88 resultados para pistas contextuais
Despite numerous government projects aimed at reorganizing and qualifying obstetric and neonatal care in Brazil, it remains problematic, with repercussions for maternal and newborn mortality and humanized care of both the mother and child. The objective of this study was to analyze the care provided to women during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle, based on reports of public health service users regarding their pregnancy and delivery experiences, using comprehensiveness and humanization as reference. The study applied a qualitative approach and the methodological strategy consisted of listening to the women, in order to identify, based on the meanings of their discourse concerning their experiences with health services, continuities and discontinuities of care during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Study participants were women who gave birth at a municipal public maternity, residents of Natal, Brazil, who at the time of the interviews, were between 10 and 42 days postpartum. Seven women reported their pregnancy and delivery experiences at public services. As interviews and observation took place, the material produced was also analyzed, in order to achieve simultaneous production and data analysis. Using systematization, a dialogue was established between the women’s discourses and production in the field of Collective Health, with respect to concepts and discussion about obstetric and neonatal care as well as the Comprehensiveness and Humanization of such care. Participant discourses underscored aspects related to prenatal care starting at pregnancy and its repercussions as well as prenatal monitoring by health services; aspects associated with care during labor and delivery, as well as those involved in postpartum in the maternity, both with respect to newborn and maternal careç and lastly, puerperium care after discharge from the maternity. Analysis of results sought to identify lines of continuity and discontinuity in the comprehensiveness and humanization of care. Based on these lines and as final contributions of the study, the following paths were proposed to achieve comprehensive and humanized production of health care for women during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle: Path 1- Reassess care in the maternal and newborn health network, aimed at comprehensiveness in terms of guaranteeing access to the various services and technological resources available to enhance health and life. Path 2- Reorganize work processes in order to attain comprehensive and humanized care for women in the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Path 3 – Qualify the professional-user relationship in care management during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Path 4 – Invest in the qualification of communication processes in the different dimensions of care during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle.
Despite numerous government projects aimed at reorganizing and qualifying obstetric and neonatal care in Brazil, it remains problematic, with repercussions for maternal and newborn mortality and humanized care of both the mother and child. The objective of this study was to analyze the care provided to women during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle, based on reports of public health service users regarding their pregnancy and delivery experiences, using comprehensiveness and humanization as reference. The study applied a qualitative approach and the methodological strategy consisted of listening to the women, in order to identify, based on the meanings of their discourse concerning their experiences with health services, continuities and discontinuities of care during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Study participants were women who gave birth at a municipal public maternity, residents of Natal, Brazil, who at the time of the interviews, were between 10 and 42 days postpartum. Seven women reported their pregnancy and delivery experiences at public services. As interviews and observation took place, the material produced was also analyzed, in order to achieve simultaneous production and data analysis. Using systematization, a dialogue was established between the women’s discourses and production in the field of Collective Health, with respect to concepts and discussion about obstetric and neonatal care as well as the Comprehensiveness and Humanization of such care. Participant discourses underscored aspects related to prenatal care starting at pregnancy and its repercussions as well as prenatal monitoring by health services; aspects associated with care during labor and delivery, as well as those involved in postpartum in the maternity, both with respect to newborn and maternal careç and lastly, puerperium care after discharge from the maternity. Analysis of results sought to identify lines of continuity and discontinuity in the comprehensiveness and humanization of care. Based on these lines and as final contributions of the study, the following paths were proposed to achieve comprehensive and humanized production of health care for women during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle: Path 1- Reassess care in the maternal and newborn health network, aimed at comprehensiveness in terms of guaranteeing access to the various services and technological resources available to enhance health and life. Path 2- Reorganize work processes in order to attain comprehensive and humanized care for women in the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Path 3 – Qualify the professional-user relationship in care management during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Path 4 – Invest in the qualification of communication processes in the different dimensions of care during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle.
Cada indivíduo apresenta uma respostas comportamental diferente diante de um desafio ambiental, muitas vezes mesmo quando comparado a outro indivíduo da mesma espécie, sexo e idade, essas diferenças são chamadas tipos comportamentais e quando consistentes ao longo do tempo caracterizam uma síndrome comportamental ou personalidade animal. Evidências apontam que a personalidade animal pode interferir na aptidão reprodutiva do indivíduo. Tendo isso em vista, no presente estudo machos e fêmeas adultos de Betta splendens foram observados em três contextos (exploratório, social e avaliação de risco), para identificar a existência de tipos comportamentais e diferenças entre os sexos nos tipos comportamentais nessa espécie. Os indivíduos foram classificados em três níveis em cada contexto: contexto social (social; intermediário e não-social), contexto exploratório (explorador, intermediário e não-explorador) e avaliação de risco (bold, intermediário e shy). Após essa classificação, machos sociais e nãosociais, exploradores e não-exploradores de coloração vermelha e azul foram utilizados no experimento de escolha de parceiro pelas fêmeas. Nossos resultados apontam que a maioria dos indivíduos testados possui fenótipos intermediários para os três contextos avaliados, e uma minoria de machos e fêmeas apresentaram tipos comportamentais. E a análise de correlação mostra que machos e fêmeas se comportaram de modo diferente em relação aos contextos. No experimento de escolha de parceiro, os resultados mostram que os tipos comportamentais da fêmea e do macho influenciam no processo de escolha de parceiro e que, mesmo na presença de pistas visuais (coloração corporal dos machos), o tipo comportamental continua sendo importante no processo de escolha.
Cada indivíduo apresenta uma respostas comportamental diferente diante de um desafio ambiental, muitas vezes mesmo quando comparado a outro indivíduo da mesma espécie, sexo e idade, essas diferenças são chamadas tipos comportamentais e quando consistentes ao longo do tempo caracterizam uma síndrome comportamental ou personalidade animal. Evidências apontam que a personalidade animal pode interferir na aptidão reprodutiva do indivíduo. Tendo isso em vista, no presente estudo machos e fêmeas adultos de Betta splendens foram observados em três contextos (exploratório, social e avaliação de risco), para identificar a existência de tipos comportamentais e diferenças entre os sexos nos tipos comportamentais nessa espécie. Os indivíduos foram classificados em três níveis em cada contexto: contexto social (social; intermediário e não-social), contexto exploratório (explorador, intermediário e não-explorador) e avaliação de risco (bold, intermediário e shy). Após essa classificação, machos sociais e nãosociais, exploradores e não-exploradores de coloração vermelha e azul foram utilizados no experimento de escolha de parceiro pelas fêmeas. Nossos resultados apontam que a maioria dos indivíduos testados possui fenótipos intermediários para os três contextos avaliados, e uma minoria de machos e fêmeas apresentaram tipos comportamentais. E a análise de correlação mostra que machos e fêmeas se comportaram de modo diferente em relação aos contextos. No experimento de escolha de parceiro, os resultados mostram que os tipos comportamentais da fêmea e do macho influenciam no processo de escolha de parceiro e que, mesmo na presença de pistas visuais (coloração corporal dos machos), o tipo comportamental continua sendo importante no processo de escolha.
The micro-deformations caused by cyclic loading origins the variation of the distances between atoms of the crystal lattice producing the irreversible component. In order to study and understand the microstructural behavior of the material this paper investigated the influence suffered by residual stresses in thrust rolling bearing races fabricated in AISI 52100 steel, after tests by cyclic rolling contact in a tribometer at 1m/s under two contact pressures (500 MPa and 1400 MPa) in dry and boundary lubrication conditions. Procedures of tests thermo-acustically isolated were developed for monitoring the contact temperature and sound pressure level signals to establish a comparison between the residual stress measurements, micro-hardness Vickers and micrographic registers searching an indication of wear evolution. The sin²ψ method by X-ray diffraction technique was used to quantify the residual stresses. Three raceway zones were selected for the evaluation of wear and surface morphology after predetermined cycling, comparing with their new condition ("as received"). Micro-hardness and residual stress measurements showed significant changes after the tests and it was possible to observe the relationship between the increase of sound pressure level and the residual stress for dry and lubricated conditions.
The micro-deformations caused by cyclic loading origins the variation of the distances between atoms of the crystal lattice producing the irreversible component. In order to study and understand the microstructural behavior of the material this paper investigated the influence suffered by residual stresses in thrust rolling bearing races fabricated in AISI 52100 steel, after tests by cyclic rolling contact in a tribometer at 1m/s under two contact pressures (500 MPa and 1400 MPa) in dry and boundary lubrication conditions. Procedures of tests thermo-acustically isolated were developed for monitoring the contact temperature and sound pressure level signals to establish a comparison between the residual stress measurements, micro-hardness Vickers and micrographic registers searching an indication of wear evolution. The sin²ψ method by X-ray diffraction technique was used to quantify the residual stresses. Three raceway zones were selected for the evaluation of wear and surface morphology after predetermined cycling, comparing with their new condition ("as received"). Micro-hardness and residual stress measurements showed significant changes after the tests and it was possible to observe the relationship between the increase of sound pressure level and the residual stress for dry and lubricated conditions.
Para processar a informação ambiental e perceber o tempo, os indivíduos utilizam-se de pistas ambientais, como luz e temperatura, que servem como guias para o relógio interno. O mecanismo temporizador endógeno é chamado relógio circadiano, o qual comanda uma grande variedade de ritmos diários bioquímicos, fisiológicos e comportamentais presentes nos organismos. Com isso, os animais podem antecipar eventos espaço-temporalmente distribuídos e usar essa informação para organizar as atividades diárias, o que é uma vantagem adaptativa para os indivíduos, já que muitos fatores ambientais apresentam variação circadiana. Aprendizagem espaço-temporal (do inglês: "time-place learning’’-TPL) é a habilidade de associar lugares com importantes eventos biológicos em diferentes horas do dia. Em nosso estudo utilizamos como modelo o peixe paulistinha (Danio rerio), conhecido por ser altamente social, para testar aprendizagem espaço-temporal baseada em reforço social. Além disso, objetivamos averiguar os efeitos das condições de claro constante e escuro constante na aprendizagem espaço-temporal, e se nessas condições, a atividade do peixe paulistinha é alterada. Para isso, testamos três diferentes condições (n=10): grupo claro-escuro (CE), grupo claro constante (CC) e grupo escuro constante (EE) durante 30 dias da seguinte maneira: diariamente, um grupo de 5 peixes paulistinha foi introduzido em um recipiente localizado no compartimento da manhã (um dos lados do aquário), às 8:00h e retirado às 9:00h, e em outro recipiente do compartimento da tarde (lado oposto do aquário), às 17:00h e removido às 18:00h, servindo como estímulo para que o peixe experimental ocupasse o compartimento onde o grupo fosse colocado. O comportamento foi filmado nos dois horários, 15 minutos antes e durante os 60 minutos de exposição ao estímulo, no 15º e no 30ª dia, porém neste último, os peixes foram filmados sem a presença do estímulo a fim de averiguarmos a aprendizagem espaço-temporal. Por fim, para saber a influência das três condições luminosas na atividade dos peixes, filmamos os últimos 6 dias de teste, para registrar o padrão de atividade. Nossos resultados mostraram que em ciclo claro-escuro (CE) o peixe paulistinha apresenta TPL, bem como é capaz de antecipar a hora e local do estímulo (grupo de coespecíficos), enfatizando a importância do estímulo social para a aprendizagem. Em condições de claro constante e escuro constante, o peixe paulistinha não apresentou aprendizagem espaço-temporal. Ademais, após 30 dias em condições luminosas constantes (claro constante e escuro constante), o peixe paulistinha mantém ritmo circadiano, porém em claro constante sua atividade é aumentada e seu ritmo atividade-repouso é alterado, através de um padrão de atividade distribuída homogeneamente ao longo das 24h, ao invés de concentrada na subjetiva fase clara, como nos grupos de ciclo claro-escuro e escuro constante, os quais conservam o padrão de atividade diurno da espécie.
This study had the goal of make a dialogue between queer theory and the thoughts of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty in the categories of body and sexuality. From this dialogue, other goals were designed, namely: identify possible recurrences of the experience of bodies and queer sexualities, designed under Merleau-Ponty’s perspective, to the knowledge of Physical Education and reflect on this domain of knowledge using the notions of queer epistemology and esthesia. The study had as methodology the phenomenological attitude proposed by Merleau-Ponty and use the reduction as technic of research. Trying linking these thoughts we used the cinema of the Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar as perceptive strategy, an exercise of look as possibility of reading the world and new ways of perceiving the human being. We appreciate three films, namely: All About My Mother (1999), The Skin I Live In (2011) and Bad Education (2004), which put us in touch with bodies and queer sexualities, with the body of esthesia, of the ecstasy, sensations and lived experiences, un type of art whose contours are not fixed or determinable, postulate by Merleau-Ponty. The philosopher, provide a rich conceptual view of the body and their sexual experience, extends and opens horizons of thought and reflection about queer experience, one experience indeterminate and contingent as a singular way of inhabiting the world. Those horizons opened by the philosopher and added to the queer perspective contribute to put in question the modes of knowledge production and the knowledge about body and sexuality in Physical Education. Finally, we point that this theoretical conversation give us clues to reflect about the reverberations of a queer epistemology for Physical Education usiging one type of knowledge guided by esthesia and sensitivity as marks of another scientific rationality.
COSTA, Roberta Kaliny de Souza ; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz ; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de . Trabalho em equipe em saúde: uma análise contextual. Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde, v. 7, p. 530-536, 2008.
OLIVEIRA,Jonas Sâmi Albuquerque de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de MEDEIROS, Soraya Maria de. O estágio extracurricular remunerado no cuidar da enfermagem nos hospitais de ensino. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, Porto Alegre(RS),v.30,n.2, p.311-8,jun.2009.
In the Rio Grande do Norte, the craftsmanship is generating of economy, it involves a significant number of people and is diversified in its raw materials and particular type. As reference of the craft local, the ceramics supplied the primary necessities in the utilitarian domestic servants, acquired piety in the religious figures, were toy in infantile amusements and, finally, gained status of pure ornament. By its historical representation, the district of Santo Antônio do Potengi is considered the most important center of manufacture of craftpottery in the State. The work of the potters continues in that locality anchored between the familiar inheritance and the participation each more influential time of the public politics destined to the sector situation verified for visible alterations in the shape of the pottery from the decade of 1990 with the implantation of a cooperative destined to the collective production. We observe in this passage, that such actions in the measure where they objectify to structuralize conditions ideal to support the artisan making, do not benefit in significant way the social development them craftsmen. It is important not to lose of sight that exists some involved dimensions in this process and that these surpass the common interest for the object and the consequent economic connotation of its commercialization. They are knowledge that imply in the access to raw materials, in the peculiar of the formal aspects and productive methods, in the contextual relations organized to defend the survival of the activity
Seted in the context of the educational actions of Casa Renascer, a non-governmental organization, located in Natal city, which had as its primary purpose the care with children and adolescent girls in vulnerable situations, this research is based on describing and analysis on the topic in the creative process developed by Asmarias Theatre Company from 1993 to 2003, a process that culminated in the assembly of the dramatic text, Mateus e Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this research is focused on the route of the Theatre Company has done so much theater in its early history (1993), with the practice of reading and dramatic writing in the preparation of didactic material called Primer of Inventions, as in the procedures with theater street and forum theater (1997 to 2000) to the reunion in 2001 of seven teenagers which articulated the last group formation next to the assembly's text Qorpo-Santo (2002- 2003). During the development on this learning, the evolution of the creative process based on institutional theme when asked if one can provide moments of educational experiences through the traditional form of theater, with reference to the issues inherent in the dramatic texts considered classics. The debate on the issue through research and analysis in its descriptions and finds in the interim between his past and present indications that lead to conclusive guises. The methodology, which is guided by research, is based in theatrical archeology (PAVIS, 2005), the evidential paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989) and the second approaches the experiences narrated by Benjamin (1985). We selected documents in formats of written texts, photographic and filmed, and identified in these files, marks and tracks which took us to understand the subject in the creative process of Asmarias Theatre Company during the tests with the dramatic text, Mateus and Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this theatrical practice, located in the field of the theater pedagogy, it appears that the actions across thematic theater in the Casa Renascer and allowed the formation of critical aesthetic perspective and personal social dimension of the subjects involved. The theme has gained a significant proportion in the theatrical activity as a guiding point of the creative process of Theatre Company, taking in the theatrical art form. In this sense, the creative process with the dramatic and classic texts won the educational dimension to address the issue in the movement of the drama as the focus of individual creation which added to the collective universe of the interactive game
We try to relate this research with other logic, to discover a path of practical approach to approach a creation composed of fragments and a search of parameters for the aesthetics of appropriation. Accordingly, we find relationship with the theater composed of fragments, where different styles are appropriate theatrical and representational styles are merged with each other. Discusses in the first chapter on the theater composed of fragments, and stroll through lanes of the strategies of some directors in the ways of the contemporary scene. In the second chapter we seek procedures and concepts of atmosphere Mikhail Tchekhov (TCHEKHOV, 1996), and the transition from point-to-point by Scott McCloud (2005). In the third part we describe the observation of the experiment conducted by the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Regional Theatre at the University of Cariri in Juazeiro, Ceará, in 2010. Using the methodology of "pesquisa-ação", observing that the scenic writing end of the experiment, called "Toque Me", and the presentation in the cities of Crato and Barbalha, in August 2010, contained elements of the strategies from theater fragmentary scenes and conceptual contents of contemporary theater