10 resultados para 1930-1945

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The Brazilian Northeast has been a constant subject for journalists of one of the world's leading media companies - The New York Times - between 1933 and 1945. This time, the US government implemented a new foreign policy for Latin America - known as the Good Neighbor Policy. It preached, various points including more respect and attention to the countries south of U.S. borders. Because of her geostrategic importance, Brazil was one of the countries that received the most attention of the bureaucracy and American press. This study investigates the multiple Northeast representations formulated in The New York Times' pages when the Americans were spotlight is on the region. It delineates similarities and differences between the NYT, the press and the governments of the United States and Brazil from the ways of conceiving this particular part of Brazil. Through the analysis of texts, photographs and maps, it is dedicated to establish connections between spaces, press and politics of the 1930s and 1940s. These decades there were relevant changes in the political landscape of both countries that permeated the news, reports and articles of NYT. Circumstances such as the 1935 armed uprisings - known as Communist Conspiracy - the installation and operation of the New State, and especially the Brazilian and US participation in World War II and the bilateral negotiations on the installation of US bases in Brazil were cardinal for the various Northeast images that circulated in the publication. The region was repeatedly subject of correspondent of the New York newspaper in Brazil, Frank M. Garcia, but also present on matters of professionals responsible for various sections: review of books, publishing, tourism, foreign affairs, etc. Along the investigated period, the visions of the region made in the articles published in the newspaper that suffered major metamorphoses. Starting with Northeast of the drought, famine and death recurrent in Brazilian literature to the most dangerous point for hemispheric defense, passing through representations of the American West lawless nineteenth century and the Latin America marked by the dominance of exotic nature and stagnation, a space to be transformed by the US technical knowledge.


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This work is an attempt to show that the ideological conflict that has been developed by the hegemony of the 1930 Revolution historical events in Paraíba, conceptually turned into an insoluble social contradiction. It ocurred due to imaginary or formal resolutions of the literature that ended up by altering the epistemological rules of the relation between fiction and reality. The present work is based on The unconscious politics: a narrative as a socially symbolic act , book in which all the literary or cultural texts can and should be read as symbolic resolutions to insoluble social contradictions. From string to contemporary literature this phenomenon has been registered by the several ways of textual production turning the 1930 Revolution into one of the main elements which guides the political scene of Paraíba. The ideological groups still centered on the political resentment and committed to a political conflict forged the existence of two historical truths: one which suits the liberais , the winners, and another is of the 1930 conflict. This work argues in favour of the unconscious politics of the 1930 Revolution. This thesis considers necessarily the relation that the Paraibana society maintains with its past and how this past reaches in the present the liberation of a hidden and repressed truth through its narrativization. Beyond that, how the ideological partiality generated the political resentment through the way of thinking of the rivals under the perspective of the good and evil reveals its insoluble social contradiction. Process which comprehends varied narrative forms of the mass culture products and literary production, as in the methodological perspective pointed by Fredric Jameson that all literary or cultural texts can and shall be read as symbolic resolutions of true political and social contradictions. In the case of Paraiba we will have resolutions that search for the reasons which caused the death of João Pessoa: forgery and publicity of love letters, dispute over the official version of suicide commited by João Dantas, the man who assassinated João Pessoa


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This present work has the aim of reconstruct the biographical profile and the practices of the professor and journalist Julia Medeiros in the county of Caico, State of Rio Grande do Norte, in the 1920 s and 1930 s, justified by the visibility of this professor during the construction of the lettered society from the mentioned State and the participation in potiguar press. How were the women and educator s representations in the 1920 s and 1930 s ? With the aim to get answers, I use as sources, the Public Archive of Rio Grande do Norte and the Geographical and Historical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, the newspaper of that time, as the available issues of Jornal das Moças (1923-1932), magazines, letters, pictures, and interviews with relatives, ex-students and friends of this intellectual woman. It was noticed that she stood out as a professor at School Group of Senador Guerra and as a journalist, sending opinions about everyday life. With this analysis, it configures, in part, her time and the history of education in Rio Grande do Norte, with the participation of teachers. Despite of her importance during the construction of education and citizenship of women, Julia Medeiros lived the two sides of the same coin: visibilty and anonymity


