technology has been used LIDAR (Light Detection and Range) and the imaging surface Interior was done using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), moreover, profiles were obtained with a Gamma Ray Gamae-spectômetro laptop. The goal of 3D digital imaging involved the identification and parameterization of surface geological and sedimentary facies that could represent heterogeneities depositional mesoscale, based on study of a block rocky with dimensions of approximately 1.60 m x 1.60 m x 2.70 m. The data acquired by means of terrestrial laser scanner made available georeferenced spatial information of the surface of the block (X, Y, Z), and varying the intensity values of the return laser beam and high resolution RGB data (3 mm x 3 mm), total points acquired 28,505,106. This information was used as an aid in the interpretation of radargrams and are ready to be displayed in rooms virtual reality. With the GPR was obtained 15 profiles of 2.3 m and 2 3D grids, each with 24 sections horizontal of 1.3 and 14 m vertical sections of 2.3 m, both the Antenna 900 MHz to about 2600 MHz antenna. Finally, the use of GPR associated with Laser Scanner enabled the identification and 3D mapping of 3 different radarfácies which were correlated with three sedimentary facies as had been defined at the outset. The 6 profiles showed gamma a low amplitude variation in the values of radioactivity. This is likely due to the fact of the sedimentary layers profiled have the same mineralogical composition, being composed by carbonate sediments, with no clay in siliciclastic pellitic layers or other mineral carrier elements radioactive


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The present study aimed to understand the experience of being a family caregiver of a patient with Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA). The relevance of the study is to prove existence of a large number of caregivers of incapacitated patients, due to the CVA and it is not an academic research object, according to the literature. It is a qualitative research, which the guiding principle is the oral history of life, according to the theoretical foundation and operating of Meihy. Therefore, the following steps were highlighted: the target community, composed of all family caregivers of CVA patients; the colony, composed by family caregivers of CVA patients assisted by Home Care Service (HCS) of the Hospital José Pedro Bezerra (HJPB), in the city of Natal/RN; the network was composed of six caregivers who met the criteria for inclusion, and as zero point the first volunteer group. The population was composed of all family caregivers of patients attended by the HCS, of the HJPB having been addressed through interviews. For the empirical research there was the consent of that institution and approval by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as CAAE 24569413.0.0000.5537 and, above all, with the acquiescence of employees in participating in the investigation, signing an informed consent. Of the empirical material, five categories of analysis were identified: the sense of being a caregiver; what has changed in the life of the caregiver; the feelings emerge in the relationship of care; the distance from family and friends; difficulties faced by the caregiver. The results show that the caregiver's life goes through profound transformations within the family as well as in all spheres of life. For the caregivers, assuming the care of a relative with CVA means renunciation and donation, compromising sometimes the individual projects and the family as a whole. In addition, they point out the confrontation of difficulties within the the assistance and humanization in healthcare, information, physical and emotional overload, as well as financial problems. Despite all the adversities that compromise the caregiver's life, it was possible to identify attitudes of resilience among caregivers, making them their daily life less strenuous and with more lightness. It is expected, therefore, that this research can contribute to a better orientation of professionals with the caregivers


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This master‘s thesis presents an analytical reading of Cyro dos Anjos (1906-1994)‘s novel O amanuense Belmiro (1937) and its main objective is to analyze the way some aspects of melancholy, together with the notion of memory, diary writing as well as time permeate all the narrative of this unique book in the Brazilian literary scenario. Anjos‘ novel is an atypical work in the fiction of the 1930s as it is considered a dissonant voice compared to the regional and social productions of the time it was published. Among other themes, the book depicts the relationship of man with life; the present and the past; love and frustrations and the hero in search of itself. Belmiro Borba, character-narrator, is a sentimental man, often handicapped by his inner life. For this matter, Borba decides to write a book in order to register his stories, memories, feelings, meditations and illusions. From this perspective, this research aims to deal with issues related to the aesthetics of melancholy, especially its relationship with the creative process, which belongs to Borba‘s attempt to write literature. Throughout our academic research, we used the work of Aristotle (1998), Lambotte (2000), Benjamin (2011) and Kristeva (1989) to articulate relevant issues of melancholy; Halbwachs (2006) on the concept of memory, among other theorists who were essential to the completion of this study.