100 resultados para Imoveis rurais


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Brazil lives a time of experimentation and maturity as it pertains to managing the use of water, which comes institutionalising increasingly social participation. In Rio Grande do Norte, since 1997, the government has been developing actions accordingly, through the State Department of Water Resources, which has implemented a programme of adutoras within the State and created Water Users Associations, in the installation of dessalinizadores for places where the Adutora was not necessary or not yet arrived, so that should be managed by communities through associations of users. Since 2003, Civil Society Organisations - CSOs come through ASA - Articulation in the Semi-arid Brazilian, implementing the P1MC - Program of Training and Mobilization for Social Living with the Semi-Arid (One Million Rural Cisternas), in its third year of implementation in Rio Grande do Norte, in the spirit of working together with the semi arid. In the municipality of Serrinha / RN which incorporates the Semi-arid region, we find in the rural community of Pendêcias dos Emídios the experience of the State and Civil Society, which referred to a discussion about the environmental sustainability of these initiatives. The general objective of this work is to examine the strategies for participatory management in the use and access to water in the community of Pendêcias dos Emídios of the municipality of Serrinha / RN, to understand how those experiences can contribute to environmental sustainability. The methodology used envolvel bibliographic research in categories involving each article, the analysis of the terms of reference of each strategy as part of the documentary research, the application forms covering 40 families benefited, and interviews based on comprehensive analysis of the speech. This study is divided into 02 articles, where the first is a discussion held on collective action and environmental sustainability, and the second is held a discussion about the sustainability of the initiatives underway to access water. The results of the discussion held on 02 articles that had their empirical built from the experience of the Commonwealth of Pendências dos Emídios revealed how far will the ability of the State to promote collective action and the limitations of the perception of sustainability that permeates these initiatives in the search for democratic access to water in semi-arid


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Environmental changes and their consequences on the global level have challenged the different fields of study to integrate towards effective solutions to minimize and /or equate the negative impacts of these changes in different types of environments. In this context, the Environmental Perception has been a widely used and relevant in studies that consider the relationship between the environment and human actions, by allowing analysis of perceptions, attitudes and values, key influencers of topophilia that resonates in conservation tool. Allied to Environmental Perception, Integrated Analysis of the Landscape is relevant because it allows to analyze in a systematic way the geographical space where all its elements are interrelated in a way that supports needed to understand the complex physical and human environment of a given environment. In this perspective, we have studied the João do Vale Serrano Complex, located in semiarid of Rio Grande do Norte state, which features a set of landscapes with different faces, which are being replaced by various economic activities and disordered population growth, with consequent exploitation the potential of natural resources. This thesis main goal was to combine the Environmental Perception of rural communities to the of Serrano Complex Landscape Analysis as additional criteria for the definition of Priority Areas for Conservation. The perception data were collected through direct observation, questioning, interviews and application forms to 240 people (100 % of occupied households in the mountain community) during the months of february and august 2011, with theoretical and methodological basis Environmental Perception. Integrated Landscape Analysis was performed by GTP (Geosystem - Territory - Landscape) method, using the Geographic Information System (GIS), using the technique of GIS for mapping the landscape. The results showed that respondents have a sense of topophilia by where they live, hold a vast knowledge of the natural resources in this Serrano Complex, and responded positively regarding the choice of an exclusive area for conservation. The Integrated Analysis of Landscape possible to identify the different forms of existing uses and occupations in Serrano Complex, have caused significant changes in space, especially on the plateau where vegetation was virtually replaced by human dwellings and cashew plantations. Through the maps of slope and environmental vulnerability was identified that areas with high slopes (gullies) are limiting factor for occupation by communities and therefore relevant and amenable to conservation, including by being Permanent Preservation Areas. These results, together, made possible to define a map of Priority Areas for Conservation in Serrano Complex, with three priority categories: low, medium and high. Therefore, the use of these additional criteria are relevant for the definition /designation of Priority Areas for Conservation


