Infância na publicidade: um estudo sobre o trabalho de crianças na publicidade na cidade de Natal-RN
In Brazilian scene the child labor is a serious and relevant theme regarding issues that involve infancy, arousing the interest and concerning of public and private institutions, and organized civil society. Thus, the child labor is forbidden by the law, considered that the child worker have a distinguished life experience, especially because it is demanded them the early mature of some skill, generating implications on their physical, emotional, cognitive, social and psychological development. Observing those issues, we proposed think the child labor, over and above those considered the worst forms of one and more found in literature, what lead us to think the child labor in the advertising. In that way, this research aimed to investigate the insertion and development conditions of children who work in advertisements, and the possible effects on their lives in the face of that insertion. Participated of this study: three advertising agencies, six video producers companies, one child model s agent and five children with their respective families. Those children were four boys and two girls, with ages between seven and eleven years old, which one that have accomplished four or more advertisements, in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte. Based on social-historical perspective, we used the semi-structured interview as methodological instrument, which underlays the comprehension of the data obtained in field research processes. This study revealed that when children are inserted in the advertising activities they are submitted to irregular and adverse work situations, what occurs in others productive activities mentioned in the literature. The data still exposed that the family is the main responsible to the children insertion in the advertisement work; moreover, there is an ambiguousness of wishes in relation of that activity. On the other hand, we realized that the legal content concerning to the child labor forbidding, carries contradictory aspects in face of the ECA s 149 article, that one, under some conditions, allows that a child take part in the activities of advertising context. This highlights the necessity of a rigorous evaluation of the children insertion in the advertising, in order to ensure the whole children and adolescents protection. This study put in evidence the complexity that involves the child labor in this context, mainly, due to the exposition and manipulation of the childish image on the media. Besides, we understand that the discussion on this subject should be stimulated and, therefore, enlarged this on over and above those considered the worst forms of child labor
This work was concerned to investigate the meaning attributed to anxiolytic drugs by women, in public health service. It proposes a joint analysis through a link between three dimensions: the woman, the drug, and public health service itself, in an hegemonic medical assistance model. It is observed that the relation between these elements has a great influence over the use and construction of a particular meaning, by the user. The medication is analysed as a consumption merchandise and as an health symbol. In this way, it reflects a biologized vision, which believes the drug as a solution for all health problems. It tries to analyse the generalized medical prescription for anxiolythics and it s consequences. It focalizes also the production and utilization of public health services by patients, mainly women. The question related to the use of anxiolytics and the meaning construted by women is analysed focusing the way that relations of masculine/feminine gender are organized in our society. At this point of view, it tries to understand the dimension that these questions have in subjectivity production, and how it acts in the health/disease process. Finally, this work tries to understand, in a broad sense, the use of anxiolytics looking at the problem not only as a biological question, but also as a cultural matter. The research was done over seventeen women, all of them anxiolytic users. It was used, as research instrument, semi-structured interview associated with methodological analysis of user s speeches
The literature pointed that the way which people deal with death have been changing along centuries, and nowadays what is realized it is that, each time more, the human being have difficulties to deal with death. Due to the fact that the main function of the physician is to save their patients lives; responsibility that is aggravated by the necessity of to take decisions quickly, once he need to deal with the unexpected situations of the urgency and emergency, many times these professional have to face of impotency and fail situations, when he lose a patient. The main goal of this study was to understand the experience of physicians that work in the urgency and emergency, in front of death. These questioning it justified by the fact of the physicians do not have, many times, a space to express their suffering and anguish about the issues related to death in their work routine, despite lifedeath question to be often present their everyday. It is still possible to verify in the literature, an appointment of the necessity of to include in the curriculum of Medicine courses, subjects that approach such questions. The method used was based on the existential-phenomenological perspective, using as instrument the participant observation, to the intent of understand the routine in the urgency and emergency context, and semi-structured interview. It was interviewed six physicians that work in the urgency and emergency of the most important hospital of public health system of Natal-RN. The results showed that the physicians reported pleasure in work in the urgency and emergency, despite of they presented stress and the difficulties that they deal with in the public system. Despite of the fact that the death to be considered as a phenomenon that make part of the physician s routine, sometimes, deals with these one is more difficult. Many times losses generate an impotency and guilty feeling, as well as questionings about their performance during the attempts to save lives. We verified, from this study, the importance of the existence of some kind of intervention in the emergency, in order to the physicians can elaborate the questions about death and die emerged in their work. We consider yet that this study corroborates and reiterates the discussions concerning the importance of this thematic to be approached in a more effective way, during the academic formation of these professionals, as well as, the importance of a larger investment from the part of Government in the urgency and emergency sector, in order to propitiate to these professionals a work that brings less harmful for their health
