113 resultados para Separação conjugal


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The separation oil-water by the use of flotation process is characterized by the involvement between the liquid and gas phases. For the comprehension of this process, it s necessary to analyze the physical and chemical properties command float flotation, defining the nature and forces over the particles. The interface chemistry has an important role on the flotation technology once, by dispersion of a gas phase into a liquid mixture the particles desired get stuck into air bubbles, being conduced to a superficial layer where can be physically separated. Through the study of interface interaction involved in the system used for this work, was possible to apply the results in an mathematical model able to determine the probability of flotation using a different view related to petroleum emulsions such as oil-water. The terms of probability of flotation correlate the collision and addition between particles of oil and air bubbles, that as more collisions, better is the probability of flotation. The additional probability was analyzed by the isotherm of absorption from Freundlich, represents itself the add probability between air bubbles and oil particles. The mathematical scheme for float flotation involved the injected air flow, the size of bubbles and quantity for second, the volume of float cell, viscosity of environment and concentration of demulsifier. The results shown that the float agent developed by castor oil, pos pH variation, salt quantity, temperature, concentration and water-oil quantity, presented efficient extraction of oil from water, up to 95%, using concentrations around 11 ppm of demulsifier. The best results were compared to other commercial products, codified by ―W‖ and ―Z‖, being observed an equivalent demulsifier power between Agflot and commercial product ―W‖ and superior to commercial product ―Z‖


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Innovative technologies using surfactant materials have applicability in several industrial fields, including petroleum and gas areas. This study seeks to investigate the use of a surfactant derived from coconut oil (SCO saponified coconut oil) in the recovery process of organic compounds that are present in oily effluents from petroleum industry. For this end, experiments were accomplished in a column of small dimension objectifying to verify the influence of the surfactant SCO in the efficiency of oil removal. This way, they were prepared emulsions with amount it fastens of oil (50, 100, 200 and 400 ppm), being determined the great concentrations of surfactant for each one of them. Some rehearsals were still accomplished with produced water of the industry of the petroleum to compare the result with the one of the emulsions. According to the experiments, it was verified that an increase of the surfactant concentration does not implicate in a greater oil removal. The separation process use gaseous bubbles formed when a gas stream pass a liquid column, when low surfactant concentrations are used, it occurs the coalescence of the dispersed oil droplets and their transport to the top of the column, forming a new continuous phase. Such surfactants lead to a gas-liquid interface saturation, depending on the used surfactant concentration, affecting the flotation process and influencing in the removal capacity of the oily dispersed phase. A porous plate filter, with pore size varying from 40 to 250 mm, was placed at the base of the column to allow a hydrodynamic stable operation. During the experimental procedures, the operating volume of phase liquid was held constant and the rate of air flow varied in each experiment. The resulting experimental of the study hydrodynamic demonstrated what the capturing of the oil was influenced by diameter of the bubbles and air flow. With the increase flow of 300 about to 900 cm3.min-1, occurred an increase in the removal of oil phase of 44% about to 66% and the removal kinetic of oil was defined as a reaction of 1° order.


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Aiming to consumer s safety the presence of pathogenic contaminants in foods must be monitored because they are responsible for foodborne outbreaks that depending on the level of contamination can ultimately cause the death of those who consume them. In industry is necessary that this identification be fast and profitable. This study shows the utility and application of near-infrared (NIR) transflectance spectroscopy as an alternative method for the identification and classification of Escherichia coli and Salmonella Enteritidis in commercial fruit pulp (pineapple). Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Modeling of Class Analogy (SIMCA) and Discriminant Analysis Partial Least Squares (PLS-DA) were used in the analysis. It was not possible to obtain total separation between samples using PCA and SIMCA. The PLS-DA showed good performance in prediction capacity reaching 87.5% for E. coli and 88.3% for S. Enteritides, respectively. The best models were obtained for the PLS-DA with second derivative spectra treated with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.87 and 0.83, respectively. These results suggest that the NIR spectroscopy and PLS-DA can be used to discriminate and detect bacteria in the fruit pulp


