113 resultados para Crenças de saúde e doença
Periodontal diseases, highly prevalent disease in worldwide population, manifest primarily in two distinct entities: plaque-induced gingivitis and periodontitis. Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized of different levels of collagen, cementum, and alveolar bone destruction. Recent experimental studies demonstrated anti-inflammatory and antirreabsortive effect of antihypertensive agents of the angiotensin II receptor blockers class on periodontal disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of azilsartan (AZT), a potent inhibitor of the angiotensin II receptor which has minimal adverse effects on bone loss, inflammation, and the expression of matrix metallo proteinases (MMPs), receptor activator of nuclear factor kB ligand (RANKL), receptor activator of nuclear factor kB (RANK), osteoprotegerin (OPG), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and cathepsin K in periodontal tissue in a rat model of ligature-induced periodontitis. Male Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into 5 groups of 20 rats each: (1) nonligated, water; (2) ligated, water; (3) ligated, 1 mg/kg AZT; (4) ligated, 5 mg/kg AZT; and (5) ligated, 10 mg/kg AZT. All groups were treated with water or AZT for 10 days. Periodontal tissues were analyzed by morphometric exam, histopathology and immunohistochemical detection of MMP-2, MMP-9, COX-2, RANKL, RANK, OPG, and cathepsin K. Levels of IL-1b, IL-10, TNF-a, myeloperoxidase (MPO), and glutathione (GSH) were determined by ELISA. Treatment with 5 mg/kg AZT resulted in reduced MPO (p˂0.05) and IL-1b (p˂0.05) levels and increased in Il-10 levels (p˂0.05). It was observed a reduced expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, COX-2, RANK, RANKL, cathepsin K, and a increased expression of OPG in the animals subjected to experimental periodontitis and threated with AZT (5 mg/kg). Conclusions: These findings suggest an anti-inflammatory and anti-reabsortive effects of AZT on ligature-induced periodontitis in rats.
Introdução: Na Atenção Primária à Saúde, nos contextos internacional e nacional, o trabalho em equipe tem sido reconhecido como estratégia decisiva para a organização de processos que visam à integralidade do cuidado, além de possibilitar melhorias na satisfação dos usuários com os serviços de saúde. Neste sentido, o objetivo, deste estudo, é analisar o trabalho em equipe na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa em banco de dados secundários. Realizou-se três estudos: a) O trabalho em equipe na Atenção Primária à Saúde, em Portugal, pesquisa avaliativa, de natureza qualitativa, tipo estudo de caso descritivo, que representou um recorte dos resultados derivados da pesquisa integrada ao projeto “Implantação das Unidades de Saúde Familiar em Portugal”, que teve como procedimentos entrevistas semiestruturadas, roteiro de coleta de informações (check list) e análise documental. Foi realizada a estratégia de triangulação dos dados com análise de conteúdo; b) trabalho em equipe, acesso e qualidade na Atenção Primária à Saúde, no Brasil, estudo transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado a partir dos dados obtidos da “Pesquisa de Avaliação Externa do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica”, no Brasil, em 2013. Amostra composta de 17202 profissionais e 65391 usuários. Utilizou-se entrevista estruturada, com análise estatística realizada pelas frequências absolutas e relativas das variáveis através do programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences. c) satisfação dos usuários com o trabalho em equipe na Atenção Primária à Saúde, no Brasil, estudo transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado a partir dos dados obtidos da “Pesquisa de Avaliação Externa do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica”, no Brasil, em 2013. Amostra composta de 65391 usuários. Realizou-se análise estatística das frequências absolutas e relativas das variáveis através do programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Utilizou-se, ainda, o Teste X2 , com nível de significância de 5%; análise de regressão logística múltipla. O modelo final foi ajustado pelo teste de Hosmer/Lemeshow, o qual indicou um ajuste de 66%. Resultados: Sobre o trabalho em equipe na Atenção Primária à Saúde, em Portugal, destacou-se a formação das equipes de forma voluntária, por meio de afinidades pessoais, a existência de “carteira básica de