256 resultados para Microscopia especular


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A polyester film has a vast application field, due some properties that are inherent of this kind of material such as, good mechanical resistance, chemical resistance to acids and bases and low production cost. However, this material has some limitations as low superficial tension, flat surface, low affinity to dyers, and poor adhesion which impede the use of the same ones for some finality as good wettability. Among the existent techniques to increase the superficial tension, plasma as energy source is the more promising technique, because of their versatility and for not polluting the environment. The plasma surface polymeric modification has been used for many researchers, because it does not affect the environment with toxic agents, the alterations remains only at nanometric layers and this technique shows expressive results. Then, due to its good acceptance, polyester films were treated with oxygen plasma varying the treatment time from 10 to 60 min with an increase of 10 min to each subsequent treatment. Also, the samples were treated with a gas mixture (nitrogen + oxygen) varying the percentage of each gas the mixture from 0 to 100%, the treatment time remaining constant to all treatments (10 min). After plasma treatment the samples were characterized by contact angle, surface tension, Raman spectroscopy, Infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) and atomic force microscopy, with the aim to study the wettability increase of treated polyester films as its variables. In the (O2/N2) plasma treatment of polyester films can be observed an increase of superficial roughness superior to those treated by O2 plasma. By the other hand, the chemical modification through the implantation of polar groups at the surface is obtained more easily using O2 plasma treatment


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This work reports the influence of the poly (ethylene terephthalate) textile surface modification by plasmas of O2 and mixtures (N2 + O2), on their physical and chemical properties. The treatment was carried out in a vacuum chamber. Some parameters remained constant during all treatment, such as: Voltage 470 V; Pressure 1,250 Mbar; Current: 0, 10 A and gas flow: 10 cm3/min. Other parameters, such as working gas composition and treatment time, were modified as the following: to the O2 plasma modified samples only the treatment time was changed (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes). To the plasma with O2 and N2 only the chemical concentrations were changed. Through Capillary tests (vertical) an increase in textile wettability was observed as well as its influence on aging time and its consequence on wettability. The surface functional groups created after plasma treatments were investigated using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The surface topography was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM)


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The coatings mortars are essential elements of building structures because they execute an important role in protecting walls and are particularly exposed to aggressive action responsible for its degradation over time. The importance of wall coverings has been the subject of discussion and analysis in the conservation and rehabilitation of old buildings. Are sometimes removed and replaced with inappropriate solutions of constructive point of view or architecture. The most commonly used coatings on walls of old buildings is based on traditional hydraulic lime mortars. The present study aims at the formulation of new lime- based mortars and aerial fine aggregate, in order to contribute to a better field of conservation and restoration mortar coating of old buildings. Residue was used for polishing porcelain as fine aggregate, replacing the aggregate (sand), in percentages 05-30% by mass. We conducted a thorough evaluation of the mortar properties in fresh and hardened state by comparing the performance of the same with a reference mortar. The residue used was characterized as the density, bulk density, and particle size laser, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. Formulations were produced 7, 6 with residue and one commonly used formulation, which served as a reference. In the formulations of lime mortars air (hydrated lime powder CH-I) has been adopted a stroke volume (1:3) with constant binder, was varied and the water / binder and aggregate and waste. For evaluation of mortars fresh, proceeded to consistency analysis, specific gravity, water retention and air content embedded. In the hardened state assays were performed in specific gravity, water retention, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength in bending, compressive strength, water absorption by capillary action, adhesion, tensile strength, resistance to shrinkage and salts by of crystallization trials with resources chloride solution, nitrate and sulfate all sodium in prismatic at 90 days of age, in addition to the micro structural analysis of mortars. Based on the results we can see that the mortar formulated with 10% content of waste and the reference free retraction feature more stable closer to neutrality. The composition of 10% was obtained better performance against the action of the salt crystallization. The mortar with 15% residue obtained better density, lower air content embedded and high capacity for water retention developing good workability. The replacement of 20% of waste generates a satisfactory utilization of resistance to compression, flexion and traction grip the base. And, finally, it can be seen that the mortar with 10, 15 and 20% residual show, in principle, good suitability as coatings, thus enabling a final result consistent with durability, workability and aesthetics developing therefore a material with better performance to repair or replace existing mortars in old buildings


