110 resultados para Tratamento convencional de água


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The produce of waste and the amount of the water produced coming from activities of petroleum production and extraction has been a biggest challenge for oil companies with respect to environmental compliance due to toxicity. The discard or the reuse this effluent containing organic compounds as BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene) can cause serious environmental and human health problems. Thus, the objective this paper was study the performance of two process (separately and sequential) in one synthetic effluent for the benzene, toluene and xylene removal (volatile hydrocarbons presents in the produced water) through of electrochemical treatment using Ti/Pt electrode and exchange resin ionic used in the adsorption process. The synthetic solution of BTX was prepared with concentration of 22,8 mg L-1, 9,7 mg L-1 e 9,0 mg L-1, respectively, in Na2SO4 0,1 mol L-1. The experiments was developed in batch with 0.3 L of solution at 25ºC. The electrochemical oxidation process was accomplished with a Ti/Pt electrode with different current density (J = 10, 20 e 30 mA.cm-2). In the adsorption process, we used an ionic exchange resin (Purolite MB 478), using different amounts of mass (2,5, 5 and 10 g). To verify the process of technics in the sequential treatment, was fixed the current density at 10 mA cm-2 and the resin weight was 2.5 g. Analysis of UV-VIS spectrophotometry, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and gas chromatography with selective photoionization detector (PID) and flame ionization (FID), confirmed the high efficiency in the removal of organic compounds after treatment. It was found that the electrochemical process (separate and sequential) is more efficient than absorption, reaching values of COD removal exceeding 70%, confirmed by the study of the cyclic voltammetry and polarization curves. While the adsorption (separately), the COD removal did not exceed 25,8%, due to interactions resin. However, the sequential process (electrochemical oxidation and adsorption) proved to be a suitable alternative, efficient and cost-effectiveness for the treatment of effluents petrochemical.


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The treatment of wastewater is essential to human health. One of the most important steps is the disinfection treatment which uses chlorine to eliminate bacteria as required by environmental agencies. However, the identification of potentially toxic byproducts generated by this method, such as trihalomethanes, has stimulated the development of new alternative disinfection technologies. Among them, heterogeneous photocatalysis, TiO2 photocatalysis and electrochemical disinfection are considered suitable alternatives to the chlorination method. Thus, the present dissertation analyzes the evolution of active chlorine species in a synthetic NaCl solution and it is tested to treat a synthetic solution of the dye Reactive Blue 19 using boron-doped diamond (BDD) and ruthenium oxide (Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2) as anodes. The indirect electrochemical process was discussed in terms of mineralization of the total organic load and percentage of color removal in order to evaluate the applicability of electrochemical technology. Electrochemical experiments were carried out with different current densities (25, 50 and 75 mA.cm-2) during 120 minutes. On the other hand, other important parameter in this study was the influence of the proportion sp3/sp2 on BDD anode on the performance of the evolution of active chlorine species which was investigated by electrolytic techniques (linear polarization), with the intention of determining the related training oxidizing species and consumption energy to chemical or electrochemical reactions. From the results, it can be noted that the BDD electrode showed better efficiency throughout the electrochemical process.


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The treatment of wastewater is essential to human health. One of the most important steps is the disinfection treatment which uses chlorine to eliminate bacteria as required by environmental agencies. However, the identification of potentially toxic byproducts generated by this method, such as trihalomethanes, has stimulated the development of new alternative disinfection technologies. Among them, heterogeneous photocatalysis, TiO2 photocatalysis and electrochemical disinfection are considered suitable alternatives to the chlorination method. Thus, the present dissertation analyzes the evolution of active chlorine species in a synthetic NaCl solution and it is tested to treat a synthetic solution of the dye Reactive Blue 19 using boron-doped diamond (BDD) and ruthenium oxide (Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2) as anodes. The indirect electrochemical process was discussed in terms of mineralization of the total organic load and percentage of color removal in order to evaluate the applicability of electrochemical technology. Electrochemical experiments were carried out with different current densities (25, 50 and 75 mA.cm-2) during 120 minutes. On the other hand, other important parameter in this study was the influence of the proportion sp3/sp2 on BDD anode on the performance of the evolution of active chlorine species which was investigated by electrolytic techniques (linear polarization), with the intention of determining the related training oxidizing species and consumption energy to chemical or electrochemical reactions. From the results, it can be noted that the BDD electrode showed better efficiency throughout the electrochemical process.