serviços”, juntamente com x intervenções de vigilância, promoção da saúde e prevenção de doença, cuidados em situação de doença aguda, acompanhamento clínico de doença crônica e de patologia múltipla, cuidados domiciliares, interligação e colaboração em rede com outros serviços (cuidados hospitalares), sistemas informatizados nas unidades de saúde. Os dados revelaram dificuldades quanto ao atendimento domiciliar. No Brasil, foi destaque o processo de trabalho, com avanços relacionados a realização de planejamento e programação das ações e o apoio da gestão. Existência de território definido e de prontuários familiares. É destaque a agenda compartilhada e pactuada entre os profissionais. As equipes realizam acolhimento e reuniões, cujos temas, discutidos, giram em torno do processo de trabalho e planejamento. Os desafios, enfrentados, estão relacionados ao agendamento dos usuários; ao número de pessoas sob a responsabilidade das equipes; à existência de população descoberta nas áreas adscritas à Unidade de Saúde; à incipiência na ação intersetorial e ao pouco envolvimento da comunidade pelas equipes. Quanto aos fatores associados à satisfação do usuário foi marcante: a faixa etária; a escolaridade; a raça; se a falta de material prejudica o atendimento e se a equipe consegue marcar consulta para outros profissionais. Conclusões: Constatou-se o trabalho em equipe como elemento central no processo de mudança na Atenção Primária à Saúde, tanto no contexto de Portugal quanto no do Brasil, o qual ampliou o acesso e a qualidade na oferta de serviços de saúde e obteve, ainda, o reconhecimento social, mesmo que, em ambas as realidades, não tenha avançado na coordenação do cuidado e no estímulo à participação social. Os fatores, associados com a satisfação do usuário, estão relacionados diretamente ao cuidado prestado e refletem a expectativa, por parte do usuário, de resolução concreta de suas necessidades.
Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory condition primarily caused by bacteria in dental biofilm, which interact with the host, thus determining the nature of the resulting disease. Despite the wide knowledge about the pathogenesis of these diseases, the exact composition of the T cell profile during the active phase of the disease (Th1, Th2 or Th17) remains unknown. This study aimed to evaluate by immunohistochemical expression, the presence of the markers (IL-17, IL-23 and RORγt), involved in Th17 response in clinically healthy gingiva cases (n = 32), biofilm-induced gingivitis (n = 30), chronic periodontitis (n = 32) and aggressive periodontitis (n = 25), in order to analyze if the expression and/or distribution of these molecules in lymphocytes and macrophages, present in the inflammatory infiltrate of periodontal tissue, influences the tissue destruction observed in these diseases. The morphological analysis of cases was performed which assessed the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate in mild, moderate and intense. For each case, in the area with the most representative immunostaining, 5 fields were chosen and analyzed, both for the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate as for the quantity of immunostained cells, based on predetermined scores: score 0 (absence of inflammatory infiltrate/immunostaining), score 1 (the infiltrate/immunostaining covered less than 25% of the field area), score 2 (the infiltrate/immunostaining occupied between 25 and 50%) and score 3 (infiltrate/immunostaining present in over 50% of the field area). From this, a median was generated representing each case. The intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate correlated with the disease progression, in other words, it was crescent from clinically healthy gingiva to aggressive periodontitis (P <0.001). It was detected the presence of IL-17, IL-23 and RORγt in most of the evaluated cases and the number of immunostained cells correlated with the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate (P <0.001) and with the clinical parameters analyzed (P <0.001), showing a positive correlation, mainly moderate. Aggressive periodontitis showed a higher percentage of immunostaining for all markers in relation to other clinical conditions assessed, suggesting a possible association of these markers with the progression of this disease, in which the higher the loss of periodontal support, the greater the amount of inflammatory infiltrate and larger the number of immunostained cells.
INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, the health training policies have been going through deep changes, which are the fruits of the sanitary reform and of the breakage with the biomedical model, still hegemonic. Nevertheless, the paradigm of comprehensiveness is being introduced in health and, in order to consolidate this concept, the training has been gaining new methodological approaches. One can mention the teaching-service interaction (education-health system/citizenship health), whose proposal enables the expansion of the perception of the health-disease process, as well as the warranty of compromises of training in relation to SUS. OBJECTIVE: Understand, from health professionals, the relevance of teaching-service-community interaction, vocational training of students of the Faculty of Health Sciences / UFRN. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: This study is grounded on qualitative approach. The technique used to obtain research data was the focus group. Two focus groups (FG) were accomplished in two family basic health units of the municipality of Santa Cruz – RN, where there is participation of professionals of the Family Health Strategy. The discussions were performed from a previously elaborated script. The analysis of results was held from the categorical thematic content technique. RESULTS: The study had the participation of 18 health professionals, and 13 (72%) were females. For these professionals, the teaching-service interaction enables the student to understand the model of comprehensive health care, since the contact with the community enhances its perception about the health-disease process, but also enables recognizing the importance of teamwork to comprehensive health care. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The results highlight the importance of a policy of reorientation within the context of training so that students have an early contact with the service and therefore develop technical skills within the context in which they are inserted.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
A reading method (Cervo & Bervian, 1983) was applied to select psychology publications on health. The rejection of the biomedical model is a recurring theme in these publications. Its point of view is that the model is reductionistic because it emphasizes (1) the disease (2) as a body dysfunction and by consequence health is understood as the absence of disease. The implications of the biomedical model for health are biological materialism and physiological mechanicism. Psychology publications counterpoint to biomedicine is to include attention to life contexts and consider the role of individual behavior and lifestyle in the health-disease process. Those thoughts about the nature of health imply a conception of man, especially when some articles claim that Descartes’ ideas are the ground to biomedicine development. Psychology publications reviewed highlight health characteristics related to a different view of the human mode of being. The thesis presented develops an understanding that Martin Heidegger’s Dasein Analytic is a conception of human being consistent with the selected psychology works’ view of health. It means psychology’s discussion about what is health is based on an implicit approach to the human being, one that allows the rethinking of health. The heideggerian Dasein is a vision of man in tune with the comprehension of health presented in the selected publications. It is understood that the manner a human phenomenon is conceptualized is related even implicitly to a conception of man. To take into account health’s contextual aspects like society, environment, and culture call attention to the man world relationship to which Heidegger calls being in the world. To highlight the role of behavior on one’s own health makes a point of the relationship man has with her/his own being, which Heidegger calls mineness.
A periodontite é uma doença crônica inflamatória mediada por marcadores inflamatórios, tais como as citocinas: IL-1β, IL-10 e TNF-α, que provoca a destruição dos tecidos gengivais e osso alveolar, causando perda de inserção dentária e posterior perda dental. A perda óssea é causada pela ativação de prostaglandinas oriundas do ácido araquidônico, através da ação da enzima ciclooxigenase 2 (COX-2), promovendo a liberação de enzimas proteolíticas, as metaloproteinases de matriz, principalmente a MMP-2 e MMP-9, que promovem reabsorção óssea. Além disso, ocorre o desequilíbrio entre a ação de RANKL e OPG, havendo uma maior ativação de RANKL, e por consequência a maior ativação de osteoclastos e maior reabsorção óssea. Mediadores inflamatórios e espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) produzidos localmente possuem potencial para disseminar na corrente sanguínea e iniciar ou exacerbar doenças sistêmicas como as cardiovasculares. O tratamento atual da doença consiste em terapêutica local, mas a necessidade de estudos sobre fármacos de atuação sistêmica culminou nesta pesquisa, que realizou a avaliação dos fármacos: atorvastatin, carvedilol, olmesartan e telmisartan, quanto a sua ação anti-inflamatória sobre a doença periodontal induzida por ligadura em ratos Wistar. Os animais foram divididos em 5 grupos, para cada fármaco, separadamente: (NL) grupo não ligado, (L) grupo ligado sem tratamento, (1mg/Kg) grupo ligado que recebeu dose de 1mg/Kg de fármaco, (5 ou 6 mg/Kg) grupo ligado que recebeu dose de 5 ou 6 mg/Kg de fármaco, (10 mg/Kg) grupo ligado que recebeu dose de 10mg/Kg de fármaco. Foram realizadas avaliações: histopatológica, perda óssea alveolar, imuno-histoquímica (para COX-2, MMP-2, MMP-9, RANK-L, RANK e OPG), e ELISA (para mieloperoxidase, glutationa, malonaldeído e as citocinas: IL-1β, IL-10 e TNF-α). Os grupos tratados com olmesartana a 6 mg/Kg, e atorvastatin, carvedilol e telmisartan a 10mg/Kg, mostraram diminuição da perda óssea, redução de: MPO, MDA, IL-1β, TNF-α, MMP-2, MMP-9, COX-2, RANKL/RANK, e aumento na expressão da OPG e da IL-10.