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This paper treats confessional printings as a non formal space for the female education. It reflects on the importance of the woman s role to the diffusion of Protestantism in general, and its Presbyterian trend in particular, besides commenting on the proliferation of printings at the First Republic and its relation with education. In this study, Brazilian Northeastern is seen as a relevant space to the diffusion of Protestantism in Brazil; especially on what concerns the relations between Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco. Thereby some fountains were fundamental, as the confessional printings, that is, newspapers, magazines, prospects and other materials recollected in archives located in Natal/RN and Recife/PE, and São Paulo. It was also provided a brief incursion on Portuguese confessional printings kept in Oporto, PT. New Cultural History was chosen as theoretic-methodological guide, franchising ways inside the history of book and reading with the help of concepts like Interdependence, Social Configuration (ELIAS, 1993, 1994) and Representation (CHARTIER, 1990), considering that the survey worked out culture-manufactured products that is, intentional materials. It is well known that publishing, or better, the dissemination of printed material used to be associated to Protestants missionary practices since Reform began and, as what concerns the investigated period, in Portuguese and Brazilian lands indistinctly. Printing material in general books, booklets, fragments, as well as the press itself played a central role in divulging reformed ideas, their social options and the means of being and intervening in the world. In this regard, the confessional printings established themselves as an educative, although non schooled, informal space, but, all considered, relevant, seen that they dialogue with another important demand of that social group: formal, literate education. Because it dealt with the diffusion of a printed culture supported by the written word, it required of that group a different modus operandi: formal education. The first letters schools at first, then the high schools later represented spaces established for the circulation of printing material in order that they should be read, divulged and comprehended. This survey intends at last to take a look at Protestantism which, in this context of self-affirmation, reserved a specific place to woman by working out a non formal educational proposal disseminated by printing material. Three models were highlighted in the reformed proposal: Christian education in itself, household education, whose references of motherhood and care towards the neighbor were present and, at last, education to the public space, with emphasis on the practice of teaching. This study also offers a brief dialogue between Brazil and Portugal because, when some periodic printing, book or something like that got to be published in one margin of the Atlantic Ocean, the other margin surely was affected by that feat, received it, divulged it, corroborating the argument in support of the circulation of these printings. It was not only the same language that survived in both maritime coasts; some protestant specificities also crossed out along that sea


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Cette étude analyse La pratique pédagogique de l éducateur norte-rio-grandense Nestor dos Santos Lima, de 1910 a 1930, période ou se concentre son plus grand nombre de publications sur lês questions scolaires. Nous désirons comprendre de quelle forme cet intelectuel a contribué au développement du systeème d enseignement primaire à travers sés écrits sur lês principes et méthodes de l enseignement de la lecture et à l écriture, appliqués dans lês Groupes Scolaires de l État. Nestor Lima a joué um grand role dans la sociaété, à la tetê de fonctoins comme celle de La présidence de l Institut Historique e Geographique du Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN), directeur de lÉcole Normale de Natal et du Dápartament d Education de État. Il a pulié de diverses oeuvres de caractere scolaire, comme lês Régiments Internes pour lês Groupes Scolaires, Écoles Isolées, Écoles Rudimentaires et Conseil d Education. Dans cette étude, nous mettons em évidence lês leçons de métodologique pour l enseignement de la lecture ET de évidence lês leçons de metodologie pour l enseignement de la lecture et de l ecriture, adresses aus eleves de lÉcole Normale de Natal, publiées dans la colonne Pádagogie du journal A República. Dans ces matièrs, nous observons que lês aspects qui composaient la pratique développe par Nestor Lima impliquaient lês questions Morales et civiques, la preocupation de la formation enseignante à l École Normale de Natal et le Célibat Pédagogique Féminin. Nous observons que la preocupations dês pratiques de lecture et lécriture sont presentes dans l oeuvre de cet éducateur comme legs important aux générations qui se succédent. Il est évident qu Il a cherché das sés productions une meilleure qualification dês enseignants pour que le niveau de l enseignement primaire puísse ainsi évoluer


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La recherche propose un nouveau regard sur l Institution Scolaire École Doméstica de Natal, en essayant de tenir compte de la multiplicité des auteurs et des pratiques développées à l école qui définissaient le mieux et expliquaient les phénomènes de cette réalité éducative et des rapports avec le temps et le lieu où elle s insérait. Pour ce faire, les concepts de mémoire et culture scolaire ont été fondamentaux pour la compréhension de ces pratiques, parce qu ils ont contribué à notre lecture historique-culturelle de l ensemble d aspects institutionnalisés à l école, comme son curriculum, ses finalités, ses façons d enseigner et d apprendre, ses règles de conduite, ses normes, enfin, ce qui caractérisait son organisation et ses pratiques quotidiennes. C était l École Doméstica de Natal l institution pionnière dans le modèle d éducation féminine au Brésil, nous le reconnaissons en priorité et nous visons à le circonscrire à son indélébile contribution à l Histoire de l Éducation de Rio Grande do Norte. Conçue par un modèle d organisation scolaire européen pour l éducation féminine, l École Doméstica de Natal a été inaugurée en 1914, en ayant comme créateur l intelectuel de Rio Grande do Norte Henrique Castriciano de Souza. Sa singularité, s opposant aux écoles féminines existantes au Rio Grande do Norte et au Brésil en ce temps-là, était dû au modèle scolaire adopté, qui appuyait sur la formation d une femme préparée à répondre aux aspirations modernes surgissant avec l avènement de la République. Ce contexte exigeait de l école la formation d un modèle de femme dans les aspects moral, physique, culturel et intelectuel modelés sur les idéaux de l ordre et du progrès. Ce serait une nouvelle méthode d éducation scolaire qui pourrait favoriser la modernisation des anciennes méthodes d enseignement, provoquant le surgissement de modèles qui impliqueraient une nouvelle organisation pédagogique aux écoles de l`État et conduiraient la ville à de nouveaux et hauts paliers de culture et civilité. Avec cela, l école contribuerait à ce que la femme joue un rôle dans la société d une manière plus active, sociale et mieux adaptée. Les mots ordre, nouveau, civilité, moderne et progrès se répandaient et s entrecroisaient avec des valeurs archaïques toujours permanentes et enracinées dans la vision de vie et l idée de monde d alors. Ainsi, on voyait que l École Doméstica était une institution modèle, spécifique dans sa fonction, qui apporterait à la ville et, particulièrement au Rio Grande do Norte, des idées de civilité, ordre et progrès