This research investigates the self-esteem of children who suffered physical violence by family members. Seven children took part in the research: three boys and four girls, aged between six and twelve years old. The analysis were done from the constructed data obtained from: semi-structured interview, activities about human feelings, activities that included facial expressions, unfinished phrases, Pinocchio s story, a drawing of a family and a drawing of their own family. Data were analyzed from the Content Analysis. The Thematic Units were: violence, intrafamily violence, and self-esteem. The synthesis of the categories studied evidenced that the physical violence and the psychological violence present in the lives of children affect the positive development of their self-concept and, consequently, of their self-esteem. Among the results, we emphasize some negative feelings that are present in children s lives such as fear, a sense of guilt, and sadness, arising out of the situations of violence they have experienced
Psychologists‟ insertion in mental healthcare ambulatory clinics occurred during the decade of 1980, in the context of the claims disseminated by sanitary and psychiatric reforms, of the formation of minimum mental healthcare teams and of the retraction of the private clinic. Historically, this migration had been accompanied by the importation of practices traditionally applied at the clinics. Furthermore, the lack of clear guidelines from the Health Ministery occasioned the opening of ambulatory clinics with diversified structures at each city. The objective of this dissertation was to study the practices of psychologists at mental healthcare ambulatory references at Aracaju-SE. Were interviewed psychologists of these services and managers of the municipal health secretary using a semi-structured interview guideline, in addition to the analysis of management reports. It was observed that the mental healthcare references had experienced substantial changes referred to its structures and operation, leading to a present framework of expansion and readjustment. It was realized that there is an effort by the psychologists to maintain individual and group assistance, using adjustments in the frequency of the sessions and in the focus of the activities. Besides the progresses, the relation with the psychiatrist still works basically through the medical record, blocking advances on joint discussions of the cases. Some advances toward the amplified clinic are notable, like the overcoming of the isolated usage of psychiatric diagnostic and the replacement of the line‟ criterion by the urgency one. Sheltering had become an interesting strategy on flux ordination, however the mismatch between offer and demand seems to be a matter which extrapolates the psychologists‟ sphere at the references. For this reason the narrow of the relation with family healthcare centers seems to be the major challenge to be faced by psychologists at mental healthcare ambulatory references
The struggle against AIDS is a kind of action in favor of life and the organized Brazilian civil society incorporated it in a meaningful dimension. This struggle matured the creation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and advanced with the discoveries about the disease. Since the very early 90 s, the consolidation of the partnership involving the movement anti-aids with State came up with a dilemma for the entities of civil society: are they just executors of governmental policies or do they take up the role of effective demands concerning public policies? Since then, activism against aids started to stand for execution of projects and one considers that the institutional way of anti-aids work has problems because it constructs a basic strategy to take off the political aspect of the third sector. The NGOs/aids consolidate the reconfiguration of capital and get far from street activities. This is important to be studied because the relationship between society and aids, contemporarily, can prevent them from accomplishing their agenda referring to political mobilization and collective resistance. This research started to be carried after some visits, previously arranged, to an institutional life support group called Grupo de Apoio à Vida-GAV, in Campina Grande. A semi-structured interview was applied to 31 users and to 6 technicians of the entity mentioned. One aimed at investigating the activist anti-aids practice, identifying the conceptions of activism and knowing how social actors assess those practices. Preliminary results indicate that one of the conceptions on activism among the interviewees refers to the execution of projects through partnership of NGOs and supporting institutions, governmental or non-governmental. Although this new conception on activism consolidates a non-political aspect, there are other ways of executing projects and participating actively, according to some users, such as: meetings, lectures and other sorts of events promoted by the group, which are also legitimate actions representing anti-aids activism at the present context
