4 resultados para 4,15-diactoxycscirpenol (4,15-DAS)

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Funding was obtained from a Capes Fellowship to NM, grants CNPq Universal 481351/ 2011-6, CNPq PQ 306604/2012-4, FAPERN/CNPq Pronem 003/2011, Capes SticAmSud, and FAPESP/CEPID/Neuromat to S.R. CNPq Universal 473554/2011-9 and 480053/ 2013-8, CNPq PQ 308558/2011-1, FACEPE/CNPq-PRONEX APQ- 0203-1.05/08, FACEPE/CNPq-PRONEM APQ-1415-1.05/10, and CNAIPS to M.C


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Tuberculosis is a serious disease, but curable in practically 100% of new cases, since complied the principles of modern chemotherapy. Isoniazid (ISN), Rifampicin (RIF), Pyrazinamide (PYR) and Chloride Ethambutol (ETA) are considered first line drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis, by combining the highest level of efficiency with acceptable degree of toxicity. Concerning USP 33 - NF28 (2010) the chromatography analysis to 3 of 4 drugs (ISN, PYR and RIF) last in average 15 minutes and 10 minutes more to obtain the 4th drug (ETA) using a column and mobile phase mixture different, becoming its industrial application unfavorable. Thus, many studies have being carried out to minimize this problem. An alternative would use the UFLC, which is based with the same principles of HPLC, however it uses stationary phases with particles smaller than 2 μm. Therefore, this study goals to develop and validate new analytical methods to determine simultaneously the drugs by HPLC/DAD and UFLC/DAD. For this, a analytical screening was carried out, which verified that is necessary a gradient of mobile phase system A (acetate buffer:methanol 94:6 v/v) and B (acetate buffer:acetonitrile 55:45 v/v). Furthermore, to the development and optimization of the method in HPLC and UFLC, with achievement of the values of system suitability into the criteria limits required for both techniques, the validations have began. Standard solutions and tablets test solutions were prepared and injected into HPLC and UFLC, containing 0.008 mg/mL ISN, 0.043 mg/mL PYR, 0.030 mg.mL-1 ETA and 0.016 mg/mL RIF. The validation of analytical methods for HPLC and UFLC was carried out with the determination of specificity/selectivity, analytical curve, linearity, precision, limits of detection and quantification, accuracy and robustness. The methods were adequate for determination of 4 drugs separately without interfered with the others. Precise, due to the fact of the methods demonstrated since with the days variation, besides the repeatability, the values were into the level required by the regular agency. Linear (R> 0,99), once the methods were capable to demonstrate results directly proportional to the concentration of the analyte sample, within of specified range. Accurate, once the methods were capable to present values of variation coefficient and recovery percentage into the required limits (98 to 102%). The methods showed LOD and LOQ very low showing the high sensitivity of the methods for the four drugs. The robustness of the methods were evaluate, facing the temperature and flow changes, where they showed robustness just with the preview conditions established of temperature and flow, abrupt changes may influence with the results of methods


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Catalytic processes are widely present in everyday life. This results in large number of studies seeking materials that may combine the low cost catalytic efficiency. Based on this assumption, the clays have long been used as catalysts, with its huge availability, diversity and possibility of improving their properties from structural changes, primarily responsible for this great use. Among the natural clays, vermiculite due to their characteristic properties (high cation exchange capacity and expansion), is suitable for various applications including as catalysts and catalyst supports. In this work, the acid leaching of clay vermiculite was performed, coming from Santa Luzia-PB, with nitric acid (2, 3 and 4 mol / L) and subsequent calcination of the materials obtained. The materials were named as Vx/400, where x is the acid concentration employed and 400 used in calcination temperature. The effectiveness of changes made was determined by XRD techniques, FT-IR, EDS, TG/DTG, nitrogen physisorption and DTP of n-butylamine. Acid leaching has improved some properties of the clay - specific area and acidity - but the control of the acid concentration used is of vital importance, since the highest concentration caused the partial destruction of vermiculite entailing a decline in their properties. For analysis of the catalytic activity of the modified clay was made a comparative study with the SBA -15 mesoporous materials, synthesized via hydrothermal method, using the pyrolysis of low density polyethylene (LDPE). The results showed that the acid plays a fundamental role in the conversion of the polymer into smaller molecules, the material V3/400 was more selective for the source monomer (ethylene) due to their increased acidity, which promotes more breaks bonds in the polymeric chain, while materials and V0/400 V2/400, lower acidity, showed higher selectivity to light hydrocarbons, the range of fuel (41.96 and 41.23%, respectively), due to less breakage and secondary condensation reactions chains; already V4/400 SBA-15/550 and resulted in lower percentages of light hydrocarbons and the partial destruction of the structure and low acidity, respectively, responsible for the inefficiency of materials


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In this work were synthesized and characterized the materials mesoporous SBA-15 and Al- SBA-15, Si / Al = 25, 50 and 75, discovered by researchers at the University of California- Santa Barbara, USA, with pore diameters ranging from 2 to 30 nm and wall thickness from 3.1 to 6.4 nm, making these promising materials in the field of catalysis, particularly for petroleum refining (catalytic cracking), as their mesopores facilitate access of the molecules constituting the oil to active sites, thereby increasing the production of hydrocarbons in the range of light and medium. To verify that the materials used as catalysts were successfully synthesized, they were characterized using techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared Fourier transform (FT-IR) and adsorption nitrogen (BET). Aiming to check the catalytic activity thereof, a sample of atmospheric residue oil (ATR) from the pole Guamaré-RN was performed the process by means of thermogravimetry and thermal degradation of catalytic residue. Upon the curves, it was observed a reduction in the onset temperature of the decomposition process of catalytic ATR. For the kinetic model proposed by Flynn-Wall yielded some parameters to determine the apparent activation energy of decomposition, being shown the efficiency of mesoporous materials, since there was a decrease in the activation energy for the reactions using catalysts. The ATR was also subjected to pyrolysis process using a pyrolyzer with gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer. Through the chromatograms obtained, there was an increase in the yield of the compounds in the range of gasoline and diesel from the catalytic pyrolysis, with emphasis on Al-SBA-15 (Si / Al = 25), which showed a percentage higher than the other catalysts. These results are due to the fact that the synthesized materials exhibit specific properties for application in the process of pyrolysis of complex molecules and high molecular weight as constituents of the ATR