136 resultados para Relatórios de estágio de mestrado - 2014


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This work has as object of study the Hospital de Caridade Juvino Barreto, nosocomial institution located in the city of Natal (RN), between the Praia de Areia Preta and the Monte Petrópolis, focusing on the period from 1909, the year in which the new hospital building was constructed and opened, and 1927, the date of the transfer of administration of the public domain to the newly created Sociedade de Assistência Hospitalar (SAH). We study the conditions of possibility of the emergence of this hospital space in the urban environment of the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, seeking to understand the different tactics and strategies implemented by the historical subjects involved in the formation of this institution nosocomial. Starting from a corpus of documents consisting of medical memories (with Dr. Januário Cicco as privileged observer), information present in newspapers (the Republic and the Christmas Journa l), photo collection and extensive administrative and legal material (Speeches, Exhibitions, Reports, Laws and Resolutions), we analyzed in detail the medical geography of HCJB, relating the discourses of medicine and geography in choosing the spatial location of the hospital as we examine the architecture of the hospital, its inner spat iality, divisions, forms of space control, and, finally, we discuss the medical practices that took place within it, leading us in this regard, from the experiences of clinical hospital chief, Dr. Januário Cicco, especially the discussion on "ethics" in hospital work. The perception of HCJB as medical nosoespaciality always on the move, incorporated under taxonomic principles based on difference and dispersion forces, led us to articulate it theoretically from the conceptual-methodological arsenal of philosopher Michel Foucault, particularly his reflections of genealogical phase, focusing on the phenomenon of power, a position that allows us to enhance our space-hospital construction, invention, product of power relations, which give the unfinished aspect nosocômio, apparent, always at stake, perpetual non-modeling possibility has previously defined array, establishing it at the field of possible, of virtuality, of power: hospital that could have been and that it was not. Indeed, the investigation of various aspects/elements of hospital space Juvino Barreto revealed us new dimensions of hospital space, far more complex than the simple and the current idea of a place to shelter patients: plasticity and fluidity of space, which is not made to circumscribe the limits of empeiria, engraving up to strength relations fought between different subject; its Constitution as a transitional space, Heterotopic, doing live inside modern elements with premoderns (professional doctors working with religious thought, skeptical of positivist medicine living with the religious faith of the nuns of Santana); the impossibility of thinking hospital space of HCJB while homogeneous unit, static, transistoric, making the spatiality, without considering the profound differences, fractures and dislocations that animated his own existence, multiplying their expressions of identity


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The great droughts re- produced spaces in the city of Mossoró / RN in the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century. Its dimension exceeds the climatic effects becoming social locus when advances over the political and economic sectors, social and cultural of the North / Northeast Brazilian societies during that period. This way, analyzing the re-production of social space in episodes of Mossoró‟s droughts is our toil. So try to reveal each segment, route and aspect of production of space in its size and interface between the perceived, conceived and lived, and subjects related to it - refugees, population and authorities - during the droughts of 1877, 1903 and 1915 within Mossoró city. Therefore, issues such as the constitution and representation of the city and social space in the terrifying experience of the drought of 1877, the production of fixed objects and flows of the urban web through of migrant labor, attempts to control, discipline and spatial planning and ways to resistance to these charges in daily sphere are key issues addressed in this work. For this we use diverse sources as minutes of the city council, reports from provincial presidents, media, memory books and others that sustain us in building our narrative and problematic. This way, the spatial production of Mossoró‟s droughts reveals itself in the field of relations and political-economic transformations and sociocultural, inextricably, that shapes and mobilizes your own social space


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This paper analyses the history of Hypolita Maria das Dores, mulatto woman, free born, was enslaved and, by an act of freedom, appealed to court to prove the illegitimacy of her captivity and regain their freedom and their children. The main scenarios of this social and legal struggle are Crato (Ceará) and Exu (Pernambuco), places where she lived in the 19th century. The main objective of this work is to understand how to set the tensions and alliances involving the struggle for freedom inside and outside justice, in differentiated provincial spaces. An approach that belongs to the field of the social history of slavery, we ll prioritize the narrative of life. In it, Hypolita is taken as the subject of her story, as she faces stately and patriarchal values in a slave society. The documentary corpus that allows such vertical investigative consists of parish registers, we examined the baptisms, marriages and death records; analyzed registry documents of postmortem inventories, petitions and crafts; reports of provincial presidents and, finally, the O Araripe s and O Cearense s journalistic information. The investigation of the case allowed the understanding of how, in space and time specific, freedom was understood, usurped and claimed by various social subjects in the frame of morals and justice institutionalized


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The aim of this research is to study the actions of slaves in Comarca do Príncipe, Rio Grande do Norte (1870/1888). Considering the space as a relevant category in the subservient relationship, we investigate how negotiations about the captivity conditions and freedom took place in the domain of this province. The slaves are considered as subjects, who fought for better living conditions in the captivity and who sometimes practiced criminal offenses to achieve freedom. To analyze their actions in the socio-economic environment of the province, we resort to different types of sources. They are: civil and criminal processes, reports from the president of Rio Grande do Norte, the census of 1872, a newspaper called O Assuente, the Livro do Fundo de Emancipação do Município de Príncipe (1873-1886) (The Emancipation Book of Príncipe city) and Imperial Laws. We used the following steps to analyze the data obtained from these sources: the compilation, reading, paleographic transcription, classification of the data according to the thematic, analysis and comparison of information and statistic quantification, submitting empirical data to the discussion built according to the historiographies debates about this subject


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This research has as object of study the city of Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte State, between the middle part of the decade of 1920 and the beginning of 1930. It intended to perceive the projects thought to the city of Caicó as well as the challenges due to the new ideas of modernity that were circulating around the contemporary world. So it consists in an important historical exercise about the relation between history and space in to the extent that itself comes to surface a city deals by diverse angles whose perspectives can be read in several "fragments of memory", such as newspapers, trials-crime, reports, memories, books, etc., those show the tension between the traditional and the modern way of life one. In this way, it´s tried to transform the space, giving it a new reference, inspired in what occurs in the Brazilian big cities and around the world, through the use of the techniques, of the electricity, of the movies, of the press, cars, medicine and so on. At the same time in that is necessary-itself deal with the permanencies such as the old manners and the droughts and theirs "flagellated" people. Therefore, it is in this difficult phase that is tried legitimize the city of Caicó as the "Capital of the Seridó", in the threshold between the refusal and the seduction


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We investigated the immunohistochemistry expression of claudins -1 and -7 in ameloblastoma and in human dental germs on the pattern of distribution (focal, regional or diffuse), the cells that expressed (if central or peripheral) and the location of that expression in the cell components recital membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. Among the 29 cases of ameloblastoma, 24 were type solid and 6 unicystic. In 7 mandibular specimens of human fetuses found dental germs from the stage of bud to the crown. We note that the pattern of expression in the dental germs was variable for claudinas studied according to the cell type and stage of differentiation and was invariate only in the cells of stellate reticulum. In epithelium internal of enamel organ, claudin-1 has been decreasing with the progression of differentiation as to claudina-7 that was found in the cells of the peripheral papilla. For ameloblastoma the expression was more significant than that observed in dental germs. Fisher s exact test no found association between the expression of claudinas cells in central and peripheral and the type of ameloblastoma (solid or unicystic). Thus, in general the claudin-1 was positive in the central cell of 93,1% of the cases and in peripheral cells of 51,7%. The claudin-7 was expressed in the cells of all cases central and peripheral cells from 89,7%. For both claudins the distribution was predominantly diffuse cells both in central and peripheral cells. Given our findings it is suggested that the expression of claudins may be indicative of the involvement of these molecules in morphogenetics events culminating with the dental development and that possibly influence the development of neoplastic ameloblastoma


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Currently, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have effective participation in the growth of malignancies. Knowing that there are few studies involving BMPs and oral squamous cell carcinoma, this work constitutes an immunohistochemical study of BMP-2, BMPR IA and BMPR II in squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) of the lower lip relating to the clinical and pathological aspects of this lesion. The sample consisted of 40 cases of SCC of the lower lip, being 20 cases of SCC of the lower lip with regional metastasis and 20 cases without metastasis. We evaluated the intensity of expression (score 1 to mark absent / weak, score 2 for high ) and was found the percentage of labeled cells, where the score was 1 cases with 0 to 50% of positive cells, score 2 with 51 to 75% of positive cells, and score 3 more than 75% of positive cells. The sample comprised 72.5% of men with a mean age of 65.8 years, there was a predominance of stage II and 52.5% of the carcinomas were classified as low grade, being carcinoma with metastasis presenting most cases (70%) as carcinomas of high malignancy grade (p = 0.004). The largest number of cases of SCC of the lower lip that were in stages I / II (61, 9%) were classified as carcinomas of low grade malignancy and carcinomas in stages III / IV were classified as high-grade tumors (p = 0, 024). The BMP-2 showed strong intensity of immunostaining in 82.5%, BMPR-IA showed 55% of cases with an intensity of immunostaining absent / weak and BMPR-II showed 85% of cases with an intensity of immunostaining absent / weak. Only the protein BMPR-IA were significantly associated with all clinic-pathological parameters studied, metastasis (p <0.001), TNM (p <0.001) and histological grade of malignancy with (p = 0.028). The percentage of positive cells, all markers showed the highest number of cases with more than 75% of positive cells (score 3) and only BMPR-II showed statistical difference when related to the presence and absence of metastasis (p = 0.049 ). We conclude that there is disturbance in the BMP signaling pathway in EC-mediated lower lip and that high expression of BMP-2 associated with the expression of BMPR-IA and BMPR-II are associated with metastasis in carcinoma


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Most of ontogenetic studies on circadian timing system have been developed on infants, adults and elderly. The puberty has not been a stage of life few studied, except for researches in human adolescents, that presents phase delay in sleep-wake cycle. However, few studies have focused on the basis of this circadian change due to methodological difficulties. Thus, an animal model to study the sleep-wake cycle at puberty is essential. In the common marmoset, a social primate, the circadian activity periodicity stabilizes around 4 months (juvenile stage) and the 8h period component has a seasonal variation. Puberty stage of this species begins near the 8th month of age in males and near the 7th month in females with 7 months of duration. With the aim to characterize the circadian motor activity rhythm during puberty in marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) the motor activity was continuous registered by actiwatches in 6 animals between 5-12 months. Since the social factor influence the behavior of this specie, behavioral observations were realized in 30 minutes windows twice/week to a general evaluation of the influence social interactions dynamic across experiment. Determination of puberty onset was done by fecal progesterone and estrogens in females, and androgens in males. From the analysis of the multiple regression test was selected a model that evaluate age and seasonal variables effect on the activity rhythm according to the higher explanation coefficient. The total activity was the only parameter influenced by age. Moreover, the activity onset was the parameter more explained by the model, and the sunrise was the factor that most influenced it. After the puberty onset, 2 dyads advanced the activity onset. The activity total decreased in 1 dyad and increased in 2 dyads. This increase may be related to the birth of infants in these families. The motor activity circadian component stabilized later in 1 dyad, coinciding with the puberty onset of these animals, while bimodality, caused by the 8 h component, was modulated by seasonality. The agonistic behavior was not evaluated due to reduced number of events. There were changes across ages in affiliative behavior of contact in 1 dyad, grooming done in 1 animal and grooming received in 2 animals. Although there is evidence of puberty effect on the activity motor rhythm, the photoperiodic fluctuations influenced the rhythm. Therefore is not possible to affirm if the puberty modulate the activity rhythm in marmosets


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The study of manual preference is a widely used approach to investigate cerebral laterality in nonhuman primates. However, in New World primates, little is known about the ontogenesis of hand use asymmetry, in both forced and spontaneous activities, as well as how they correlate with sexual hormones. Accordingly, a longitudinal study was conducted on the manual preference of 6 female and 4 male common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). The study included the record of forced tests to reach for the food using only one hand (forced activity) and activities such as grooming (auto and social), scratching, grasping the food and hanging, in weekly sessions from the infantile (4 months) to the early adult phase (15 months). Feces samples were also collected, at least once a week, to evaluate the level of gonadal steroids and their influence on these behaviors. In the forced activity, the results confirm the influence of the development period on manual preference during feeding, shown by the increase in lateral stability when grasping the food between the juvenile and adult phases. During this period, a sexual hormone effect on development was also observed, mainly of progesterone in females and androgen in males, but no difference between sexes was found. In the females, progesterone also influenced the manual preference index, with a proportional increase in the degree of manual asymmetry during puberty. With respect to spontaneous activities, the animals showed proportional use of both hands when scratching, hanging, holding the food and grooming. A positive correlation was also found between the preference for holding the food in forced activities and in spontaneous activities


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One of the factors that may interfere with the cultivation of Litopenaeus vannamei is the population density. This study aimed to assess the effect of density on growth, mortality, physical integrity and behavior of shrimp. The study was divided into two stages. At first, the shrimp were placed in tanks at densities of 50, 75 and 100 shrimp m-2. The animals were monitored in relation to the degree of proventricular filling, the stage of the molt cycle and physical integrity three times a week and in relation to the weight and length once a week. Mortality, growth and proventricular filling were not influenced by the density; frequency of records in specific stages of the molt cycle varied according to the density. The lower proportion of broken appendages and higher frequency of necrotic lesions occurred in lower density. The second stage of the research, conducted in aquaria, was divided into two parts. The first described social or feeding behavioral categories: slow displacement by contact, slow displacement by approximation, abrupt displacement by contact, abrupt displacement by approximation, reactivity, cannibalism, occupying the tray, get feed in the tray and get feed outside the tray. In the second part, these and other behavioral categories, described in the literature, were recorded in densities of 50, 75 and 100 shrimp m-2. Mortality was more frequent in higher density. The frequency of most behaviors mentioned above was very low, not differing between densities or being too low to determine differences between them. The behavioral profile of animals in different densities was, in general, very similar, with no difference in exploration, digging and cleaning between the densities. Even so, inactivity, feeding, crawling, burrowing, swimming, and proximity between animals were influenced by the density. These results suggest that some behaviors suffer greater interference from population density. However, the density may not have a broader influence on the animals when other factors, such as physico-chemical parameters of water and feed offering, are adequate


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Phenomenology is the focus of this study for its critique of the limits of positivist science, which guides most of the fields of study including Psychology. The clinical formation process in Psychology courses is especially difficult for students-interns who adopt phenomenology as their clinical framework. Such difficulty is due to the incompatibility between theory provided in Psychology courses a science traditionally based on paradigms of scientism , and the theoretical-methodological proposal adopted by the aforementioned approach. As a backdrop for our study, we carefully examined the thought of philosopher Martin Heidegger, especially the Era of Technique. This contemporary technicism society was studied so that we could understand the socio-cultural status where this formation lies. Thus, we questioned if this panorama upon which Clinical Psychology rests favors the development of a phenomenological attitude and a special look at the meanings of existence, as defined in phenomenological clinical practice. Knowing such limits, our research aimed at understanding the experience of formation of clinical psychologists who take part in internships in the field of phenomenology-existentialism. Such study was, then, a phenomenological-hermeneutic research based on Heideggerian ontology and used a semi-structured interview as access tool. Six students of the UFRN higher-degree Psychology course who were doing their supervised internship in clinical psychology and the referred approach took part in this research. The research revealed that the phenomenological-existential formation phase opens a door to discoveries on the part of the intern that transcend the dimension of the other, for they show a self disclosure while a person in the word. Despite the initial discomforts caused by the course curriculum itself and by the freedom for clinical practice, so characteristic of phenomenology, the narratives demonstrate that such difficulties may start a process of search for new meanings, which show a search for sharpening their practices and for a path in balance with the existence of the other


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This paper is a case study that aims to discuss the effects of drug abuse by a person with psychotic structure from a psychoanalytical perspective. The interest in this subject was born from an internship experience in the Mental Health area in which a psychotic patient had a drug abuse problem and the service treating him had difficulties dealing with this. In order to accomplish the objective of this work four theoretical chapters were written and the case is discussed throughout them articulating the theoretical issues with clinical practice. A literature review revealed that Freud and Lacan did not dedicate themselves to the study of the effect of drug use by psychotic patients but they made important contributions unfolding the theoretical and clinical psychoanalytical practice. Contemporary psychoanalytic authors suggest that the drug use made by psychotics differs from the use by neurotics, because of the particularity of the psychotic structure. It was found that drug use in psychosis can operate in three different ways: the first refers to drug use as substitute of a missing signifier helping the psychotic patient building a social bond. The second function is to intensify psychotic phenomena and the third function is to operate as an attempt to diminish those same phenomena. We conclude that, while the use of drugs in neurosis provides an individualist way of satisfaction, that excludes social aspects. For psychosis such use may operate differently and may play a role in social integration, among others effects. Such discussion can help move forward the direction of treatment of psychosis when the case involves drug use