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The monoaromatic compounds are toxic substances present in petroleum derivades and used broadly in the chemical and petrochemical industries. Those compounds are continuously released into the environment, contaminating the soil and water sources, leading to the possible unfeasibility of those hydrous resources due to their highly carcinogenic and mutagenic potentiality, since even in low concentrations, the BTEX may cause serious health issues. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop and search for new methodologies that assist and enable the treatment of BTEX-contaminated matrix. The bioremediation consists on the utilization of microbial groups capable of degrading hydrocarbons, promoting mineralization, or in other words, the permanent destruction of residues, eliminating the risks of future contaminations. This work investigated the biodegradation kinetics of water-soluble monoaromatic compounds (benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene), based on the evaluation of its consummation by the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, for concentrations varying from 40 to 200 mg/L. To do so, the performances of Monod kinetic model for microbial growth were evaluated and the material balance equations for a batch operation were discretized and numerically solved by the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The kinetic parameters obtained using the method of least squares as statistical criteria were coherent when compared to those obtained from the literature. They also showed that, the microorganism has greater affinity for ethylbenzene. That way, it was possible to observe that Monod model can predict the experimental data for the individual biodegradation of the BTEX substrates and it can be applied to the optimization of the biodegradation processes of toxic compounds for different types of bioreactors and for different operational conditions.


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The monoaromatic compounds are toxic substances present in petroleum derivades and used broadly in the chemical and petrochemical industries. Those compounds are continuously released into the environment, contaminating the soil and water sources, leading to the possible unfeasibility of those hydrous resources due to their highly carcinogenic and mutagenic potentiality, since even in low concentrations, the BTEX may cause serious health issues. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop and search for new methodologies that assist and enable the treatment of BTEX-contaminated matrix. The bioremediation consists on the utilization of microbial groups capable of degrading hydrocarbons, promoting mineralization, or in other words, the permanent destruction of residues, eliminating the risks of future contaminations. This work investigated the biodegradation kinetics of water-soluble monoaromatic compounds (benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene), based on the evaluation of its consummation by the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, for concentrations varying from 40 to 200 mg/L. To do so, the performances of Monod kinetic model for microbial growth were evaluated and the material balance equations for a batch operation were discretized and numerically solved by the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The kinetic parameters obtained using the method of least squares as statistical criteria were coherent when compared to those obtained from the literature. They also showed that, the microorganism has greater affinity for ethylbenzene. That way, it was possible to observe that Monod model can predict the experimental data for the individual biodegradation of the BTEX substrates and it can be applied to the optimization of the biodegradation processes of toxic compounds for different types of bioreactors and for different operational conditions.


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Contamination of groundwater by BTX has been featured in recent decades. This type of contamination is due to small and continuous leaks at gas stations, causing serious problems to public health and the environment. Based on these antecedents, the search for new alternatives for treating contaminated water is shown to be essential. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of removal of BTX by adsorption processes employing commercial alumina (Al2O3) and alumina supported with iron (Fe/Al2O3) as adsorbents. It was prepared by a in a synthetic gasoline solution and distilled water to simulate an actual sample. Initially, the adsorbents were characterized by techniques XRD, TG / DTG, XRF, FTIR and SEM/EDS, several trials, where he was placed synthetic solution to react in the presence of Al2O3 and Fe/Al2O3 in a closed, mechanical stirring system were performed varying the catalyst concentration 2, 4 and 6 g.L-1 every 0, 10, 30 60, 90 and 120 min, aliquots were taken and brought to analysis by gas chromatography flame ionization with headspace extraction. The results indicated that the absorbent which has higher BTX removal capacity was the Fe/Al2O3 at a concentration of 6 g.L-1, pH = 4 and time of 90 minutes reaction, resulting in an efficiency, resulting in a 86,5% efficiency for benzene removal, for the 95,4% toluene, 90,8% for ɱ,ρ- xylene and 93.7% for the θ-xylenes. Subsequently, we performed a kinetic study of the reactions, the values of experimental adsorption capacity (qe) showed agreement with the values of the theoretical adsorption capacity (qc) to the pseudo-second-order model in the adsorption tests using 2 and 6 gL-1 of Al2O3 and assays using 2, 4 and 6 g.L-1 of Fe/Al2O3. A fact corroborated by the R2 values, thus indicating that the chemical interactions are present in the adsorption mechanisms of BTX.