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This research aims to analyze the concept of childhood in the dimension of educational practice, which is present in the regimental school and historically constructed power relations during the period 1910 to 1930, in Rio Grande do Norte. To contextualize this study, it is necessary to address the Bylaws of the School Groups (1915), the Internal Isolated Schools (1925) and Education Reform (1916). The expansion of education in the State, aiming at preparing the individual for the new capitalist social order was the concern of all governments of the first republic. During this period, the school is conceived as a privileged scenario of a set of practices aimed at disciplining the children, to explore, in some respects, the concept of childhood. Over time, this cocepção was constructed historically. In addition, the school receives children, which in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, are inserted into an educational process in line with the state, embodied in laws, regulations and school discursive practices


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Les initiatives du gouvernement ayant pour finalité une réorganisation de la structure urbaine de la ville au début du XXème siècle reflètent le désir vécu par les membres de l'élite locale d'encadrer Natal dans les moules des grands centres urbains de la même période. Les élites désiraient transformer Natal dans une ville moderne. Dans ce but, le gouvernement s'est engagé dans la reformulation de quelques espaces physiques de la ville. Néanmoins, il fallait aussi d autres que les transformations urbaines, la ville devrait passer par des réformes sociales. De cette façon, ces groupes ont créées des nouvelles institutions et espaces de sociabilité qui affirmeraient la capitale de l'État comme une ville moderne. Les institutions formelles avaient un rôle imortant dans la construction de cette nouvelle ville convoitée par l'élite locale. Ainsi, à travers celles-ci, se diffusaient des nouvelles pratiques sociales qui seraient reflétées dans les espaces urbains. Dans des places tels, des cafés, des clubs et associations sportives, l'élite se distinguait du populaire. Dans ces places, leurs pratiques étaient légitimées, en contrepoint avec les pratiques populaires. C était dans les clubs et par les activités pratiquées par leurs membres que les idéals de l'élite circulaient, c était par là que l'élite se formait et se transformait. De cette façon, les aspirations d'un groupe social reflétaient dans l'organisation sociale des espaces de la ville


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The Brazilian city of Natal, located between river, sea and dunes, rises up as a peculiar, unique landscape. A landscape made by the junction of what we can call two natures, the first one most known as "native" and the other properly recognized as antr6pica. This landscape has been changing throughout the time as a result of human working activities. In this process of landscape changing, some influent people such as medicine doctors, people from govemment, and also technicians took place and gave their contributions based on hygiene and salubrity principles, since the early years of xx century. They intended to bring up to the Natal s citzens a legacy of new concept of healthier life, as free as possible from pathogenic agents


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The urban growth of Rio Grande do Norte capital gave his boldest step in the three earlier decades of the twentieth century seeking to catch up with foreign metropolis and also most developed Brazilian cities, for example, Rio de Janeiro. Novelties were such bulky that we can notice the rise of a new city which in many aspects superseded that one considered provincial by local intelligentsia. These urban interferences scratched city ground leaving indelible marks until the present day. The exacerbated growth of the city related to the 1940s, when Natal begins hosting the largest allied military base outside United States in the advent of World War II is important at a time when the city´s population doubled. The emergence of new leisure institutions, amidst already existing ones, continued marking the places as sociabilities and leisure permeated with meanings and representations are revealed. This work sought to know the sociability of Tirol and Petrópolis neighborhoods in Natal, in the period from 1945 to 1960, when the city witnesses the consolidation of a market increasingly focused on leisure and young people start to have a special participation in this process.