Health results from the interaction of biological, social, economic, political and cultural factors. Under this perspective, we aim to analyze the relationship among working in public emergency hospitals and the health-sickness of the professionals who work there. We are based in a quantitative and qualitative research, in which 240 health professionals (doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, dentists, nutritionists, audiologists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists) answered a survey. All of them recognize the importance of work to guarantee favorable conditions to good health. However, they highlight its physical and mental wear effects on workers like stress, absence of a healthy life-style, high blood pressure, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal and sleep disorders. It becomes urgent to face this reality, to enhance professionals' health and, consequently, the quality of user’s assistance, since the illness of health workers is strongly correlated with the existing health model in society.
Gaucher’s disease (GD) is caused by a β-glucocerebrosidase deficiency, leading to the accumulation of glucocerebroside in the reticuloendothelial system. The prevalence of GD in Tabuleiro do Norte (TN) (1:4000) is the highest in Brazil. The purpose of this study was to present evidence of consanguinity and founder effect for the G377S mutation (c.1246G>A) among GD patients in TN based on enzyme, molecular and genealogical studies. Between March 2009 and December 2010, 131 subjects at risk for GD (GC in dried blood ≤2.19 nmol/h/ml) and 5 confirmed GD patients from the same community were submitted for molecular analysis to characterize the genetic profile of the population. Based on the enzymatic and molecular analysis, the subjects were classified into three categories: affected (n=5), carrier (n=20) and non-carrier (n=111). All carriers were (G377S/wt). Affected subjects were homozygous (G377S/G377S). The identification of a single mutation in carriers and homozygotes from different generations, the history of the community and the genealogy study suggest that the high prevalence of GD in this population may be due to a combination of consanguinity and founder effect for the G377S mutation
Le present travail a pour objectif, discuter le dialogue entre deux des formes de penser le processos santé-maladie: la médécine traditionnelle et celle scientifique. Et cette dernière représentée par le Système Unique de Santé, particulièrement par une Équipe de Santé de la Famille. Partant du questionnement “quel est le rôle de chaque système de santé dans les problèmes sanitaires ainsi que dans la prévention des maladies?”, il s‟agit de vérifier si l‟ ”Écologie des Savoirs” discutée par Santos (2007) a été appliquée dans les deux manières de penser et pratiquer les politiques de santé; tenant em compte que chacune d‟elles ayant son champ de possibilites et d‟impossibilités agit directement sur le quotidien des aires géographiques concernés par la recherche: le District de São João do Abade dans le Municipe de Curuçá/PA et l‟Équipe de Santé de la Famille Abade localisée dans ce même district. Cette étude fut réalisée à partir d‟instruments de collecte de données comme la recherche de terrain, l‟observation directe et les interviews semi-structurés (HAGUETTE, 1997) e apports théoriques à partir de certains des concepts clés les plus utilisés par les Épistémologies du Sud où nous mettons en relief l' “Écologie des Savoirs” (Santos, 2007); le “travail de Traduction” (SANTOS, 2008); la “Sociologie des Absences et la Sociologie des Émergences” (SANTOS, 2004); le concept de “Santé-Maladie” (MINAYO, 1988); ainsi que les discussions autor des “Savoirs de la Tradition” (ALMEIDA, 2010; RAMALHO et ALMEIDA, 2011). La stratégie “Santé de la Famille fut pensée à travers la vision de Guedelha (2008) et Vilar et al. (2011) où à partir de cette dernière la discussion sur le concept de “Médécine Communautaire” (DONNANGELO e PEREIRA, 1976) comme recours importante dans la recherche de l‟ “Écologie des Savoirs” dans la Stratégie Santé de la Famille a été possible.
INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health problem, with increasing prevalence in its terminal stage and one of the factors that can contribute is the failure to recognize the disease and its risk factors. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the knowledge of medical residents (MR) and medical preceptors (MP) in hospitals in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Natal-RN - Brazil, on the DRC, based on the policy of the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO ). METHODS: Cross-sectional study where 64 MR (R1 = 32; R2 = 15; R3 = 17) and 63 MP answered a questionnaire divided into seven sessions that addressed aspects of the DRC since the setting up referral to a nephrologist. RESULTS: Only 20 participants (15.7%) reported using any guidelines for the management of CKD. The scores obtained by session were: Definition and classification (46.1 ± 47.8); Risk factors (70.5 ± 27.9); Laboratory evaluation (58.2 ± 8.8); Clinical action plan (57.6 ± 19.9); Reduction in proteinuria (68.3 ± 15.0); Complications (64.8 ± 19.9); Referral to a nephrologist (73.0 ± 44.6). There was a statistically significant difference between the knowledge of MR and MP in the sessions: Laboratory evaluation (MR 61.5 ± 8.4 vs 54.8 ± 7.9 MP; p <0.001); Reduction in proteinuria (73.1 ± 11.4 vs MR MP 63.5 ± 16.7; p <0.001) and Referral to a nephrologist (MR 81.2 ± 39.3 vs 64.5 ± 48.2 MP; p = 0.035). Among the MR, the R2 obtained the best score (63.9 ± 22.6 vs R1 R2 R3 71.9 ± 17.2 vs 63.5 ± 22.5, p = 0.445). It identified a low percentage of success of the doctors on the definition of CKD (MP = 46%; R1 = 40.6%; R2 = 60%; R3 = 52.9%; p = 0.623) and classification (MP = 34.9%; R1 = 53.1%, R2 = 60%; R3 = 52.9%; p = 0.158). CONCLUSION: The study showed that most doctors do not use any guidelines for clinical management of CKD and that there are gaps in knowledge on the subject, even among physicians who work in the university environment. In this sense, we propose the realization of mini-workshops for participants and students from boarding UFRN, using Case-Based Learning Strategy (CBL), with small group discussion, to strengthen the incorporation of CKD guidelines in undergraduate teaching and in clinical medical practice in general.
INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health problem, with increasing prevalence in its terminal stage and one of the factors that can contribute is the failure to recognize the disease and its risk factors. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the knowledge of medical residents (MR) and medical preceptors (MP) in hospitals in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Natal-RN - Brazil, on the DRC, based on the policy of the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO ). METHODS: Cross-sectional study where 64 MR (R1 = 32; R2 = 15; R3 = 17) and 63 MP answered a questionnaire divided into seven sessions that addressed aspects of the DRC since the setting up referral to a nephrologist. RESULTS: Only 20 participants (15.7%) reported using any guidelines for the management of CKD. The scores obtained by session were: Definition and classification (46.1 ± 47.8); Risk factors (70.5 ± 27.9); Laboratory evaluation (58.2 ± 8.8); Clinical action plan (57.6 ± 19.9); Reduction in proteinuria (68.3 ± 15.0); Complications (64.8 ± 19.9); Referral to a nephrologist (73.0 ± 44.6). There was a statistically significant difference between the knowledge of MR and MP in the sessions: Laboratory evaluation (MR 61.5 ± 8.4 vs 54.8 ± 7.9 MP; p <0.001); Reduction in proteinuria (73.1 ± 11.4 vs MR MP 63.5 ± 16.7; p <0.001) and Referral to a nephrologist (MR 81.2 ± 39.3 vs 64.5 ± 48.2 MP; p = 0.035). Among the MR, the R2 obtained the best score (63.9 ± 22.6 vs R1 R2 R3 71.9 ± 17.2 vs 63.5 ± 22.5, p = 0.445). It identified a low percentage of success of the doctors on the definition of CKD (MP = 46%; R1 = 40.6%; R2 = 60%; R3 = 52.9%; p = 0.623) and classification (MP = 34.9%; R1 = 53.1%, R2 = 60%; R3 = 52.9%; p = 0.158). CONCLUSION: The study showed that most doctors do not use any guidelines for clinical management of CKD and that there are gaps in knowledge on the subject, even among physicians who work in the university environment. In this sense, we propose the realization of mini-workshops for participants and students from boarding UFRN, using Case-Based Learning Strategy (CBL), with small group discussion, to strengthen the incorporation of CKD guidelines in undergraduate teaching and in clinical medical practice in general.
The SBBrasil 2010 Project (SBB10) was designed as a nationwide oral health epidemiological survey within a health surveillance strategy. This article discusses methodological aspects of the SBB10 Project that can potentially help expand and develop knowledge in the health field. This was a nationwide survey with stratified multi-stage cluster sampling. The sample domains were 27 State capitals and 150 rural municipalities (counties) from the country's five major geographic regions. The sampling units were census tracts and households for the State capitals and municipalities, census tracts, and households for the rural areas. Thirty census tracts were selected in the State capitals and 30 municipalities in the countryside. The precision considered the demographic domains grouped by density of the overall population and the internal variability of oral health indices. The study evaluated dental caries, periodontal disease, malocclusion, fluorosis, tooth loss, and dental trauma in five age groups (5, 12, 15-19, 35-44, and 65-74 years).
The SBBrasil 2010 Project (SBB10) was designed as a nationwide oral health epidemiological survey within a health surveillance strategy. This article discusses methodological aspects of the SBB10 Project that can potentially help expand and develop knowledge in the health field. This was a nationwide survey with stratified multi-stage cluster sampling. The sample domains were 27 State capitals and 150 rural municipalities (counties) from the country's five major geographic regions. The sampling units were census tracts and households for the State capitals and municipalities, census tracts, and households for the rural areas. Thirty census tracts were selected in the State capitals and 30 municipalities in the countryside. The precision considered the demographic domains grouped by density of the overall population and the internal variability of oral health indices. The study evaluated dental caries, periodontal disease, malocclusion, fluorosis, tooth loss, and dental trauma in five age groups (5, 12, 15-19, 35-44, and 65-74 years).
Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are changes that occur due to gingival inflammation caused by microorganisms present in the biofilm, as well as the migration of immune cells and secretion of mediators in the aggressed site. This study aimed to research angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in 90 specimens of clinically healthy, with gingivitis and chronic periodontitis gingival tissue biopsies. The histological sections were evaluated by hematoxylin and eosin and the immunohistochemical technique through immunostaining for CD34 and podoplanin. To evaluate the angiogenic and lymphangiogenic indexes we performed a microvessel counting technique. The results showed that there is a correlation between the indexes (p = 0.030), however, we observed that periodontitis showed less lymphatic vessels than clinically healthy gingival tissue (p = 0.016). Podoplanin showed positive staining in the basal layers of the epithelium, and we observed a relationship between immunostaining intensity and the intensity of inflammatory infiltrate, with more intense staining in the presence of severe inflammatory infiltrate (p = 0.033). For this study, we concluded that there are fewer blood vessels in periodontitis compared with clinically healthy gingiva. The signaling present in the inflammatory process and the actual role of gingival blood and lymphatic vasculature are not fully understood, with further studies on angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis being suggested.