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The Callitrichidae family presents cooperative breeding, where breeders and non breeders take care of the offspring. The aspects of care analyzed in this study were infant carrying, supervision, proximity and food transfer. Three sets of infants from two wild groups of Callithrix jacchus were studied in the environments of Caatinga (Assu group) and Atlantic Forest (Jundiaí group). The methods used in the study were instantaneous focal sampling (infant carrying, supervision and proximity) and continuous focal sampling (food transfer). In the two sets observed in Assu group, the father carried and transferred food to infants more than the rest of the group. The biggest contribution in supervision was from the father and from another adult male. The members that remained in proximity to the infants in both groups were the younger in the groups (juveniles and sub-adults). In the Jundiaí group, the father and the adult male helper of the group were the main caregivers; one of the sub-adult females was responsible for supervision of the infants. With the disappearance of the reproductive male and one of the sub-adults females in 3º month of infants life, the care was redistributed and the only adult male left in the group was the animal that contributed more in provisioning of the infant. In the Assu group, there were adult females in its composition which were involved in agonistic interactions with breeders and adult males, and seemed to influence their low participation in care. Food transfer initiates early in the development of the infants, as a way to encourage nutritional independence. Different types of food transfer (active food transfer, food steal, food steal attempt, passive food transfer and food handling) were observed in the study and frequency of each one varied with developmental phase and tolerance by the members. One relevant data of the study was the presence of active food transfer in Assu group, since in literature there are very few registers of this type of transfer for this species. It is important that groups from distinct environments and composition be studied for a better understanding of the dynamics of infants development


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The present thesis evaluated the contributions and limitations of the tutorship program introduced in EMATER-RN, as a tactic of organizational socialization for civil servants in probationary stage. Tutorship was understood as an intensive and continuous relational process, in which a more experienced person in the organization the tutor offers psychosocial support, stimulates the development of the professional career and enables to the newcomer the tutee learning on job performance. The organizational socialization was considered in the perspective of the symbolic interactionism. The study was characterized as a program evaluation and as an action research. The practical interventions for the program implementation were conducted and, at the same time, the evaluations of process, results and reaction to the program were applied. Among the major contributions of the action research, it stood out: the diagnosis of reasons for the formation of the pair and of expectations of tutors and tutees, the improvement of the tutorship registration tools, the ascertainment of the success of the program in the socialization of the new civil servants, the confirmation of the importance of the compatibility among them and of the adequate performance of tutorship functions for achieving its benefits. Based in constraints of the program, one may quote as essential recommendations: the formation of a technical team supporting the program, the clear establishment of deadlines for each procedure and the reinforcement to its compliance, the investigation of the functions performed by the tutor, the sensitization of the managers to the resolution of problems that affect the program, the voluntary participation of the tutor and the continuous meetings of tutors and tutees. One settles for the relevance of the program and in favor of its continuation, provided that its improvement and systematic management are conducted.


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This study arises with two questionings: what is the usefulness of a diagnosis in school? And what moves that demand for diagnosis? Such questions were drawn up in answer to a diagnostic demand produced in the context of our internship in Scholar/Educational Psychology. On the perspective of working these issues, we conducted a literature research on diagnosis, with regard to its history, as a review of the psychoanalytic literature about the subject. This venture led us to a new interrogation: what are the elaborations that teachers produce from the child diagnosis, which place her as having special educational needs? The need of deciding the method that would lead us to answer such question, taking as reference the psychoanalytic theory, led us to an incursion to the subject research in psychoanalysis. This tracking points us that, according to Freud, on what comes to psychoanalysis, theory and research go together and that psychoanalysis is not a totalitarian world vision. On Lacan, the research is from the analysand, research that always implies the analyst and its praxis. Such path forced us to position a change to question the positions we occupy, in this experience, guided by an analytical listening. To discuss our position, we started from two cases and submitted them to construction and analysis. As a result, we found out that there is no way to know in advance what will be done from a diagnosis, which will be its uses. Point we used to considerate devastating to a child. So, to us, all children that received a diagnosis would be destined to a tragedy and what the research has shown us is that not always, not all of them. Thus, more than knowing what moves the demand, the important is the subject uses and our position towards it so they can generate a work