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The current study examined spatial-temporal modifications and water quality through chemical and biotic indicators during both dry (January, February and November 2006) and wet seasons (March to June 2006). This study was carried out in Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Reservoir, RN, Canal do Pataxó and after the water station treatment (WST). The physical-chemical parameters were measured in situ and inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll a and Free Oxygen Demand (FOD) were analyzed in laboratory conditions. Quali quantitative analyses of phytoplankton were carried out utilizing Sedgwick-Rafter camera. Results indicate that DQO concentrations were low. FOD concentrations in the reservoir were comparatively higher in the dry season (5.21 mgL-1; 5.64 mgL-1 e 6.05 mgL-1) in relation to the wet season (4.52 mgL-1; 4.12 mgL-1 e 4.92 mgL-1), in surface, intermediate and bottom waters, respectively. FOD values were inferior to 1.0mgL-1in both Canal do Pataxó and after WST, which is considered adequate for public use reservoirs. Although FOD concentrations were low, Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Reservoir, Canal do Pataxó and WST were classified as euthophizied, mesotrophic ad oligotrophic, respectively, considering the Index of Trophic State Criteria. Chlorophyll a concentrations in the study reservoir were higher in the surface (199.2 µgL-1) during the wet season, whereas in Canal do Pataxó concentrations decreased from 1.56 µgL-1 to 0.028 µgL-1, and after WST values were low (0.059 µgL-1). Dominance of cianobacterias, such as Planktotrhix agardhii (dry season) and Microcystis sp (wet season) was registered in all three areas. In the reservoir and Canal do Pataxó, density of cianobacterias, such as P. agardhii and Microcistys sp., was superior to the values allowed by the Health ministry (HM). However, after WST, density values of cianobacteria were inferior to values established by the HM


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The effluents released by the textile industry have high concentrations of alkali, carbohydrates, proteins, in addition to colors containing heavy metals. Therefore, a filter was prepared aiming primarily to the removal of color. In order to prepare this filter, rice hulls and diatomite were used, which have in their structure, basically amorphous hydrated silica. The silica exists in three crystalline forms: quartz, tridymite and cristobalite. In accordance with the above considerations, this study was divided into two stages; the first corresponds to the preparation of the filter and the second to carry out the tests in the effluent/filter in order to verify the efficiency of the color removal. First, the raw material was subjected to a chemical analysis and XRD, and then the diatomite was mixed, via humid, with a planetarium windmill with 20 %, 40 %, 60 % and 80 % of rice husk ash. To the mixture, 5 % carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) was added as a binder at room temperature. The samples were uniaxially compacted into metallic matrix of 0.3 x 0.1 cm² of area at a pressure of 167 MPa by means of hydraulic press and then sintered at temperatures of 1,000 °C, 1,200 °C and 1,400 °C for 1 h and submitted to granulometry test using laser, linear retraction, water absorption, apparent porosity and resistance to bending, DTA, TMA and XRD. To examine the pore structure of the samples scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used. Also tests were carried out in a mercury porosimeter to verify the average size of the pores and real density of the samples. In the second stage, samples of the effluent were collected from a local industry, whose name will be preserved, located in Igapó, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte - RN. The effluent was first pretreated before filtration and then subjected to a treatment of flotation. The effluent was then characterized before and after filtration, with parameters of color, turbidity, suspended solids, pH, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand (COD and BOD). Thus, through the XRD analysis the formation of cristobalite α in all samples was observed. The best average size of pore was found to be 1.75 μm with 61.04 % apparent porosity, thus obtaining an average 97.9 % color removal and 99.8 % removal of suspended solid


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The synthesis of zeolites from natural sources of silicon and aluminum are promising alternative routes to obtain porous or zeolite MCM family. Such materials are typically used in catalytic processes and / or adsorption is to obtain new products or for separation and purification processes thereof. Environmental legislation is becoming stricter and requires the use of materials more efficient, aiming to achieve pollution prevention, by gas or liquid contaminants in the environment. In order to obtain a material with environmentally friendly features, this study aimed at the synthesis of zeolite A, from an amorphous sediment, diatomite, which is found in abundance in the northeast region of Brazil, may be substituted for conventional products the production of zeolite, involving higher costs. The methodology for obtaining the "Zeolite A" using as a source of silica and alumina diatomite is simple, since this is a source of silicon, not requiring therefore a structural driver, but also by heat treatment, only drying conventional to remove water. The "zeolite A" was obtained from diatomite, but as an intermediate step we obtained the sodalite. The characterization was made by the following techniques: EDX, XRD, FT-IR, SEM and determining a specific area by the BET method and the BJH method for checking the diameter of pores. By characterization of the obtained material was first demonstrated the achievement of sodalite and after modification of the same, there was obtained zeolite A