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Magnetic particles are systems with potential use in drug delivery systems, ferrofluids, and effluent treatment. In many situations, such as in biomedical applications, it is necessary to cover magnetic particles with an organic material, as polymers. In this work, magnetic particles were obtained through covering magnetite particles with poly(methyl methacrylate‐comethacrylic acid) via miniemulsion polymerization process. The resultant materials were characterized X‐ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), zeta potential (��) measurements and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). XRD results showed magnetite as the predominant cristalline phase in all samples and that cristallites had nanometric dimensions. Thermogravimetric analysis revealed an increase in polymer thermal stability as a result of magnetite encapsulation. TGA results showed also that the encapsulation efficiency was directly related to nanoparticles s hidrofobicity degree. VSM measurements showed that magnetic polymeric particles were superparamagnetic, so that they may be potentially used for magnetic (bio)separation


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The aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate the mechanical strength of squared and rectangular 2.0 mm system miniplates comparing them to the standard configuration with 2 straight miniplates in stabilizing fractures in the anterior mandible. Ninety synthetic polyurethane mandible replicas were used in mechanical test. The samples were divided into six groups of three different methods for fixation. Groups 1, 2 and 3 showed complete fractures in symphysis, characterized by a linear separation between the medial incisor, and groups 4, 5 and 6 showed complete fractures in parasymphysis with oblique design. Groups 1 and 4 were represented by the standard technique with two straight miniplates parallel to each other. Groups 2 and 5 were stabilized by squared miniplates and groups 3 and 6 were fixed by rectangular design. Each group was subjected to a mechanical test at a displacement speed of 10 mm/min on a universal testing machine, receiving linear vertical load on the region of the left first molar. The values of the maximum load and when displacements reached 5 mm were obtained and statistically analyzed by calculating the confidence interval of 95%. Fixation systems using squared (G2) and rectangular (G3) miniplates obtained similar results. No statistically significant differences with respect to the maximum load and the load at 5 mm displacement were found when compared to standard method in symphyseal fractures (G1). In parasymphysis the fixation method using squared miniplates (G5) obtained results without significant differences regarding the maximum load and the load at 5 mm when compared to the standard configuration (G4). The fixation method using rectangular miniplates (G6) showed inferior results which were statistically significant when compared to the standard configuration (G4) for parasymphysis fractures. The mechanical behavior of the fixation methods was similar, except when rectangular miniplates were used. The fixation methods showed better results with statistical significance in symphyseal fractures


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A iniciação sexual é um marco significativo na vida do indivíduo, ocorrendo geralmente na adolescência. Importantes transformações biopsicossociais ocorrem nesta fase, denotando vulnerabilidades à vida do adolescente, dentre elas, as decorrentes da iniciação sexual, sendo o risco de infecção pelo HIV/aids a mais grave. A infecção pelo HIV/aids constitui atualmente um importante problema de Saúde Pública, estando os jovens no centro da epidemia mundial. No Brasil, dados do último boletim epidemiológico, lançado em 2013, apontam para a tendência de aumento de sua prevalência na população jovem. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a associação entre iniciação sexual e o perfil sociodemográfico, o indicador de conhecimento das formas de transmissão do HIV/aids e fatores biopsicossociais autoestima e habilidades sociais, em adolescentes de 16 a 19 anos, de ambos os sexos, estudantes do nível médio técnico integrado, do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte, Campus Natal. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, cuja amostra foi constituída aleatoriamente por 200 alunos que responderam de forma anônima a quatro instrumentos: perfil sociodemográfico, questionário da Pesquisa de Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Práticas na População Brasileira (PCAP), Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes de Del-Prette (IHSA). A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada através do teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e do exato de Fisher (α <5%). A média de idade para a primeira relação sexual foi de 15,96 anos, com o início mais cedo para o sexo masculino. Verificou-se associações estatisticamente significativas entre iniciação sexual e as seguintes variáveis: idade, sexo, situação conjugal, religião, renda familiar, autoestima e o repertório de habilidades sociais. Observou-se ainda que apenas 11% dos adolescentes possuíam conhecimento correto acerca das formas de transmissão do HIV/aids. Conclui-se que os esforços para a prevenção das DST/aids precisam ser direcionados a campanhas e programas mais eficazes, que considerem não somente o caráter informativo, mas também os fatores psicossociais já que estes mostraram-se associados ao início da vida sexual