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The development of new materials to fill the demand of technological advances is a challenge for many researchers around the world. Strategies such as making blends and composites are promising alternatives to produce materials with different properties from those found in conventional polymers. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of adding the copolymer poly(ethylene methyl acrylate) (EMA) and cotton linter fibers (LB) on the properties of recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PETrec) by the development of PETrec/EMA blend and PETrec/EMA/LB blend composite. In order to improve the properties of these materials were added as compatibilizers: Ethylene - methyl acrylate - glycidyl methacrylate terpolymer (EMA-GMA) and maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene (PE-g-MA). The samples were produced using a single screw extruder and then injection molded. The obtained materials were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), melt flow index (MFI) mensurements, torque rheometry, pycnometry to determinate the density, tensile testing and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The rheological results showed that the addition of the EMA copolymer increased the viscosity of the blend and LB reduces the viscosity of the blend composite. SEM analysis of the binary blend showed poor interfacial adhesion between the PETrec matrix and the EMA dispersed phase, as well as the blend composite of PETrec/EMA/LB also observed low adhesion with the LB fiber. The tensile tests showed that the increase of EMA percentage decreased the tensile strength and the Young s modulus, also lower EMA percentage samples had increased the elongation at break. The blend composite showed an increase in the tensile strength and in the Young`s modulus, and a decrease in the elongation at break. The blend formulations with lower EMA percentages showed better mechanical properties that agree with the particle size analysis which showed that these formulations presented a smaller diameter of the dispersed phase. The blend composite mechanical tests showed that this material is stronger and stiffer than the blend PETrec/EMA, whose properties have been reduced due to the presence of EMA rubbery phase. The use of EMA-GMA was effective in reducing the particle size of the EMA dispersed phase in the PETrec/EMA blend and PE-g-MA showed evidences of reaction with LB and physical mixture with the EMA


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Nacomposites of polymers and lamellar clayminerals, has generated high scientific and technological interest, for having mechanical properties and gas barriers differentiated of polymers and conventional composites. In this work, it was developed nanocomposites by single screw extruder and injection, utilizing commercial raw material, with the goal to investigate the quality of new developed materials. It was evaluated the influence of the content and the kind of clay in the structure and in the nanocomposites properties. It was used regular and elastomeric poly (methyl methacrylate) (Acrigel LEP 100 and Acrigel ECP800) and six montmorillonites (Cloisite 10A, 11B, 15A, 20A, 25A e 30B) at the concentration of 1% e 3% in weight. The nanocomposites were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), colorimetric, optical transparency, flexural and tensile tests, Rockwell hardness and esclerometry. It was founded that is possible to obtain intercalated and exfoliated nanocomposites PMMA/MMT, and the top results was obtained in the materials with 1%in clay weight organophilizated with 2M2HT (Cloisite 15A and 20A) presented intercalate and hybrid morphology (exfoliated and flocullated). The ones that was produced with organophilizated clay with 2MHTL8 (Cloisite 30B) had excellent visual quality, but the majority presented hybrid morphology. In the materials processed with organophilizated clay with MT2ETOH (Cloisite 30B), there were color change and loss of transparency. It occurs improvement in a few mechanical properties, mainly in the materials produced with PMMA elastomeric (Acrigel ECP800), being more significant, the increase in the resistance to stripping in those nanocomposites


