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In this work I have searched the symbolical sense of a specific place. I have started from the theoretical assumption that places are social relations resulting from material and symbolical conditions developed in a certain time and by certain factors. In this sense, I have analyzed the symbolical aspect of sugar plantation from some literary works created by the writer José Lins do Rego from the state of Paraíba. I intend to analyze the symbolical dimension senses, values and images used by this writer to show the sugar plantation. Giving special attention to the works from the named cycle of sugar plantation , I have searched for the senses and meanings used in José Lins do Rego literary discourse to create a fictional sugar plantation, showing this place in a specific way. Based in cultural history, I have used several sources: literary works, prefaces of books, memory works, journalistic works, letters written by intellectual men and history books. My time of analysis is from 1919 the beginning of José Lins do Rego s intellectual activity - until 1943 publication of Fogo Morto, last literary work that I have analyzed. In symbolical terms, what is sugar plantation, this place that has totally touched José Lins do Regos life and literary work? That was the structural question that has determined the present research
The neurovascular system of the pulp and of the periodontium is interconnected and among the possible intercommunications between these two tissues, there is the cavo inter-radicular canal. It is a small canal that goes through any inter-radicular dentine and arises in the furca region of the multi-radicular teeth. Its predominance has been studied in the literature, by several methodologies, with divergent results. The objective of this work was to establish, in vitro, the predominance of the cavo inter-radicular canal, in human lower molars, through the diaphanization technique and dye leakage. For this research, 140 teeth (100 first and second 40 lower molars) were selected, extracted due to different reasons, belonging to a teeth bank of the Endodontics discipline of the Dentistry College at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The teeth were preserved in formol until the moment of use and immersed in physiological solution. Had the endodontic access fulfilled and the whole external surface, except for the furcation, sealed with two layers of nail enamel. The cleaning of the pulpar chamber floor was carried out with sodium hypochlorite solution 5%, being this solution renewed every 5 minutes, during 1 hour. The teeth were immersed in Indian dye and, after drying of the dye, they had their crowns split up in the amelo-cemental junction. Then, they were examined in a stereomicroscope, where marks of the coloring were observed in the furcation and on the pulpar floor. After this recording, the sample was diaphanized and with the transparent teeth, it was possible to observe in the stereomicroscope, the true inter-radicular canals. As a result of this experiment, the presence of these canals was observed in 13 % of the first and 7, 5 % of the second evaluated molars. The study showed that both the presence of the cavo inter-radicular canal is real and the diaphanization and dye leakage is an efficient method for this type of research
Over exploitation of oil deposits on land onshore or offshore, there is simultaneous generation of waste water, known as produced water, which represents the largest waste stream in the production of crude oil. The relationship between the chemical composition of oil and water production and the conditions in which this process occurs or is favored are still poorly studied. The area chosen for the study has an important oil reserve and an important aquifer saturated with freshwater meteoric. The aim of this work is to study some chemical parameters in water produced for each reservoir zone of production in mature oil fields of Açu Formation, using the hydrochemical and statistical analysis to serve as a reference and be used as tools against the indicator ranges water producers in oil producing wells. Samples were collected from different wells in 6 different areas of production and were measured 50 parameters, which can be classified into three groups: anions, cations and physicochemical properties (considering only the parameters that generated values above detection limits in all samples). Through the characterization hydrochemistry observed an area of water and chlorinated sodium, chlorinated calcium or magnesium (mixed) in well water in different areas of Açu, by applying a statistical treatment, we obtained a discriminant function that distinguishes chemically production areas. Thus, it was possible to calculate the rate of correct classification of the function was 76.3%. To validate this model the accuracy rate was 86%
Corrosion inhibitors in solution are utilized to minimize processes from corrosion in steel. Of the present dissertation was evaluated the efficiency by inhibition from the surfactant saponified coconut oil (OCS) in the carbon steel 1020 through in linear polarization electrochemistry technique, well as, studied the process from adsorption through from the isotherms from Langmuir, Frumkin and Temkin. The corrosion current was determined through in Tafel extrapolation from the curves in the polarization, and then, was calculated the efficiency in the inhibitor to each concentration and temperature. Were studied four concentrations (12,5 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm, and 75 ppm) in the inhibitor OCS and one in the NaCl salt (10.000 ppm) in six temperatures (301 K, 308 K, 313 K, 318 K, 323 K, and 328 K) in triplicate. By the results obtained observed that the technique applied can evaluated with rapidity and efficiency corrosion inhibitors. In relation to the isotherms, the than best appropriated was the in Langmuir and in the concentrations studied, the that obtained the best efficiency was the concentration of 75 ppm
The aim of this work is the treatment of produced water from oil by using electrochemical technology. Produced water is a major waste generated during the process of exploration and production in the oil industry. Several approaches are being studied aiming at the treatment of this effluent; among them can be cited the biological process and chemical treatments such as advanced oxidation process and electrochemical treatments (electrooxidation, electroflotation, electrocoagulation, electrocoagulation). This work studies the application of electrochemical technology in the treatment of the synthetic produced water effluent through the action of the electron, in order to remove or transform the toxic and harmful substances from the environment by redox reactions in less toxic substances. For this reason, we used a synthetic wastewater, containing a mixture H2SO4 0,5M and 16 HPAs, which are: naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo (a) anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k) fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenzo(a, h)anthracene, benzo(g, h, i)perylene. Bulk electrochemical oxidation experiments were performed using a batch electrochemical reactor containing a pair of parallel electrodes, coupled with a power supply using a magnetic stirrer for favoring the transfer mass control. As anodic material was used, a Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) of Ti/Pt, while as cathode was used a Ti electrode. Several samples were collected at specific times and after that, the analysis of these samples were carried out by using Gas Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC - MS) in order to determine the percentage of removal. The results showed that it was possible to achieve the removal of HPAs about 80% (in some cases, more than 80%). In addition, as an indicator of the economic feasibility of electrochemical treatment the energy consumption was analyzed for each hour of electrolysis, and based on the value kWh charged by ANEEL, the costs were estimated. Thus, the treatment costs of this research were quite attractive
In this work, the treatment of synthetic wastewaters containing Remazol Red BR (RRB) and Novacron Blue C-D (NB) by anodic oxidation using boron doped diamond anodes (BDD) and Novacron Yellow (YN) using BDD and Platinum (Pt) anodes was investigated. Galvanostatic electrolyses of RRB and NB synthetic wastewaters have led to the complete decolorization removal at different operating conditions (current density, pH and temperature). The influence of these parameters was investigated in order to find the best conditions for dyestuff colour removal. According to the experimental results obtained, the electrochemical oxidation process is suitable for decolorizing wastewaters containing these textile dyes, due to the electrocatalytic properties of BDD and Pt anode. Energy requirements for removing colour during galvanostatic electrolyses of RRB, NB and YN synthetic solutions depends mainly on the operating conditions; for example for RRB, it passes from 3.30 kWh m-3 at 20 mA cm-2 to 4.28 kWh m-3 at 60 mA cm-2 (pH = 1); 15.23 kWh m-3 at 20 mA cm-2 to 24.75 kWh m-3 at 60 mA cm-2 (pH = 4.5); 10.80 kWh m-3 at 20 mA cm-2 to 31.5 kWh m-3 at 60 mA cm-2 (pH = 8) (data estimated per volume of treated effluent). In order to verify the Brazilian law regulations of NB and RRB synthetic solutions after electrochemical decolourisation treatment, Hazen Units values were determined and the total colour removal was achieved; remaining into the regulations. Finally, electrical energy cost for removing colour was estimated
In this work, electrochemical technology was used to treat synthetic wastewater containing Methyl Red (MR) and Blue Novacron (BN) by anodic oxidation using anodes platinum (Pt) and real samples of textile effluents using DDB anodes and platinum (Pt). The removal of color from the galvanostatic electrolysis of synthetic wastewater MR and BN, and the actual sample has been observed under different conditions (different current densities and temperature variation). The investigation of these parameters was performed in order to establish the best conditions for removal of color and chemical oxygen demand (BOD). According to the results obtained in this study, the electrochemical oxidation processes suitable for the degradation process of color and COD in wastewater containing such textile dyes, because the electrocatalytic properties of Pt and BDD anodes consumption energy during the electrochemical oxidation of synthetic solutions AN and MR and real sample, mainly depend on the operating parameters of operation, for example, the synthetic sample of MR, energy consumption rose from 42,00kWhm-3 in 40 mAcm-2 and 25 C to 17,50 kWhm-3 in 40mAcm-2 and 40 C, from the BN went 17,83 kWhm-3 in 40mAcm and 40°C to 14,04 kWhm- 3 in 40mAcm-2 and 40 C (data estimated by the volume of treated effluent). These results clearly indicate the applicability of electrochemical treatment for removing dyes from synthetic solutions and real industrial effluents