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Middleware platforms have been widely used as an underlying infrastructure to the development of distributed applications. They provide distribution and heterogeneity transparency and a set of services that ease the construction of distributed applications. Nowadays, the middlewares accommodate an increasing variety of requirements to satisfy distinct application domains. This broad range of application requirements increases the complexity of the middleware, due to the introduction of many cross-cutting concerns in the architecture, which are not properly modularized by traditional programming techniques, resulting in a tangling and spread of theses concerns in the middleware code. The presence of these cross-cutting concerns limits the middleware scalability and aspect-oriented paradigm has been used successfully to improve the modularity, extensibility and customization capabilities of middleware. This work presents AO-OiL, an aspect-oriented (AO) middleware architecture, based on the AO middleware reference architecture. This middleware follows the philosophy that the middleware functionalities must be driven by the application requirements. AO-OiL consists in an AO refactoring of the OiL (Orb in Lua) middleware in order to separate basic and crosscutting concerns. The proposed architecture was implemented in Lua and RE-AspectLua. To evaluate the refactoring impact in the middleware architecture, this paper presents a comparative analysis of performance between AO-OiL and OiL


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This paper proposes a systematic approach to management of variability modelsdriven and aspects using the mechanisms of approaches Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) and Model-Driven Development (MDD). The main goal of the approach, named CrossMDA-SPL, is to improve the management(gerência), modularization and isolation ou separation of the variability of the LPSs of architecture in a high level of abstraction (model) at the design and implementing phases of development Software Product Lines (SPLs), exploiting the synergy between AOSD and MDD. The CrossMDA-SPL approach defines some artifacts basis for advance the separation clear in between the mandatory (bounden) and optional features in the architecture of SPL. The artifacts are represented by two models named: (i) core model (base domain) - responsible for specify the common features the all members of the SPL, and (ii) variability model - responsible for represent the variables features of SPL. In addition, the CrossMDA-SPL approach is composed of: (i) guidelines for modeling and representation of variability, (ii) CrossMDA-SPL services and process, and (iii) models of the architecture of SPL or product instance of SPL. The guidelines use the advantages of AOSD and MDD to promote a better modularization of the variable features of the architecture of SPL during the creation of core and variability models of the approach. The services and sub-processes are responsible for combination automatically, through of process of transformation between the core and variability models, and the generation of new models that represent the implementation of the architecture of SPL or a instance model of SPL. Mechanisms for effective modularization of variability for architectures of SPL at model level. The concepts are described and measured with the execution of a case study of an SPL for management systems of transport electronic tickets


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Despite the emergence of other forms of artificial lift, sucker rod pumping systems remains hegemonic because of its flexibility of operation and lower investment cost compared to other lifting techniques developed. A successful rod pumping sizing necessarily passes through the supply of estimated flow and the controlled wear of pumping equipment used in the mounted configuration. However, the mediation of these elements is particularly challenging, especially for most designers dealing with this work, which still lack the experience needed to get good projects pumping in time. Even with the existence of various computer applications on the market in order to facilitate this task, they must face a grueling process of trial and error until you get the most appropriate combination of equipment for installation in the well. This thesis proposes the creation of an expert system in the design of sucker rod pumping systems. Its mission is to guide a petroleum engineer in the task of selecting a range of equipment appropriate to the context provided by the characteristics of the oil that will be raised to the surface. Features such as the level of gas separation, presence of corrosive elements, possibility of production of sand and waxing are taken into account in selecting the pumping unit, sucker-rod strings and subsurface pump and their operation mode. It is able to approximate the inferente process in the way of human reasoning, which leads to results closer to those obtained by a specialist. For this, their production rules were based on the theory of fuzzy sets, able to model vague concepts typically present in human reasoning. The calculations of operating parameters of the pumping system are made by the API RP 11L method. Based on information input, the system is able to return to the user a set of pumping configurations that meet a given design flow, but without subjecting the selected equipment to an effort beyond that which can bear