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With the advances in medicine, life expectancy of the world population has grown considerably in recent decades. Studies have been performed in order to maintain the quality of life through the development of new drugs and new surgical procedures. Biomaterials is an example of the researches to improve quality of life, and its use goes from the reconstruction of tissues and organs affected by diseases or other types of failure, to use in drug delivery system able to prolong the drug in the body and increase its bioavailability. Biopolymers are a class of biomaterials widely targeted by researchers since they have ideal properties for biomedical applications, such as high biocompatibility and biodegradability. Poly (lactic acid) (PLA) is a biopolymer used as a biomaterial and its monomer, lactic acid, is eliminated by the Krebs Cycle (citric acid cycle). It is possible to synthesize PLA through various synthesis routes, however, the direct polycondensation is cheaper due the use of few steps of polymerization. In this work we used experimental design (DOE) to produce PLAs with different molecular weight from the direct polycondensation of lactic acid, with characteristics suitable for use in drug delivery system (DDS). Through the experimental design it was noted that the time of esterification, in the direct polycondensation, is the most important stage to obtain a higher molecular weight. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrograms obtained were equivalent to the PLAs available in the literature. Results of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) showed that all PLAs produced are semicrystalline with glass transition temperatures (Tgs) ranging between 36 - 48 °C, and melting temperatures (Tm) ranging from 117 to 130 °C. The PLAs molecular weight characterized from Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), varied from 1000 to 11,000 g/mol. PLAs obtained showed a fibrous morphology characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)


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Brazil has vast amounts of hydric resources, whose quality has been deteriorating due to pollutant dumping. Household waste disposal is one of the main sources of water pollution, stimulating bacteria proliferation and introducing microorganisms, including those from fecal matter. Conventional water disinfection methods are a solution, but on the downside, they lead to the formation byproducts hazardous to human health. In this study, aiming to develop bactericidal filters for the disinfection of drinking water; silver nanoparticles were deposited on alumina foams through three routes: sputtering DC, dip coating and in situ chemical reduction of silver nitrate. The depositions were characterized through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and EDS element mapping. The influence of the depositions on permeability and mechanical properties of the ceramic foams was assessed and, in sequence, a preliminary antibacterial efficiency analysis was carried out. Characterization results indicate that the chemical reduction routes were efficient in depositing homogeneously distributed silver particles and that the concentration of the metallic precursor salt affects size and morphology of the particles. The antibacterial efficiency analysis indicates that the chemical reduction filters have potential for water disinfection


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The environmental impact caused by the disposal of non-biodegradable polymer packaging on the environment, as well as the high price and scarcity of oil, caused increase of searches in the area of biodegradable polymers from renewable resources were developed. The poly (lactic acid) (PLA) is a promising polymer in the market, with a large availability of raw material for the production of its monomer, as well as good processability. The aimed of this study was synthesis PLA by direct polycondesation of lactic acid, using the tool of experimental design (DOE) (central composite rotatable design (CCRD)) to optimize the conditions of synthesis. The polymer obtained was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), viscosimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The results confirmed the formation of a poly (lactic acid) semicrystalline in the syntheses performed. Through the central composite rotatable design was possible to optimize the crystallization temperature (Tc) and crystallinity degree (Xc). The crystallization temperature maximum was found for percentage of catalyst around the central point (0,3 (%W)) and values of time ranging from the central point (6h) to the upper level (+1) (8h). The crystallization temperature maximum was found for the total synthesis time of 4h (-1) and percentage of catalyst 0,1(W%) (-1). The results of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) showed higher molecular weights to 0,3 (W%) percent of catalyst and total time synthesis of 3,2h


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Chitosan is being studied for use as dressing due their biological properties. Aiming to expand the use in biomedical applications, chitosan membranes were modified by plasma using the following gases: nitrogen (N2), methane (CH4), argon (Ar), oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2). The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle, surface energy and water absorption test. Biological Tests were also performed, such as: test sterilization and proliferation of fibroblasts (3T3 line). Through SEM we observed morphological changes occurring during the plasma treatment, the formation of micro and nano-sized valleys. MFA was used to analyze different roughness parameters (Ra, Rp, Rz) and surface topography. It was found that the treated samples had an increase in surface roughness and sharp peaks. Methane plasma treatment decreased the hydrophilicity of the membranes and also the rate of water absorption, while the other treatments turned the membranes hydrophilic. The sterilization was effective in all treatment times with the following gases: Ar, N2 and H2. With respect to proliferation, all treatments showed an improvement in cell proliferation increased in a range 150% to 250% compared to untreated membrane. The highlights were the treatments with Ar 60 min, O2 60 min, CH4 15 min. Observing the results of the analyzes performed in this study, it appears that there is no single parameter that influences cell proliferation, but rather a set of ideal conditions that favor cell proliferation