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O processamento térmico de materiais cerâmicos via energia de microondas, no estágio atual, vem ganhando cada dia mais importância, tendo em vista suas inúmeras aplicações, como por exemplo: aplicação de microondas na área de processamento mineral (aquecimento de minérios antes da moagem, secagem, redução carbotérmica de óxidos minerais, lixiviação, fusão, pré-tratamento de minérios e concentrados de ouro refratário, regeneração de carvão, etc. de acordo com Kigman & Rowson, 1998). Em virtude de uma série de vantagens em potencial, frente aos métodos convencionais de aquecimento, como redução no tempo de processamento; economia de energia; diminuição do diâmetro médio das partículas e melhoramento nas propriedades tecnológicas em geral, esta tecnologia vem se destacando. Neste contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho, é desenvolver uma pesquisa visando identificar e caracterizar novas opções de matérias-primas cerâmicas como argilas, feldspatos e caulins que sejam eficazes para definir a formulação de uma ou mais massas para produção de componentes de cerâmica estrutural com propriedades físicas, mecânicas e estéticas adequadas após passarem por sinterização convencional e por energia de microondas destacando as vantagens desta última. Além dos requisitos técnicos e de processo, as formulações apresentadas deverão atender às expectativas de preço e de logística de fornecimento. No estudo foram conformados corpos-de-prova por extrusão e prensagem, sinterizados em fornos microondas e convencional, sob ciclos de queima mais rápidos que os atualmente praticados. As matérias-primas foram caracterizadas e analisadas, utilizando as técnicas de fluorescência por raios X (FRX), difração por raios X (DRX), análise térmica diferencial (DTA), análise térmica gravimétrica (DTG), análise granulométrica (AG), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), absorção d agua (AA), massa especifica aparente (MEA), porosidade aparente (PA), retração linear (RL) e tensão de ruptura e flexão (TRF). Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as propriedades tecnológicas de Absorção de água (AA) e Tensão de Ruptura e flexão (TRF), proposto no trabalho foram adquiridos com sucesso e estão bem além do limite exigido pelas especificações das normas da ABNT NBR 15.270/05 e 15.310/09


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This employment has the function the utilization of mango seeds Tommy Atkins, like starch source to obtain biopolymers and fibers source and nanowhiskers cellulose also, that will be use like reinforcing fillers in micro and nanobiocomposites polymeric. The fibers in natura removed from tegument mango seed were characterized, as weel as the treated fibers and nanowhiskers of cellulose extracted from them. The starch extracted from seed s almond showed a good performance (32%) and a high purity. The chemicals analyzes, of crystallinity and morphological of the fibers in natura, treated fibers and nanowhiskers of cellulose confirmed the efficacy of the chemical treatement performed to remove amorphous constituents (hemicellulose and lignina). The thermoplastic starch (TPS) obtained from two sources, corn starch and starchy material mango, was produced in a twin screw extruder with compositon mass of 62,5% of starch, 9,4% of water and 28,1% of glycerol. The starch material mango was the main objective of this work for the production of biodegradable materials, and the starch corn was utilized during the production stage to evaluate the processability of the starch and use as parameter for comparison, according of being a conventional source for obtaining conventional comercial starch. The incorporation of fibers (6% in mass) and nanowhiskers cellulose (1% in mass) in matrix of TPS to obtain composite and nanocomposite, respectively, it was performed in single screw extruder. The biocomposites and bionanocomposites polymeric were obtained and the TPS from starchy material mango presented better results of thermal and mechanicals properties when compared to TPS corn starch. Concludes that the sediment generated of the agroindustrial processing mango used presents potencial to producing of biodegradables materials


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Brazil has vast amounts of hydric resources, whose quality has been deteriorating due to pollutant dumping. Household waste disposal is one of the main sources of water pollution, stimulating bacteria proliferation and introducing microorganisms, including those from fecal matter. Conventional water disinfection methods are a solution, but on the downside, they lead to the formation byproducts hazardous to human health. In this study, aiming to develop bactericidal filters for the disinfection of drinking water; silver nanoparticles were deposited on alumina foams through three routes: sputtering DC, dip coating and in situ chemical reduction of silver nitrate. The depositions were characterized through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and EDS element mapping. The influence of the depositions on permeability and mechanical properties of the ceramic foams was assessed and, in sequence, a preliminary antibacterial efficiency analysis was carried out. Characterization results indicate that the chemical reduction routes were efficient in depositing homogeneously distributed silver particles and that the concentration of the metallic precursor salt affects size and morphology of the particles. The antibacterial efficiency analysis indicates that the chemical reduction filters have potential for water disinfection


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Chitosan is being studied for use as dressing due their biological properties. Aiming to expand the use in biomedical applications, chitosan membranes were modified by plasma using the following gases: nitrogen (N2), methane (CH4), argon (Ar), oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2). The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle, surface energy and water absorption test. Biological Tests were also performed, such as: test sterilization and proliferation of fibroblasts (3T3 line). Through SEM we observed morphological changes occurring during the plasma treatment, the formation of micro and nano-sized valleys. MFA was used to analyze different roughness parameters (Ra, Rp, Rz) and surface topography. It was found that the treated samples had an increase in surface roughness and sharp peaks. Methane plasma treatment decreased the hydrophilicity of the membranes and also the rate of water absorption, while the other treatments turned the membranes hydrophilic. The sterilization was effective in all treatment times with the following gases: Ar, N2 and H2. With respect to proliferation, all treatments showed an improvement in cell proliferation increased in a range 150% to 250% compared to untreated membrane. The highlights were the treatments with Ar 60 min, O2 60 min, CH4 15 min. Observing the results of the analyzes performed in this study, it appears that there is no single parameter that influences cell proliferation, but rather a set of ideal conditions that favor cell proliferation


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The production of water has become one of the most important wastes in the petroleum industry, specifically in the up stream segment. The treatment of this kind of effluents is complex and normally requires high costs. In this context, the electrochemical treatment emerges as an alternative methodology for treating the wastewaters. It employs electrochemical reactions to increase the capability and efficiency of the traditional chemical treatments for associated produced water. The use of electrochemical reactors can be effective with small changes in traditional treatments, generally not representing a significant additional surface area for new equipments (due to the high cost of square meter on offshore platforms) and also it can use almost the same equipments, in continuous or batch flow, without others high costs investments. Electrochemical treatment causes low environmental impact, because the process uses electrons as reagent and generates small amount of wastes. In this work, it was studied two types of electrochemical reactors: eletroflocculation and eletroflotation, with the aim of removing of Cu2+, Zn2+, phenol and BTEX mixture of produced water. In eletroflocculation, an electrical potential was applied to an aqueous solution containing NaCl. For this, it was used iron electrodes, which promote the dissolution of metal ions, generating Fe2+ and gases which, in appropriate pH, promote also clotting-flocculation reactions, removing Cu2+ and Zn2+. In eletroflotation, a carbon steel cathode and a DSA type anode (Ti/TiO2-RuO2-SnO2) were used in a NaCl solution. It was applied an electrical current, producing strong oxidant agents as Cl2 and HOCl, increasing the degradation rate of BTEX and phenol. Under different flow rates, the Zn2+ was removed by electrodeposition or by ZnOH formation, due the increasing of pH during the reaction. To better understand the electrochemical process, a statistical protocol factor (22) with central point was conducted to analyze the sensitivity of operating parameters on removing Zn2+ by eletroflotation, confirming that the current density affected the process negatively and the flow rate positively. For economical viability of these two electrochemical treatments, the energy consumption was calculated, taking in account the kWh given by ANEEL. The treatment cost obtained were quite attractive in comparison with the current treatments used in Rio Grande do Norte state. In addition, it could still be reduced for the case of using other alternative energy source such as solar, wind or gas generated directly from the Petrochemical Plant or offshore platforms


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This document aims to improve the quality of the production test in vertical tanks with free water drain pipes, through a device to control the draining system. This proposal consists of an interface detector close to the tank bottle and a control valve on the pipe-drain; they are attached to a remote supervisor system, which will be minimizing the human influence in the conclusion of the test result. And for more consciousness the work shows the importance of the wells production test in the attendance and diagnosis of the productive process, informing the large number of tests executed and problems of the procedure adopted in the field today. There are many possible sources of uncertainty in this kind of test as shown in the experiments realized in the field; the object prototype of this dissertation will be made in the field, based upon the definition of parameters and characteristics of the devices proposal. For a better definition of the draining process the action results of the assessment test are shown, especially changed some for the understand ing of the real process. It shows the proposal details and the configuration that will be used in the tank of Monte Alegre s field Production Station, explaining the interface detector kind and the control system. It is the base to a pilot project now in development, named as the new project classified in the status of the new technology and production improvement of PETROBRAS in Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará. This dissertation concludes that the automation of the conventional test with the draining system will bring benefits both economically as metrologically, because it reduces the uncertainty of the test procedures with free water draining, and also decreases the number of tests with problems