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The occurrence of problems related to the scattering and tangling phenomenon, such as the difficulty to do system maintenance, increasingly frequent. One way to solve this problem is related to the crosscutting concerns identification. To maximize its benefits, the identification must be performed from early stages of development process, but some works have reported that this has not been done in most of cases, making the system development susceptible to the errors incidence and prone to the refactoring later. This situation affects directly to the quality and cost of the system. PL-AOVgraph is a goal-oriented requirements modeling language which offers support to the relationships representation among requirements and provides separation of crosscutting concerns by crosscutting relationships representation. Therefore, this work presents a semi-automatic method to crosscutting concern identification in requirements specifications written in PL-AOVgraph. An adjacency matrix is used to identify the contributions relationships among the elements. The crosscutting concern identification is based in fan-out analysis of contribution relationships from the informations of adjacency matrix. When identified, the crosscutting relationships are created. And also, this method is implemented as a new module of ReqSys-MDD tool


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The genus Herpsilochmus is composed mainly of cryptic species, among them is Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus, which is currently represented by four subspecies: H. r. rufimarginatus, H. r. frater, H. r. scapularis and H. r. exiguus. Differences in plumage and vocalization suggest that there are more than one species involved in this complex. Thus this and other subspecific taxa need urgent revision, the disjunct distribution of this species also allows us to infer the relationship between birds that occur in this biome and / or different centers of endemism. This study aims to make a taxonomic revision of the taxa included in the complex time Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus based on morphological, morphometric, vocals and geographical distribution of this bird. Besides creating distribution models current potential and make the reconstruction of the distribution bygone using ecological niche modeling, and testing the niche conservatism and divergence between different subspecies. Consultations for examination of the skins of specimens of the museums: Museum of Zoology, University of São Paulo (MZUSP), National Museum of Rio de Janeiro (MN) and Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará (MPEG), and the skins deposited at the collection of Ornithological Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (COUFRN). We studied the following measures length of specimens: exposed culmen, culmen and total culmen nostril, tarsus, wing and tail flattened. The voice analysis was performed with vocalizations banks and / or digital banks people where 17 voice parameters were measured. This information and more available in the literature were used to assemble a bunch of data under the limit distribution of taxa and generate ecological niche models. This analyzes carried out in the program Maxent, having as model selection criterion the AUC, and the models were greater than 0.80 are considered good models. Environmental data for the realization of the modeling were downloaded on the website of Worldclim. The morphometric information, vocals and geographic distribution point for the separation of these taxa to be considering various uni and multivariate analyzes. The potential distribution models performed well (AUC> 0.80), and its distribution associated with environmental characteristics of the Amazon forest and Atlantic forest (forests of south and southeast, northeast and forest). The reconstruction of the distribution indicates a possible contact between the southern part of the Atlantic forest in the northern part of the Amazon. The analysis of niche overlap showed a low overlap between taxa and comparisons between the null model and the generated overlay link probably occurring niche conservatism. The data suggest that the taxa that occur in the Amazon and Atlantic forest represent three distinct species


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Understanding the historical and ecological relationships which are influent in current biological diversity is one of the most challenging tasks of evolutionary biology. Recent systematics emphasizes the need of integrative approaches to delimit different lineages and species. The northeastern Brazil, mostly placed in Caatinga biome, is characterized by a semi-arid weather, low precipitation and seasonal behavior of rivers. This region is regarded lacking as ichthyological knowledge and one of the most threatened by anthropic activities. Further, will be affected by a massive water diverpsion work that will transfer waters from São Francisco basin, to other major four basins: Jaguaribe, Apodi-Mossoró, Piranhas-Açu and Paraiba do Norte. Loss of diversity and richness, hibridizitation, community interactions changes, population homogenization, changes in water quality and flow regime, are examples of environmental impacts already related with similar works. The present study aims to investigate morphological and molecular variation of Cichlasoma orientale Kullander 1983 and Crenicichla menezesi Ploeg 1991, two cichlid species present in northeastern Brazil basins. Further, the study aims to evaluate the influence of geomorphological and climatic processes in this variation, and point some possible impacts of the artificial connectivity which can be brought by São Francisco interbasin water transfer to their population dynamics. Geometric morphometrics and phylogeographical analysis were used to investigate the populations from three different hydrological regions. Our results showed a significant morphological variation of populations from basins that are involved in the São Franscisco s diversion project, not related to an ancient separation between populations, emphasizing morphological variation which could represent a set of plastic responses to the variable hydrological regime in Northeastern Brazil. The role of plastical responses in naturally variable habitats as well as the potential disturbs that could be brought by the interbasin water transfer works are discussed here. Further, our molecular data allowed us to make inferences about species distribution and their taxonomy, and identification of a potential new species of Crenicichla for São Francisco river basin. Our data also allowed to identify some shared haplotypes for both species, which could be related to lineage sorting scenarios or recent gene flow between populations. However a strong structure in most of the pairwise comparisons between populations for both species was revealed. Climatic events such as Atlantic forest regression during the Pleistocene, sea level fluctuations and dispersion by paleorivers in the mouth of Apodi-Mossoró river, and neotectonic events regulating the connection between drainages are likely to have had a contribution for the actual lineages distribution in northeastern Brazil. Further, analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA and SAMOVA) showed that the actual basin s isolation is an important factor to molecular variation, in spite of the signal of recent contact between some basins. Different genetic diversity patterns between species could be related to multiple historic events of colonization, basins landscapes or biological differences. The present study represents the first effort of integrative systematics involving fish species of northeastern Brazil, and showed important morphological and molecular patterns which could be irrecoverably affected by the artificial connection that might be caused by the São Francisco interbasin water transfer