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Metal-Ceramic (M/C) Zirconia-stainless steel interfaces have been processed through brazing techniques due to the excellent combination of properties such as high temperature stability, high corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties. However, some M/C interfaces show some defects, like porosity and cracks results in the degradation of the interfaces, leading even to its total rupture. Most of time, those defects are associated with an improper brazing parameters selection to the M/C system. In this work, ZrO2 Y-TZP and ZrO2 Mg - PSZ were joint with the stainless steel grade 304 by brazing using a eutectic silver-copper (Ag28Cu) interlayer alloy with different thermal cycles. Ceramic surfaces were previous mechanically metallized with titanium to improve adhesion of the system. The effect of temperature on the M/C interface was studied. SEM-EDS and 3 point flexural bend test were performed to evaluate morphology, chemical composition and mechanical resistance of the M/C interfaces. Lower thermal cycle temperatures produced better results of mechanical resistance, and more regular/ homogeneous reaction layers between braze alloy and metal-ceramic surfaces. Also was proved the AgCu braze alloy activation in situ by titanium


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Ionic oxides with ABO3 structure, where A represents a rare earth element or an alkaline metal and B is a transition metal from group VIII of the periodic table are potential catalysts for oxidation and good candidates for steam reforming reaction. Different methods have been considered for the synthesis of the oxide materials with perovskite structure to produce a high homogeneous material with low amount of impurities and low calcination temperatures. In the current work, oxides with the LaNiO3 formula had been synthesized using the method of the polymeric precursors. The thermal treatment of the materials took place at 300 ºC for 2h. The material supported in alumina and/or zirconia was calcined at 800 ºC temperature for 4h. The samples had been characterized by the following techniques: thermogravimetry; infrared spectroscopy; X-ray diffraction; specific surface area; distribution of particle size; scanning electron microscopy and thermo-programmed reduction. The steam reforming reaction was carried out in a pilot plant using reducing atmosphere in the reactor with a mixture of 10% H2-Argon, a mass about 5g of catalyst, flowing at 50 mL.min-1. The temperature range used was 50 - 1000 oC with a heating rate of 10 oC.min-1. A thermal conductivity detector was used to analyze the gas after the water trapping, in order to permit to quantify the consumption of hydrogen for the lanthanum nickelates (LaNiO3). The results showed that lanthanum nickelate were more efficient when supported in alumina than when supported in zirconia. It was observed that the methane conversion was approximately 100% and the selectivity to hydrogen was about 70%. In all cases were verified low selectivity to CO and CO2


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The heat transfer between plasma and a solid occurs mostly due the radiation and the collision of the particles on the material surface, heating the material from the surface to the bulk. The thermal gradient inside the sample depends of the rate of particles collisions and thermal conductivity of the solid. In order to study that effect, samples of AISI M35 steel, with 9,5 mm X 3,0 mm (diameter X thickness) were quenched in resistive furnace and tempereds in plasma using the plane configuration and hollow cathode, working with pressures of 4 and 10 mbar respectively. Analyzing the samples microstructure and measuring the hardness along the transversal profile, it was possible to associate the tempered temperature evaluating indirectly the thermal profile. This relation was obtained by microstructural analyzes and through the hardness curve x tempered sample temperature in resistive furnace, using temperatures of 500, 550, 600, 650 and 700°C. The microstructural characterization of the samples was obtained by the scanning electron microscopy, optic microscopy and X-ray diffraction. It was verified that all samples treated in plasma presented a superficial layer, denominated affected shelling zone, wich was not present in the samples treated in resistive furnace. Moreover, the samples that presented larger thermal gradient were treated in hollow cathode with pressure of 4 mbar


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Nowadays, composite resins are the direct restorative materials more important in dental clinical performance, due to their versatility and aesthetic excellence. Bis-GMA (2,2-bis[4(2-hydroxy-3-metacryloxypropoxy)phenil]propane) is the base monomer more frequently used in restorative composite resins. However, this monomer presents some disadvantages, such as high viscosity and two aromatic rings in its structure that can promote allergic reactions to the humans. In this work, the main purpose was to synthesize new monomers from glycidyl methacrylate to use in dental restorative materials. Structural characterization of the monomers was carried out through FTIR and NMR 1H, and eight composites were produced from the new monomers, by addition of silane-treated alumino silicate particles (inorganic filler) and a photocuring system (camphorquinone and ethyl 4-dimethylaminebenzoate). The composites were analyzed by environmental scanning electronic microscopy and the water sorption and solubility, compressive strength and elastic modulus were determined. A commercial composite resin [Z100 (3M)] was used to comparison effect. The new composites presented general characteristics similar to the commercial ones; however, they didn t present the properties expected. This behavior was attributed to the lower degree of monomer reaction and to the granulometry and size distribution of the mineral filler in the polymeric matrix


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Doped lanthanum chromite ( LaCrO3 ) has been the most common material used as interconnect in solid oxide fuel cells for high temperature ( SOFC-HT ) that enabling the stack of SOFCs. The reduction of the operating temperature, to around 800 º C, of solid oxide fuel cells enabled the use of metallic interconnects as an alternative to ceramic LaCrO3, From the practical point of view, to be a strong candidate for interconnect the material must have good physical and mechanical properties such as resistance to oxidizing and reducing environments, easy manufacture and appropriate thermo-mechanical properties. Thus, a study on the physic-mechanical interconnects La0,8Sr0,2Cr0,92Co0,08O3 ceramics for SOFC -AT obtained by the method of combustion , as well as thermo-mechanical properties of metallic interconnects (AISI 444) covered with La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 by deposition technique by spray-pyrolysis fuel cells for intermediate temperature (IT-SOFCs). The La0,8Sr0,2Cr0,92Co0,08O3 was characterized by X -ray diffraction(XRD) , density and porosity , Vickers hardness (HV) , the flexural strength at room temperature and 900 °C and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The X -ray diffraction confirmed the phase formation and LaCrO3 and CoCr2O4, in order 6 GPa hardness and mechanical strength at room temperature was 62 MPa ceramic Interconnector. The coated metal interconnects La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 passed the identification by XRD after deposition of the film after the oxidation test. The oxidative behavior showed increased resistance to oxidation of the metal substrate covered by La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 In flexural strength of the coated metal substrate, it was noticed only in the increased room temperature. The a SEM analysis proved the formation of Cr2O3 and (Cr,Mn)3O4 layers on metal substrate and confirmed the stability of the ceramic La0,8 Ca0,2CrO3 film after oxidative test


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At present, the material of choice for performing aesthetic dental prosthetic work is in the ceramic. Among them, the ceramic base of stabilized zirconia with 3% yttria (3Y - TZP) stand out for having excellent physical and mechanical properties. During the machining of blocks of zirconia in the laboratory to prepare the various types of prostheses, much of the material is given off in the form of powder, which is subsequently discarded. The waste of this material results in financial loss, reflecting higher final cost treatment for patients, as well as damage to the environment, thanks to the processes involved in the manufacture and disposal of the ceramic. This research, pioneered the recycling of zirconium oxide powder obtained during milling of dental crowns and bridges, we highlight the social and environmental aspects and aims to establish a protocol for the reuse of waste (powder of zirconia Zirkonzahn® system) discarded to obtain a new block of compacted zirconia to maintain the same mechanical and microstructural properties of commercial high-cost imported material. To compare with the commercial material, samples were uniaxially (20 MPa) and isostatically (100 MPa), and its mechanical and microstructural characterization was performed through tests of density, porosity, dilatometry, X-ray diffraction (XRD), hardness, fracture toughness, resistance to fracture electron microscopy (SEM) and analysis of grain size. The results observed in the samples were isostatically pressed similiares those obtained with samples from the commercial material demonstrating the viability of the process