Recognizing the importance the workplace has on mental health of the individual, the objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the burnout syndrome and the sources of physical and emotional wear which permeate the work conditions of the urban public transport system of the city of Natal. Although existent in international literature, research on burnout in the professional transport category and studies directed to this category are not a tradition in Brazil. The research was carried out using 412 drivers and money-changers of two transport companies of Natal. To collect the data, two questionnaires and a semi-structured interview were used. The first instrument, developed and validated during the research, investigated the sources of wear and the second, the syndrome of burnout. As its main results, two sources of empirical wear were identified as follows: (1) the Conflict of Values and the Lack of Justice at the Workplace, (2) Union and Reward. Besides these, it was observed that there is an incidence of the syndrome of burnout among the drivers and money-changers of urban transport by bus, not only in the caring occupations studied before in Natal and Brazil and that this incidence is related to the sources of wear which permeate the work conditions of these professionals
Death due to childhood cancer reflects an early outcome of life, which can cause a strong repercussion in the mother s existence - figure to whom the greatest part of responsibilities during the child s illness is commonly allocated. The aim of this study is to understand the experience of mothers who have lost a kid as a consequence of childhood cancer, approaching the personal senses of this fact. Following a qualitative research design, with an exploratory and comprehensive approach, the study used the narrative method, which was obtained from a semi-structured interview, as the data generation procedure. The research counted on the participation of three adult mothers who had lost their kids because of childhood cancer, after - at least - a six-month period of oncologic treatment. The proposal of analysis follows the parameters of the phenomenological method and the data are based on Martin Heidegger s existential analytic. The results were structured into three thematic axes: previous History, child illness and its repercussions; The network of support and care; Loss and after loss: facing and signifying. It was possible to comprehend that the emergence of cancer in childhood promotes, since the diagnosis, a disruption of everyday meanings, accentuating the fragile condition of human life. In this specific circumstance of childhood illness, all the participants restricted their possibilities of being-in-the-world, dedicating exclusively to the practice of maternity. Concerning their relationship with their children in treatment, the narratives unveiled, in a convergent manner, the existence of care in a substitutive mode. In the network of support - primarily constituted by family, the health team and the support institutions - the relations were marked by proximity and detachment movements. With the child s death, mothers began to live a way of being-with the absent child , ensuring the continuity of the relationship with the dead infant. From the results exposed above, we can understand the motherly mourn as a singular experience in constant resignification, in which the subjective time overlaps the cronological time. The increment of anguish, resulting from the mother s confrontation to the question of finitude, mobilizes a process of change in their way of being-in-the-world, promoting an openness to new possibilities in their lives. Singular attention to the mother, during the process of illness and child loss, turns out to be fundamental
The harm reduction HR is the official policy of Ministry of Public Health to deal with problem derived from alcohol consumption and other drugs AD. The HR refers to policies and support programs whose purpose is to reduce the risks related to the use of AD, without necessarily decrease individual consumption. This research aim was to analyze the HR conceptions and practices at two specialized institutions for AD users: 1) Psychosocial Care Center Alcohol and Drugs III (CAPSad III); 2) Therapeutic Community Fazenda da Esperança (FE) Dom Bosco. This is a qualitative research that used the following methodological tools: semi-structured interview with 21 professionals; socio demographic file and rounds of conversation with 63 participants users; participant observation and field journal. The interviews with professionals have characterized HR as a less complex and cheap treatment. At FE the HR proposal does not make part of their actions, being considered ―against the human being dignity‖. At CAPSad III is understood as an ―inevitable‖ guideline to service, once users do not remain abstinent. The users understand RD as an improvement in healthy conditions, social relations and work that occurs with the decreasing consumption of AD. They use the HR when they avoid situations that facilitate AD consumption, share relapse prevention strategies and, exclusively at CAPSad III, decrease psychotropic consumption. Stands out as an analyzer the HR comprehension as a less efficient treatment that opposes to the objective of both institutions, which is abstinence. The HR is not operationalize in daily routine by professionals and users as a healthy promotion strategy, however, the users are more affected to HR and produce strategies to face the difficulties arising from the AD consumption
The Shelters are responsible for caring for children and adolescents whose families or guardians are temporarily unable to fulfill his role as care and protection. The activities to be developed by psychologists in these services are greatly important for the elaboration and development of political- pedagogical project of the same, and for reasons pertaining to the present and future of children and adolescents received judgments. The psychologist puts up the challenge of contributing to a better care of children, also cooperating with the implementation of the new care standards of childcare. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the professional psychologist in assistance to children and adolescents in 13 Shelters in the Metropolitan Region of Natal/RN. For both set out to make visits to the institutions to know how it is organized the field work of the psychologist, his routine work and activities developed. Nine psychologists interviewed according to a semi-structured interview script. The data analysis is supported by the theoretical aspects of dialectical materialism historical and theme content analysis was used. Results were presented from three angles: psychologists and institutional framework; activities, resources and methods of work; psychologists and legal frameworks of the Institutional Hospitality. The study points out the recent entry of the psychologist in Shelters, combined with considerable turnover of these professionals. This work has been organized through the Individualized Service Plan, prioritizing the return to family of origin. Moreover, in general, perform joints with the service network, reporting, individual consultations and follow-adoption processes . Staff members, however, feel a lack of specific and continuing training on special protection, including due to the distance between the proposed theory and practice. It was thus observed a movement of psychologists distance themselves from welfare or repressive practices, however the structural difficulties of services and lack of continuing education appear to limit the development of a performance focused on the transformation of the reality of children and adolescents treated and their families
Guided by the social-historical perspective, this research aimed to understand how the adolescents in Assisted Freedom measure have meaning the family institution. The Pastoral Minor, located in the city of Natal, was chosen as space of investigation, whose social-educative program is the source of our concerns about the attendance of adolescents in conflict with law. The corpus was accomplished, mainly, through the individual semi- structured interview with four adolescents and seven of their relatives that participated of the research. We use another instruments to constitute the corpus, like the documental research of the technical reports on the participants of program files, and the registered notes in the field diary. As resource to data treatment, we use the Thematic Content Analysis. The data discussion was focused on the three thematic units that emerged: Family, Social-Educational Measure, Family and Social-Educational Measure. On the adolescents perspective, the family configures as a group based on the existence of affective bonds. Despite of the vulnerability of their familiar reality and their wish for freedom with their peers, the affective bonds revealed it as being important in their lives. This study, glimpse possibilities to contribute for the construction of public politics and attendance programs, that can be closer of the social-familiar reality of the adolescents who are in conflict with the law and, in this case, to promote their access to the statute of subjects of rights
The Brazilian Constitution maintains that care for elderly people is a responsibility shared by the state, the family and the society. The politics for the elderly corroborate this understanding and treats home as a privileged place for elderly care taking. This determines the participation of the familiar as a caregiver, but highlights the lack of strategic assistance for the needs of the relative caregiver who feels helplessly and unattended in their responsibility for elderly homecare. In recent years , despite the recently pursuit for health and life quality, there is an increasing incidence of elderly patients with dementia diseases that lead to disability, the most common among then is the Alzheimer´s disease. This disease affects seriously and irreversibly cognition, memory and independence of the elderly, making it dependent on others to perform basic activities of daily life, for all his life. The present study aims to evaluate the perceptions and feelings of family caregivers of elders with Alzheimer on the role of caregiver. This is a qualitative study conducted with family caregivers of seniors with Alzheimer´s, caregivers linked to the group of the Specialized Care Center of the Elderly´s Health, located in Natal / RN. Through semi-structured interview research sought to investigate the perceptions of family caregivers on the role of caregiver, the feelings and the changes in the caregiver´s life since they assumed this role. The data were organized into categories and units of semantic analysis and analyzed using thematic content analysis by Bardin. The reports originated three categories: the perception of the role of caregiver, feelings related to the caregving and consequences of the caregiver role. Perceptions of caregivers of elderly from the requirement of dedication to the care generates losses in personal and professional life for the familiar who assumes this responsibility. The lack of family and social support, aggravates the burden of care for the dependent elderly. Public health politics for the elderly recognize the importance and needs of family caregivers, but not enough to provide support and meet the needs and assist them in supporting their limitations. The research results show the urgent need to take measures to assist the caregivers of seniors with Alzheimer, recognizing them as an action of promotion quality of life and health of the elderly and protection the health of the caregiver