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This research intended to study the process of production of the rural space in the municipal district of Little Ceará-Mirim, looking for to identify the transformations in him happened, above all in the last thirty years. Since the beginning of your historical formation, the area in study had as element modelador and transformer of the physiognomy of your territory the culture canavieira that printed in your economy and in your society marks of a powerful nobility. The sugar-cane is covered of a cyclical character facing acme phases and decadence, as the one that it happens at the present time. Simultaneously, the sphere rural cearimirinense is going by changes by the implantation of modern companies gone back to the papaya production destined to the internal market and more precisely to the external market. Of this context they also consist the supplying farms of this same product. In the group of the establishments in the rural landscape here analyzed, they still interfere the mixed farms, the ones that practice agriculture, the ones that were devoted to the livestock, as well as the farms and the ranches. Another innovation is the caprinocultura developed in modern molds, using the system voisin of pasture rodízio being constituted in a pioneering experience in Brazil. Of that reality they announce other elements, to example of the establishments, being configured as new forms of use of the soil. In the perspective of turning them productive, the challenge resides of overcoming the difficulties in them existent. The reality of the space in screen is replete of lacks in all the instances. It is inferred that the municipal district possesses an enormous potential, however the performance of the administrative components is seen as deficient. He becomes urgent that the municipal public power promotes changes, mainly in what it respects to the social area, with a better attendance to the rural communities, for them to act positively in the process of the development of this municipal district


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The research Reforma Agrária de Mercado e Territorialização: um estudo a partir do Programa Cédula da Terra em Canindé-Ce , has an objective to discuss until whas time denominated agrarium refom has capacity of territory the of families in Five from the seven settlements cmated by resourles from the prgramme cell of earth em Canindé-Ce. In this context, the present work analysis the relation sitip between power and kind of identity, in special in those settlements, trying to learn the dialetic relationship. That passes by the process and appropriation in these spaces by these families gave the beginning of buying the land. The procedure methologic used by us gave privilege to realize the interview included in this process, wita the leaders of rural associations (STR); commission clero of earth (CPT); rural workers movement without land (MST); wita agricolas tecnics, and so the local coordinators of cell of earth in Fortaleza. The analysis of agrarium reform in Canindé, infects that the families giving entrance in buying the land, they could creatieg a hope in quality of life for getting the land. Nevertheless, it did not happen, in the rost of the parts of the areas in study. The territories present in general focus, the worse process of poomest besides the amount of debiths of these families, putting in risk the territorialization of themselves


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The objective of the current piece of research is to reflect upon the diverse changes that have occurred in the social and spatial dynamics of the Macaíba fair in the period between 1960 and 2006. During the second half of the 19th century, Macaíba had in the commerce one of this principle economic base a contribution for which the city became one of the main commercial warehouses of the East coast of the Rio Grande do Norte region. This helped lead to the growth of Macaíba s fair, which proved to be one of the most important existing in the state until the 1970 s. In the last two decades of the 20th century, certain elements represented challenges to the fair at Macaíba. These challenges stimulated substantial changes in the fair s dynamics which include the growth and expansion of the commercial and service sector, primarily though supermarkets; consolidation among the commercial and distribution networks, represented by the Central Office of Supply of the Rio Grande do Norte S/A (Ceasa/RN), by the wholesale and refrigeration companies; and the modernization of transportation methods, which permitted an expanded reach for these networks. Even with all these changes, the fair continues to be one of the strongest aspects of the city being the center of resistance against the surge of new forms of commerce and consumption in the city (notable the supermarkets) and the diffusion of other aspects of globalization. The fair has economic importance, as it offers a popular marketplace for the commercialization of very different products and a means for supplying goods to the residents of the city and the rural communities of Macaíba and the surrounding municipalities; and socio-cultural importance in that the fair is a place where popular tradition is expressed, a place where a great number of parallel activities occur, a place for meeting again and again, of conversations, of manifestations of culture and art, and of socialization in all of its dimensions


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This is study about the Project Vazantes, as a case of stay policy on access to land upstream of the weir humid New World, in Caicó-RN. It includes social and economic aspects of vazanteiros, that in their experiences with the land, recreate structures, forms and functions. Theoretically, the work is based on the ideas miltonianas (1986, 1988, 1996, 1997) on the production and reproduction of space, as seen this system of actions that is articulated to the public policies and the achievements solidarity, to the extent that production, in vazantes there is virtually no technology investment, technical assistance and rural credit. Regarding the search procedures, we conducted interviews and questionnaires with vazanteiros applied but did photographic records and research into documentary sources Agricultural Research Company's Rio Grande do Norte S / A (EMPARN), the Union of Rural Workers of Caicó (STRC ), In newspapers and magazines, as well as other sources of information related to the object of study.Such procedures, coupled with theoretical and methodological benchmarks, helped in the understanding of the relationship that takes place in the New World Farm, in order that space produced by actors (EMPARN and vazanteiros) comprises a structure of power that involves multiple interests in extent that land and labor are appropriate mechanisms as dialetizantes