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A emergência na necessidade de se manejar os resíduos sólidos urbanos leva as administrações públicas em países centrais e periféricos a utilizarem modelos de gestão de resíduos bastante similares. A gestão dos resíduos nos países centrais é caracterizada pela eficiência na execução dos serviços (limpeza, coleta, transporte e destino final), uso de aparatos tecnológicos na execução de ditos serviços e forte tradição na separação dos materiais recicláveis a ser destinados para a reciclagem. Nos países periféricos, a gestão tradicional (coletar e descartar resíduos em lixões à céu aberto) vem sendo substituída pela gestão moderna, sobressaindo-se o controle dos resíduos em detrimento das estratégias de prevenção. Também, destaca-se a presença de trabalhadores informais que coletam e separam materiais, destinando-os à reciclagem. A partir do levantamento à referência bibliográfica especializada e na consulta a documentos oficiais e produzidos por entidades diversas, o presente artigo analisa as similitudes na gestão dos resíduos sólidos em países centrais e periféricos. A busca pela modernização nos serviços dos resíduos sem levar em conta as recomendações de documentos como a Agenda 21 caracteriza a gestão dos resíduos em países centrais e periféricos pelo ambientalismo econômico, no qual as ações de controle dos resíduos são justificadas pelos aspectos ambientais e sociais dessa gestão


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This current work s contains issues about the educative dimension of work and its organization s process and managing for it own professionals. It aims to understand how the skills and pedagogic process, in a educative praxis perspective. Are based in a new culture of work of education process an work managing by workers in Handcraft Association of Serido/ Caicó/ RN. It uses as a methodologic-theoric reference cases s study approach, selecting the procedures of part extructure interview. It was done with six embroidereses from the Handcraft Association. The research shows that the educative process of learning and knowledges construction, in the work and by the work. Those processes develop in exchange experiences net in a friendly economic environment and raise elements of a work culture personal that work there. The embroidereses learn how to embroid doing the job and this learning, a lot of times, is influenced by the life conditions, residence local and infantile work in the country area and the living to the urban area, particularly to Caicó. The knowledge relation between them is the matter fact in the embroider learning process that means a social relation based on the knowledge differences between their position in its structure involving the work division, that each handcraft maker knows every part of the embroider, type of work or machine type, step by step until the work is done. It involves decision, execution and machine movements repetition, the focus are the categories that fit in current flexible financial issue. They schedule the work at home so they have time to do other stuff. Most part of the production currently is done to obey de a certain request that aims as production target, being a homework. Another important issue is the embroider work time: time and experience that is within in the professional life and its knowledge representation of job/profession. This time is got as a acquisition process of certain a work dominion and self knowing; time added to changes that were being there practicing from the new characteristics in the furniture, clothes and towels that are in the introduction communicative and its effect. In this way this work include articulations process among skills, educative process and handcraft work organization that allowed the interpretation and finish, that are related to the case study and its developments: handcraft embroidered considered as a profession, money source not conventional where is not work available and a temporary activity while studyng, homework and flexible work