Many pollutants dumped in waterways, such as dyes and pesticides, have become so ubiquitous that they represent a serious threat to human health. The electrochemical oxidation is presented as an alternative clean, efficient and economic degradation of wastewater containing organic compounds and a number of advantages of this technique is to just not make use of chemical reagents, since only electrical energy is consumed during the removal of pollutants organic. However, despite being a promising alternative, still needs some tweaking in order to obtain better efficiency in the elimination of persistent pollutants. Thus, this study sought a relationship between a recently discovered phenomenon that reflects the participation of dissolved oxygen in solution in the electrochemical oxidation process, as an anomaly, present a kinetic model that shows instantaneous current efficiency (ICE) above 100% limited by theory, manifested for some experiments with phenolic compounds with H2SO4 or HClO4 as supporting electrolyte with electrodes under anodic oxidation on boron doped diamond (BDD). Therefore it was necessary to reproduce the data ICE exposes the fault model, and thus the 2-naphthol was used as phenolic compound to be oxidised at concentrations of 9, 12 and 15 mmol L-1, and H2SO4 and HClO4 to 1 mol L-1 as a supporting electrolyte under a current density of 30 mA cm-2 in an electrochemical reactor for continuous flow disk configuration, and equipped with anodes DDB at room temperature (25 oC). Experiments were performed using N2 like as purge gas for eliminate oxygen dissolved in solution so that its influence in the system was studied. After exposure of the anomaly of the ICE model and investigation of its relationship with dissolved O2, the data could be treated, making it possible for confirmation. But not only that, the data obtained from eletranálise and spectroscopic analysis suggest the involvement of other strongly oxidizing species (O3 (ozone) and O radicals and O2 -), since the dissolved O2 can be consumed during the formation of new strong oxidizing species, not considered until now, something that needs to be investigated by more accurate methods that we may know a little more of this system. Currently the performance of the electrocatalytic process is established by a complex interaction between different parameters that can be optimized, so it is necessary to the implementation of theoretical models, which are the conceptual lens with which researchers see
In this paper, the technique of differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) has been studied for monitoring the concentration of oxalic acid (OA) during their electrochemical oxidation (EO) in acidic medium using platinum anode supported on titanium (Ti / Pt). The DPV was standardized and optimized using a glassy carbon electrode modified with cysteine. The modification with cysteine was developed electrochemically, forming a polymeric film on the surface of the glassy carbon electrode. The formation of the polymer film was confirmed by analysis of scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscope, confirming the modification of the electrode. The electrochemical degradation was developed using different current densities 10, 20 30 and 40 mA cm -2 electrode with Ti / Pt observing the degradation of oxalic acid, and monitored using the method of KMnO4 titration. However, the analyzes with DPV showed the same behavior elimination of oxalic acid titration. Compared with the titration method classical observed and DPV could be a good fit, confidence limits of detection and confirming the applicability of the technique electroanalytical for monitoring the degradation of oxalic acid
Materials consisting of perovskite-type oxides (ABO3) have been developed in this work for applications in fuel cell cathodes of solid oxide type (SOFC). These ceramic materials are widely studied for this type of application because they have excellent electrical properties, conductivity and electrocatalytic. The oxides LaMnO3, LaFeO3, LaFe0.2Mn0.8O3 e La0.5Fe0.5MnO3 were synthesized by the method of microwave assisted combustion and after sintering at 800°C in order to obtain the desired phases. The powders were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and voltammetric analysis (cyclic voltammetry and polarization curves). The results obtained by XRF technique showed that the microwave synthesis method was effective in obtaining doping oxides with values near stoichiometric. In general, powders were obtained with particle size less than 0.5 μm, having a porous structure and uniform particle size distribution. The particles showed spherical form, irregular and crowded of varying sizes, according to the analysis of SEM. The behavior of the oxides opposite the thermal stability was monitored by thermogravimetric curves (TG), which showed low weight loss values for all samples, especially those of manganese had its structure. By means of Xray diffraction of the samples sintered at 800°C was possible to observe the formation of powders having high levels of crystallinity. Furthermore, undesirable phases such as La2O3 and MnOx were not identified in the diffractograms. These phases block the transport of oxygen ions in the electrode/electrolyte interface, affecting the electrochemical activity of the system. The voltammetric analysis of the electrocatalysts LF-800, LM-800, LF2M8-800 e L5F5M-800 revealed that these materials are excellent electrical conductors, because it increased the passage of electrical current of the working electrode significantly. Best performance for the oxygen reduction reaction was observed with iron-rich structures, considering that the materials obtained have characteristics suitable for use in fuel cell cathodes of solid oxide type
This work is directed to the treatment of organic compounds present in produced water from oil using electrochemical technology. The water produced is a residue of the petroleum industry are difficult to treat , since this corresponds to 98 % effluent from the effluent generated in the exploration of oil and contains various compounds such as volatile hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phenols, carboxylic acids and inorganic compounds. There are several types of treatment methodologies that residue being studied, among which are the biological processes, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), such as electrochemical treatments electrooxidation, electrocoagulation, electrocoagulation and eletroredution. The electrochemical method is a method of little environmental impact because instead of chemical reagents uses electron through reactions of oxide-reducing transforms toxic substances into substances with less environmental impact. Thus, this paper aims to study the electrochemical behavior and elimination of the BTX (benzene, toluene and xylene) using electrode of Ti/Pt. For the experiment an electrochemical batch system consists of a continuous source, anode Ti/Pt was used, applying three densities of current (1 mA/cm2, 2,5 mA/cm2 and 5 mA/cm2). The synthetic wastewater was prepared by a solution of benzene, toluene and xylene with a concentration of 5 ppm, to evaluate the electrochemical behavior by cyclic voltammetry and polarization curves, even before assessing the removal of these compounds in solution by electrochemical oxidation. The behavior of each of the compounds was evaluated by the use of electrochemical techniques indicate that each of the compounds when evaluated by cyclic voltammetry showed partial oxidation behavior via adsorption to the surface of the Ti/Pt electrode. The adsorption of each of the present compounds depends on the solution concentration but there is the strong adsorption of xylene. However, the removal was confirmed by UV-Vis, and analysis of total organic carbon (TOC), which showed a percentage of partial oxidation (19,8 % - 99,1 % TOC removed), confirming the electrochemical behavior already observed in voltammetry and cyclic polarization curves
This thesis describes the general behavior of the northern shore of the State of Rio Grande do Norte relating beach profile morphology with hydrodynamic and sedimentological parameters. The Macau and Serra Oil Field are inserted on this area and are under accelerated coastal erosion. At these oil fields are installed oil wells from PETROBRAS, nowadays located directly in the shoreline, under constant attacks of coastal processes (e.g. waves, tides and currents), which promote an intense morphodynamic variability of this sandy coast. The area was monitored for 24 months in three different stations (P01, P02 and P03). The methodology applied involved current techniques of beach profiles, hydrodynamical processes, remote sensing and geophysics. A synthesis of results obtained through the use of different time scales (monthly, lunar cycle, seasonal, annual) from a coastal dynamics study is presented. The average wind direction corresponded to 77ºAz (NE). The steepness of the berm and of the shoreface, as well as coastal current direction, do not present major changes, with an average of 36º for the steepness of the berm, 15º for the shoreface and 15º for the coastal current direction. This data set allows us to infer that the months of larger coastal erosion were November/2000 and April/2001, because of the largest wave parameter during this time. The months of worse coastal erosion in this area are related with the increasing wavy energy. This in turn, seems to be related to seasonal climatic variations, with the wave energy and tide currents speed increasing during months of minor precipitations (June to January). The months of worse coastal erosion were September and November, when the largest wave parameters and speed currents are measured in the area. Since these months are included on the period of minor precipitations, we related the coastal erosion to seasonal climatic variations. The results obtained during these 24 months of monitoring confirms a situation of accentuated erosion, mainly in Profile 03 (Barra do Corta-Cachorro), where the wave height, period, and coastal current speed are always larger than the values found in Profile 02 (Macau5). Probably these values are more expressive in Profile 03, because it does not present any natural structure of protection against the wave impacts, as the barrier island located at Ponta do Tubarão, or the sand banks in front of Macau5. The transport of the sediments occurs from East to West, and the sand accumulation is more pronounced on Profile 03 intertidal zone, where there are embrionary dunes in dryer months. The tidal currents speed, on the other hand, is more accentuated in the Macau5 area (Profile 02). At Ponta do Tubarão, the tidal currents presented a preferential direction for NE, at times of flood, currents and for NW, at times of ebb current; at Barra do Corta-Cachorro the direction of the currents were predominantly for NW, independent of the tide phase, coinciding with the preferential direction of the longshore current. This currents inversion at Ponta do Tubarão is attributed to the presence of the Ponta do Tubarão island barrier and by the communication channel of the lagoon with the sea. The tide currents are better observed in protected areas, as in the Ponta do Tubarão, when they present inversion in their direction accordingly to the flood and ebb tide. In open areas, as in Barra do Corta-Cachorro, the tide currents are overprinted by the longshore currents. Sediment analysis does not show important modifications in grain size related to seasonality (dry- and rainy seasons). On the foreshore and backshore zones, the sediments vary from fine to medium sand, while in the shoreface they very from fine to very sands. The grains are mostly spheres, varying from sub rounded to sub angled. Quartz is the main component alongside Feldspat and heavy minerals as accessory components. Biogenic content is also present and mainly represented by mollusks fragments. The calculated sediment transport show values around 100 m3/day. The morphodynamic studies indicated that this is a reflexive area from October to April, and intermediate from May to September. The Relative Tide Range-RTR for this area is 4 < RTR < 15, and so classified in the mixed wave-tide group. Having this exposed we can affirm that the more active natural factors in this area are the currents, followed by the tides and the winds. The anthropic factors are exclusively local and punctual (Macau and Serra Oil Field). Taking in account the economic importance of the area, as well as the intensity of coastal processes acting on this shore, it is important a continuity of the monthly environmental monitoring looking for variations on longer-period cycles. These data have been stored on the geo-referenced database of the projects MARPETRO and PETRORISCO (REDE 05), aiming to model the coastal and sea environment, susceptible to oil spills and their derivatives
This study emerges and develops, from a note by Italo Calvino, who in his novel Invisible Cities advised to avoid saying "that sometimes different cities follow on the same site and with the same name, born and die without knowing, without communication among itself ". The research with a transdisciplinary work ( using elements of sociology, anthropology, geography and communication) made a reflection about segregation and tourism: poverty-richness, center-periphery, tradition- spectaclezation , the visitor-visited maping the touristic circuit and discussing about the phenomenon on the real city and touristic place: Natal and the "Sun City" - Rio Grande do Norte, studying videos produced by residents (documentary) and tourists ( posted on the Internet). Doing a comparative analysis between the realities of these two subjects (resident and tourist), the research found few similarities, many differences on the urban experience, with the existence of two distinct realities (tourist region X the periphery region). Based on theory of phenomenology, social representation, and using content analysis of film, it was noted that promotes to the visitor a trip segmented and disintegrated to daily life, culture and contact with the resident. Resident that, in largely part, lives in a unattended area, with no prospect of life (represented by Novo Horizonte Community). The confinement and segregation occurs even in his moments of leisure and cultural expressions (represented by Redinha‟s Beach), because the private an public leisure areas of tourism indirectly prevent access by people who can not contribute to the consumption on this places. This papper concluded that the tourism in Natal is an activity-phenomenon that directs and focuses on public investments for infrastructure tourist region (Ponta Negra Beach), in detriment of the poorest and periphery areas of the city
This work presents contributions in the detection and identication of faults in multilevel inverters through the study of the converters behavior under these operation conditions. Basically, the approached fault consists of an open-circuit in any switch of a three-level clamped diode inverter. The converter operation is characterized in the pre and post-fault states. A wave form behavior analysis of the pole voltage, phase current and dc-bus current is also done, which highlights characteristics that allow the detection of failure and, even, under favorable conditions, the identication of the faulty device. A compensation strategy of the approached fault (open-switch) is also investigated with the purpose of maintaining the driving system operational when a failure occurs. The proposed topology uses SCRs in parallel with the internal switches of the inverter, which allows, in some occasions, the full utilization of the dc-bus
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