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The question of evaluating the fight against poverty in a given society is very complex task, considering the range of factors that permeate, such as education, culture and economy itself. Come hence the relevance of the theme and its constant presence in discussions on the fruits of public policies, institutional structure and economic development which are the guiding elements of this work, and noted that seeks to highlight the social demographics and most important, the most significant trends and issues pertaining to her. The assessment was initially made in all the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte doing a verticalilzação to the municipalities Caicó, Pau dos Ferros, Ipueira and Taboleiro Grande. Highlighting the role of a social policy through government programs, such as the Bolsa Familia Program (PBF), which creates the possibility of changes in the socio demographic profile given the importance that the action of this public policy has in shaping the regional economic reality As well as social programs and actions of the government here reported that generate mobility of people and new social demands, such as rural retirements, the benefit of continuing provision (BPC), the Program for the Eradication of Child Labor (PETI) that put on the market of population living on the margins of various forms of consumption. Accordingly, the socio economic profile of the state shows a significant improvement in their social indicators, vital education and redistribution of income, due to the significant improvement in life expectancy in the fall of school drop-out rate and the drop in indicators of Proportion Poor and destitute of the state. Where the fall in the proportion of poor and indigent is strongly associated with an increase in income, from social programs. With this transfer and redistribution of income can be gauged that occurs a strengthening of local economies and an engagement of families with the conditionalities of social programs and PETI Bolsa Familia. Our research concludes that simply raising the rents caused by transfers, presents relevant impacts on the education of young people in beneficiary families. There is no doubt that the programs of transfer income, no facing the social field, representing a mechanism to decrease the most perverse ills of poverty, social and economic inequality that is hungry. For a significant portion of the Brazilian population living below the poverty line, programs for the transfer of income are expressed directly in improving the material conditions of life and indirectly in improving self-esteem of women and all family members receiving encouraging yet the integration family. Experiments have shown that improvements in health and nutrition can be obtained through the implementation of adequate social policies like the programs of transfer income, while social inclusion and economic does not become full


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This present work has as its objective the analysis of transformations relating to the production processes in the Southern littoral urban space of the city of João Pessoa PB. The research estimated that the urban space is the product, means and condition of the society which produces it. The object-area of this inquiry is constituted of five districts: Altiplano Cabo Branco, Portal do Sol, Ponta do Seixas, Penha and Costa do Sol. The urban expansion which occurs in this area is characterized by the appearance of sufficient contradictory space phenomenona. On the other hand, the launching of real estate products such as the horizontal closed condominiums, directed towards the upper class, and the occurrence of areas of irregular occupation, inhabited by lower socioeconomic class and with a great lack of infrastructure and basic urban services, revealing the social contradictions. Due to this, processes such as auto-segregation and segregation imposed beyond the precarious and delinquent inclusion, has become the determining characteristic of this part of the city in analysis. The study also takes into account the appreciation of the new urban environmental zoning of Altiplano do Cabo Branco and from this moment on, start the discussion about the tendencies of urban expansion in this area, due to the interests and strategies of the real estate sector and the prominent role of the government in the current valorization process of urban soil of the area. The presence of residuals of agricultural businesses indicates a typical picture of the peri-urban areas configuring what we observe today at the Southern littoral of João Pessoa


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It understands a study made concerning the main aspects of the Agrarian Reform and the Agricultural Nestings of the Rio Grande do Norte. For in such a way an inquiry became necessary initially on the origin of the Brazilian agrarian concentration passing for the donation of Sesmarias, Land Law, Statute of Land and Ith National Plan of the Agrarian Reformation, as well as of the Social Movements of fight for the land appeared since century XIX: Canudos, Contestado, Cangaço, Ligas Camponesas and MST. Drawing the fight for the land in the Rio Grande do Norte, we rescue the component elements of the first indications of the Agrarian Reform and formation of Agricultural Nestings in the State. In the attempt to unmask the current situation of the Settlements, we investigate some concerning aspects to the conditions of life of the seated ones, that it is marked by innumerable problems that go since the lack of water until the a precariousness of the infrastructure and presence of services, over all with relation to the education and health. For in such a way we work initially on the basis of diverse bibliographical readings, together data-collecting the official agencies and some directly involved entities with the Agrarian Reform in the RN. We utilized also the research of field in 27 Settlements of different Microregions of the State that consisted of the application of interviews together to the leaderships of these Settlements and application of forms with the seated families who resulted in a bigger knowledge concerning the reality of these areas that integrate the Politics of the Agrarian Reform


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior