92 resultados para Rio Capim (Bacia do Amazonas)
This work presents the results of the first imaging of continental slope adjacent to Potiguar Basin, in the equatorial Brazilian margin (NE Brazil). Swath bathymetry provided a complete coverage of seafloor between the upper and middle slope (100-1,300 m). Fifteen submarine canyons were mapped. The shape of the slope reflects in distinct spatial distribution of the canyons. The western area displays convex profiles which implied a greater amount of incisions by canyons. Some of them have gradient walls higher than 35°. They were classified according to location and morphology. The canyons with heads indenting shelf edge, association with a incised valley and a large fluvial system, high sinuosities, V shape, terraces along margins, further erosive features such as landslide and gullies allow to deduce a sandy-gravelly sedimentation. These canyons are associated with deposition of submarine fan systems that have been considered permeable hydrocarbon reservoirs. The presence of gullies, furrows and dunes demonstrates the role of bottom currents in the shaping of the slope. The enlargement of canyons and the change in the course when they cross the border fault imply that tectonic has also influenced in the morphology of deep waters environments of Potiguar Basin. The current sedimentation of continental slope is considered mixed because the sediments are composed of siliciclastics and bioclasts. Predominant siliciclastics are calcite, dolomite, quartz, and clay minerals. The presence of stable minerals (zircon, tourmaline and rutile), and fragmented bioclasts implies the contributions of Rivers Açu and Apodi
The brazilian marginal basins have a huge potential to generate and accumulate petroleum. Incised valleys which are eroded in response to a fall of relative sea level are related to potential reservoir as well, modern drowned-valley estuaries serve as harbors to petroleum and salt industries, fisheries, waste-disposal sites and recreational areas for a significant fraction of the world s population. The combined influence of these factors has produced a dramatic increase in research on modern and ancient incised-valley systems. This research is one expression of this interest. The integrated use of satellites images and high resolution seismic (bathymetry, sides scan sonar) was used on the Apodi River mouth-RN to characterizes the continental shelf This area is located at the Potiguar Basin in the NE Brazilian Equatorial Atlantic margin. Through bathymetric and side scan sonar data processing, a digital Terrain Model was developed, and a detailed geomorphologic analysis was performed. In this way was possible to recognize the geomorphologic framework and differents sismofacies, which may influence this area. A channel extending from the ApodiMossoró river mouth to the shelf edge dominates the investigated area. This structure can be correlated with the former river valley developed during the late Pleistocene sea level fall. This channel has two main directions (NW-SE and NE-SW) probably controlled by the Potiguar Basin structures. The western margin of the channel is relatively steep and pronounced whereas the eastern margin consists only of a gentle slope. Longitudinal bedforms and massive ridges also occur. The first are formed doe to the shelf sediment rework and the reef-like structures probably are relics of submerged beachrock-lines indicating past shoreline positions during the deglacial sea-level rise. The sub-bottom seismic data allow the identification of different sismic patterns and a marcant discontinuity, interpreted as the Upper