This work was developed in the extent of the Post Graduation Program in Social Service of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. It talks about the process of inclusion of the disabled people in the Job market in Mossoró-RN, bringing for the academic debate relevant thematic for the Brazilian society, for the profession of Social Service and similar areas and for the people with deficiency. It has the objective to apprehend the determiners that make possible the process of the disabled people's inclusion in the Job market in Mossoró, having as parameter the National Politics for the Integration of People Bearers of Deficiency. The critical theoretical perspective is backed in Marx's ideas for the understanding concerning the work, as well as in Pochamann, concerning the job market, regarding the exclusion/inclusion category is based in Martins, Yasbek and Sposati and on deficiency in the National Politics for the Integration of the Disabled People. The research is of qualitative nature and it took as subjects 26 (twenty-six) people, being 09 (nine) people with deficiency, inserted in the formal job and regulated market, and 17 (seventeen) managers of private companies and public institutions of the city of Mossoró-RN. For the collection of data we used techniques of nonsystemic observation, semi-structured interview and documental analysis. The results of the research mark that any modality of the human workforce used in the current context, they are functional to the capitalism and they move forward towards exploration, alienation and subordination of the work to the capital; the National Politics for the Integration of the People with Deficiency expresses and reproduces the contradictory dynamics of the class society, it reflects the neo liberal shades through the selectivity and of the articulation among the federated beings and organizations of the civil society for its operational system; there is a misproportion between the percentages of the quotas and the amount of people with deficiency inserted in the job market, just corresponding to a tiny numeric magnitude; the developed activities are of low social status and it is expressive the amount of workers that receives between one and two minimum wages. These data drive us to infer that the mentioned politics make possible, partly, the inclusion of the disabled people in the job market, though, such inclusion is executed in the selective or focused dimensions, marginal, precarious and unstable
This paper presents the survey results: PROCEDURE FOR WORK IN HEALTH: an analysis of working conditions of social workers in hospitals. Analyzes the inclusion of social workers in work processes in healthcare, specifically in the public hospital, from the objective conditions of work, according to which materializes professional action. The aim is to understand them from the point of view of its relationship with users and other health professionals through the privatization of health, which prevents the Unified Health System (SUS), limiting the operation of the services and the guarantee of rights. The approach to the reality studied was through theoretical and methodological procedures based on the qualitative and quantitative research, focusing on documentary research, observation, semi-structured interview and the theoretical foundation. It is observed that the inclusion of social workers in this context arises from the demands derived from expressions of social issues, "raw material" of professional work, and the gaps resulting from contradictions in the process of rationalization / reorganization of the SUS, meaning that the needs the population are confronted with the content and form of organization of services. At the hospital, the professional actions are developed through the shift, space contradictory clash between the collective and individual, in which individual activities are prioritized and ad hoc unplanned and reduced to the solution of "problems" of users, through actions assistance in an emergency and bureaucratic. These findings emphasize the inadequacy of space and lack of minimum conditions of service to users, which undertakes the professional with regard to ethical and political principles of the profession, since it is the responsibility and duty of the social guarantee the secrecy and privacy of users what is revealed during the process of professional intervention. The professional social workers is permeated by the diversity of skills and competence; lack of planning activities, by incorporating the institutional discourse at the expense of professional goals, by knowing the Code of Professional Ethics, for small number of professionals, the increasing number informality; by poor working conditions and wages; by discouraging research and participation in social policy councils, as well as professional training
In the sociability of the capital, the challenges to the consolidation of social security as a public policy become expressive, which has implications for social security services, particularly for Social Works who works for the security and fulfillment of social rights. Therefore, in this context of denial of these rights becomes relevant the work of social worker, as a professional committed to the ethical-political project and the Matrix Theory and Methodology of Social work, which potentiate the action able to establish professional articulated strategies for the strengthening of collective struggles for equality in society. Thus, this study examines the instrumentality of social work in the contemporary world and its contribution to the realization of rights. For this, we conducted a literature review, using authors dealing with the issue, as Behring (2008), Boschetti (2003), Mota (1995), Guerra (2007) among others, as well as documentary research through laws, decrees, instructions Normative, Internal Guidelines, and especially the analysis of the Matrix itself of Social Work in welfare. We use also of paramount importance to our analysis - the field research, using techniques such as semi-structured interview and questionnaire. The research enables the identification of important aspects of the subject studied, as the understanding of professionals about the instrumentality of Social Works in its ethical-political aspects, both theoretical and methodological and technicaloperative. The demands made by the managers for the profession on the sociooccupational have extrapolated the powers and duties of the Law Regulating the Profession and the Matrix of Social Work in welfare. The subjects of this study emphasize the role of social category of the National Institute of Social Security and the Federal Council of Social Service in defense of Social Works. The knowledge of social and institutional framework is critical to building control strategies that strengthen social security and public policy, the guarantor of social rights for workers in Brazil